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Coming Full Circle.. Almost Two Years Out...

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Good Morning VSTer's!

I can't believe that it's been almost two years since I've been on this page! I actually didn't know where to post this topic, so I figured, the general forum would be the place to post.

I feel like a newbie all over again. I've been basically going at this alone with the support of family and a few close friends as well as some through FB (Lil Miss Diva is a ROCKSTAR on FB!!). I've been moving slowly through trial and error.

Anyway, this morning, I received an email stating that my signature was modified, which prompted me to login and see what was going on. Boy was I reintroduced to such a great resource! I had totally forgotten that this was such a great site for information and support! Why did it take me so long to get back on!? I've been blindly trying to figure this out and see what works and what doesn't and falling down and getting back up.. It's just been a very long emotional roller coaster ride!

Since I haven't been on for FOREVER, I suppose I should give a little background on myself. I was sleeved on 12/20/2010 (almost 2 years!! :unsure::blink: ) and still haven't reached goal! My starting weight was 248.2 and as of today, I am 185. I am the SLOWEST loser that I know, but, I know it's because I am not following and haven't followed the diet for the longest. I have fallen into my old routines of eating carbs, sweets, etc. I also have not exercised in a very long time. Other than walking a mile or two daily, I am not getting any other exercise in.

My biggest challenge that I have not been able to overcome is comparing my progress to others. I have 3 friends that have had surgery within the last year and have already lost more than I have in the last 2 years. My best friend had her surgery in May 2012 and is already down to 165. Her starting weight was 250 and withing 6 months she has surpassed me in weight loss. While, I am happy for her, I am jealous and I am sad. It makes me feel like there is just something seriously wrong with me! Why can't I get it together? Why can't I lose the way everyone else does? It totally makes me feel depressed.

I know that slow and steady is good. But, it seems like I am just being left in the dust. I don't know how to get things moving again. Sometimes it feels like I'm just destined to be obese forever! :( I know that is not a good mindframe to be in, it just happens. I need to get kicked in my butt and make my own destiny.

That said, I'm happy to have been reacquainted with this site as I will now be frequenting it often to keep me on track, get motivated and get support.

Gina :)

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Good morning Gina,

Well, okay -- you're not the fastest looser, but you're STILL working on it. And you've lost 63 POUNDS that you haven't gained back -- that's marvelous! There are many of us who would be thrilled to know that two years out we will still maintain a 63 pound loss! And you only have 45 more pounds to lose -- that's not what I consider obese by any means -- you're getting so much closer to your goal! I'm also happy for your friends who are doing so well, but they'll have their down moments as well . . . we all will.

You've heard the saying that "it ain't over till it's over" -- that's so true when it comes to weight loss! So, put on your big-girl panties and let's get going. Start with that 5-day pouch diet that so many people use when they need to get back into the program -- that will get you back to feeling like you can take on the world. Get rid of all junk food in your house (and tell anybody you live with that junk food will be shoved down the garbage disposal immediately!). Plan your meals out carefully for the week and go grocery shopping WHEN YOU'RE NOT HUNGRY. Cook for the whole week. Put up ready-to-eat salads and boiled eggs and yogurts. Make a big pot of chicken & vegetable Soup (especially since the weather is getting colder). And, unfortunately, you need to give up sugar. For me, just a little taste of sugar and I've got to have more - it's as addictive as a drug!

You're already walking everyday, so that's great, but as research is showing, your body gets used to the same exercise, so you need to maybe join an exercise class where different muscles get used. Or change your walking regime into 20 seconds of running, 5 minutes of walking, repeat, repeat, repeat . . . In a week, increase that to 40 seconds of running, repeat, repeat, repeat . . . Gradually increase the time you run while decreasing the time you walk till you're running half the time and walking half the time. Interval training like this has been shown to provide great improvements, because your heart rate stays up for a few minutes after you push yourself -- it's almost as good as if you ran the whole time.

You know yourself better than anybody, but for me, once I can get in some heart-pounding exercise on a regular basis, I start feeling better about myself and more confident. That's what you need right now, Gina. You're so close! Don't let how others are doing have any impact on how GINA is doing!

You go, Girl!

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Are you tracking your food? Are you on my fitness pal? I suspect that the kinds of foods you're eating are related to your rte of weight loss. Tracking keeps me accountable.

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Are you tracking your food? Are you on my fitness pal? I suspect that the kinds of foods you're eating are related to your rte of weight loss. Tracking keeps me accountable.

This is a life saver for me! Try myfitnesspal.com I think it just might be what you need to jump start and inspire more progress. Hang in there and keep coming back here! Great to have you back!

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Good morning Gina,

Well, okay -- you're not the fastest looser, but you're STILL working on it. And you've lost 63 POUNDS that you haven't gained back -- that's marvelous! There are many of us who would be thrilled to know that two years out we will still maintain a 63 pound loss! And you only have 45 more pounds to lose -- that's not what I consider obese by any means -- you're getting so much closer to your goal! I'm also happy for your friends who are doing so well, but they'll have their down moments as well . . . we all will.

You've heard the saying that "it ain't over till it's over" -- that's so true when it comes to weight loss! So, put on your big-girl panties and let's get going. Start with that 5-day pouch diet that so many people use when they need to get back into the program -- that will get you back to feeling like you can take on the world. Get rid of all junk food in your house (and tell anybody you live with that junk food will be shoved down the garbage disposal immediately!). Plan your meals out carefully for the week and go grocery shopping WHEN YOU'RE NOT HUNGRY. Cook for the whole week. Put up ready-to-eat salads and boiled eggs and yogurts. Make a big pot of chicken & vegetable Soup (especially since the weather is getting colder). And, unfortunately, you need to give up sugar. For me, just a little taste of sugar and I've got to have more - it's as addictive as a drug!

You're already walking everyday, so that's great, but as research is showing, your body gets used to the same exercise, so you need to maybe join an exercise class where different muscles get used. Or change your walking regime into 20 seconds of running, 5 minutes of walking, repeat, repeat, repeat . . . In a week, increase that to 40 seconds of running, repeat, repeat, repeat . . . Gradually increase the time you run while decreasing the time you walk till you're running half the time and walking half the time. Interval training like this has been shown to provide great improvements, because your heart rate stays up for a few minutes after you push yourself -- it's almost as good as if you ran the whole time.

You know yourself better than anybody, but for me, once I can get in some heart-pounding exercise on a regular basis, I start feeling better about myself and more confident. That's what you need right now, Gina. You're so close! Don't let how others are doing have any impact on how GINA is doing!

You go, Girl!

Sissy Kay - Thank you for these words of encouragement and advice! I love the tough love!! :)

I need to research the 5 day pouch test. I've heard of it, but, I've never really looked into it. I know planning is one of the important things to keep moving in the right direction.

Thanks again! :)

Are you tracking your food? Are you on my fitness pal? I suspect that the kinds of foods you're eating are related to your rte of weight loss. Tracking keeps me accountable.

I haven't used myfitnesspal in months! I do have an account, but, just don't track. I'm going to log in starting today to log. I will try to be consistent, but, it may take some time.


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Good to hear from you!

They modified my siggie too - very irritating. They no longer allow myfitnesspal ticker.

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I love what everyone has said about getting back on track. you can do it if you truly want too. No more excuses. Just do it! The more you do it, the better you will feel about yourself, and the more likely you will continue to do it. Don't get on the scale everyday, maybe 1 time a week is good..... LilMissDiva also posted "The Basic Bootcamp" in which I just posted on another topic but I still have it here so I will re paste it.....Give it a shot and let us know how your doing. And remember, it's time to clean the house of all the non nutritious foods like are junk! Today, no later, no excuses, just do it........:)


For 5 STRICT DAYS I will eat only...

Proteins: Seafoods, Poultry and eggs, Dairies, nuts/seeds including Peanut Butter.

Veggies: Green only.

Fruits: None.

Breads/Cereals/Other Carbs: None.

Fluids: One gallon of Water (128 oz.) or Protein drinks.

Avoid: Sugar and Sodium

Once the 5 days are over, I am pretty much over the Sugar Carb Demon. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate carbs! I do need them to live a healthy life and since I workout a lot it is important I have them. However, I need GOOD carbs. Whole grains, fruits, veggies... But I don't need processed sugars. White carbs, in cereals, breads, rice... etc.

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I feel like a newbie again. haven't followed diet for the longest. old routines of eating carbs, sweets, etc., have not exercised in a very long time - destined to be obese forever! :(


Welcome back, we've missed you and your pretty smile :)

coming here for tough love is great!!!

wanting that kick in the butt?? we can do that til you hurt :o

coming back here for support - very helpful

you acknowledging/taking responsiblity for your eating "problems", lack of exercise????

that is 1/2 the battle!! good for you :)

never too late to get back on the road - you fell off the wagon for a bit - but sounds like you seriously know/want to get back on track

you know what to do, the drinking, Protein, not many carbs, sweets - you know this bud

understand that after being "absent" for awhile - things might be difficult at first - like you said you spent alot of money on this WLS - you wanted the sleeve to "help" you with your eating - so......get to work ;)

can't change the past - work with the future, its what you make of it - and i can tell you want good things to happen!!!! :)

back to Portion Control - drinking your 64 oz. - not drinking with meals...you know the routine - grit your teeth and do what you know you're supposed to do!!!!

its that easy, but of course its that hard !!! :wacko:

never compare your weight loss to your friends (or anyone on the board) you know better chic

successful sleevers you know as friends - wow take advantage of them - they are right there for you - they probably want/and would love to help you!!!

support groups in your area??? groups can be very helpful, maybe talking to a stranger is easier than talking to a personal friend/family, that either can't understand your WLS situation - or someone you'd rather not talk to because of possible embarrassement???

sounds like a plan, getting back to MFP - write down EVERYTHING you eat, that way you might check it out later and say "OMG i can't believe i ate that yesterday" - MFP is a good reminder what you did, hopefully showing you NOT to eat that again.

starting back to basics for a bit - Protein shakes maybe (yeach!!) lots of liquids- it will get you moving in a faster way, giving you quicker results, success, encouragement

"destined to be obese forever"???bite your tongue - not gonna happen to you or anyone as long as you take care of yourself and follow the plan - not only til you arrive at goal - not off the "hook" then!!!

this is your new life - embrace it - you were smart to "sign" up for the WLS - get going with what you already know to do

oh dear, re-read what i just wrote - didn't mean to sound "preachy", be hard on you, or be so long, but...... you wanted/needed that tough love, right???

get back in the game

take "determination/willpower" pills they sell at your local grocery store -_-

I know you can do this

congrats on keeping 63.2. lbs off -

good luck

take care

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Welcome back. I'm stuck in the mother of all stalls with 20 pounds more to lose. I so want to get to goal. I'm thinking of going back on shakes for a week and see what happens.

If they took my tickers off, I will be SO PISSED!!

Okay. Why in the hell was that even necessary? What if I don't like their damned tickers?

I checked. I don't like their tickers. They suck. Here, guess my damn weight.

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Thank you all so much for the words of advice, encouragment and tough love! I haven't checked in this weekend because I was so busy with a few events that were going on in my community. I'm a member of a charity organization in NYC (as you know Storm Sandy hit us hard) and we were feeding homeless shelters and giving out thankgiving turkeys. It was a LONG weekend. I didn't quite try out the bootcamp yet. I am starting this morning.

When I logged in today, I was so overwhelmed with all of the support I litterally started crying a little! I finally feel like there are people here who understand and feel how I feel. Thank you again! <3

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Catracks did you get over your stall? Having the same problem here 20 to go. 3 wk stall of going back and forth between 3 lbs:( what's working for you?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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