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Question: How often do you guys throw up? Blunt, no? The reason I am asking is that I throw up several times a week. Sometimes several times a day. It has lessened as of late but I am also often hungry. I mean stomach growling hungry. Im not sure if I need a fill to combat the hunger and Im throwing up becuase Im eating too fast? I can't imagine it tighter but I hate being hungry. AND I'd like to lose weight faster. Im definitely not at the 1-2 lbs a week. Im lucky if I lose 1 lb. Ill go not losing anything then lose a few.....Im definitely smaller in my clothes that's for sure but the scale doesn't move as I would like. Any comments? What are all you guys eating these days?

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I try to order different things when I go out to eat and 6-10 times it is okay if I stick to really soft. Soups, Baked potatoe with cottage cheese. I am snacking on South Beach granola bars because they are higher in Protein and never stick if I take small bites and usually eat it after I sip on some tea. Hot tea can make a huge difference as it relaxes the area so it doesn't tighten up. I notice if my first couple of bites is something really spicy it tightens right up and usually sticks and I throw up. Not too fun when throwing up spicy......burn. So I try to stick to hot Soup or hot tea about 10 min before my meal. I do a lot of Chili but usually get Quizno's chili because it has the most homeade taste to it with lots of stewed tomatoes that are really soft. I noticed when I tried to do more protien shakes instead of so many salty soups I dropped a couple of pounds. You really have to read your body and if it is a solid food just small small bites and count your chews. Eating while watching TV or chatting with someone can make you take a big bite and not concentrate on chewing. That is how I usually get in trouble. Nothing is more embarrassing but having to get up a half a dozen times to go releive the slime stuck in your band. My co workers do not know I have the band as they are all men so it is hard to get to the bathroom and try not to look like I just was crying when I get back. I am eight months now and with 5.0cc in my 10cc band and I usually have to throw up 2 times a week. When I am trying to be creative and eat something new. I feel it is a kick in the ass from the band fairy to say..........stop and think of what is going in. Do you want to be in pain????? NOOO

It is amazing how pain really changes your way of thinking. It is not worth the hassle anymore.

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Vikki, you seem to eat a lot of fluids and softer foods still. I was told that crispier harder foods go down easier then the soft stuff. I think everyone is different. I eat regular meals. Slimfast or Zone bar for Breakfast, sandwich, cheese or even pizza for lunch and a dinner of Protein and side of carb & veggie. For Breakfast I am VERY tight. I really need to start measuring my food. I totally believe I am within a 1/2 cup to a cup of food but now it seems like a lot since I am used to it.

Let's see, things I can't eat, soft pretzels, chopped meat, most beef, dry chicken breast and OH, here's a good one, spaghetti! I can eat Pasta in general but I don't think I can mash up the spaghetti well enough or take small enough bites! Interesting tho... Bacon, no good, tuna no good.......

So do you think I need a fill and just need to take smaller bites?

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Marni-Do you get the barium swallow when you get a fill? You might want to check and see if you have a dilated pouch. Mine was, and I would go from too tight not to PB...to hungry enough to eat a horse. It can happen if you ar edealing with a too tight band so that food, or even liquid, takes too long to go through and your pouch dilates to accommodate the food waiting to go through. For me, the answer was to go on liquids for 3 days and let the pouch reduce in size, and then to drink more slowly in the morning when I'm really tight....so tha tI lost some weight and loosened the band by losing some stomach fat. For others, the answer is a slight unfill...or a complete unfill and let the pouch rest a few eeks. All I can tell you is that the symptoms for me were feeling too tight and also feeling like I wasn't full and was hungry. Now I'm back on track, and my only hunger pains are head hunger from missing having food when I'm bored!

You might also want to think about carb intake. For me, when I eat carbs, I don't lose weight. Just a thought. Now that I'm cruising again, I have my morning shake for breakfast, meat and veges for lunch, and meat and veges for dinner. Snacks are nuts or a 100 calorie low carb Protein bar or a green salad. I don't do "wet and dry" foods like Soups because they go through too fast and don't allow me to feel full.

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Marni--I really don't think it's normal to throw up that much. I think getting a fill may make it worse. I would really watch how I eat--small bites, and chew, chew, chew. I agree with Betsy about the carbs, too. I don't lose as well when i eat carbs. I try and stick to meat and veggies, and if I do eat carbs, I try to make it whole-grain, not white carbs. White carbs are the devil! Maybe you should check with your doctor about the throwing up.

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When I'm not doing something utterly stupid, here's my food plan....

Breakfast (I am usually VERY restricted): EAS Carb Control Protein shake, ice, chewable Vitamin, chewable Calcium, frozen fuit, fresh fruit, extra whey Protein (Any Whey), in a blender. I sometimes drink at once, sometimes sip most of the morning.

Then Water until lunch. I don't do Crystal Light, but sometimes I put a splash of fruit juice in my Water.< /p>

Snack: Usually none. If I NEEED one, I have a 100 calorie carb control Protein Bar, or around 8 nuts. Nuts fill me up fast.

Lunch: meat and vege. Could be canned tuna and chopped fresh veges....Could be ground beef and grilled veges....anything.

Wait an hour and then water until dinner.

Snack: Green salad with a tiny bit of really yummy dressing.

Dinner: Same as lunch.

If I'm out for lunch or dinner, I give myself the treat of ordering absolutely anything and just doing Portion Control. At home, I'm stricter about only healthy foods.

After dinner: water. sugar free popsicle. I count up my protein and if I'm short, I have part or all of another Protein Shake. The EAS Carb Control ones are only 110 calories.....

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I don't understand when you guys say you feel I am sticking to liquids too much. I have 5.occ in my band and some days feel really tight and other days not so much. It is a gamble for what I can eat and I guess that since I do eat out a lot of the time I stick to soft Soup or soft food in general because I am scared to eat more solids. When I do eat more solids I usually get that hurting feeling of pressure and I am trying to do little bites and chew chew. The pain is not something I want so I then refrain from it. I suppose if I am getting the Vitamins I need and my body is still loosing I should just stick to what is working. I have been having a lot of problems with gas pains lately and just started on gas x to help. I don't know how my system is going to react to foods anymore. It is either pain from the band or pain from the gas???? Food is just not my friend right now and I guess that is what exactly I was going for.........It just took time to train my brain to not want the food like it used to for comfert or bordem. I now consentrate on other things like working out and projects to keep me busy. Do you guys feel this way too? I am also noticing spicy is a no no. It zips me up like a zipper. I soooo love spicy too!! Another thing I am having to give up. The sacrifice is worth it because I went to the used Levi store this weekend and walked out with two pairs of Levis and they actually look good on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEE HOOOO

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I guess it's pretty individual, but ideally, you'd only want to be restricted enough to eat small meals, not just mushies that might not keep you feeling full long enough. And not so restricted that you PB or feel pain when eating small meals.... The other issue would be being so restricted that food can't get through quickly enough and causes pouch dilation.

Of course I recently met someone at goal weight who only drinks his meals....he says food is too big a hassle. His doctor gets after him, but he's not going to change, and is happy. Eats lots of blended Soups.

I just read something about artificial sweeteners giving people gas and other severe GI syptoms.....I'm going to cut ine out and see if it makes a difference.....

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When I'm not doing something utterly stupid, here's my food plan....

Breakfast (I am usually VERY restricted): EAS Carb Control Protein shake, ice, chewable Vitamin, chewable Calcium, frozen fuit, fresh fruit, extra whey Protein (Any Whey), in a blender. I sometimes drink at once, sometimes sip most of the morning.

Then Water until lunch. I don't do Crystal Light, but sometimes I put a splash of fruit juice in my Water.< /p>

Snack: Usually none. If I NEEED one, I have a 100 calorie carb control Protein Bar, or around 8 nuts. Nuts fill me up fast.

Lunch: meat and vege. Could be canned tuna and chopped fresh veges....Could be ground beef and grilled veges....anything.

Wait an hour and then water until dinner.

Snack: Green salad with a tiny bit of really yummy dressing.

Dinner: Same as lunch.

If I'm out for lunch or dinner, I give myself the treat of ordering absolutely anything and just doing Portion Control. At home, I'm stricter about only healthy foods.

After dinner: water. sugar free popsicle. I count up my protein and if I'm short, I have part or all of another Protein Shake. The EAS Carb Control ones are only 110 calories.....

That sounds a lot like my regimen. However, when I need a fill I tend to know becuase I am hungry and can't make it from meal to meal and need to snack. Unfortunately I tend to eat out several times a week and I think that is what is keeping me from losing weight as fast.

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I don't understand when you guys say you feel I am sticking to liquids too much. I have 5.occ in my band and some days feel really tight and other days not so much. It is a gamble for what I can eat and I guess that since I do eat out a lot of the time I stick to soft Soup or soft food in general because I am scared to eat more solids. When I do eat more solids I usually get that hurting feeling of pressure and I am trying to do little bites and chew chew. The pain is not something I want so I then refrain from it. I suppose if I am getting the Vitamins I need and my body is still loosing I should just stick to what is working. I have been having a lot of problems with gas pains lately and just started on gas x to help. I don't know how my system is going to react to foods anymore. It is either pain from the band or pain from the gas???? food is just not my friend right now and I guess that is what exactly I was going for.........It just took time to train my brain to not want the food like it used to for comfert or bordem. I now consentrate on other things like working out and projects to keep me busy. Do you guys feel this way too? I am also noticing spicy is a no no. It zips me up like a zipper. I soooo love spicy too!! Another thing I am having to give up. The sacrifice is worth it because I went to the used Levi store this weekend and walked out with two pairs of Levis and they actually look good on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEEE HOOOO

If it works for you then go for it. My doc does not suggest liquids and soft food becuase they move through the band too quickly. Also, if I was having pain eating he would suggest less of a fill. Protein is the most important food group and it generally is not found in Soups and mushy foods.

My mind has finally caught up with my body also. Like, I don't HAVE to eat becuase it is technically lunchtime! I eat when I am hungry and try not to put myself in situations where Ill want to sit around and over eat! I have a hard time with control like at the movies I need popcorn etc....

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Your right Marni what works best for us by loosing is what we need to stick with. Though changing it up is good too for your body but I am so scared to make the wrong choice. Today I tried to have the same thing I had for lunch two days ago and had no problem then but today after three bites I ended up getting stuck. When you guys say your pouch gets dialated what do you mean? A lot of times if I feel pressure is building up I go to the bathroom and make myself throw up to get the plug up and out. Is that the wrong thing to do? I usually end up feeling the need to go throw up a few more times after that by assiting or just throwing up by the burp. When the food pressure starts what do you guys do? Get up and walk around? I do drink a lot of protien shakes and have Protein Bars to get my Protein instead of chix. The only chix I can eat is from a Thai place that is curry chix and has a lot of salt in it. I am really trying to lube everything but tend to then pack on the calories with Ranch dressing......ext. So I try to not get in a habit of it.

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Pouch dilation is when your little upper stomach gets too full repeatedly and the pouch stretches. Then you feel like you can eat way too much...because you have a bigger stomach to fill. It most often happens if you have too much restriction and try to live long term with an overfill so even correct amounts of food don't go through quickly enough and stretch the pouch while you wait. Vikki-I'd sure want to go over all of this with your Dr.....

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Oh start laughing now! I went to my rheumatologist to get the results of my blood tests, since I'm feeling bad. #1 was a surprise. #2 was not.

1. I have gone from a pill taking diabetic to a not needing a pill diabetic. NOW I appear to have such low blood sugar that I have to start thinking like a hypogyycemic to get my blood sugar above 40! I asked her what I should to about it and she said, "EAT SOMETHING!!!!" Then it started. I laughed through the whole thing. Here's what she said, as best as I can quote it...

I know you people. I've had enough of you lap banders in here that I'm starting to get it. When you feel sick and you know you are very restricted when sick, you should get a slight unfill. But you people won't DO it, will you? Noooooooo! You people don't WAN'T to be able to eat more. You'd rather not be able to get enough nutrition in to sustain you, and then your body cries out for food, and so you eat ice cream because it goes down easily, don't you! So then your blood sugar goes up, and then crashes, so you eat more easy stuff, right? So your meals are small but you don't lose much weight...am I right or am I right!

Unfortunately, she absolutely nailed my behavior when I'm sick. So I have to eat a cube of cheese or a half dozen nuts or a green salad every 1.5-2 hours between meals. I know she's right..... But it was a great and dramatic show.

2. My Lupus is totally out of control. So I have to go back on the heavy duty meds for a week, which prompted this exchange....

Dr: You should have come to me earlier when you felt this bad, but noooo...you're too busy with your lap band. You're paying attention to calories instead of this total decline in your health.

Me: I might not have needed the band if you hadn't give me all those meds that make me gain weight.

Dr: It's not my fault you got Lupus and didn't want to die.

Anyway, I really like our relationship. She's developing a good sarcastic routine about us bandsters.

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Well I am sorry about the Lupus but yeah on the diabetes. I went from tons of insulin & meds to nothing. No disappointedly enough my sugars are too high. Why, I have no Idea. I was really upset and the doc asked why. I explained becuase I was working really hard at this, lost weight yadda yadda and just didn't want to be diabetic anymore. She looked at me and was like, duh, I have "skinny" diabetics ya know! I replied, I know, I JUST DON"T WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM!

Anyhoo, I got another fill. I think it is when I eat too fast that I have problems so I am trying to go slow slow slow. I eat very little and have suceeded in already loosing a couple of lbs within a week! Yippe!


banded 11/29

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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