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November Bandsters!

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Will you all hate me if my goal is to eat more ice cream every day? :eek:


No more then hating you for losing 100 lbs in 6 months!

Only kidding, obviously. You should be a poster boy tho. I don't know how you are losing so damn fast! I feel that I have to fight and work for every pound!

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No more then hating you for losing 100 lbs in 6 months!

Only kidding, obviously. You should be a poster boy tho. I don't know how you are losing so damn fast! I feel that I have to fight and work for every pound!

I didn't lose 100 pounds in 6 months. I've lost 97 pounds since I started the banding Quest last March but lost 26 pounds pre-band. I've lost 71 pounds in the 6 months since the band. Needless to say, I'm happy with the results. I would like to lose 9 more pounds but the doctor was talking 30 more. I'd be in "onderland" and at 6'3" and big framed, I'm afraid I won't look healthy. Everyone already tells me there is nothing left.

Now, the ice cream awaits!


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Sure, Tom, rub it in!! Just kidding--you are doing awesome!! We are still waiting for a picture, however. I hope everyone had a great mother's day. Vikki--your kids are absolutely beautiful! I had a very busy weekend--my husband and I and some friends went to a street dance Friday night, and I actually managed to find a vendor that sold grilled chicken salads! Of course, the 2 wine coolers I drank probably override that, but oh well. The wine coolers were not such a great idea tho, because of the carbonation--I was soooo bloated! Then Saturday my daughter had a dance recital, and then we went to a wedding reception where they had fried chicken, Pasta and meatballs and sausage, rolls, etc. Not great--but i actually only ate a couple bites of sausage. But the 3 long island iced teas I drank may have overrode that too. Do we see a pattern developing here? I did dance at the reception though, so maybe i burned off those extra liquid calories? Wishful thinking? Then Sunday, we barbequed for my mom and i didn't do too bad there. All in all, a very busy, fun weekend. Bad news today, though--my sister ended up in the hospital--she was at my house yesterday, and was complaining about her stomach, saying she had gasssy-like cramps, and looked a little bloated, and said her stomach felt hard. After she left, she started throwing up, and this morning went to the ER because the pain was so bad. She's got a bowel obstruction, and is really sick. So, she is in the hospital, where they are draining Fluid out of her stomach, and hoping they don't have to do surgery. So, if everyone could say a little prayer for her, I would really appreciate it. She doesn't have any insurance, either, and that is really freaking her out! Well, hope everyone has a good week--let's make good choices!

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Sure, Tom, rub it in!! Just kidding--you are doing awesome!! We are still waiting for a picture, however.

Don't have the feature to send my phone pic to my e-mail. Still trying to get some. Had a friend take pics of my goats at a show on Saturday but didn't think about a pic of me.

She doesn't have any insurance, either, and that is really freaking her out! Well, hope everyone has a good week--let's make good choices!

Depending on her income, tell her to check into HCAP. If she's not rich, she may qualify for at least a partial reduction in the bill. If she doesn't qualify, tell her to negotiate the price as they NEVER get the amount they bill from the insurance company. (My band surgery was almost $40K total in billing. The insurance paid around $12K, so less than 1/3 of the bill.) As long as she makes an attempt to pay (at least $5/month) hospitals don't typically turn you over to collections or report it negatively to the credit bureaus.


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Hi Everyone,

Just checking in. I still don't have a fill. I still have a bit of restriction and am just starting to feel like I can eat more bad things. My stomach cramps when I am hungry and I find myself snacking on crackers/chips in between meals. I have the opposite of many people and I am scared of eating at night. Most nights I make something for my daughter but eat cottage cheese or yogurt myself. Which isn't good for the kid because I don't end up making her a well balanced meal...(guilt). I don't PB...but I do have a huge reaction to any gaseous foods. I have been reduced to eating "Beeno" before any meal (even salad) that has any potential of causing bloating or worse. I can't seem to burp well after food has passed through the band and get horrible pain in the middle of my back that lasts for hours. Gas-x and beeno are my constant companions.

My major goal needs to be exercising. Now that the weather is good and it's light at night I have no more excuses:rolleyes. So this weeks goal is to walk the dog at LEAST three days this week. I joined weight watchers just to have a group of people that I have to be accountable to. I'm not telling them I have the band...I just need the emotional support and like some else said help with the head demons.

Well thats it for now. Happy aniversary to everyone. Wow doesn't time fly.:eek:

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Hey Dr. Angela--I have a question for you--I have started working with a personal trainer, and she told me that taking magnesium will help with sore muscles after a workout. How much should I be taking? I got some 250 mg tablets, but I'm not sure if I should just take it once a day or more. Any ideas about that? Thanks. Where is evryone? Must be a busy week for everyone. Hope everyone is doing well.

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Hey Dr. Angela--I have a question for you--I have started working with a personal trainer, and she told me that taking magnesium will help with sore muscles after a workout. How much should I be taking? I got some 250 mg tablets, but I'm not sure if I should just take it once a day or more. Any ideas about that? Thanks. Where is evryone? Must be a busy week for everyone. Hope everyone is doing well.

Hi Connie,

Actually your best bet is Calcium and magnesium combined so if you have not opened the bottle exchange it for the combo..they help each other absorb and together they help your muscles relax better and it is good for your bones. take after exercise one pill and before bedtime to help you sleep better. Only take two on days you exercise...otherwise I like to take it before bed so I can sleep better.

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Hi Everyone. I was away in Phoenix, AZ for mothers day but celebrated it last Thurs. with my kids. My mom is out of town so only got to talk to her on the phone. Tom, you are doing sooooo goood. I can't wait until I get to a point that people are telling me there is nothing left to loose!!!! It hasn't really been too noticable yet on the weight loss. I did have an ex boyfriend that is in our circle of friends say that I am looking really good. That was a nice ego booster. I am going to try the calcuim/magnesium combo. I tend to get so sore after work outs and that would really help. I hope they have it in liquid form. You guys have the best advice. I haven't been able to loose much and hoping to get back on the exercise this week to help drop. It is so hard and I have been so hungry lately. I am really trying to do the 5 small meals a day to help control my hunger. Hope everyone is doing well.

Connie, I will keep your sister in my prayers. That is very scary. What caused that? Is it something that would have developed over time or just all of a sudden? How old is she? very scary.

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Hi Everyone. I was away in Phoenix, AZ for mothers day but celebrated it last Thurs. with my kids. My mom is out of town so only got to talk to her on the phone. Tom, you are doing sooooo goood. I can't wait until I get to a point that people are telling me there is nothing left to loose!!!! It hasn't really been too noticable yet on the weight loss. I did have an ex boyfriend that is in our circle of friends say that I am looking really good. That was a nice ego booster. I am going to try the calcuim/magnesium combo. I tend to get so sore after work outs and that would really help. I hope they have it in liquid form. You guys have the best advice. I haven't been able to loose much and hoping to get back on the exercise this week to help drop. It is so hard and I have been so hungry lately. I am really trying to do the 5 small meals a day to help control my hunger. Hope everyone is doing well.

Connie, I will keep your sister in my prayers. That is very scary. What caused that? Is it something that would have developed over time or just all of a sudden? How old is she? very scary.

They have chewables at Whole Foods. So is Disney still on?

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Tom: On the assumption that over time you may regain a bit of weight after maintenance starts, it makes sense to start a bit under your goal, if you can do it. Enjoy!

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Tom: On the assumption that over time you may regain a bit of weight after maintenance starts, it makes sense to start a bit under your goal, if you can do it. Enjoy!

I wasn't wanting to stop losing weight but kind of stablize where I'm at for a couple of months and then lose the rest, or at least slow down the weight loss to a more than 2 pounds per month. I went to my family doctor today and was weighed there. That was the scale where I was 316 on 3/31/06. Today I was 216 so 100 pounds in just under 14 months. My family doctor felt I was at a good weight now too and is concerned some of my recent health issues are due to losing too much weight too quickly. Had blood drawn, an EKG and a chest x-ray this morning in hopes of finding out why I have zero energy and my blood pressure, already naturally low, is going even lower. Should have the results next week but I've been off work for a week now. I do something, take a nap, do something, take another nap. Not sure if my RA is causing it, my nutrition, or that I'm old and lazy (use to say old, fat and lazy).

Need a quick nap now before I go out and milk the goats yet again by hand. The milk machine is giving me fits!


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Dr. A--thanks for the advice, I will definately get the combo. Vikki--my sister is doing much better now, and actually got to go home today. Apparantly her blockage was due to eating too many almonds a few days ago. She is almost 45. I'm just glad they let her out today since she has no insurance. Tom, I hope you figure out what is making you so tired, and hopefully its something that can be easily fixed. Well, I don't know about you guys, but I am really anxious to see who gets kicked off American Idol tonite! Everyone did so good last night, but I'm still rooting for Jordin to win it all.

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I wasn't wanting to stop losing weight but kind of stablize where I'm at for a couple of months and then lose the rest, or at least slow down the weight loss to a more than 2 pounds per month. I went to my family doctor today and was weighed there. That was the scale where I was 316 on 3/31/06. Today I was 216 so 100 pounds in just under 14 months. My family doctor felt I was at a good weight now too and is concerned some of my recent health issues are due to losing too much weight too quickly. Had blood drawn, an EKG and a chest x-ray this morning in hopes of finding out why I have zero energy and my blood pressure, already naturally low, is going even lower. Should have the results next week but I've been off work for a week now. I do something, take a nap, do something, take another nap. Not sure if my RA is causing it, my nutrition, or that I'm old and lazy (use to say old, fat and lazy).

Need a quick nap now before I go out and milk the goats yet again by hand. The milk machine is giving me fits!


Dear Tom,

You are probably doing TOO MUCH! I would be exhausted if I did all that You do!! Make sure you are eating plenty of good foods, no sugar or caffeine since these are Not good for RA and please yahe Vitamins..good ones from a health food store especially the B's! Go to www.band2gether.net and go to Ask Dr. Trumbauer and you will see some suggestions I wrote for RA and autoimmune diseases. remember your good fats...Omega 3 mostly aas flaxseed oil, almonds avocado, and eating fish...but avoid fish oil capsules...they can hurt the liver if taken too much.

Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Take care!

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Dear Tom,

You are probably doing TOO MUCH! I would be exhausted if I did all that You do!! Make sure you are eating plenty of good foods, no sugar or caffeine since these are Not good for RA and please yahe Vitamins..good ones from a health food store especially the B's! Go to Band2gether.net (b2g) Lap-band Support Forums - Powered by vBulletin and go to Ask Dr. Trumbauer and you will see some suggestions I wrote for RA and autoimmune diseases. remember your good fats...Omega 3 mostly aas flaxseed oil, almonds avocado, and eating fish...but avoid fish oil capsules...they can hurt the liver if taken too much.

Make sure you get 8 hours of sleep. Take care!

I'm not really doing that much now. My body quit. I haven't been to work since last Thursday and I didn't do evening chores until this morning and I did it in shifts between naps. (Still have to finish.) My poor girls went 18+ hours between milkings when they're use to 12. Obviously, I've never breastfed but I'm sure those of you that have can feel for them. They weren't happy with me!

The doctor's office just called and there was "something" on the chest x-ray. They're not sure if it is scar tissue from the band surgery or something else (not sure why the lung would have scar tissue from the band) but I have a CT Scan tomorrow morning. They still aren't sure if the fatigue is tied to that or, more likely, a combination of things including weight loss.

I haven't had caffiene since before surgery (well, maybe a couple servings of diet soda total since November) so that isn't an issue. I eat very little sugar (although have been cheating with ice cream of late) so that shouldn't be an issue. I don't eat much fish but then I don't eat much of anything. I stopped at a local Chinese restaurant and got their $3.99 lunch special and had 5 meals out of it and would have had a sixth but my dog decided to help himself before I got it put away.

Need to go finish chores and then take a nap!


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Hi Angela,

Yes as I am still planning on Disney. The thing is I haven't received that many replies from the invitation. We will just have to see who shows up. I will send out another email to everyone next week and see what responses I get back. I would say about 5 people have responded with a yes. Even if it is a small group it will be nice to meet others that have been banded and share stories. Can't wait to see you again.

How is the weight loss. I am sooooo stuck at 220 it isn't funny. :faint: I will loose a pound then gain 3 then loose two and gain 1. I guess I need to do more planned meals everyday instead of convient meals from food places.:hungry: I have never been one to cook much.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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