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November Bandsters!

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I think the problem was that I started on the elipitical machine and it was too much. I managed the recumbent bike with no problem and did get through one set on each of the upper body machines. I was going to stop in tomorrow afternoon before I go to work for some treadmill or bike time but not sure I'll fit that in with the work I need to do on the barn.

The trainer went through each machine during orientation and we did find comfortable weights for each machine so I think it's a combination of her not realizing I really meant I was out of shape and me not knowing what I'm doing and picking something far too strenuous to start. She did tell me to take it easy and work my way up. DUH! I thought if I went during a different time of day, I might get a different trainer and a different view-point. I'll just take it easier on the warm-up and will just try for one set on each machine for a couple of weeks. They only had me doing weights twice a week and one time upper body, one time lower body. I might be able to do one set on each upper and lower in a day and do that twice a day, but will see how the body cooperates.


Well, it sounds like you're working it at your own pace. Did you feel okay (not too sore) the first day or two after the initial workout?

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Ya hoooooooooooo! My plateau is over! Well anyway today I hit my first big goal... 196.. that makes it 30lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!!:faint:

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Ya hoooooooooooo! My plateau is over! Well anyway today I hit my first big goal... 196.. that makes it 30lbs lost!!!!!!!!!!!:faint:

Congrats! I was also banded on 11/7. I go tomorrow for a second fill and will re-weigh. I should be right around 30 pounds, give or take a couple. I've had a couple weeks where I went up a pound or two but have fortunately maintained a pretty steady decline. I'm sure my pleateau is coming but as long as clothes continue to get looser, I'm not too worried about the number on the scale.< /p>


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Congrats! I was also banded on 11/7. I go tomorrow for a second fill and will re-weigh. I should be right around 30 pounds, give or take a couple. I've had a couple weeks where I went up a pound or two but have fortunately maintained a pretty steady decline. I'm sure my pleateau is coming but as long as clothes continue to get looser, I'm not too worried about the number on the scale.


Thanks Tom!

I have enjoyed reading your trials and tribulations of exercising the gym. You are doing great! I am trying to move without going to the gym...outdoors or at home dancing. I want to sign up for dance classes. I know I need to start using weights...but I do hate going there...maybe Gold's Gym is not as trendy and a pick-up joint like so many places out there... Where do you work out?

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Congrats Angela! You're in ONEderland!!!!!!!

I work out at 24 hour fitness. I found that the ones right in the city are trendyt, and the ones in the outskirts are very relaxed...normal people in sweats.

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Thanks Tom!

I have enjoyed reading your trials and tribulations of exercising the gym. You are doing great! I am trying to move without going to the gym...outdoors or at home dancing. I want to sign up for dance classes. I know I need to start using weights...but I do hate going there...maybe Gold's Gym is not as trendy and a pick-up joint like so many places out there... Where do you work out?

I'm single so a pick-up joint would be great! <G> Actually, we have a fitness center right at work. I literally walk down stairs and I'm there. It doesn't have a pool, sauna or whirlpool but otherwise seems pretty complete. There are sufficient machines of torture for me anyway!

Not sure about your area, but we have a couple different "women's only" fitness center chains here. A lady I work with had the gastric bypass a few years ago and she didn't feel comfortable working out at work for fear someone would "see" her so she went to Curves where it is only women. We also have Lifetime Fitness for women only. You might also check to see if there is a YWCA. You might find that one of those is more comfortable for you.

When I did the pre-surgery weight management plan, one of the things they stressed is that ANY exercise counts. Cleaning the house is exercise so count it. Parking your car a bit further from the door and walking in counts. Granted, doing cardio exercises are even better, and weights will help tone things up, but even if you park 10 places further away at work, that's a bit more exercise than you did before.

I'm sure I should be doing MUCH more. Probably should easily be able to do the plan the trainer devised but I figure if I spend 15 minutes in the gym twice a week, that's 30 minutes more than I did before so I'm better off. I refuse to kill myself over exercise. I'll work up to where I need to be but at my own pace and the heck with the trainer. I figure I'll strive for the 15 minutes of cardio and one set on each of the weight machines. When I'm comfortable at that level, I'll add the second set of weight exercises and more cardio. I doubt I'll ever be a gym body. I'm not 20 anymore. I just don't want the skin that use to be stretched over my fat to hang there. And I want to have more stamina. That way if I do get picked up, I'll have the energy to do something about it. :heh:


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I'm sure I should be doing MUCH more. Probably should easily be able to do the plan the trainer devised but I figure if I spend 15 minutes in the gym twice a week, that's 30 minutes more than I did before so I'm better off. I refuse to kill myself over exercise. I'll work up to where I need to be but at my own pace and the heck with the trainer. I figure I'll strive for the 15 minutes of cardio and one set on each of the weight machines. When I'm comfortable at that level, I'll add the second set of weight exercises and more cardio. I doubt I'll ever be a gym body. I'm not 20 anymore. I just don't want the skin that use to be stretched over my fat to hang there. And I want to have more stamina. That way if I do get picked up, I'll have the energy to do something about it. :heh:


he he Tom you are too funny! I am single...but still hate that pick up atmosphere. I think one of the reasons I kept weight on for so many yeears was because I did not want that kind of attention... you know...sometimes some men just hit on you so they can --- i want a real relationship, I want to find my life partner.

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he he Tom you are too funny! I am single...but still hate that pick up atmosphere. I think one of the reasons I kept weight on for so many yeears was because I did not want that kind of attention... you know...sometimes some men just hit on you so they can --- i want a real relationship, I want to find my life partner.

Right after I sent the post, the "woman's" fitness center ad came on. It's Victory Fitness.

A friend of mine told me that if any one is looking, be happy. You can always so no but at least someone is looking. I keep telling myself that every time one of the gay guys at work tell me I'm looking good. ;-)


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Hello again I see that everyone is talking about exercise. I have not started yet I was always real shy about geting out in front of people to exercise,but now that I have lost 28 lbs I have more confidence in myself. So starting Monday I am starting an aerobics class, I am really excited. I just hope my knees hold up

I am at a stand still on my weight but I go for a fill on 1/30/07 so maybe that will help me. I find my self getting fustrated though when I step on the scales which is every Monday do you think that this is to often? How often are some you all stepping on the scales.

Look forward to talking to everyone some more.

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Hey guys, I should have joined this thread a long time ago, I guess--I was banded Nov. 30, 2006. This sounds like a really fun group of people!! Tom, you are hilarious--but I totally get where you are coming from about exercise!! I hated to exercise--partially because I was such a big cow, and partially because I have severe arthritis in my knees and ankles. I thought about joining the Ymca, because my daughter takes swimming lessons, and plays volleyball through them, but the thought of working out in front of all those guys just scared me to death!! So instead I joined one of the ladies's only clubs that has the 30 minute circuit, and I just love it! I am also doing Water aerobics 2 nights a week at the Y, on the same nights that my daughter takes swimming lessons. Let me tell you, that took some doing, to get me in a bathing suit in front of a bunch of people! Thank God most of them are older women who could care less what I look like! But the good news is that one of my bathing suits is now way too big for me! Between the water aerobics 2 times a week, and working out at the other gym 3-4 times a week, my body is actually shrinking! By the way, I tried the eliptical machine at my gym, and I think I lasted 4 minutes! Anyway, I am glad to be a part of this thread, if you will have me!:confused:

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Way to go Connie!!! 43 lbs is amazing. I was banded a nine days before you and I am stuck at 39. Have been for the past week. So frustrating. I exercise atleast an hour a day and stuck. I know this too will pass. I have 2 weeks until I get my #2 fill. Hoping it will give me more restriction. Keep up the great work!

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I got my 2nd adjustment today. I got 2 cc (4 cc band) 6 weeks ago. I'm now up to 2.5 cc. He removed what was in the band and got out 1.5 cc. I asked if there was any absorption and he indicated the band is non-porous and the reason 2 cc didn't come out is that it doesn't completely drain.

He did indicate that the protocol is that after the initial adjustment is done, until weight loss stops, or at least slows considerably, they don't usually do additional adjustments. He was afraid to go to 3 cc as it was very tight with 2.5 cc (I could feel it as soon as he got to 2.5 cc) and he feared I'd be back for some taken out and I've lost 12 pounds in the 6 weeks since my last adjustment. He only expects 1 pound per week and I'm averaging a bit over 2. I told him that what was keeping me on track was more will-power and healthy food choices than the band making me feel full. I go back in 8 weeks and he might add another .25 to .5 cc to the band, depending on how I'm doing.

I did learn my lesson last time and when he had me drink the Water, I took only took a couple of sips. It was going through. It took me over an hour to sip a 7 ounce sippable yogurt.

Now, to work on the exercise. ;)


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Congats Tom on your weight loss. 2lbs a week, I'm only 1lb aweek. Show off!! It's a great feeling isn't it. This is one time that being a loser is great!!

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Congats Tom on your weight loss. 2lbs a week, I'm only 1lb aweek. Show off!! It's a great feeling isn't it. This is one time that being a loser is great!!

1 pound a week is great as well!:clap2: That's all my doctor expects with the band. But, as I've said several times, think back over the years and ask the last time you sustained even one pound a week for going on 3 months?

This isn't a race that we can't ALL win. The first one to the "finish" line doesn't have an advantage over anyone else. In fact, study after study shows too rapid of a weight loss results all too often in regain. I'd *MUCH* rather lose 1-2 pounds a week, take a bit longer to get where ever it is I'm going, and stay there long term.

I did have a NSV at the doctor. I had bought a new sweater but wore an older turtle neck under it. Had to take the sweater off for my blood pressure check. When the doctor came in to do the fill I asked if he wanted the shirt off. He said I could just untuck it and lift it. He then commented about how big the shirt was on me. (And that's why I wore the sweater over it!) Last spring the shirt was feeling a bit tight. And his secretary, who is an absolute hoot, noticed a significant difference too. Remember your family and close friends are seeing you all the time. They're not as likely to notice a difference in your body because they're there for every pound. (Many of us look in the mirror and don't think we look that much older until we look at a picture from several years ago.) 20-30 pounds, a pound at a time, doesn't seem like a lot. 20-30 pounds difference between seeing you will be huge. I guess the moral of the story is that if you want someone to really notice, find friends you haven't seen in awhile. They'll notice! (I have co-workers that now work opposite schedules. I ran into a couple last week and they didn't know I had surgery but certainly noticed the weight loss.)

Now, to go SLOWLY sip my Breakfast. Can DEFINITELY feel the restriction. Had a small incident last night with my cream of (if skim milk can be called "cream of" anything) chicken Soup last night. Not a full-blown PB, but some sliming until it passed. I took 30 minutes to eat one cup but with a couple spoonfuls left, felt some tightness. Got the hiccups. It all passed in a few minutes. Not as painful as other times but definitely uncomfortable. Keep telling myself CHEW and SLOW.


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I did have a NSV at the doctor. I had bought a new sweater but wore an older turtle neck under it. Had to take the sweater off for my blood pressure check. When the doctor came in to do the fill I asked if he wanted the shirt off. He said I could just untuck it and lift it. He then commented about how big the shirt was on me. (And that's why I wore the sweater over it!) Last spring the shirt was feeling a bit tight. And his secretary, who is an absolute hoot, noticed a significant difference too. Remember your family and close friends are seeing you all the time. They're not as likely to notice a difference in your body because they're there for every pound. (Many of us look in the mirror and don't think we look that much older until we look at a picture from several years ago.) 20-30 pounds, a pound at a time, doesn't seem like a lot. 20-30 pounds difference between seeing you will be huge. I guess the moral of the story is that if you want someone to really notice, find friends you haven't seen in awhile. They'll notice! (I have co-workers that now work opposite schedules. I ran into a couple last week and they didn't know I had surgery but certainly noticed the weight loss.)

Now, to go SLOWLY sip my Breakfast. Can DEFINITELY feel the restriction. Had a small incident last night with my cream of (if skim milk can be called "cream of" anything) chicken Soup last night. Not a full-blown PB, but some sliming until it passed. I took 30 minutes to eat one cup but with a couple spoonfuls left, felt some tightness. Got the hiccups. It all passed in a few minutes. Not as painful as other times but definitely uncomfortable. Keep telling myself CHEW and SLOW.



Congrats on your NSV!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Are you sure your fill is not too tight? How long does it take to get where you can eat mushies and solids without PB'ng? I am a bit nervous about getting my first fill in february :D

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