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"It just so happens that most black men are built the same."

Michael Jackson

Michael Jordan

Shaq O'Niel


Bill Cosby

Ruben Studdard

Gary Coleman

Danzel Washington

It is a good thing that they have different Facial features or else I could not tell them apart. :faint: :D

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Anita I would like to apolgize to you, but there is no apology for such ignorance. I am glad that you have not let it become you! I only wish they could see they didn't break you, maybe then they would rethink it all.

And yes, Tired Old Man, that identifibility is what helps fule the fire, but I agree if we were all 100% we would find something else to fight over.

Martin Luther King had a dream, would he be proud of us today?

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Martin Luther King had a dream, would he be proud of us today?

Martin Luther King was a hypocrite, I have to say that I am one of the probably 10 people in America that is not a fan of him. I think he had a great purpose in society, and American society needed him. That is no contest...BUT he was a hypocrite and cheated on his wife with other women and even wanted to begin using violence (which goes against his teachings you hear about most of the time) as a way of getting his way. Im just not a fan.....please dont hate me....I just wanted to show that he isnt God-like. Which Boo Boo Kitty you didnt make him to be at all. The topic just weighed on my mind that everyone puts him up on a pedestal, when he was VERY human, and VERY imperfect and most people dont get that side of him. I just used Boo Boo Kitty's quote so that it didnt look like I pulled this topic out of thin air! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

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BUT he was a hypocrite and cheated on his wife with other women and even wanted to begin using violence (which goes against his teachings you hear about most of the time) as a way of getting his way. Im just not a fan.....please dont hate me....I just wanted to show that he isnt God-like.
Yes, he cheated on his wife and yes, he was not God-Like. He was just a human being, but we in the USA are lucky he was around as an alternative to groups like the Black Pathers and Black Muslims.

However, do you have a link to a reference for "he...even wanted to begin using violence"? I am always interested in learning and would like to see any information on this topic.

And while I can not speak for anyone else, I will not hate you or anyone else for stating their opinion about Martin Luther King, Jesus Christ, God, Allah or President BuSh.

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Martin Luther King had a dream, would he be proud of us today?
I doubt it.

I think he would be annoyed at the Republicans who quote his: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

They usually quote it as "I have a dream that...little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." They use that quote to try to eliminate affirmative action and any other programs to help minorities. I would also like to eliminate programs that help minorities and women too. I would vote for any man (or woman) who wants to eliminate the programs which benefit "others" by discriminating against white males AS SOON AS THE PLAYING FIELD IS LEVELED AND THE "OTHERS" HAVE AN EQUAL CHANCE in our society.

I am not talking about the law; I am talking about the way people are perceived because they are fat, ugly, minority or female and then how they are treated as inferiors because of it. It can't be legislated. It must be from the hearts of the people that comprise the USA (and eventually hopefully the world). Until then, legislation will be needed to give back some of what is taken away from the "others" by the status quo seeking society.

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Yes, he cheated on his wife and yes, he was not God-Like. He was just a human being, but we in the USA are lucky he was around as an alternative to groups like the Black Pathers and Black Muslims.

However, do you have a link to a reference for "he...even wanted to begin using violence"? I am always interested in learning and would like to see any information on this topic.

And while I can not speak for anyone else, I will not hate you or anyone else for stating their opinion about Martin Luther King, Jesus Christ, God, Allah or President BuSh.

I agree with TOM, cheating on his wife makes him human. I am one to believe that what goes on in your home is your own business not mine. I honestly believe it has no place in politics. I know that many will say it show integrity, honesty, ect. BUT I am sorry men are pigs and many will cheat. Sorry guys! :bored

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I doubt it.

I am not talking about the law; I am talking about the way people are perceived because they are fat, ugly, minority or female and then how they are treated as inferiors because of it. It can't be legislated. It must be from the hearts of the people that comprise the USA (and eventually hopefully the world). Until then, legislation will be needed to give back some of what is taken away from the "others" by the status quo seeking society.

Absolutely, and that is why it may never change enough to get minorities or anyone different ahead. Many fear "The Browining of America" how sick and twisted is that to fear that whites will be a minority and not actually have enough power?

Here in Michigan they are trying to pass the MCRI, Michigan Civil Right Intiative. That is scary. It wants to outlaw Affirmative Action, which is NOT about race quotas but equal rights. Anyone just needs to ask California how it worked for them. Whites (and a black man who forgot he was black) were able to convience the California public that race is no longer and issue there. They passed Prop 209 there and I know they are sorry now.

But if things like the MCRI keep getting passed we won't have to worry about "The Browning of America". Public assitance such as health care for minorites will be gone, and without healthcare guess what will happen to infant mortality rates and the numbers of minorities??? Hmm...no healthcare=death. MCRI, Prop 209 are just a way that the WHITE elite can head off the "browning" early. How convient and so politcally correct if it is suppoted by voters right???


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Here in Michigan they are trying to pass the MCRI, Michigan Civil Right Intiative. That is scary. It wants to outlaw Affirmative Action, which is NOT about race quotas but equal rights.
I don't know what troubles me more?

Passing laws like the MCRI, Michigan Civil Right Initiative


Calling the law the “MCRI” for “Michigan Civil Right Initiative”

Why don't the people who sponsored it call it the MACRI = Michigan Anti Civil Right Initiative

or the MECRI = Michigan Ends Civil Right Initiative

Similarly, in some states, the cigarette companies have sponsored new ballot proposals with names like the “Smoke Less Initiative” which if passed would allow many smoking bans to be over-turned. If the voters want these laws passed, that is their right. But to call laws by straw-names which hide the real meaning, and more to the point actually have the opposite meaning is a search-light into the soul and character of those who foster these proposals.

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I don't know what troubles me more?

Passing laws like the MCRI, Michigan Civil Right Initiative


Calling the law the “MCRI” for “Michigan Civil Right Initiative”

Why don't the people who sponsored it call it the MACRI = Michigan Anti Civil Right Initiative

or the MECRI = Michigan Ends Civil Right Initiative


But then it might actually make sense to voters. This way it looks very acceptable. I am so afraid it will pass and end all progress, allbeit not 100% yet and turn this society back into a good ole' boys party!


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Boo Boo Kitty: You are so compassionate and eloquent, young lady! I am honored to know you.

The best revenge for hateful people is to maintain the highest integrity, succeed in areas where others fall short, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them (from a distance).

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Boo Boo Kitty: You are so compassionate and eloquent, young lady! I am honored to know you.

The best revenge for hateful people is to maintain the highest integrity, succeed in areas where others fall short, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them (from a distance).

Thank you, I appreciate that! I am a student at MSU studying sociology, I hope to make a difference in the world. (Never too late even though I am old. LOL...) I have always never understood hatred and racism. I can't even say I hate a racist, I feel exceptionally sorry that they are so ignorant, most of my family is that way.

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The best revenge for hateful people is to maintain the highest integrity, succeed in areas where others fall short, and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them (from a distance).
Love is the way to conquer all problems.

#1. It is a shame that the people of my generation gave "Love" a bad name during the 1960's by confusing it with SEX.

#2. It is a shame that the people of today who claim to be Christians, more specifically the people who are the driving force behind the Christian-Right Political Movement, do not realize that Jesus Christ's main reason for being on Earth was LOVE.

By not loving, one is not emulating Jesus. Calling oneself a Christian and showing no love for the poor or thy enemy is making a mockery of the word Christian.

The journalist who said that the Amish people who welcomed the school house killer's family to grieve with them were “acting strangely”, must not know what being Christian really means.

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My husband is straight Scandinavian. He has lived here since 1997 but he is not a citizen. He's about 6'4, blond hair, blue eyes, so pale he's clear. He quickly dropped his accent, so 95% of the time there are no indicators that he isn't just a really pale American guy... though occasionally his accent is still pretty thick, on specific words. Anyway... there is some racism where he's from. Very little. Historically his country is one of the two most neutral, and is very liberal, but there is some race discrimination there. Mostly around people of middle-Eastern descent, though a lot of it their own doing and the result of a sort of self-imposed segregation (at least from what little I know if their social history). In general there are a lot of things about our culture & society that my husband doesn't "get", and race issues are one of them. He doesn't know much at all about our civil history. So sometimes he says things that he really shouldn't say, because he really doesn't know any different... I hate to make the comparison, but just like a child may unknowingly say something harsh or insensitive because they really don't know any different.

Once we were watching a Jackie Chan movie. Jackie is in some inner city somewhere, and eventually says to someone in a bar, "What's up nigger?" A fight ensues, etc. My husband heard this and had NO idea the weight that word can carry. He walked into work the next day, saw a black co-worker, and said, "Hey, what's up nigger?" -- thinking he was saying something to the effect of, "Hey, what's up buddy?" Now, fortunately, than man was also an alien - from England - and knew my husband was not American, and also knew he had lives here less than a year (at the time). He didn't take offense, but he did - thankfully - take the time to educate my husband about the social context of what he had just said. The situation could have very easily been very different, and my husband may have been minus a job and minus a (or several) friends because of it -- and would have never known why unless someone told him. Once I told him about it, and that affirmed what his co-worker had told him, he felt horrible. To this day, I will get calls from him asking what different "slang" words or terms use, and asking me to use them in a sentence, because he has heard something but doesn't want to repeat it for fear of unknowingly offending someone.

My husband has been discriminated against, but only after the person has found out he's not a citizen. He's been told to go back to his own country. Once we were out with some friends and jokingly my husband said something about how he pays more in taxes than most citizens do, but he can't vote, and taxation without representation... (he WAS kidding, and understands the condition very well)... and someone interrupted the conversation and told him that the only reason he pays more in taxes than a lot of Amer-ee-kins was because he came over here and stole a good job out from under the feet of a deserving American. If I mention to someone that my husband isn't a citizen, the most common response I get is, "Oh he's Mexican?" Uh - what?

This cracks me up. DH appears as described. I'm pale, red hair, green eyes, about 5'11. I'm convinced that some day when DH and I have a child, the recessive Greek side of me is going to express itself and we will have a short child with olive skin, dark hair & eyes - and people will begin to congratulate us on our willingness to adopt.

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Something I've found interesting, but never shared here - a black lady I work with is considering LB seriously, and we've talked quite a bit about it. Another black lady sits across from her and once day when I was coming up to talk to first lady, second lady says something to her - I didn't hear what - and first lady looks at me and says, "It's a black thing..." So I asked her, "What's a black thing?" - as I hadn't heard what was said. She tells me "Weightloss surgery... black people don't really like that stuff." And lady 2 then says, "It's just a matter of mindset, you don't need all that stuff" (referring to the surgery) and walks away. I have noticed that of the people who post pictures here, that I've seen, the majority are white. So since I heard this conversation, I've been curious about how WLS is perceived among different races.

I recently experienced this exact same situation. I volunteer at my dd school 2 days each week. Last tuesday I was in the library and one of the special ed classes comes in and begins selecting books. Both of the teachers for this calss are black and both very heavy. The librarian and I were discussing my surgery and I had a before picture out showing her what a difference it had made for me. One of the teachers motions for the other to come over and see my picture. Then she asked how I had lost the weight. I told them about my band and she shook her head and actually said to me.."so you really don't deserve to be thin huh?" I was shocked and amazed at her rudeness. I just looked at her and said excuse me??? I worked my butt off to lose this weight, yes the band helped with Portion Control but I still have to watch my diet and exercise. She said, well I guess black women see it differently. We are proud of our bodies the natural way. I guess there are some major differences in the way different races precieve wls. Come to think about it, I have never seen any other race at any of my appointments, the support group or even at the infomation seminars. I usually don't notice race, but now that I think about it, it is mostly white women. Strange....~Mandy

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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