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Dr Mignon Belgium

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I'm trying to tell him honest:rolleyes

I have really already told him that I was going to do it.... he knows I've been to the appointment. All the pre op stuff came today and I'm not hiding it from him :eek:

Just had a look at the calender, I reckon I could get a fortnight off with my doc... that'll make for a great Christmas break:eek:

Well the good news is that I managed to finish my end of year review today so that's a big pressure off me! just need to pack my clothes for SRi Lanka!!!


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Aww Hermione, that is fantastic. I guess your OH would have to be pretty dumb not to notice lol. He's probably just waiting for you to talk to him. Maybe after the holiday, just in case he needs to vent before going back to a supportive OH :eek:

One of the ladies I had the op with emailed me today, apparently we can now eat solids!!! I was waiting till the 25th because that was when I had the op lol, am I a nink! She was a BBW, she's going to be sttunning when she loses it all, some people are sooo lucky! She looks good whatever shape she is lol. Anyway she has lost 21lbs and I think she has gone down 2 dress sizes. Which is fantastic news, but it does mean it is now my turn to go back to boot and step on them their scales!!!:help: :faint:

I have an appointment with the eye specialist at the RSH on the 24th so I shall do it then and yes don't worry I shall let you know :)

Anyway dying for the loo must dash


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Well it is officially a month since the operation. With the post op diet and the banded eating I am pleased to announce that I have officially lost 28lbs!

I have to admit I was terrified. Especially after that time I went on the scales and had gained 2lbs!

It was such a buzz when I stepped off the Boots scales and tore off that little strip of paper, to see it saying i had lost all that weight. So I am chuffed to bits! I may get to like scales again he he.:banana :banana :banana

I hope everyone else, banded or not are doing well.

Keep in touch


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Wow Suz thats excellent I'm really pleased for you. Bet your walking on the clouds you skinny thing you. How are you doing eating solids??

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Aww thanks Pilko :girl_hug:

I really enjoyed my carvery meal last night, despite the fact it was half the size of a childs portion and all the kids had gone up for second helpings while I was delicately chewing my way through mine!

I thought I would treat myself to a bowl of Coco Pops this morning, there is still half of it sitting in the bowl! I think I need to get myself a tiny bowl, it will save on wastage!

It will be interesting to see if my appetite will grow over time. Or am I going to be one of the lucky ones that never requires another fill! Would that be too much to hope for??

How are thinkgs going for you? Arre you still stepping ont eh scales every day?

Right I need to get dressed, been enjoying a lazy saturday morning :)


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Hey girlies, I'm missing you all. Why has everyone gone all quiet! Oh the tragedy! ;)

Thought I would have a catch up to see how everyone is fairing. Deirdre phoned me a few days ago, really pleased to hear about my progress. Been told not to bother with a fill just yet! :clap2: :banana :banana

So that £100 can buy me an xmas outfit :) Going to wait till just before the 25th, see if the miracle weight loss has eased off. I think I would faint if I managed to wear a size 16 before xmas! That would be far to lucky for me. It just seems that - as my dads carer said this morning - 'the weight is just falling off me'. I'm sorry if this sounds like bragging. It's not meant to, infact dealign with it is suprisingly tough. It's a rollercoaster of mixed emotions and I don't actually seem to have any control over it.

I think I have discovered a 'dark side' to the band! I can see why some have to see a psych personage before hand to prepare for the changes that will happen. For me, I think I went in thinking that 'I'll get it done and it shall just take forever for the weight to go'.

I have been proved wrong! I need to kick back and relax though! It's all good that is happening! I shouldn't be scared. Talking here helps. I have to keep reminding myself of my attitude when the band was fitted. 'It is the best investment I have ever made in myslf!'

I now have to build my confidence back up and to believe in myself. It seems like years since anything really positive has happened in my life. In some ways I feel like I don't deserve it. I know if mum were here she would tell me to not be so stupid! Then give me a great big hug and tell me how proud she is of me. Mind you I'm omitting mothers old habit of giving in one hand taking in the other. I loved her but she crippled me emotionally for years! OK sorry enough moaning!

I hope that all of you are doing well, those post op not suffeirng too much residual pain. H I hope that you have had a fantastic holiday!

I promise to be bright and perky next time I write.

Big hugs to all :) :) :girl_hug:


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Hi Ladies,

I have been trying to search on getting info on the lap band in Belgium on who is the best Dr's with the best prices and also if they use the Inamed band any where?

. I am actually in the U.S. but have the luxury of working for the airlines so really I can go where ever I need to for the best Dr for the money? I know that sounds horrible but unfourtanatly with having to pay out of pocket, my Hubby is not to crazy about the whole thing.

Thanks in advance.


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suzanne!! Wow! Congratulations! That is so so exciting! I was supposed to be banded on Monday, but my loan is not yet final, the mail is so slow, I'm just waiting on the documents to get here. I sure do hope that my first month is as successful as yours. You sure are an inspiration with a wonderful attitude!

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Hi Sara and Sweets,

Thank you Sweets for your kind words, it really is appreciated.

All I can tell you Sara is my experience with Elyzea, which I have to say was excellent service and value for money. The website is http://www.elyzea.co.uk/gastric/presenta.html

The draw backs? you have to pay for a hotel, but the prices are so reasonable in the long run it still works out cheaper than having it done in the UK. You have to pay extra for the fills, once you need them. You never know you may never need one and also if you are travelling from the states, you will probably find it easier having a fill specialist in the state you live in.

The hospital was fantastic and we were looked after by Deirdre, she's like a liasion officer and translator, although most of the staff do try to speak english. Deirdre was particualrly useful for me as I had so many minor illness's that had to be taken into consideration. So the communication wasn't fraught. The hospital is in a beautiful town called Chimay, the home of fine ale. Not that you would get to drink any but I am sure your OH would enjoy being there :) Also it appears that belgians are festidious with their cleanliness, I walked around barefeet in the hospital and they were so clean! Which coming from the UK is a serious benefit. They proudly can state that they have never suffered and never will from the nasty bug MRSA! It's a huge boast but obviously very true.

I could go on and on about my whole experience, but if you want to ask any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Suzanne xxx

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Thank you so much Suzanne, I am off to try and find a conversion chart for the $ :) I'm sure my OH would love to do that over Mexico. and Chimay is one of his absolute favorites. Since I am taking his vacation time from him (and his Birthday :0 to have this done maybe that would help make up for it.

How many days do you have to stay in the hospital (or hotel). I'm not sure how I would get the consultation in before hand although we do fly directly from here to London, it would be quite the comute just for a consultation!

Thanks again,

Maybe I will be joining your little group of Belgium bansters soon!


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Sorry I've not been around recently, I've not been ignoring you all things have been seriously mad here. I've been in hospital with a nasty chest infection which has been horrible. Also, my mother in law is dying, she has cancer and is very very poorly at the moment. I'm not sure how long she has left but I don't think she'll make it to the new year. So, we've been to Italy to visit her. My DH is over in Italy at the moment which means that I'm on my own with my two girls which is enough to send anyone round the bend!

Wow, Suz, your weight loss is fantastic. Well done you.

How are you doing Pilko?

I've lost 16lbs so far. Which is great, I'm really chuffed. I am struggling with the feeling full business. I'm not sure if I do need to have a fill or not. I'm still losing weight but I'm not sure when I feel full. I've also not been able to eat mushies. We haven't told any of the family in Italy about the surgery, so me going over and eating babyfood wasn't really an option. I chewed and chewed my food until it was just mush in my mouth. I emailed Deirdre and asked her if she thought it was ok or not. She said I would know if the band had slipped and I should be back on mushies now I'm back in the UK, but I've not just chewing and chewing and chewing.

Has anyone else stuck to the weights and measurments on the web site? I've not at all and I'm beginning to panic that I've spent all that money and wasted it as I'm not doing it properly.

OMG, sorry for the long ramble. I needed to get a few things off my chest.


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hi girls, Well Im back from Belgium! Stayed at mums for a few days though to get looked after! Im 9 days post op now and still a bit sore, dont think Ive lost any weight yet but its early days I suppose! Hope your all well and sorry to hear about your mother in law Heb. Dx.

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I am so sorry to hear about your mother in law. Losing a relative is always a tough thing to deal with.

Don't stress about your band and how you are eating. I haven't exactly been a saint in that department. There was a time when I thought my band had slipped. So I asked on here how you can tell, apparently it feels like you are having a heart attack. So it's a very obvious way of knowing. The way they stitch the band on prevents most slippage now anyway, so it is less of a threat.

The fact that you are losing weight means there is no need to have the fill. It is when your wieght palteaus that you need to have that done. You are doing really well with your weightloss, especially considering your circumstances at the moment. I hope the girls aren't driving you into anarchy :Banane17:

As for the mushies, I came to the conclusion by the time what I could eat was suitably chewed up, it would be considered mushie! I just did it manually lol. I think that actually has gotten me the oddest looks, apart from the fact that when I eat out I only have half a child size plate of food. I still feel guilty when I end up leaving food on the plate lol. I sit back after each mouth full and chew for britian, while everyone is shovelling their food into their mouths. The kids even beat me, clearing their plates in what seems record time!

Mind you their is a small downside, those who before I despaired (but accepted) how they ate (description: think neanderthal, holding fork like some ancient weapon, stabbing and shovelling as if the animal is still alive and the plate is going to be stolen away in less than 5 minutes!) I used to be fine with it and again I feel a little guilty, when I see a certain person eating, it literally turns my stomach. What is worse my son is mimiking him at the moment! Havehad to have severe words with my wayward child. I am more aware of how weight can significantly alter a persons life and I want to make sure that I have taught CM the best way to eat, so he never ends up like I did.

Oh do I feel better for getting that off my chest! Does anyone else feel that way?

Welcome back Dx, glad to hear surgery went well, the pains do take a long time to disappear, I would say I kept having little niggles for the whole month and every so often I have a little twinge from one of the scars.

I can't say this often enough but don't worry if you haven't seen any dramatic change in your weight, give your body a chance to recover. It won't be long before you will be feeling so much better and that weight will be sneaking off without you realising it ;)

Right guess i better get on with the day, off to have my hair cut this arvo. GOign for a re-style...EEEEEEK:faint: :cry

Love all around


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Hello everyone

Glad you all feeling well and I'm feeling sooo much better and it helps with the weight coming off. Heb I am sooo paranoid about my band slipping and I have been eating some solids, I had potato pie when I was out with the girls from work, I mushed it up with my fork and chewed well and left the meat to one side, I think they just thought I was being fussy! I am eating ready brek in the morning (which I used to anyway) and Soup, mashed potato and Beans mushed up with the fork, pate, I had some tikka masala yesterday...I actually shared my portion with the two kids!! never would I have done that before! I felt guilty after though but I had been on a long walk yesterday morning (about 3 miles) and pushed a double buggy and seem to be done a few pounds this am (I can't stop weighing myself, but i am only recording it once a week).

Suz I am glad you said I would be able to feel the band if it had slipped, it's weird coz I can eat a full can of Tomato Soup and feel sooo full after it but then get worried that I shouldn't of eaten the full tin, but before i would of ate it with a loaf of bread and still of been hungary so it must be there doing its job. It weird not feeling any sensation from the band apart from feeling full quicker....

I am 18 days post op and feel great now was sore for about 10 days and then healed fast after that. I can't describe how great I feel. Just losing the weight I put on in the last supper (which lasted 2 months, but I enjoyed it!!) another 8 pounds!! Its so easy to put on!!

Got an interview in the post for a job I really want, its on Fri, fingers crossed for me girls!! this is the start of my new life!! feeling pretty confident at the moment.

Anyway better get off this computer before the OH starts moaning that I'm always on this thing!!


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Hello again,

I was wondering if you ladies can answer a question for me since I have inquired directly with the elyzea clinic but have had no response yet. Do any Dr's in Belgium or Frankfurt or for that matter Europe use the Inamed band? I am just worried if I did go with going to Chemey that I would have problem getting fills with the band they use. My OH is a lot more into it now that I threw in that Beer was involved :(

Thanks again.


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