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"wls Is Not What God Intended..."

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Since this thread is still active, I'd just like to point out a simple observation.

Both of these surgeries are directly related to and are a result of sins (deadly sins).

The major difference I see is that one is done to help us flee fom the sin of gluttony, the other is performed to embrace the sin of vanity.

So what have here is someone who is embracing their sin chastising someone for turning away from theirs.

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I'm sorry you have to be on the receiving end of this type of sentiment. Whenever I get responses from people about having enough faith to trust in God or self-control etc., I remind them of the many medical procedures that we do even though we have faith or self-control. We have our gall bladder or parts of our intestines removed when in fact, good preventive care might have prevented these problems in the first place. How many of our health problems like gallstones could have been prevented or delayed if we had taken exquisite care of ourselves? In some cases, you get to a place of no return. If our obesity gets to a place where metabolically our body is fighting against us and our health problems worsen despite trying to lose weight, then it is time to do the surgery. Research shows that the best results even for VSG are on the younger and lower BMI patients. It seems that waiting too long can make it harder to lost weight as fast or as much, in part, because our body has metabolically made it more difficult to lose the weight. My nutritionist and surgeon remind me every visit that if I go over 1300 calories a day, I will start gaining weight. This is not normal! For the rest of my life, I have to maintain a lower than normal calorie intake and it would have been impossible for me to maintain under 1300 calories without the sleeve. Your friend can't generalize her lived experience with yours, or her metabolic issues and weight loss success with you either. This is life or death for some of us, and research supports this!

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For it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted to them his property. To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. He who had received the five talents went at once and traded with them, and he made five talents more. So also he who had the two talents made two talents more. But he who had received the one talent went and dug in the ground and hid his master's money. ...Mathew 25:14-30. We were given a brain to use as a talent to make decisions, WLS is a decision, it allows us to get control of our "Gluttony" (one of the 7 deadly sins) and it allows us to get control of our health issues as well. . . good luck and bless your friend!

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I'm just dying to know if you have spoken to her since. I'm guessing she will have some other snappy come-back justifying her actions yet still questioning yours' date=' as I have found some people play the God card to wield His power as they see fit. Which just cracks me up.


Yes, we have spoken. It appears her argument is complications-based. I think she's afraid that I am going to cause worse problems by creating an artificial edge to my stomach where there was once a natural one.

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I would tell her:

I THANK GOD everyday that I live in a world where I can have lasix surgery to improve my eyesight. (Permanent re-formation of cornea' date=' can't be reversed)

I have had a few teeth removed, several moles and a growth removed from my nether regions which was causing me issues. Don't want anything back.

I have had friends have their tonsils, appendix, spleens, ovaries (and associated parts) removed when they aren't working for them anymore, and they are better for it. (Permanent removal of organs, don't want them back)

I have also had 85% of my stomach removed so I can have a tool to restrict my intake and help me lead a healthier life and be there for my family and friends.

I know God intended babies to come out the way they went in, but it is good to know these smart men and women are there to help with surgeries.

I also know these same smart men and women do surgeries for vanity purposes, and I am glad God put them here to help those who feel they need it.

What class of people do you think God would look down on more, those getting surgeries for vanity or those trying to improve the quality of their lives?

My 2 cents[/quote']

Very well said!!! I would even go so far as to say "my stomach is sick just like someones appendix, cancerous spots, etc. because it has stretched out bigger than it should be it I'd causing me issues. Diabetes, HBP, etc. I am fixing my stomach so that I can I turn eliminate all the things it had done to make me sick.

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If it was not gods intention then god would not have granted us the know how and wisdom to do so. That's all I have on this ;) god gives us the wisdom to do things for ourselves.

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"God" didn't intend for us to have GMOs instead of food, either...but she (we all do!) eats them. Nor did "God" intend for fast food joints, buttery movie popcorn, greasy/sugary/grain-loaded foodstuffs.... But we are stuck with them, & no one belittles a skinny person for buying the exact same junk. [sorry if that's a little cranky; I dealt with a similar inquiry recently]

weight.png 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW)

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Just wanted to share, though its not religion related. My massage therapist said what I am doing is "overly extreme body modification". While I guess filing down your teeth so you can get tusks and dying the whites o your eyes black is acceptable. Truth is, people think whatever they want to do is acceptable, but the things others are doing is "extreme". I think other people's opinions don't matter in this decision. And I don't see how having part of your stomach out is any different than removing your appendix, gallbladder or spleen. God gave us all of them for a reason, but also made us able to live without them. Hope you are feeling better about your decision.

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To be honest, it sounds like your friend may have a bit of jealousy stored up. You are pretty young lady and I can only imagine how you will look once you get down to your desired size/ healthier weight....smoking hottt! So in order to make you feel guilty and to start questioning your decision about the procedure she turns it into a God issue...one of Satans old tricks.

God did not intend for use to be obese and live unhealthy lifestyles. So many people die from cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease- all which are preventable if we make and choose a healthier lifestyle and you are taking those steps to ensure that you do no fall victim to one of those diseases. God have given us the tools to take control of our lives. We didn't just magically come up with the various different wls...no God revealed those things to His children in order to help us...just like the other diseases.

I am not sure if your friend is within her h/w ratio, but alot of thinner people are not able to understand the difficulties an obese person face on a day to day basis. My sister is small...has been all her life. She eats whatever she wants and does not gain a pound and when I told her about my surgery she didn't understand why I couldn't really stick to a weightloss plan and exercise. I wanted her to be happy for me that I was taking this serious step, but to her it is taking the easy out. I had wanted her to be there with me when I have surgery, but now all I need/ want is me and God.

Do not be surprised that your friendship may change as you lose weight.

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I'm in need of a reply when a friend says to me: "It wasn't God's intention for us to remove 80% of our stomachs. It's too drastic. It's not natural. Diet & exercise - AND STICKING WITH IT - are what you need to do. I've always said that."

My reply was: "Breast implants weren't God's intent, but you got those."

Her reply: "But they can be removed. You're taking out 80% of your stomach & you can't put it back."

Any KINDLY WORDED suggestions will be greatly appreciated, as she is, after all, my BFF, so I am not looking to disregard her feelings.

** NOTE: After several responses, I have edited this post to also say: Everyone's opinion is valid; however, I personally believe in God & pray continually that I am making the right decision & that he is walking beside me, or carrying me, through this. I am requesting KINDLY WORDED responses. If you do not believe in God or that this is not a God issue, then I kindly request that you not reply to this post. Thank you.

Hello Susan, In my opinion your BF sounds like she is concerned for you. If she is your BF you most likely share the same values which is your belief in God. One of my BF, do not agree with me having the surgery either and we both believe in God. She only said this because she was concerned for me. Most people have not heard of the sleeve, so their opinion negatively is based on hearing about bad experiences with other WLS. I also feel that God is apart of this. God is apart of everything I do. I put God first and believe that God is not just past century as some may believe but also this century lol! Each mile stone on this journey I go thorough I share with my best friend. She knows that my mind is made up and she supports me on this. Just love your BF for who she is and respect her opinion and know that she loves you but is concerned. I also believe that God gave doctors Wisdom to achieve the many types of surgeries. What God has for You is for you!!!! In other words, the breast plant or whatever other surgeries people chose thats their choice. You made the choice to become healthy so do it and know that God is with you and your best friend will be there for you too. Thats why she is your BF. May God continue to bless you!!! Wishing you the best! :rolleyes:

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I presume you knew when you posted this that you would get positive and negative responses. That is because there is no right answer to this. It is all in what YOU believe in. And how much crap your willing to take from this hypocrit friend of yours.

Think to yourself "she had a boob job. What gives her the right to tell you what is right or wrong with this and what would God want.

I will no longer follow this situation. I feel that you are looking for an easy way out. You still want to believe this person is you friend. So you will just make her think that she is right. Good luck to you.

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Hello' date='

I'm sorry you have to be on the receiving end of this type of sentiment. Whenever I get responses from people about having enough faith to trust in God or self-control etc., I remind them of the many medical procedures that we do even though we have faith or self-control. We have our gall bladder or parts of our intestines removed when in fact, good preventive care might have prevented these problems in the first place. How many of our health problems like gallstones could have been prevented or delayed if we had taken exquisite care of ourselves? In some cases, you get to a place of no return. If our obesity gets to a place where metabolically our body is fighting against us and our health problems worsen despite trying to lose weight, then it is time to do the surgery. Research shows that the best results even for VSG are on the younger and lower BMI patients. It seems that waiting too long can make it harder to lost weight as fast or as much, in part, because our body has metabolically made it more difficult to lose the weight. My nutritionist and surgeon remind me every visit that if I go over 1300 calories a day, I will start gaining weight. This is not normal! For the rest of my life, I have to maintain a lower than normal calorie intake and it would have been impossible for me to maintain under 1300 calories without the sleeve. Your friend can't generalize her lived experience with yours, or her metabolic issues and weight loss success with you either. This is life or death for some of us, and research supports this![/quote']

HURRAY! very well put. Kudos to you.

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I have been here too. My reply to my friend was something similar to this:

It is not up to you to determine how and when God will present me with an option that will be long lasting and beneficial to my health. God promised "life and life more abundantly" and "health and prosperity". It is up to you as an individual to pursue those things and I have made bad decisions. I have tried to exercise and get my temple right, but this is a weak area. I KNOW that God opened the door for me to have this operation, and the result will be that his temple will finally be healthy -- the way he planned and his child (me) will be happy.

God gives you tools to use to enhance your life. If you lose your job and need money... it does not fall from a tree, he will lead somebody to give you the money or lead somebody to offer you a part time position, or whatever. Theres no difference here -- I am over weight, I am headed down the road for diseases and God has given me this last opportunity to make a permanent change.

Why do you think he gave the doctors the capacity to learn, understand and be innovative enough to come up with this procedure? If this is not a subject you can handle talking about or supporting me on, then we will avoid it all together.

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Susan, your surgery is today! Yay! I am praying for you to have no complications whatsoever and a perfect recovery!

I really enjoyed and was touched by many posts on this thread, so I wanted to thank all of you who brought such great insight, especially Piplula for sharing Matthew 5:30. I struggled with the idea that having this surgery is self mutilation in the eyes of God, but God has changed my heart about that recently and has even answered my prayers by allowing for my surgery to bring comfort and hope to someone else. She suddenly had several infected organs and had pretty much the same surgery done, but as an emergency measure with only her husband's consent. She was not overweight and unlike sleevers, she is very limited on what she is able to eat or else, she is put in the hospital for days (has already happened 6 times in 3 years) without pain medication or even ice to hydrate her lips since her bile duct was removed and a borrowed piece of her intestines is in place instead.

I also realize now that obesity is self mutilation. God did not intend for our body to carry all this excess weight.

I pray that God sends His angels at your bedside right now to bring you comfort and peace as you heal and as you praise Him through your success and working hard, with the assistance of the sleeve, to reshape His temple and bring more joy into your life. I'm anxiously looking forward to know that you are doing okay and will definitely follow your journey (added you as a friend)!

You already look amazing in your before/"goodbye" picture! God bless you!

I was able to get a hold of Susan's hospital room (sorry to sound like such a stalker) and spoke to her mom. She had surgery already with no complications, is out walking around right now and everything is great! Thank God!

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I was thinking about tis today and it occurred to me that there is a very easy reply for this that your friend will get and will be pretty light hearted.

there was this Guy stranded in the ocean one person in boat came up and said come on get in the boat, the man says no I'm fine God will help me, then the Guy in the boat takes off and says fine, another one comes and says the same thing to him and he says the same thing back to the second person then he says okay fine. hours later he drowns and goes to heaven and asks God why didn't u come save me. God says I did dummy I sent two boats.

This surgery is your life boat. :) glad to hear surgery went well. Welcome to the losers bench!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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