gabby899 37 Posted October 5, 2012 I have a problem!!! I have never been one to drink a lot of fluids even before surgery and now I'm finding it terribly difficult to drink my liquids. What do I do? I could go all day and drink nothing. I am a week post op today I was sleeved September 28th. I was Clear Liquids until yesterday now I'm full liquid what does that mean. And btw burps hurt!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gottaloozit 27 Posted October 5, 2012 I'm right there with you Gabby - I have NEVER been a Water drinker, or any kind of a Fluid drinker either. (I will be sleeved next week on Oct. 11th...) I also generally never drink anything with my food . That's a good thing, but the lack of drinking Water or other liquids each day has been my pattern for years and years. I think if you have always been a Fluid drinker, then your reduced capacity to take in liquids would have the potential to cause dehydration. However, if you've never been a liquids drinker in the past and it didn't cause you to get dehydrated, then why would the reduced capacity for intake of liquids cause anyone to become dehydrated after the sleeve? How could it be any different? So that's why for now I'm not too worried about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Susie in Lima 320 Posted October 5, 2012 I am not a big drinker either but I do know that it is important, so I have to be super sensitive to it because I could go all day and really not drink anything. I had to play around with the temperature of my drinks to know what tasted better and I could tolerate better. Seems to me and my tummy that the colder the better. I began carrying around a small Water bottle and just trying to sip whenever I saw it. I also have problems with straight Water so I have been drinking crystal light and mio. It makes it go down alot easier. Since you are on a full diet and eating Soups and creams, it is likely you are getting in more liquid than you realize. Just keep at it. I even have tried setting an alarm to remind me. haha Good Luck! 1 ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Butterthebean 8,146 Posted October 5, 2012 I'm right there with you Gabby - I have NEVER been a Water drinker' date=' or any kind of a Fluid drinker either. (I will be sleeved next week on Oct. 11th...) I also generally never drink anything with my food . That's a good thing, but the lack of drinking Water or other liquids each day has been my pattern for years and years. I think if you have always been a Fluid drinker, then your reduced capacity to take in liquids would have the potential to cause dehydration. However, if you've never been a liquids drinker in the past and it didn't cause you to get dehydrated, then why would the reduced capacity for intake of liquids cause anyone to become dehydrated after the sleeve? How could it be any different? So that's why for now I'm not too worried about it.[/quote'] That is some crazy logic and it could land you in the hospital. Do you really believe that someone who never drank much water pre-surgery has adapted to live on less water? More likely your bodily functions have been reduced due to constantly flirting with dehydration and you don't realize it. Dehydration is probably the second most serious complication to post surgery patients (behind leaks). Not to mention, lack of fluids will definitely inhibit your weight loss. I hope everyone here knew ahead of time that you would be required to focus on your fluid intake after surgery. It's key to your recovery. You may not like it, but y'all need to make yourselves do this. This is what everyone means when they say, "this is not the easy way out." 4 bkz3, ProudGrammy, Kerinilla and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ms skinniness 3,003 Posted October 5, 2012 I hope you really don't believe that you can live on less fluids. This is really dangerous territory. This is a great time to increase your Water intake. Try putting some flavor in it and when you get hungry drink some water because your hunger could actually be mimicking your thrist. Trust eating more and then your body has to work double hard to get all the moisture out of your food. Please start increasing your Fluid intake to prevent any kind of dehydration. Also dehydration also can cause kidney damage and your blood thickens and can cause strokes. So Please Drink a lot of fluids. You can change this! 4 Butterthebean, gabby899, ProudGrammy and 1 other reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gottaloozit 27 Posted October 5, 2012 Yes, I do believe that "someone who never drank much Water pre-surgery has adapted to live on less water". Just as everyone always points out on this site, we are ALL different. What works for one may not work for another, and vice versa. I'm not saying I won't drink any Water after I get my sleeve, I'm just saying that if I can't get 64 ounces in each day (which I already KNOW I won't - I can't do that now with a full capacity stomach), I won't get all frazzled over it. I'm 56 years old, have lived this way my entire life, and I can assure you that after living this long I am quite in tune with my body and what it needs or doesn't need. I plan to do whatever I feel like my body needs for me to do. If that involves drinking a lot of water, I will do my best to drink more water. If I don't feel I need it, I won't feel a desperate need to do so. That's all..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Butterthebean 8,146 Posted October 5, 2012 Yes we are all different, but some things are universally true. We all need Water. And under normal conditions, our bodies extract a lot of water from food. But during recovery, when you're barely eating anything, your only source for that water is what you drink. Please just keep that in mind. 2 lessofmeismore and ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ready4success 380 Posted October 5, 2012 Yes' date=' I do believe that "someone who never drank much Water pre-surgery has adapted to live on less water". Just as everyone always points out on this site, we are ALL different. What works for one may not work for another, and vice versa. I'm not saying I won't drink any Water after I get my sleeve, I'm just saying that if I can't get 64 ounces in each day (which I already KNOW I won't - I can't do that now with a full capacity stomach), I won't get all frazzled over it. I'm 56 years old, have lived this way my entire life, and I can assure you that after living this long I am quite in tune with my body and what it needs or doesn't need. I plan to do whatever I feel like my body needs for me to do. If that involves drinking a lot of water, I will do my best to drink more water. If I don't feel I need it, I won't feel a desperate need to do so. That's all.....[/quote'] I know you know your body best, but when it comes to dehydration, the body doesn't alert you that you need fluids until you're already dehydrated (i.e. thirst=dehydration). Please keep this mind, because your body will let you know, but it may be too late to catch up without rapid I.V. Fluid replacement. Good Luck! 1 ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nutzie 5 Posted October 8, 2012 Trust me...drink your fluids!...I was extremely dizzy this past Friday...went to my dr to have my bp checked...found out I was dehydrated and spent my morning hooked up to an IV...every time I laid down I would get totally dizzy!...i have never been one to drink lots either but after this episode, it's what I have to do!!...I was sleeved on 9/11... 1 ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lissa 2,631 Posted October 8, 2012 Want a reason to drink the Water? Water helps with the weight loss. When I get in my full 64 oz of water daily, I lose faster, have more regular BMs, feel better and don't battle head hunger. The water flushes out fat and toxins, including a lot of those hormones that make us crazy after surgery. My mood stays more level, and I don't get hungry as often. Water also helps keep our skin hydrated, making any moisturizing routine we are doing to avoid loose skin more effective. 1 ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lessofmeismore 1,405 Posted October 8, 2012 Butterthebean is right. There is no comparison to our habits before and after having 85% of our stomaches removed. You will not be eatting what you ate pre surgery. You will need Water to help your body keep up with normal function. Please do not play around with it, just drink your fluids post op and have a healthy recovery. Your body will already be in shock from this surgery, don't make it try and work harder than it will be able to. 1 ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
allnewme 262 Posted October 8, 2012 I have never been a big Water drinker either. I was told to find something that I like, that my sleeve likes and have it with me all the time. It was an experiment every day at first. Now, at two months out, I know what my sleeve likes. I carry a Tervis cup ( invest in one) with water mixed with propel water on ice. I drink it all day, except when waiting to eat and digesting. Do I get in all my water each day? No. But I still try to. It is getting easier to drink more at one time, not baby sipping any longer. I never got dehydrated but I concentrated on drinking from the start. You have to do it, it is not easy or fun right after surgery. You have to work to find out what tastes good and it is a pain in the rear! 2 lessofmeismore and ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scaredy Cat 92 Posted October 8, 2012 I'm the complete opposite - from as long as I can remember, I've ALWAYS had a drink of something either I my hand or near me. I just keep refilling all day. My issue is going to be to STOP drinking the 1/2 before and after eating! 1 ProudGrammy reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProudGrammy 8,322 Posted October 8, 2012 I have a problem!!! I have never been one to drink a lot of fluids I'm finding it difficult to drink my liquids. What do I do? I'm full liquid what does that mean. And btw burps hurt!!! Gabby congrats you are a one week sleeve survivor - you did it you are early in the game, many people's tummy still hurt, need to adjust to drinking. drink slowly, those one oz measuring cups/your NUT could give you are great - just drink as much as you can from the start. slowly, very slowly you must push the fluids, sorry its difficult for you right now - you can become dehydrated if you don't drink enough just continue to sip as klds we we were told many things we had to do even though we didn't like it, things might have been explained, but in the end you just had to DO IT. well gotta do it now, drink for various health reasons - no ifs and butts - this is something you must do for the rest of your longer healthier life as your tummy allows , take bigger sips, that might help you get your Water in. as you heal, it will get easier sip slowly now - progress to a Water btl - and just take bigger sips as you can - eventually when you feel able, and when your NUT says ok - you can take gulps which might help you get your water in- this is what i do get the water down, and get the "job done".get the water down anyway you can, even if you have to stand on your head good luck drink for/to your health, one day at a time - i know you can do it 1 gabby899 reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProudGrammy 8,322 Posted October 8, 2012 ALWAYS had a drink of something either I my hand or near me. I just keep refilling all day. My issue is going to be to STOP drinking the 1/2 before and after eating! Scaredy Cat you are lucky that you've always been great with your fluids i'm a little green with envy, i had to teach/force myself to get all my Water in way back when. now i some times drink so much that i make slush slush noices Share this post Link to post Share on other sites