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Betty:What a story about your brother. I hope his recovery is quick.... was it the hand that he writes with?

I have some stuff to share with you all but not enough time to tell ya. It all started last Friday and the meltdown continues. I was angry with the elementary school, the principal, the teacher and the special ed group. The meltdown occurred because I was overwhelmed and have no real support system where parenting my kids are concerned. I can't call my exhusband to assist with school issues..... cause he has the same problems. I've cooled down somewhat, have a game plan for today and can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hey thanks for listening and I will fill you in on details when I'm not heading out the door for work. Bye.

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Come stay at my house! We still get all the seasons but the winters aren't that hard! Not much snow if any. Common temp is 50's, although it is only 47 this morning! But by mid February my DH is usually mowing the lawn!

Betty-Oh how horrible about your DB! I'm so sorry.

Mary- what does EDI stand for?

Kat-My DS turns 23 in February. Don't you wish you wrote more things down when they were little so you could remember those special times more? Your such a good GM! So glad DH is doing so well. I can't believe he is back to work already! Sorry about DD's infection. Do they still not know why this has happened? Does she feel ok? Is she in pain?

Cindy-Sounds like Calgon time!

Went to Curves this morning and got weighed and measured. If you count the weight I gained from the cruise I lost 5 pounds if you count the pre cruise weight I lost 2 pounds. So I'm saying 2 pounds. And then I lost 1 3/4 inches somewhere. I thought and feel like it should be more than that, but it's something and that's good. I now see the 180's in the not to distant future which makes me want to dance!

I am trying a new thing at Curves. I'm trying to go at least 5 times a week and do there routine 3 of the days and the other days jog for 30 minutes.so we'll see if this helps with moving the scale a little faster.

Eileen-We are ALL want to hear from you? How ya doing sweetie?

Have a good day gang.

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Wow - you drop off the face of the earth for a week or so and it's hard to get caught up... No worries here - just the same old stuff. Work is crazed, with no back-up. I can't even call in sick.

I don't have a back issue - but my neck is killing me... and I have only partial movement of my head. Neck down - I am swell - but I can't tilt my head back or twist my head from side to side. Just a little too much time spent hunched over my computer with tension in my shoulders, I think.

It started on Thursday and while it is a little better after the weekend, it is still painful. I may have to visit my PCP to get it checked out.

On the weightloss front, the scale seems to be superglued at 303. Of course, the fact that I haven't been to the gym in almost a week probably has a bit to do with that. I know what the answer is - I just have to DO it. It is so frustrating to be so close, and yet so far...

Oh - and I want to tell you that we get so spoiled down here in TX that it is difficult to get out of bed when the temperatures drop below 70 degrees!! Brrrrr. Too chilly. Can't I just snuggle in bed with the cats and the spouse until Spring?

I am already a half hour over my lunch hour - so I have to run - but I had to check in with my peeps.

Love you guys!!


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Hi everyone!

Sorry about dropping off the face of the earth. I've had family in town and DH has been out of town almost non-stop so things have been a little hectic around here.

Betty, that's terrible news about your brother. What a horrible thing to go through. Is he feeling okay now?

Beanie, how is your neck feeling? Congratulations on your weight loss! That's quite a big drop - hang in there and you'll be in the 200's in no time.

Eilene, how are you? I hope the doctor was able to help you yesterday. What kind of testing did they do? Hope they have you on lots of good drugs!

Dianne, congrats on the weight loss! I wish I had your dedication to exercise. I'm joining a gym tomorrow morning (seriously!). We were sent a really good deal for our local gym, so DH and I are signing up.

Cindy, I hope we get to see some before and after pics of your new floor! I cracked up when you said they wanted you to pay extra for pre-scuffed floors. Hang in there - the chaos will be worth it.

Patty, (((HUGS))). Hang in there - we'll be here when you want to talk.

Kat, glad I'm not the only one spending half of my day potty-training! I've offered my DD everything short of a unicorn if she'd just poop in the potty. I'm ready to be done with diapers!!

Darcy, I'm jealous! I love snow and was disappointed when we just got a little freezing rain. I was watching Oprah the other day and they were talking to a woman who lives 30 miles north of the Arctic Circle. It dips to 100 below on a regular basis up there... can you imagine?

Mandy, how's it going?

Chris, I don't envy you the liquids but I'll bet the weight loss is nice right now! :girl_hug:

Sherry, you look amazing! Congrats on your continued success.

Pat, where are you? Guess I'm not the only one who disappeared...

Time to put the kids to bed. I somehow got suckered into planning the Halloween Party for my DS's classroom. They decided to move him to 1st grade permanently because he was bored. We're trying to catch up on everything he's missed.

Have a great night all! :)

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Hey everyone, Things are crazy as usual at work but, home is good :girl_hug: Thank goodness for that. Reading up on ya'll and enjoying this peaceful thread.

Boy NE had been a bit chilly. The leaves were beautiful last week but, after one heck of a windy night over the weekend not many left. Our basketball court looks like a field with pine needles covering it all. We got our boat and pool covered just in time. Poor DH...fishin' season is done for him now football hahaha. Seems I'm always watchin something sporty whether I wanna or not. I sooo miss my tv in the spare room :) So I've taken to readin while the shows are on. Getting into some Janet Evanovich books. The Bloom series is great...nothing gorey, some romance yet mystery in them. Nice stuff...relaxing. I picked up Joel Osteen's book to start reading. Nice man..nice way of thinking. I think I'll read through this one then go back to the others :)

Lately with the cool weather I've been in the cooking/baking mood. Just finished baking two banana breads tonight. My son is on a kick so I figure at least some fruit is going into his body. The recipe only calls for 2 cups of sugar so I substitute 1 cup splenda and 1 cup sugar. Doesn't seem too bad when you're making two breads. Now I'm thinking.....Pumpkin chocolate Chip bread yummmmmm. Have to make that one later. I'll substitute 1/2 the sugar with splenda and the oil for applesauce. Helps cut back on the cals...the guys will never know hee hee.

Anyone make anything different lately? Tired of the same ole recipes. I think I'll go hunting for some crockpot recipes again. Nighters all.....hope you're all doing well and shrinking!!!


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Patty- I'm sorry your having a tough time. Hang in there we are here for ya. HUGS...

Beanie-70's and cold just don't seem right to be in the same sentence. Hope your neck feels better soon. Those 2's will be here very soon! I can't wait to hear that!

Anne-Good Luck with the gym. Curves is about 2 miles from here so it is pretty easy for me to go there. I do enjoy it but it sure is hard dragging my butt out the door a lot of times.

Sherry-I wish I was smart like you! I'd love to do the splenda thing but I'm chicken!

OK so Where is EILEEN? Has anyone heard anything I'm getting worried.

Getting ready to take DD out for her 1st legal drink! It's 11:19 so I'd better get my shoes on. It's going to be fun she's so cute. DS is going with me he's been talking about it for the past 2 yrs.

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Good Morning!

DS and I took DD out for her first offical legal drink it was fun. She is not a drinker at all. We had a nice family time DH is in Dallas and coming home tonight. They want to g partying with us tonight! LOL DS wants to take Kelly out to martini night tonight. And they want Mom and Dad to go with them! I don't feel like it but how blessed am I that they want me to be a part of there celebration!

Hope you'll have a good day.

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I'm sorry I couldn't get in here. I went to the spine doc, he took xrays and said my degenerative disc is just getting worse. He gave me different meds and sleeping pills. The sleeping pills did not work :) I just tried the pain pills and don't know how they work yet since I JUST gulped them down just now. He wants me to do physical therapy.. yeah right, I can barely move and I'm gonna go to PT... DUH! I have to go back in 1 month. Yesterday I had a bad day, I was in so much pain. I really think / have a feeling something else is going on and of course an xray isn't going to show it. I'm going on 2 weeks now and this has never been so painful this long. I'm going to wait one more week, if I'm still in this much pain I will go back and demand an MRI.

I'm sorry I can't do personals today, boss is here and he just makes me to nervous.

I will catch up with you all.

Betty my stars, your poor brother.. how sad.

Hugs and kisses to my fav girls :girl_hug:


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Well my kitty furbaby passed away in his sleep last night. I need some positive thoughts sent my way today. I am taking it much harder than I thought. I thought I was ready for this, I actually spent some time with him yesterday and told him it was ok to move on. He was a good and loving pet, he will be missed and can never be replaced. Keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we deal with the loss of our little man. ~Mandy

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Mandy, my love and prayers, and I hope, comfort, are coming to you today. My heart breaks with your heart. You did a brave thing in telling him it was okay to move on. All the spirits we have loved are never replaced, but they move on to heaven, and wait there for us to join them. They are happy there, I think, and understand that we will love others, too.

((((Hugging)))) you from a distance.

Eileen, I pray you are wrong that there is something more serious going on...I wish there was something we could do to help you feel better. Dang it! I just hate it that you are in pain like that! Thanks for posting and letting us know, just wish it were better news. But we are here to share the bad and the good news, so better to know than not to know. (Does that even make sense?)

Anne, so good to see you! Glad you have been busy with happy things!

Betty, sorry about your brother, and hope he is healing up and doing okay.

Dianne, sounds like you had a fun celebration!

Sherry, I haven't read Evanovich books...I am reading the Purpose-Driven Life (again)...I find I am just interested more in non-fiction/inspirational books currently, but have heard really good things about her writing. Enjoy! Glad you have something relaxing to do, since your work is so high-pressure!

We are hanging in there with the dust and mess...about 2/3 of the living room floor is nailed down, and they should finish the rest of this phase today, stain tomorrow, poly the next. I think! With construction, there is always some reason for delay, so we just roll with it.

Gotta run...love you guys, and great big hugs to everyone!


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Happy Be-lated Bandiversary Eileen

Your 1 year was yesterday and I forgot to send blessings your way. I'm glad you posted and hoping those pills you gulped down helped in some manner, and feeling very helpless that we can't do anything to help. I will send up prayer for you and throughout the day. Hugs

Anne: It was Soooooo good to see your post. I really missed you.

Thank you all for the encouragement. I don't get down in the dumps very often but when it hits..... it's a doozie. I finally sat down with my best friend, spilled my guts and she could tell me what I was feeling.(since I myself didn't know) In a nutshell, Taylor, Channing & Garrett have learning disabilities and all of them take medication to help them focus(typical ADD). In addition to this they have something called Aspergers Syndrome -- kinda like autism - but not. Aspergers people have peculiar behaviors that most of society doesn't have NOR understand. Round peg/square hole thing. I love my boys and I don't care that they are different but schools don't like it one bit. To be special is a burden. The 3 boys have accomodations put into motion by me called an IEP for stuff like longer test time, open deadlines for papers, shorter vocab/spelling words. It's all to make learning easier. From the beginning of this school year both the high school and elementary school have just stopped following the programs that under federal law need to be strictly followed. When this happens, if I figure out that this has indeed happened I have to take action. At this point in time I'm pretty tapped out with lapband troubles, ex-husband drama, working and raising kids. My best friend was right, I was trying to juggle too many things where the school should have stepped up. Garrett is 11 and on a day that he didn't take his meds his behaviors spiked. I told the teacher what he does when he's unmedicated and on this day her coping mechanism was to punish him for giggling and talking. Then he was to write an apology letter to me that he would learn from his mistake and have better behavior in the future. This is what made me see red. Garretts problem is neurological/chemical -- he can't change it or therapy it away. It's like telling a deaf person -- hey listen to me, you idiot! It's just not possible and then punishing that person for not following orders. My sons need to be educated in just an ever so slightly different manner(punishment/timeout/detention don't work). If I am NOT on top of what my schools are doing, Taylor, Channing & Garrett will not get the education that they deserve and their chance to find a job and make lives for themselves will be lost. They will then be dependent on others for everything, and I don't want that. I have called an emergency revision meeting and will bring an attorney if I need to, to get the school to comply. My friend said that I am only trying to protect my children and when I feel threatened my claws come out. This emotional stuff makes me exhausted and isn't over yet. I sent my request letter yesterday the meeting hasn't been set yet and the fireworks..... they are on the horizon. Gotta go pack my lunch, off to work I go! Bye.

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My mom told me that she believed there will be animals in heaven. I am sure that my boy is there, playing and being able to run and play like a kitten again. I have to take him to be creamated. I am having a hard time even calling to make that appointment. I hurt, and it's a deep ache in my heart that feels like it will never go away. I had an appointment with my lapband surgeon this morning and he was genuinely sorry for my loss. He is a wonderful doctor and person. Medically I am fine, except I have moderate bone density loss. Not sure what that means, I have to see another doctor for that, I will make an appointment when I am feeling like myself again. Maybe next week I will try to call. I think I am going to talk to the counselor at school and have her check in with Abi this afternoon, she wants to go to school, maybe that is her way of dealing with it all. Maybe the talk we had last week prepared her more than it did us. She says she is sad that he is gone, but is glad he isn't hurting or sick anymore, very wise for such a young one....she is really an old soul. I hope that I am making some sense to someone, I feel like I am rambling.

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Patty, I too have an ADHD and aspergers kid. She is special indeed. I also work with special needs kids during my volunteer hours at school. I am working on getting my certificate to be a special ed aide. My Abi is being put on an IEP and I hope that it works out for her. I know that it has taken a really long time to get anything established. I am still fighting for her to get some extra help in the classroom. If you ever want to talk, let me know. I have unlimited long distance and will call you if you want. ~Mandy

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Awwww Mandy, I am so sorry about your kitty--wish I was close enough to give you a big hug, and a shoulder to cry on. Having been there and done that, I do know how badly you are hurting, and the loss you feel. Please know you WILL be in my prayers, and that I will be thinking of your family.

Aww I just read your post to Patty--you are such a sweetie!!!

Eileen--elaborate on what you are afraid may be wrong. If you really feel that way, why wait another week for the MRI? That scares me! I too would wnder exactly how he knew what was going on without looking at it, which will involve the MRI. I know you had to wait what seemed like forever for this appointment, but...maybe schedule a follow up now, and by the time the appointment gets here you will have had the new meds for a week, and not have to wait even longer. It is not a good idea to let things press on the spine for too long, I wouldn't put it off, or delay due to their scheduling. Big hugs to you too.

Cindy--so how does the floor look? I know it isn't finished, but does it make it seem bigger already? That's what I noticed for some reason!!

Sherry--I read all of Janet Evanovich's books. I began the Stephanie Plum series when someone told me about them being placed in New Jersey, and that was where my youngest DD was living at the time. Stupid move by an immature girl!!! Anyway that's another story!! But I just read 12 Sharp. There is actually a website for the series, with a place to vote on who you want to play the characters in the movie....something they keep saying might happen. So far Sandra Bullock is in the lead for Stephanie according to my DD's, who both read them!

Diane--glad you had fun with your kids. It is the perfect time to teach a lesson in responsibility in drinking. Enjoy your special time!!

Patty--Hon, your plate is definitely FULL!!!!! Not too sure how to help you clean it off...but sure do wish I could help! When it comes to your kids, don't even try retracting those claws, it is a fight worth fighting for! I have a nephew, Chris (well I call him that, he is my best friends son) with ADHD, and he was diagnosed with several other learning disabilities as well, and to add to his distress with school, he was born with his little ears folded over on top, and he was picked on and treated like crap every day in school. Some days I would pick him up (I did his day care) and he would just lay in my lap and we cried. He is 23 now, and to remember it can still make me very emotional. And his Mom and I fought with the school many a time, it was all fairly new to them then, so cooperation was not as well mandated as it is now. At least you KNOW you have rights!! And they have you, a strong loving Mom to help them along. Now...my boy Chris, he is a diesel mechanic, married and has a 18 month old son. He still has issues, but he has learned coping mechanisms for his learning disabilities, as will your boys, because they are being shown they are worth it. Keep up the fight--when it gets hard, we are all here to listen and support!

Well I lost a filling, so am headed to the dentist today---yuck!!! And ya know Anne, i was thinking, there is no sense in both of us being chained to the potty chair...I'll just bring Kinsey to you!!!!!! LOL...nah I'm kinda attatched to the little munchkin'!

Betty--have you heard anything on your brother?

Beannie--glad to see you are still with us here, we worry when you disappear!

Darcy, Pat, Chris, Mary, and everyone I missed today--take care & hope to see you on here soon!!!


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Hey Y'All!

Another day in the salt mines.

Anne - good to see I am not the only one who vanished... it's good to see you! That 311 number is from the end of August or the beginning of September. So - it's a loss - but not dramatic. It seems like the darned scale sticks for weeks and then I drop a couple of pounds. Then it sticks again... *sigh*

Sherry - sign me up for the pumpkin chocolate Chip! MMMMM. I read a lot too. I like Janet. The romantic thriller is a nice change. I am waiting for the official start of the basketball season. I am going to follow the Mavs from the beginning this year. I have great hopes for them.

Dianne - I remember well when I lived in the NW that 70 was a balmy summer day. Just goes to show what a little acclimatizing can do to a gal. Brrrrr. 70 is my lower limit, now. Sounds like you had fun with your DD. I spent my 21st with my folks, too. Had my first legal drinks and watched the Bears slaughter the opposing team in the superbowl. (NO - I don't remember who it was. It was 1986 for heavens sake! lol!!)

Eileenie - I feel your pain darling. I hope those drugs are good. Demand whatever you think you need. Hugs!! My neck is a little better today. I still can't tilt my head back - but I have more range side to side and I can tell that I will be fine, again, soon.

Mandy - Hugs and much love. I know how hard it is to lose a beloved pet. It is good that he is no longer in pain. Try to keep that in the front of your mind. He is free to romp & play in kitty heaven. I am sending the warmest and most loving throughts your way. Hugs.

Cindy - at least you have the right attitude about the construction. So many people get so uptight about delays - and there are ALWAYS delays. Hope the finished product is all you could possibly want. Hugs!

Patty - my sister had the same problem with her son. The schools just don't want to deal with ADD - other than just making sure the kids are doped up - they don't want to make any special effort or take the time to do what needs to be done. I know that the school systems are over-loaded - but and educated teacher should be able to make the adjustment. Good luck with your fight.

Kat - I have been getting your cute e-mails! Sorry I have been so crazy busy at work to be able to get back to you on all of them. Have you noticed that most of the ADHD kids are really intelligent? I really think that it is some sort of an evolutionary shift. Their brains run so fast - which is why it is hard to get them to focus unless you really capture their attention. I felt that my nephew was just too bored to keep his mind on the schoolwork. Just a thought.

Well, after that wild ramble - I guess I had better get back to work.

Love you guys.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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