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October Chat

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Gooooooooooooood mornin folks,

Just got back from a nice Breakfast with DS. It was just a son and mom Breakfast because DH and my mom went for the bike run for Muscular Dystrophy. Windy day out there for them but, lots of sun so that's a good thing. I know they'll enjoy themselves and it give me alone time with DS. He's watching some horror flick so I'm in the computer room checking posts and I'll do some work work soon. I should be housecleaning but, I just don't have it in me to do it. The toilets are cleaned, laundry will be started, kitchen is picked up and swiped so that's it for me. I still have the office and my bedroom to clean but, thats just going to have to happen another day. If someone comes over I'll just shut the doors hahaha. Thinking about making a pumpkin chocolate chip cake later on. Something about baking just relaxes me.

Cindy - I think I found the orangecake recipe on Dunkin Hines website. I knew it was off of a cake box so I tried there and Betty Crocker. I'll let ya know if it's the right one. It's so easy to make and it's great in the springtime for something different. I use fat free coolwhip on it instead of frosting and applesauce instead of oil so it really helps cut back the calories and fat. Plus.....it's light and everyone loves it lol. Easy Peasy!

Anyone making anything good for dinner? I have no clue what to make. Although....we bought fresh haddock yesterday so I'm thinking a fish chowder but, the guys won't eat that only I will lol. Can't win. DH will bake the fish if I don't make the chowder hmmmm we'll see lol. DS doesn't eat fish at all so I guess he'll have to wing it. Usually he'll make himself mac and cheese because we don't eat that lol. Can ya tell how undecided I am and that I'm stalling on getting to work? hahaha. My bad.

They finally hired the supervisors to replace me :) yeaaaaaaaa :clap2: . Now we'll all have to meet to figure out the training schedules etc. So I'm going to have to move my desk....they said they'd give me an office but, considering there isn't one open office in the suite we'll see where they put me...ummm in a closet? lol. Who knows..probably another cubicle. I'm not happy about that but, not much I can do about it really. Complaining won't get me an office if there isn't any space ya know? We'll see what happens. One day at a time.

I've been pretty chipper lately and I guess I can chaulk that up to extra spirituality within in me lately. I've obtained my Reiki II training, balanced my chakras (meditation) and well....I really feel good. It's working and I'm going to keep doing it dang nabbit lol. Now...if I could only Reiki myself into doing exercise hmmm. Have to work on that lol. I really really REALLY want to be below 200 for the New Year....a gift to me. Means I need to get up and work for it. Anyone up to some type of exercise challenge? Something simple like 2 days out of 7 for the first 2 weeks, 3 days out of 7 for the next 2 etc until we build up to 3-4 days a week of something for 30 min a day? Anyone wanna join me? Chrispy and I are going to start November 6th week...come on gang...WE can do it!

ok gonna go surf a bit and then start some work...unless someone wants ta play and pull me away :guess hee hee LOVE YA!

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Good Morning everyone, hope your weekend is going well. Here things are quiet. I am glad they are notin an uproar, but I am feeling kinda bored!!! I could clean house, or work outside, but have decided to chat with y'all instead, it sounded much more fun!!!

Sherry...our group that was banded last April have done some challenges the last couple of months, and it has really helped motivate me!!! We started with just 30 minutes of moving 15 times in the month. Didn't matter what kind of exercise, just something that had you up and moving. Then this month, we upped it to 17 times in the month. And we added 5 minutes to the workout, and we each tried to do something out of our comfort zone, as far as exercise went. It didn't have to be harder, just different. In my case for instance, walking and Curves are my standards, I do them regularly. So for my new one, I used our bowling, and a Hula Hoop contest I did with my great niece. The bowling will be the keeper, we intend to go every week or so. But I am also thinking of taking the hula hoop to use during one of the rest stations at Curves. I made the 17 times even with all the issues with DH's health. There were days I had almost decided not to go to Curves, then I thought I have to, I won't make 17 if I don't!!! So far, from the sounds of it, we won't be adding a lot, maybe a minute or 2, but the add on for the month is to make sure we are getting our Water in. Something we have all admitted we are failing at! So we are going to challenge it!! I am all for a challenge here as well, or if you want to join us, I know you would be welcome!

Mandy...I know introducing a new kitty would be easier, sooner, rather than later, but let your heart guide you. The new kitty deserves that as well as all of you. When the right one twitches it's whiskers, you will know it, whether it is on a visit to the shelter, or in a box outside of Walmart! Let yourself heal a bit, without feeling rushed. Big hugs to all of you.

Patty...Did you or the bank have a police report filled out? When a family member dealt with an identity theft issue, the police report was very important, it helped her with the credit bureau and in a situation like yours, she had the report to show to her landlord, and it helped get her the time she needed to make her rent. You might call and ask, if you haven't already got one. Hope all gets better for you quickly.

Dianne...I am so glad your meds are agreeing with you. It is good to be happy again isn't it??!! Glad you had a good time at the inlaws.

Eileen...how's the back? Continuing to improve I hope. As far as your pain meds go, if you need them...try taking them in the pieces you chop them up in, justa bit at a time. You be the control in the time release!! My SIL had to do that. She would take a piece of her pill with a cracker or something, and then in 30-45 minutes later another small piece with a bite of something. That way the pieces are not all in your little pouch dissolving at one time. And maybe eventually it would be enough to give you some pain relief.

Cindy...are you stuck in a corner somewhere surrounded by construction? I hate remodeling for the same reasons!! I am a creature of habit, I have my chair, I always sit in, my same dining room chair to eat in, my hair and make-up in the same place to use every time. I get displaced and all is messed up!!! Even traveling, DH teases me, because I get somewhere, and I set the motel room to being Mine!!! Putting my things where I want them!!! I sympathize with the chaos!!! But it will so be worth it!

Mary...I hear ya on the dog issue. One minute I want a little house dog, that can sit in my lap. But the next I want a bigger outside dog I can take walking and can handle young kids. Will likely go somewhere in the middle! A mid size dog, who can be in and out both!!! When the time comes I will just see who needs me most I guess! Have fun with all your Halloween festivities!! I miss that. We will have grandkids, and kids everywhere! I ran a day care for over 20 years here, so "my" kids are now bringing their own kids to my house!!! We usually have food, whether it be a pot of chili, or stew, or buy pizza. We have snack stuff out, veggies & chips and dip. I used to bake sugar Cookies or make donuts, and let all the kids (the ones I know!!!) decorate thier own treat. But that got too chaotic as the #'s grew!!! I will have some very special treats for my special kids, and lot's of candy for all the trick or treaters, we usually get in the neighborhood of 200 I'd say.

Where's everyone at? Probably out raking leaves like I should be!!!

Take care all!!!


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I just finished raking the leaves, Oreo wanted to run and play in them sooo bad. I made her stay inside. I also did the 3M plastic on my windows. They are pretty well sealed but it's $12 to buy the kits and it makes me think it is warmer in here. I am going to do the basemwnt windows next but I need DH help with those. I figure if I save a few bucks on my heating bill the plastic is worth it. The nice thing about the 3M brand is that you heat it with a blow dryer and it gets as smooth as the glass, you can't even see it from the outside, or the inside for that matter. The bad side is that my OCD made me clean the windows before I could put the plastic up, so that is how I have spent my morning, cleaning windows, the house and raking leaves. Can you tell I am trying to keep my mind busy? I have also made lunch, made a sugar free pie for dessert tonight and have everything ready to make dinner already. It's 1:40, I think I need a nap. I made a pot roast in the crock pot last night and I am turing it into beef and veggie stew for dinner the family will have rice or Pasta to go with it, I will do my wheat thins. I made a sugar free banana cream pie for dessert. Tomorrow I have to bake cupcakes for dd halloween party at school. I am also providing a craft for the kids, so I have to get that ready to go too. Thank God for Oriental trading company, the craft is all cut out, and in bags, I just have to get the glue and stuff together. I was much smarter this year, I ordered halloween, thanksgiving and Christmas crafts all at the same time, I saved $15 on shipping this way, and I was able to get everything I wanted for Christmas, last year I had to go with my 4th choice. I guess they sell out fast. I am starting to think that teaching is what I want to do when Abi starts school full time next year. I called and checked into being a teachers Aid, it is just a certification via test here. (ne degree required) I am signing up for the test that is being offered in Jan 07. I want to work with special Ed, that is where I have been volunteering for the last 8 years. I think I just got way off topic of my post, but that is how my mind is woking right now. I'll be back later, Spongebob is on and Abi wants me to watch it with her. ~Mandy

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Happy Sunday everyone.

I got up today to set the clocks back, still can't do the VCR.... anyway I started watching TV pastors since I can't go to church this morning(need to save gas) and they both quoted the same scripture. That gave me peace. Then one of the said "hedge of protection" and thats exactly what Dianne said!

Then I read Sherry's post and her sunny dispostion has come out west and I too feel sunny and chipper. I have been in the kitchen making shredded Hawaiian pork and steamed rice and after I watch my movie I will be making my homemade Funnel Cake, yummmm warm with powdered sugar. The boys will love coming home to that. My school district has the next 2 days off and I have scheduled Garretts annual peds check up for Mon. and Lewis & I will be getting flu shots on Tues and a visit to Disneyland. I figured if I have to drive to Santa Ana to get a shot, might as well drive home thru Anaheim to see Mickey Mouse.

Kat:You mentioned a police report, didn't know I needed one. I just might swing by my bank branch for an avidavit or documentation to show that I'm not a fault.

Well, my rice has just finished cooking and I have a few more hours of peace and quiet before the boys rush in. Have a happy day.

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Hi everyone!! It has only been a few days since I've visted LBT, but man it seems like I've missed so much!! Hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed their weekend. Where-o-where did it go? lol.

So today I marched in a Halloween parade with my 2 year old neice. She was so cute! I will post a pic once I get them on my computer. I was a bat, and she was Cinderella. It was a great way to get in some exercise too.

Speaking of exercise....Sherry and I are going to start taking Country Line Dancing lessons together once a week. How fun! I've taken a couple classes in the past, and it's a great workout. I'm all about the work outs that are fun.

So this was my first full week of mushies. It was wonderful! lol. My weight fluctuated a lot over the week, but this morning when I weighed in I was the same. That is fine with me, especially considering I have my TOM anyway. I figured mushies would stall things a bit, so I'm not concerned. I need to take it easy though. I overdid it yesterday moving around a bunch of clothes. I was a little sore this morning when I woke up.

Well I think I'm going to head to bed early tonight. I'm wiped! Talk to you all soon!

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Hello Y'all!

I'm tired and ready to kick back and rest. Didn't do much other than work around the house cleaning, cooking, laundry, you know that same stuff we all do every weekend. :)

I tried catching up on some of the other threads, but when you are tired, you just don't do a good job of anything. At least I don't!

We set our clocks back an hour last night, we were supposed to get an extra hour of sleep but all I did was wake up and hour earlier! WTF!

Anyway, just dropped in to say hello and let you know I am still kicking.

I'll try to catch up tomorrow!

G-Night and good dreams!

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How come I still can't get my ticker for weightloss to work? I've tried more than a dozen times and can't get it to stick! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

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guess I figured it out...didn't think I had more than 1000 characters but, ok hahaha. Time for bed...may of gained an hour sleep but I feel like it's an hour later lol Hugs to you all and have a great and shrinking week hee hee

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Hey Y'All

Another glorious day in mortgage lending. Actually, it's pretty tame around here for month-end.

DH and I ended up running around more than I had intended this weekend... groceries, a couple of trips to Walmart - that sort of thing. Nothing exciting happened - my favorit kind of weekend.

I did get 301.4 on my scale this morning - and that is pretty exciting. I won't start jumping up & down until I see that number for more than one day, though. I need to do liquids for a few days or something - cause I REFUSE to go back to my doc's office until at least MY scale says I am under 300 lbs. My appointment is for Thursday. *sigh*

DH and I are off to the gym tonight for a quick workout before I head for home to put the finishing touches on the gypsy costume. I made a wine-purple brocade skirt - also suitable for RenFair and an off the shoulder chemise that I will wear as a peasant shirt with the skirt. Tonight I have to whip up a wide belt and a head-scarf & shawl. I will have DH take my picture if I think of it. I hope it all comes together well.

Well - Hugs to all. I have to get back to the madness.


**Oops - almost forgot - I will be in NYC next week Tuesday, Nov. 7 thru Friday, Nov. 10.

lunch, Eileenie?

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Hi, I'm not in a corner, but almost!

Today was the big moving day at school...I am now mostly out of my old room, and in my new room...I just got my computer set up in my new room, so thought I'd make a quick post to say hi before I left for the day. The new "me" and I worked together in my old room most of the day, and tomorrow I will be in there less. And so on, until by the week's end, she's got the whole thing, and I'll start finding my little writing students and working with them.

It's weird. But, I like it.

At home, more transition. They are putting the poly protective sealant on today...have no idea what it will smell like, or even if I can walk on it when I get home. Guess I'll soon find out.

The tile guy is schedule to tile the bathrooms on Wednesday, so had to get those ready also...then tomorrow is Halloween, so it's Trick-or-Treat time, too....so much to think about!

Well, just wanted you all to know I was still alive, and not buried under a pile of sawdust!

Luv ya, Cindy

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Sherry-You sound so happy that's great! I bet you'll make your New Years wish you don't have far to go. I've been ding good with exercise and evertime I try do do something like that I screw my self up. But good luck!

Kat-I love your groups challenges! That is a really good idea.

Mandy-WOW are you taking anything for all that energy.

Patty-You are so cool! I have been praying for you. We are in a bind right now I wish I could help you though. Hang in there.

Chrispy-What a cute costume. Glad your feeling well.

Betty-I'm exhausted too. I don't know what it is. Stinks though I was up this morning ready to dance at 5!

Eileen-Have fun tomorrow with DD!!

Beanie-I'm excited for you!!! It's happening! Yippieee!

Cindy-You will have to post before and after pics for us of the house. Sounds like it is going to be beautiful!

Well I have been trying to make sales calls to get at least 2 more advertisers by next Wednesday. Say a little prayer! I do love doing what I do but I hate being stood up! That happened twice today..errr..my gas and time!

I will be home tomorrow passing out candy. DD promised to hang home with me and help. I would like to dress up but I have a sales appointment and don't think it's a real good first impression, but I may change my mind.

I brought my candy over a month ago and haven't opened it up yet. I sure hope I won't try anything when I do open it. I am on a losing streak right now and don't want to lose it!

Have fun tomorrow.

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:P Ewwwwwww really really bad at dinner tonight :) that just didn't wanna sit down and there was no walking it off. Now my tummy is gurglin and I can't tell if it's because I'm hungry or because my tummy is empty cause it all came back at me plus. ewwwwwwwwww hate when that happens, fortunately it's been weeks if not a month since it happened last. Cripe even my shoulders hurt and I saw stars. Hmmmm I think I gave you the picture lol

Well...gotta go rest for a while. Love ya!

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Sunsett, unfortunatly grief is fueling my energy burst. I tend to go crazy cleaning and stuff when stress is bad. I also ate an entire bag of Gummy worms this weekend, and I don't even like the damn things. To make it worse I have to bake cupcakes tonight, and then have a halloween party at school tomorrow.I am going to shove several cupcakes into my pants, just to cut out the middle man, since they are going right back to my butt anyway. Can ya' tell I am having a bad day? I got a note from dd's teacher today, she says Abi was looking for attention all day??? What? she's five don't they all have days like that? The parents also got a note asking for party donations for tomorrow, nothing like last min. request. There was no prior notice of a party or anything. I figured she had other moms throwing a party, but no she just didn't make any plans. I need a stiff drink, and giant chocolate cake to wash it down with....band help me, I need a mental break...Mandy

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On one hand it feels like just yesterday that Cindy got ahead of herself (!) and started the October thread, and in other ways it feels like I have lived a lifetime in that month!! Does this mean I am officially old??? :cry

Mandy--when you run out of things to do....my house is up for grabs!! I hate that kind of teacher!! We had one in 4th grade, the woman was horrid, she taught by embarassing the kids into submission. Now she is the principal of that school! I am so glad my kids are out of school! Poor Abi, I hate that she isn't in a loving environment, give her an extra big hug from me.

Dianne--so far so good on the challenges. I enjoy knowing someone is keeping me accountable!! Plus I get good exercise ideas from them! They laugh at my exercises....hauling wood, branding cows, building fences...but hey it all burns calories, and build muscle!!

Awwwww Sherry.....I'm sorry you're sick. I'm sitting here wondering if I should even try to eat dinner, I feel bubbly. Wierd I know, but is the best way I can describe it!

Beannie--glad to see your scale moving mine is stuck. But my inches dropped a bit so will not complain...too loudly!!! Wonder if candy could be the culprit, if only I had Dianne's will power..may have to sneak over in the night and steal hers!

Cindy--poor you is there nowhere in your life not in an upheaval right now?? You handle with such grace and good humor, I am impressed, might have to try to take that away too!! :P

Eileen--how is the back? Boss GO AWAY!!!

Betty--glad you dropped in, wish you would have cleaned at my house!!

Chris--Woo Hoo mushies AND line dancing?? You go girl!!! Dancing is fun--I love to go! And it is fun exercise. Might have to use that on my next months challenge!

Patty--Still hanging in there girl? Any news today on your account?

Darcy--Are we gonna have to ...I was gonna say shed...but I really AM!!! ok, am I going to have to pee in the carpet or act like a bad puppy to get you in here???!!!

OK off to fix dinner....catch up with all of you later..time got away from me!


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