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Oh Mandy, I am so sorry to hear about furbaby! Losing a pet is so tough! I'll be thinking of you and sending my positive energy your way.

Eileen - so sorry to hear things aren't feeling any better. You are right to press on if you think something else is going on. You have to be your own advocate.

Hi everyone else!!! I hate being back at work. I don't have as much time to post anymore. lol. Hope you're all doing well!

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I think I have made peace with my little boy crossing over the bridge. He is in a much better place now. We took him to the cremation place and they gave us a few minutes to say our last goodbyes. I held him and thanked him for the wonderful memories, love and faithful companionship he has always given. He left us and took a small piece of our hearts with him. Today was warm and sunny, I believe it was him smiling back down at us. I am thankful for the support and love you guys have expressed, it means more than you could possibly know. Thanks everyone. ~Mandy

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Mandy:You are just the sweetest gal. I've always felt that way about you from the moment I joined LBT. Proud to call you a sister - Hugs. I neglected to say my condolences for your kitty. The warm sunshine was a fitting goodbye. About the phone call..... hmmmmm. I would love it, in fact this weekend Iam free from children -- maybe then? PM me when you get a chance.

Kat:Clean your plate! That was SO absolutely appropriate. Teheeeee, still giggling. Thank you for your unending support. Greatful doesn't describe my feelings. Hugs.

Eileen:I agree with Kat, maybe you shouldn't wait for that MRI. Please give us an update.

Rene:The salt mines are not a nice place to be. Sending you thoughts of the tropics.

Well, gotta go make dinner and watch "Lost"- yeah! TTYL

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Good Morning,

Yep you all know I was on Ebay.. Again

Well it is raining here or rather I think it is lite snow then melting when it hits the ground. I too want to stay in Bed till spring!!!

Mandy ~ I am so sorry about your Furry baby.. My heart goes out too you.. Hugs & Prayers

Eileen ~ Get the MRI as soon as you can. Prayers & HUGS

Patty ~ I am with you there girlfriend ~ I am constantly checking on my son and his teachers at school to see exactly how they handle him. Right now he has a teacher who has a child with ADHD so it helps that she knows what to expect and how to handle him when he has skipped his meds. Wishing you the best in getting the meeting set and getting them to comply.

Prayers that you load is lightened.

Dianne ~ you are truly blessed ~ Great that she wanted to share the memory with her parents.. (EDI ~ Electronic Data Interchange) just one of those fancy words.

Cindy ~ Just think of the end when it is all complete..

Sherry ~ "Yummy for the Tummy" as my little one says. I got this low cal Bananna bread with blueberry from a friend. I have yet to make it.

Hi Annie ~ you sure have been busy... HI

Betty ~ How are you doing in balmy Texas?? How is your foot? How is your DB doing? What happened to the dogs?

Pat ~ HI

Kat ~ You getting snow over there today? I dont even want to venture out!! BRRRRRRRRR to cold. How is DH hubby doing???

Hey Darcy ~ how are you doing? Busy?

Have to tell you all that one of my Suppliers was so happy with me finishing up their year end report on the actual cut off date. They sent my boys chocolate covered apples.. Let me say they were good or tasting it was good. And at work not a mention of increase in pay ~ figures!!!

Other than that just relaxing and doing curves twice a week ~ that is my goal.. I go today but do not want to come out in the snow.. gots to do it..

Well better get in the shower if I want to get to work


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Good Morning Y'all!

It's going to be 84 today, then storms this afternoon. I just hope I get home from work before they start. I just hate driving on the Interstate when it's raining so hard you can't see. UGH!

DB is doing a little better with his thumb, he said they changed the dressing yesterday (his wife is a RN) and it scared him to death because it was really white. He thought he lost the it. But he said it got a little more color to it later in the day, I sure hope the flap doesn't die because then he might lose the rest of his thumb. He is in better spirits though and that is good. He's a smoker, and they told him he couldn't smoke because the flap might not heal, so it has been double hard for him with the non smoking and the pain.

Eileen - Girl, don't wait, if you are in that much pain, you need to find out what is causing all of it. I stayed with a doctor for 7 months that kept telling me I was better and I couldn't even walk or sit. I wasted 7 months on pain and still wasn't any better. Just get a second opinion if nothing else. Let us know how you are doing. Hugs!

Mary - They are getting rid of the dogs, I don't know if they did it yet or not, but they will as soon as they find them a home.

Patty - You certainly have your plate full girl, my heart goes out to you. Being a single mother is really hard, and to have more problems is really tought. Keeping you in my prayers!

Mandy - I am so sorry about your cat. He is in cat heaven, looking down and still with you, he always will be.

Well, I know again that I didn't even get to say anything to a lot of you, but I have to leave in 15 minutes and I'm not even dressed!

Good morning Cindy, Beanie, Diane, Sherry, Anne, Pat, Kat, Darcy, and Chrispy and everyone else I missed!

Have a great day!

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Hey All...

Mandy... I am sooooo sorry for you loss... death is so hard on those of us left behind. I know that I have been so sick that I almost wished for death and so I imagine your sweet boy is happy to be free of the little body that was so ill. (((hugs)))

Eileen... I wouldn't wait long for that MRI. You are the one walking around in constant pain... get a second opinion if needed. In regards to the physical therapy... most of what they did when I had back issues was very tolerable. They did heat therapy and a some very gentle exercises. It did help a little but I also was not in severe pain when I started the therapy. If your nerve is being compressed that is nothing to mess around with... the squeeky wheel gets the oil... make some noise girl. (((Hugs)))

Betty... OMIGOD... that is awful about your brother! I pray that he heals quickly and that he can find the strength to leave the cigs alone... I sure know how hard that is. Puppies are so sweet... but sometimes we forget that they really are wolves in sweet breed specific clothing. I imagine if Ava was in a fight with another dog that my first instinct would be to separate them... I hope the other side of my brain would lead me to the Water hose or a horn on a car or something else to distract. Hopefully I will never have to find out.

Patty... Sorry about the troubles with school. My sister has a son that has a cognative disability that is yet to be diagnosed and she has been down to the school several times this year already. He is in K and is supposed to have a parapro (sp?) assigned to help him... HA... that didn't happen until she went down there with her claws out...lol. Anyhoo... on the bright side... he can now write his name (Ian) which was his goal for the school year. Keep on fighting for your boys... it will make a difference!

Anne... It is so good to see you! Unfortunately... your post is not on this page for my old brain to review and now I can't remember a dadgum thing you said...lol. Getting old sucks.

Beanie... Hope your neck feels better soon! We are all going to have to have to meet in wheel chairs at this rate!

Kat... Hope everything went well at the dentist... I went to the torture chamber yesterday and lived to talk about it so I'm sure you will too!

Mary... You are the busy lady... I'm just walking around in circles...lol.

Chris... Is your port site all healed up???

Sherry... You really are a ray of sunshine. Just wanted you to know that your posts always make me smile. Oh... and if you ever want to come here and make bread... my kitchen is a loaf short. :)

Dianne... Hope you all had fun celebrating!

Cindy... Once the floor is done it will ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL be worth it! Just get your socks primmed and ready for a run and slide!

Pat... Get your arse in here and post.

Hugs to anyone I missed!

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Hi everyone!

We are having a blood drive here at school. I already gave, so I have my pretty blue bandage!

I always try not to post on other threads, but the one that John posted on molestation (he has a friend who he found out was molesting his own children...it's very sad) got me interested...I wanted to give him some support. I"m glad I did, but then I had to read other people's philosophical beliefs on the subject, and the poor guy just wanted to express his hurt feelings, and then gets the big guilt trip. What is wrong with people?

More later, Cindy

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Hi Goils,

Sorry can't post much today... boss is here. I'm doing better today, new pain killers are working nicely :) Propoxnaps ACET100 .... but my tummy is very very upset.. not sure if its the drugs or the food I ate at lunch. I"M FALLING APART heheheheheh !!

Gotta run, but will be back to post personals... luv you gals.

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Hi All.

I'm just going to start off with a little rant - since I can and I am feeling a little pissy right now.

My work is getting all snotty about when I show up. I have been working from 9:30-10 am thru 7:30 or 8 pm (or later) on a consistent basis. Certainly, the company was getting a great deal - cause I ALWAYS work at least 8 hours and usually work 9-10 hrs. Now they want me to come in earlier - which means more traffic and more time on the freeway, vs. time at home drinking coffee with my husband.

I have always been very generous with my time - to the company's benefit - but now, because my flaky-assed co-workers work less than 8 hrs a day and come and go as they please, we ALL have to conform.

Why do Screw-ups have to ruin it for everybody? One of the great joys of my life was that I could work a flexible schedule and saved an extra half hour each way by working the hours that I work. Plus - for a caveman like me (Throg get up when sun shine! Dark for Sleep!) the hours made working acceptable. I am what we call "Royally Pissed" right now.

I will try to calm myself enough to respond to my pals!

Crispy - I know what you mean. I keep trying to think of things I can do to become independently wealthy so I can quit the rat race and go home. I haven't figured our anything plausible, yet. *sigh*

Mandy - Hugs and Love.

Patty - thanks for the Luau dreams, Hon. Keep your chin up. We all love you. Perhaps a child-free weekend will be relaxing for you.

Mary - I am a little down on work right now - but I wouldn't expect to see any actual cash response to your happy customers. From the perspective of the boss - that is what you are SUPPOSED to be doing - making them happy. *sigh* Work sucks.

Betty - I am not looking forward to the drive home in the downpour, either. I am hoping it will be over before I leave - although I expect to be leaving a little earlier tonight - and every night from now on! grrrr. deep calming breaths....

Darcy - my neck is getting a little better every day, now. I knew it would. It was just a tension/stress thing. I am sure that by next week I will be able to do neck rolls with the best of them. For now, I am just bending from the waist. I sorta almost have one, again. :]

Cindy - I agree. Poor John. He was just pouring out his shock and disgust and suddenly he got the whole illness vs evil debate. It really doesn't matter whether you consider molesters sick or evil - the remedy is the same. Get them off the street. How horrible would it be for you to find out someone you were close to - someone you loved - is and had been a molester. I can't even imagine.

Eileenie - Hugs!! Glad the drugs are working - sorry your tummy is queasy.

Well - I have to get back to it. I am past my lunch hour - and in this new world of conformity, that is unacceptable - no matter that I would make up the time tonight... All hail the clock. Master of all.


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Beanie, my question again, "What is wrong with people?" Why DOES everything have to be uniform? Why is that fair? What IS fair is that each person work what they are expected to work...8 hours, I suppose, in your business, probably more. I suppose these people don't want to punch a clock, do they? Too professional for that? (Gets out soapbox) See, the politically correct crowd strikes again...we are not allowed to judge, so it is not possible to tell Worker A that he is deficient and needs to show up for his 8 hours and document them. To avoid the impression that his work is being "judged" everyone must come and go at the same time. It is my pet peeve DELUXE!

I'll be PO'd for you, Beanie!

Thanks for understanding about John...thank goodness there is a corner of sanity in the world. Seriously, thank God! What would I do without our corner of the world?

Hugs to all, Cindy

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Welllllllllllllllll hidey hohoho neighbors, No I'm not stress free...more like delirious I think lol Stinking tired..yeap that be me. Auntie Flo came right on over for her monthly meeting with me and she's got my panties in a bunch..errrr not literally hahaha. Things at work are just nuts. (Sounds like a theme here huh Bean?) I'm in job limbo and it's tough. They still haven't picked a supervisor to take my place and it's going to take quite some time to transition. The current account manager is so busy doing his new duties that he really doesn't have much time to do the managing of the account. I feel like I'm doing double duty and have been for quite a while. I've told my boss...well my supervisor position boss...about what I"m going through and as much as she understand she's unable to help me. My new boss...isn't really my boss yet...cause I haven't moved into the job yet. UGH. LIMBOOOOO and I have a bad back lol Thissssss toooo shallllllllllll passssssss. Ok I feel better hahaha.

Bean - It is terrible that a few abusers change things for everyone but, let me spin that one. I work in an office of about 80. Of which 60 are office staff like you and me. We kinda had flex time but, as usual people abused it. We work with insurance companies and they work business hours. We can't do our work without them being there. Some staff came in really early before the ins companies...others came in really late working past the ins comp hours. Hence wasted, unproductive hours were being worked. Sooo my company kinda curbed that a bit. Now we have 3 shifts to pick from. Of course the abusers....they're back lol. You just can't win. It sucks in a way but, when you're a supervisor or manager...well sometimes you just have to do this stuff to run the company better. Every business is different though...but for the healthcare business I know we had to do it too. Of course there are always other things that people abuse and ruin for people like breaks, lunches, Snacks etc. I really hate it when they ruin stuff for others. Like you I work more than my 8 a day...usually more like 10-11 for me and sometimes weekends. Craziness huh? I think we all need to find a business we enjoy and can do from home hee hee. Sorry the abusers ruined it for you.

Cindy - I haven't seen john's thread. Not sure I know who John. I tend to keep to our thread since all the other trouble was out there...guess I need to venture more. Sooooo ya gave blood...you're such a sweetie for doing that. I tried to give blood :) But me veins say no, no, maybe, nope lol. I was able to give once but the person taking it had to stay with me and manipulate the pint bag so the blood would keep flowing. I tried again and it was a no go. I said "can't ya take it from my neck or something" lol I was serious! I have AB+ so they really need it but, I can't give it :) DH gives double reds when he goes. He's do to give again. He's got perfect veins and the nurses are like vampires seeing him come around the corner hahaha.

Darcy - I'm glad I put a smile on your face or give ya a chuckle. So ya wanna come train my Jake. The dang dog just doesn't get it haha. I love him, he's adorable but errrrrrrr he's kinda thick in the skull hahaha. Was out walking on my pool cover again grrrr. I'm so afraid it will rip and he'll sink. We have to go get a fence to put up on the deck so he won't go a walking and playin in da Water. Silly dog. He's my chewer too UGH. Put a chew toy in his pen to keep him busy...oh it sure did. He ripped it to shreads...Hey momma come see what I did. As he wags his tail at me lol Picky bushes seem to love him too! he drags in all kinds of things lol

Eileen - Glad to hear something is helping you but, I certainly hope they can do something to stop it permanently for you. I just hate having to take medicines. Tell Boss Man he's a pain in your butt that is radiating to your back hee hee. You'll have a day off then for sure huh? hee hee my bad

Betty - Did you say 84? Holy scorcha (said with Massachusetts accept). We haven't had temps over 65 I think in over two weeks. DH and my mom are going on a motorcycle run from Boston to Salem on Sunday. It's for Muscular Dsytrophy (spelling?). My mom has leathers...I do not and won't order them until I'm closer to goal so my riding days are over for the season. It's ok though cause mom loves it and hasn't been able to go in quite some time. Have you been able to ride your bike?

Patty - How are you making out with the school? So sorry you have to go through all that stuff to get what your boys deserve. I realize resources aren't always easy for school systems but, come on. You're boys are lucky they have a momma like you who will fight for them. So many children don't have that. You're amazing to me...you do so much...I wish you the best. Love and light to you and your boys.

Mandy - I'm so sorry about your kitty :ban: I haven't lost cuddly pet. I lost Herbie my parakeet when I was a teen and a hamster my son had when he was little but, that's it. I now have two beautiful golden retrievers that I love....so I can only imagine what you're going through. Bless his soul for being such a good pet and I'm sure he's purring and sitting on someone specials lap right now keeping them company :D

Mary - Do employers ever speak of raises other than promotions or annual reviews? I swear if they can get away with it they do but, what can you do.....make your case if you feel you deserve one. List all your duties before they laid people off (or fired them) and make a separate list of all the duties you now have to do in addition to them. The hours your working etc. After preparing it all...there is no harm in asking. The worse they can say is no and you're salary stays the same...but if they say yes....yippee for you right? The apple sounds nice :D I make them during the holidays....caramel, two or three different types of chocolate drizzled on top and some candies or nuts. Make nice gifts.

Kat - Thanks for the website hint I'll have to go surfin. Her books are fun aren't they? They definately keep my interest..which can be hard to do after working 10 hours lol. How is DH doing today? How are you holding up?

Chrispy - Girl....you're moving right along. I see that ticker moving. Wahoo for you! How are those mushies? and.....LEAVE THOSE scars alone will ya lol

I know I'm missing peeps..and I'm so sorry :faint: advanced only goes back so far :lol: Hope everyone is doing well and shrinking. Bend and stretch and bend and stretch...ummm my fingers as I'm typing that is hahahaha bye bye

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Oh Eileen-I'm so sorry it is horrible when your back is like that. Are you doing any stretches like the camel back one? I went to a PT this last time and I learned so much and it helped so much.

AW Mandy-I'm so sorry. It is so painful to lose an animal. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cindy-Glad to hear the floors are almost done. Our SS class is starting Living an Extradinary Life by Charles Stanley. I just picked it up tonight so I can get a head start.

Patty-I understand what your going through. Stand tall and keep doing what your doing! Your such a good Mommy.

Beanie-We had a fun night. I'm exhausted tonight though bed early tonight for me.

Chrispy-How is work and the band going?

Mary-I can't believe it's snowing there! Or anywhere. It is so cold here too. I agree Hibernation time!

Betty-I feel so bad for your DB.


I gotta run DH want s to hang out together so I can't finish reading up. Have a good night everyone and I'll fill you all in as soon as I can.

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Man, O Man...... you guys aren't gonna believe this!

Yesterday I went to buy Lewis a pair of blue jeans when my ATM card was denied. Hmmmmm, did I use up all my money? Not account for a bill? Sorta freaked me out. Bought the pants and raced to the bank. Tried the ATM -- the screen message read "Sorry we can't help you, thanks for stopping by".... OK now I'm REALLY freakin out! Picked up all the kids and jammed home, fired up the computer to check accounts. What I found was 3 ATM transactions from a foreign country that totalled $1500. WHOA When I called the bank they had spotted the fraudulent activity earlier in the day and closed my account. The ATM withdrawals were from Canada from someone who not only found my account # but my PIN#. How does that happen?? It took me all night to calm down and then my TOM started -- Could we just stop the world and let me off for a little while?

Today I am required to go to the bank and sign papers. My money will be restored into my acct mid next week, and new card being mailed later also. In the meantime, my life has been turned upside down and I don't feel safe anymore. This is the second time stuff like this has happened to me, the other thing involved my stolen checks 4 years ago. I am just tapped out. Going to work now, and then to the bank. Pray.

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Good morning!

Sherry, blessings to you for a wonderful and up beat post! We share the same blood type, AB+! How 'bout that?

Mandy, still hugging you, and hope you are finding peace with kitty's passing. You know, looking back, it wouldn't surprise me that Oreo showed up just when he did to be there for you during this time. God is good.

Eileen, Hope you are feeling better...what are doin' this weekend?

I thought I'd get more written, but just got a bunch of kids in here...more later!


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Hi Guys

just stopping by to check in. I had to run to the store during lunch today to get the finishing stuff for my gypsy costume.

Patty - just a hint for the new card - never write your pin number down - never save it to your computer. If you have your bank account number and stuff saved on your computer - take them off.

With high speed internet - hackers can get right into your desktop - and take anything you have saved to it away with them.

Sorry you are having a tough day. Hugs!!

Love all of you - but I have to run. Hope everybody has a Spooktacular Weekend.


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