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Kat - No, we didn't ask anyone, we just did it. :D I have to say that we live in a cul-da-sac though, and it is uphill too. All the parents of the kids loved the idea that they could stop at the bottom and get stuff from 5/6 houses and not walk all the way up. We love it because it's another excuse to have a party for all of us!:tsk: ;):(

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Eileen, I was hoping you'd feel a lot better, but Monday isn't too far off, and I hope they figure out what might help you!

Sherry, I haven't gone to the picture thread yet, but will right after this! Thanks for your offer on the pictures...when I do them, I'll email them to you or Darcy...whoever's up for it!

Please forgive the short personal list tonite...we just got back from the birthday parties, and then moved a bunch of stuff out of the house, and I'm just pooped!

Oh yeah, Darcy and I chatted on Pogo last night, and it was so much fun! She surprised me while I was playing Mahjong...it was so cool!!!!!

Love you guys!


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Good Morning Y'all!

It is a bit chilly here this morning, (40's) and I hauled out my sweats!:D

We had a great time at lunch with my DB and SIL, then we got home and the neighbors invited us over for drinks and dinner! It was pure pleasure not to worry about cooking/cleaning all day!

Today I have to get done what I didn't do yesterday, laundry, cleaning and cooking! I think I will make up a big pot of chili to take to work this week since it is going to be cool. I am going to cook ribs for dinner tonight, that way it will warm up the kitchen too!:D

So, what are y'all doing to do today?

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Hello All, Went to Savers today but, didn't see much there. Seems all picked over. Mom says they sometimes have everything at 50% off and thinks they did that yesterday since there wasn't much left in the store. It's hit or miss with that type of store. We had fun though..went to lunch after and just got home. It's now 2:44pm and I have to start doing some work I took home to do to get me ahead of the game this week.

Has anyone spotted the crockpot thread yet? Some nice recipes on it just in case you're interested :D

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Good Evening :D

Cindy you show that scale who's boss WHOOT! Glad you had fun at the BD party.

Kat, I still can't believe DH is out having fun.... my stars... HE ROCKS !!!! The house decorating thing sounds like fun. We built our house with our own two hand..... no help from contractors so I dont think "I" would do another home... thats where I got the bad back from... laying sub floors, lifting plywood, sheet rock, french drains, paving stones.... uh LOLOL.

Sherry I love my crock pot but don't cook in it often. There's a website that has a gazillion recipies...even cake... imagine that. Sorry you didn't get any bargins today... next time you will :D

Betty its cold here too, chili sounds great...save me a bowl :D I can't make a good chili.... I dunno why*shrug* That is cool what your street does for halloween. Kids dont come down my street unless they live on the street. There are no sidewalks, no street lights and its very woodsy...... creepy.

Mary I'm sorry to hear about your fish... I love mine too and would feel horrible if something happens to them (I have 2). Did you find anything at the pound? Good luck on the weekend working... I don't know if I could do it anymore... I feel to old for just about anything lately LOLOL. CONGRATS on joining curves.... WTG lady !!!!

Back feels a little better today, I am actually sitting in my chair but when I get up OY is it gonna hurt LOLOL. Tomorrow I go to the spine specialist ....eeeeeeeeeeegads !!! I'm gonna have him check out my knees to b/c they have arthritis in them and I wanna see whats happening with them. ... they hurt alot lately as well.

Well I'm gonna get me a drink of iced tea, jump in the shower and then off to bed.

Have a great evening everyone.... TTYT.


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Just popping in to say a quick hello!

I think we are going to subsist on frozen pot pies and dinners while this construction is ongoing...we don't have anywhere to sit to eat! LOL! It's a weird feeling...tomorrow I'll leave for work, and who KNOWS what it will be like when I get home?

Eileen, good luck tomorrow!

Sherry, keep looking around; I know you have your favorite places to find good inexpensive clothes. I usually rely on Walmart for some things, Target for others. Love the clearance racks, too...anywhere! Good luck!

Betty, your parties sound like a great time! Hope you didn't have to work doubly hard today to make up for it.

Kat, glad DH is doing so well; you really are amazing!

Gotta run now...I'm rooming in DD's room for the rest of Phase 1, and I need to be sure my alarm clock is set for the right time in there!

This is quite an adventure!

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Hi everyone! The Parade of Homes was alot of fun. But have to say that the most fun was realizing my own house was paid for...and not looking to finance anything like that! My Gosh,one of the houses they showed an average 30 yr. loan, and the payments were over $3500.00 a month--and it was not the most expensive of thehomes we looked at...it just seemed unbelievably expensive to me. I mean DH makes good money but holy smoke, that would make my budget shudder!!! Saw some awesome homes...and found some things I wouldn't mind trying out. But we ran out of time so will see the remainder next weekend. Michele is planning to build a home within the next couple of years, and she is looking to build a monster of a home, so she was getting lots of info and ideas. It was a fun day. In the end my DH only ended up buying 2 laptop computers at the auction...nothing too drastic!!

Eileen--glad the back is feeling a bit better, and the visit with the Dr. is coming up quickly now. I was worried about you making it to tomorrow..and you did it!!! We have no plans whatsoever about building our own home...we are not carpenters...and we are getting too old! We have an Aunt and Uncle in Texas who just built (well are still finishing) a really cool house, it makes me want to in ways...but I also remember how long she lived in a little mobile home while it was being built!!! They have this really cool "breezeway" big old wood double doors with leaded stained glass windows, open in the front, and go straight through the center of the house and out the back in the same type of doors. The house opens off of it on either side, and the upstairs has an open style catwalk that walks through the breezeway...it is very unique. Not enough to make we want all that work tho!!! Call me lazy!!

Cindy--I think frozen food is exactly what you should do while you are in limbo!!! The miocrowave can be plugged in anywhere!! J/K I know you are doing floors!!!

Did you catch up on all the work you escaped from yesterday Betty? You can come do mine, I ran away yesterday, and then spent today in town shopping with my Mom. I figure the work will be there tomorrow, I may feel lost without DH around.

I use my crockpot fairly often, but it seems I always use it for the same things! Sherry if you try any of the ones on here, let me know what is good!!!

Mary hang tough in the job----and pick out something in the pound for me, so I don't go! It is working on me, and that was one of the feature articles in the paper today...go figure~

Well I am going to go bring in some wood so we can build a fire...and watch some TV with DH....y'all take care & I'll catch ya in awhile!


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Hey All...

Sherry... I still can't believe the difference in you b4 and after picks...amazing! WTG girl!

Eileen... I sure hope they are able to give you some answers today. Crossing my fingers, toes, legs and eyeballs for luck! I look back on the way I treated my healthy strong back in years past and then I bonk myself on the head... I guess I just thought my back would take it and stay strong forever. *shrug* Anyhoo... good luck girlie and let us know how it goes.

Betty... Thanks for the email with the search for sex offenders living locally. YIKES... there are like a gazillion living near my daughter's middle school and her Dads neighborhood. She is never leaving the house... ever again! Okay... she can leave but only with an armed body guard!

Cindy... Glad I caught you on PoGo... it was fun chatting with ya! I've had Pat say hello in the past and never saw her messages in the chat area until she was gone... whoops! They have a private chat option that lets you chat without dorks butting in like the one trouble maker did while we were chatting. Anyhoo... My new favorite is Canasta... everyone at my hubby's Thanksgiving get-together play that game when dinner is over and I just sit on the sidelines and watch... maybe this year I will be brave enough to join in. :)

KAt... I've always wanted to go on the tour of the parade of homes here. It always amazes me that there are folks out there that are that wealthy. I worked for a doc that invited us all out to her home for a little party once... HOLY MOLY... I was stunned into silence and was afraid to sit on or touch anything...lol. She had a huge indoor pool to go along with the sprawling mansion. WoW. Anyhoo... I was glad to get home to my cozy little bungalow and snuggle into my cozy somewhat tattered couch. :)

Mary...Sorry about the fish... maybe you can run down to petco and get another one for the kidlettes? I just can't keep a fish alive to save my soul. I remember having a little funeral for my first fish that died when I was in the 4th grade... many more graveside services followed. I finally gave up and switched to mammals. :)

Patty... Glad your Mom is home safely from Holland and hope you hear some good news from the lawyer soon!

Okay... must get busy and get all of my pots in from outside before they freeze and break! It is REALLLLLYYYY nippy here. We didn't go to the cabin this weekend because the weather was just too icky and Chucks son came home unexpectedly on Navy leave. My hubby got on the scale yesterday... I officially weigh more than he does... once again. I guess he better not tick me off. :)


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Hi just wanted to pop in real fast and check on everyone.

Eileen how did the Dr go today?

My baby turns 21 on Wednesday..AHH I can't believe it. Time sure flies when your having fun.

Have a good night.

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Hi, all! I wanted to pop in and say It's snowing here!!! Can I come and stay with oh I don't know...anyone in a warmer climate just for a few (5 or so) months. I cook, clean and love to decorate for the holidays....~Mandy

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Darn it Mandy... it was snowing here too... shoot! I REALLY wanted to take you up on the cooking... cleaning and especially the decorating for the holidays! I am afraid to go look outside this morning.:) I'm not ready for 5 months of cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dianne... Happy birthday to your dd. Yup... the time does fly by so enjoy every minute!

Eileen... what did the doc say???????????

Have a good day everyone!

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Good Morning Y'all!

It was a good/bad weekend, I had a good time Saturday only to wake up and find that my DB had problems. He has two french bull dogs, and they got loose from the yard while he was cleaning up some wood. Anyway, they went over to the neighbors house and was fighting each other. He went to get them and there were small children there so instead of just putting his foot in there to stop them he reached down to pick one up (yes he knows better but again he was thinking about the children) and it bit his thumb off. It got bitten off at the joint, they took him to the hospital and he was in surgery for about 8 hours. They even called in the head honcho to try to help, but they couldn't attach it back on. So, then they had to grind down the bone, and make a flap over it. I just felt so bad for him. I still do!

Mandy - Yes, come on! I would love to have a built in maid! :) :) :)

I hate the cold weather, I couldn't live in the snow again.

Eileen - I didn't get to read everything, hope you got some answers about the back.

Darcy - It amazed me too to see how many lived around us. I will never understand why someone does that!

Cindy - Are you still counting the days?

I'll have to get back here later, gosh I am 20 minutes late getting in the shower! I don't mean to miss anyone, but I don't want to be late for work!

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Good Morning,,

Hope everyone is doing fine... Betty I am so sorry about your DB that is awful - I am glad that no children got hurt..

Eileenie How are you doing? What did the doc say?? Cannot remember - did you see a Chiro?

Well cannot stay long since ~ you know!!

Sherry - I and an EDI Specialist or rather I reconcile Ag sales on a yearly, Qrtly and Monthly basis. I have 4 big Ag Suppliers, and I trouble shoot sales and when looking at the numbers convert unit of measures right down to the Kernal.

Seems we are in the same catagory when it comes to lazy people.

Anyhoo gots to get back to work..

Wishing you all a splendid day and hoping everyone is doing good. Laters

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Oh Betty--I am so sorry about your brothers thumb! How scary that must have been for everyone involved, knowing there were children there. He knew what needed to be done, and did it, gotta respect that! The Dr. (my PCP) that my DD nurses for is missing his thumb on the left hand. He lost it in a bicycle accident, and it was beyond repair, for the time...it was over 30 yrs. ago. Will say a prayer for acceptance and quick healing for him and his family.

Eileen---where are ya? What did the doc say? We are worrying about you!!

Mandy--you would be more than welcome here...kids...dogs....and all, BUT it will be snowing here soon as well, spit a few flakes the other day. Is not unusual for Halloween to be our first real snowfall each year. I will say we usually have the kind of snow I like, it covers everything, but we warm up quickly again, so the roadways clear off quite soon...I hate driving in the snow, too many people don't have a clue!!!

Mary--job sounds demanding!! Especially since it sounds like you do it all-- while the "specialist" makes sure it looks like they did it I am sure!!

Darcy--don't you love watching puppies in their first snow? My dog Chelsea, she loved the snow! One of her favorites was to have snowballs lobbed at her, so she could catch them and crush them--she thought she was so tough!!

Sherry--you working or playing?

Dianne--I can so relate with the kids getting older!! This is the time of year it hits home with me. Or son had a b-day in Sept. he turned 27. The youngest DD had a b-day this month, she turned 23, and the oldest DD will turn 25 next month. My Granddaughter will turn 2 the first of December. So they all bombard me with the getting old feelings...I can't get past one before another does it. Of course they really had little to do with when they were born!!! Besides the fact, I really like to do my christmas shopping early, but I stay too busy doing birthdays!! Shoulda planned better!!

Cindy--How goes it with the floors? Did he get a lot done while you were at school? Prep takes forever, then it goes much quicker!

Patty--heard anything yet? Glad Mom is home safe.

Beannie--where ya at? I need a kick in the butt!!!

Chris--how's the port and liquids going???

Well DH worked all day yesterday, well he worked at the computer--and he did fine. Said he actually enjoyed getting to see most of the guys, and no one rode him about timelines or anything which is unusual, he said he thinks they are all worried if they hassle him he will topple over with a heart attack or something!!!

DD's kidney infection has worked it's way to the bladder now, so she is getting a consult in Albuquerque.

Well everyone have a good day....going to be lazy, and hang out at home today. My granddaughters potty training has slipped into more accidents, so we are going to stay home and be consistant today!!! Will the fun never end???


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Good morning!

Sorry I missed yesterday...my house is a total mess! (Repeating to self: it will be worth it, it will be worth it....)

No word from Eileen?

Mandy, you are welcome in Texas any old time, and bring your DD! I'd love a snow day! I guess the "grass is always greener"...

Hi Darcy! Hi Mary! Hi Everyone!

Betty, yes, I am counting days, you bet! After today, I have 37. It can't go by fast enough. My "boss" can't even figure out how to make this transition happen...stalling on the decision-making (isn't that why they make the big bucks? And, they do, in case you don't know....), so the other 2 teachers involved and I have been put on the back burner and this has to happen by Monday. Nothing like having 3 months to figure it out, but waiting until Friday before the very day everything changes to have a meeting about it. (The teacher taking my place has been subbing for a teacher on maternity leave, and that teacher is returning Monday, leaving new teacher without an assignment. I am supposed to be moving rooms, and setting up a writing lab for my last weeks here, but don't know what room to move to, to make long story short).

Life as usual, crazy!

Hugs to all, Cindy

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