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Hi all--

Wow Dianne-your pic looks so amazing!! You have done an awesome job in a year, I sure do hope I can make such a change!!! I am glad you had a wonderful time, and got a special treat from DH...you seem very happy. Makes me smile! Welcome back. Oh and btw, I see my toes too, all I gotta do is bend over!!! I went to bed flat one night about 12 yrs old, and woke up "fluffy" with monster boobs, and have not stood straight and viewed my toes since...not thinking it is likely going to happen.

Yeah, yeah, yeah Beannie laugh it up....commode snakes were not funny!!! However want me to capture a few and send them to the gal who got your job??? I mean we have all heard of "an eye for an eye"...we could take it to "a bite in the a$$ for a bite in the a$$"!! Now my FIL calls and says the neighbor said the description matches a Water moccasin...ewwwww! I am taking an old toilet seat and making a stitchery to staple to the back that says "Home Sweet Home of the Comanche County Commode Snake" to hang on the wall behind the potty!

Cindy I popped in earlier when you saw me, to post the fact that I am now officially half way to goal--have a feeling it was the easiest of the 2 halves....but on we go!!! Anyway, I was just getting started when my brother showed up, so I am only now getting to post it!!!

Darcy--have fun with the new van!!! I do drive a Dodge Intrepid, and I loooove it, but, it is getting lots and lots of miles on it, and DH is talking trade in...makes me very sad! We too will likely look into a new van, we have grandkids and aging parents to haul around!!! So what did you end up choosing to buy? That is one of the things I let DH do the Consumer report look up on!!! I choose features I want, ones I HAVE to have, ones I want, ones it would be cool to have and then the "oh wow who even knew that was an option"!!!

Hope everyone is having a nice evening, it is so nice out here, the perfect temperature, not hot, not cold...we have this for 2-3 days then it goes one way or the other!!!


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:biggrin1: Im baacccckkkk!! LOL Sorry i was gone so long but i lost my job and just havent had time to get back in to the swing of things. I had my fill the other day and now im down to 40 lost. ;) I missed everyone and just wanted to let you know.

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Hello everyone!

HI DIANNE!!!!! Glad you are back, and had such a wonderful time...and JEWELS, too! That ring sounds absolutely beautiful! Did I miss a link to a picture? I'll go back and look again! It's been a great year, hasn't it? I share your gratitude for everyone on this thread...what blessings!

HI NATESMOM! We missed you! Sorry about your job, and hope you are finding good leads! Congrats on your good weight loss!

Nothing new, here...same ol' stuff, different day. I am concerned about the rash of school shootings lately. I have always felt very safe here, but you never know...especially when it isn't a student, but some random guy just walking in...there really isn't any way to protect against that. We can't very well put a force field around every school in the U.S. ?????

Hope everyone's having a goood, and safe, day!

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Oh, Beanie....so sorry about your missed job opp. That does suck. It works like that a lot here in the school biz, too...I've never understood it. Then you'll be expected to train the person who took the job you wanted. Go figure.

I'm really proud of you for getting into the gym so many times.

We are going to fair on Saturday, Oct. 8. We'll be there early (yes, like in the MORNING), and probably leave around 3:30, before the game is over, to get out of the crowds. It's a little different when you have a little girl...some of those drunk boys are not for her eyes and ears, if ya know what I mean. Are you going on Saturday?

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Hi Kids,

Can't stay to do personals but Friday I'm bossless so I'll catch up then...its good to see everyone's back ;)

I will never buy from that clothing store again (Silhouetts), I got the two shirts in and boy, the quality was like wearing tissue paper... ..piece of kaka.....both are going back.. I was very very dissapointed *shrug* ka sa rah sa rah.

Gotta run... luv you guys.

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Two days in a row!! Yee Haw! I figure since I am never going to get promoted, I may as well take a lunch... :heh:

Dianne - good to see you... Sounds like you had a great time... Glad your DH is showing his appreciation in an appropriately lavish way. I can't wait to see the rock. ;) Don't sweat the 1.5 lbs. You'll be well rid of that in no time. Just step away from the cookies! Trust me, nobody understands the cookie compulsion more than me.

Patty - trepidation is to be expected. When money is tight, it's scary to give it to a stranger in hopes he will help. Everyone is thinking good thoughts for you. We'll get you banded, yet. Hugs!!;-) My boss made a point of telling me that I was 2nd in line for the job and he knows that other opportunities will arise for me in the future. Don't know how much that actually means - but it was a warm fuzzy in the aftermath of the being pissed off.

Kat - I can't see my toes, either. I am happy when I look down and my boobs block my belly from view. That was an actuall NSV for me... lol! No need to send the snakes to the gal... It isn't HER fault my boss hired her. Now, if you wanted to ship a few to HIM... lol!:evil: How is your daughter doing?

Allison - Great to see you! 40 lbs Rocks! Since surgery? or since the Pre-op? I am keeping track of both, since I have been such a flake since the surgery. Seriously - I have only lost 25 lbs since my actual surgery date - but I lost 16 lbs the week before - so 36 lbs sounds better... Hopefully my renewed enthusiasm for (sorry about the E-word, folks) Exercise will help with that. Did you find a new job, yet? Or are you taking a little State Sponsored Vacation?

Cindy - thank goodness, it isn't likely that I will be expected to train the gal who got my job - THIS time... but that has actually happened to me on several occassions. My question is: Doesn't the boss have ANY clue how much it pisses you off to have to train the person who got the job you applied for? Or is it some sadistic thing that they do for their own ammusement? Anyway - yes - we plan on going Saturday. Whether we actually make it out of the house or not is always a question, though. If you send me your cell number, I will give you a call. :wave:

Eileenie - sorry about the shirts. They looked like they had potential. Bummer. Hope Olivia is doing ok. Hugs!! :bounce:

Well - lunch is over again.

Hugs to everybody else. Hope you post again, soon!


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Kat- You'll see your toes!! Congrats on being half way! We have a dodge Intrepid also. I think it has close to 200 miles on it by now. It is still a great car my DS uses it. It is so cool reflecting on the past year! I posted my reflections on General and have gotten replies that make me cry there so nice.

Patty-Hope your feeling better about mailing those papers. I've been out of the loop but I'm thinking it's for the band..WTG..your gonna get it!

Cindy-Thanks it's nice to be back. I missed you guys. It is mind boggling about the shootings. We missed the details of the one last week. It is just hard to believe that this stuff really does happen.

Hi Eileen

Beanie-Thanks, it is nice to be back as I said. I'm glad your taking lunch , Why not you put up so much time. Good luck next time around.

Hey check out the web site my son and hisGF are on the cover this qtr.


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Hello everyone, Boy...I feel like I'm out of the loop here. Dang work has had so much of my time and thinking that I'm exhausted when I get home. Plus, my brother-in-law and his family have been here staying in my office. It's been so hard to get on my computer...I'm kinda pushing it now lol. The guys are watching TV so Bel and I are in here watching our show..she's working on cross stitch and I'm here taking a quick peek.

Well...work.....yeap I'm still waiting on the job thing. The good news is they offered me the job...the bad news is the raise they came back with is a JOKE. Paaaalease! Basically they gave me a figure...I asked the highering boss...so do Account Managers get a bonus (knowing full well that they do) she says no we don't get bonuses. OOOOOK. "So you're offering me $4000 more but since I do get bonuses as a supervisor and my group has ALWAYS made bonues you're truly only offering me $2000 to do more work, work the same or more hours PLUS travel more each month? I'll be honest with you in saying I thought the pay would be more than that, I thought it would be ***" She asked "will that make a difference as to whether or not you take the job" "Yes, it definately will because I don't think it's worth it for me" She then told me she's doesn't write the checks. I told her I knew that but, I trust the fact that she'd bring what I said to the VP and have him reconsider the salary. She said she would. THAT was Friday and I've heard nothing more. UGH. Give me a break! She tried to tell me how my job would be easier, I'd be learning more things that I"d like to learn etc. Easier? I highly doubt it...I know the accounts too well to EVER think it will be easier...let alone the training of my replacements (yeap..they need to break my job down to two or possibly 3 people...what does that tell ya lol) Oh well so now I'm sitting waiting for them come back with what I want. Positive thinking peeps please...I'm going to need it. (How much you wanna bet they tell me there is a bonus plan and come back with less money...then never give the bonus? hmmmmm lol)

Well I'd love to do personals but, I have to get off the computer so my in-laws can go to bed. I have a few though...

Cindy...you had me cracking up. I was thinking Wow Cindy is making the October thread early...at least I saw it BEFORE October this time heehee. Oh the school shootings have been terrible...why do people do these things. If they are that unhappy then hurt themselves without hurting someone else. (Not that I think they should hurt themselves but, geesh why the kids too?)

Bean - So sorry about the promotion at work. Believe me I've been through that myself a few times. Who knows might be happening again.

Diane - Glad you had a great time and you're right the Cookies can get ya in trouble! I think that's where my pound came...but just think if we didn't have the band what we could of gained. YIKES!

Kat - Glad you had a good time but, glad you can rest at home now too :grouphug: I totally understand what you're saying there. I don't mind visiting but, I'm happier to be home.

Eileen, Darcy and others....I miss ya and I'll write soon! Hugs to you all...hope you're all doing well and shrinking :grouphug:

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Hey guys! its me again. loonnggg day today let me tell ya. I started my new job a few days ago and i really like it. I have worked for this company before but when i took my maternity leave, I never went back. It was too far from my house or me to comute daily. But now that my son is a lil older I thought I would give it a shot. Soo just in case any one wants to refinance there home or purchace a new one Im you girl. LOL i know im shamless huh anyways I hope everyones day went as well as mine. Much Love,


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Hi ladies,

Just wanted to send you a note to let you know that I'm home, safe and banded. Thank you for all your well wishes. Today was a bit rough, but I learned quickly to take that liquid pain medicine exactly how it's prescribed. I am one sore cookie!

Well I am going to get some rest, just wanted to pop in and say hi!

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Hi gang, Well This weekend my 2 sisters were supposed to fly down from NY and spend the weekend here and Celebrate my older sisters BD. But plans have changed my step grandmother died this morning. She was 90 something and in a home for the past 3 or 4 yrs. It was expected but it is still very sad and in a weird way unexpected. So now we are all off to NJ tomorrow. To bad it;s in Whiting not Oakland! We'll be back on Sunday night. I hope you all have a good weekend.

Allison-Glad you like your new job!

Sherry-I hope everything works out good for you with you new position.

Chrispy-Welcome to bandland!

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Chrispy , I hope you feel much better soon. When I first had mine done it was like 2 days before i felt ok. You will get there.

Dianne, I am soooo sorry to hear about your loss. I hope that you will be ok in this very hard time. You are in my prayers!!

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Hi Lovies :)

Still can't play today but tomorrow *EVIL GRIN* I can whhhhhhhhhhhhhhooooootttttt.

See you then *HUGS & KISSES*

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I'm back from Disney and I had a great time. We rode everything and we had a blast at the Halloween Party. I took some pictures and I will upload them tonight. I came home with a sinus infection so I came back to cold, overcast weather and I got sick on the plane. I started Zithro today so maybe I will feel better soon. I will do personals and give more details tonight. (((Hugs))) to all, Mandy

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Dianne, I am sorry about your step-grandmother. All losses are difficult, even when expected. (((HUGS))).

Chrispy, congrats on your surgery...it gets better every day. Take your medicine!

Allison, good luck with your new job! I hope it works out great for you!

Mandy, welcome back! Sorry about the sinus infection, that's a bummer, but the Z-max should knock it out in no-time! I can't wait to see your pics, and hear about your trip!

Eileen, can't wait until Friday, playday!

We get a 3 day weekend, because here in Texas we get Fair Day! I love it because DH and DD do not get Fair Day (too far from the Dallas area)...so it's a day I have to myself. The retirement countdown is now at 49 days!

Yesterday I received 3 blessings...3 of my former grads came to visit...one is an English teacher, one is just now going to college, and one is a manager of a Sonic. All 3 ladies are doing very well, raising families, and happy. I feel so lucky that they would take the time to stop by and let us know that that they are thankful for the chance they got here to get back on track with their lives, and that they used the chance to make things better for themselves. I just thank God for being part of that.

I thought ya'll would like to hear something positive about schools for a change (even from me!)

Tonight is Open House at DD's school...always a good time! I'm looking forward to going to that, and DH is taking her to her voice lessons tonight, so it's a win-win as far as he's concerned! Ha!

Gotta run, I always try to write right before lunch!

Hugs, Cindy

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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