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October Chat

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NO WAY! I'm the first to set up our chat this month!

I'm so excited!

Happy October, everyone!!!! It's really fall, even in Texas...even if it is going to be 94 degrees or something like that today! Fall is my favorite season...how about you?

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:P :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: Apparently, this is me.....

:biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: :biggrin1: Hopefully, this is all of you, smiling indulgently, but I know you are ROFLYAO!

I really did think it was October today...sheesh. I shoulda known I could only hope to be ahead. Bummer. :o

Well, we're organized for tomorrow....

I'm the official Daily Dork!

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Hi Everyone! Cindy, you're not a dork, you're just well prepared. :P I have to catch up on the Sep thread and then I'll catch up with personals. How is everyone doing? I hope all is well in bandland. I'm finally seeing the scale move again - woo hoo! Love you guys,

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Good Morning,

Oh Cindy ROFL, I was right long there with you LOLOL so we'll be dorks together :P

Ira good to see you and congrats on making it to goal.. how is your wife??

Anne good to see the scale moving again WHOOT!!!!

Patty how's your foot today?

I'm heading out this morning to check out a new church..... well its new to me but other than that I'm just going to enjoy the day and finish making my stuffed shells.

Yesterday I cleaned, went food shopping, did mounds of laundry and drew a picture of my family for my DD's school project. The teachers want parents to draw it, not show the kids and then the teacher wants the kids to try to pick them out at school. All I can say is good luck to my Dd haaaaaa.

How is everyone today?


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Good morning!

I thought you knew, Eileen...that's why you said BOOOOO! LOL!

Congrats to you, Ira, for making it to goal!

Congrats to Anne, for the scale is moving! It really is a hard time, waiting on our bodies to catch up to our weight loss...I'm in a time like that now. I just try to ignore that, and keep going. Good for you!

Eileen, you were so busy yesterday...I didn't do too much, not near as much as I wanted to do. I gave in to my stupid headache...I just vegged out most of the day, and visited my sister. I'm going to be more productive today! (even though I still have the stupid headache).

So, off I go, at least to tackle one little corner...and iron...gotta do that. The Cowboy game is on, and it will be the T.O. sideshow, but I don't want to miss it. We're going to try to grill a pork tenderloin and some veggies tonite, too! YUM!

See ya later, chickies!

(And Ira, too!)

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I’M HOME!!!! It was a good time, but OMG I am glad to be home!!! I love my inlaws, but I love them best in their own house, and me in mine!! We do not get a moments peace, it is always something needing done, and I end up PO'd!!! It was hot...I packed a mix of clothes, and got by! I did not lose anything while there, but we ate out and at families everynight, and I ate so many chocolate covered pecans, I am surprised I did not gain a ton! We had one disaster after another, we got there, some of our cattle had got out, and were on a neighboring ranch. It is getting so dry that he was throwing feed, while ours were still grazing, and they said the hell with that, and went AWOL!! We had not been to the place in 8 months due to DH's heart problems, so it had been closed up for a looong time. We shut everything off, and drain it. DH turned on our Water and broke a valve....fixed it, and turned the water on finally....prepping the house, turned the water on, did a check of the faucets, tub, etc, flushed the commode, and up come a snake....yep, scared me outta needing the commode for awhile! Best we could figure, is it took advantage of the dry septic, and got in through a leech line and into the house. DH killed it...only to find another the same way. Staying there was a trial. The stove went out. So on the bright side, I did not cook a single thing, or wash a single dish for 10 days! And once we got water in the system, no more snakes. We now refer to them as the Comanche County Commode Snake.... So we spent days chasing cows, culling the herd, selling cows, birthing calves, medicating cattle, building fences to keep them in...building them a gate to get back through when they managed to get beyond the fence anyway.....so my hands are sore. And for once it was not my bed I was anxiously awaiting it was my own precious snake free home potty!!! GLAD to be home! Safe trip, thank the Lord!

Betty--We went to Comanche TX. Central part, SE of Abilene. Was not fun, lots of work, and I am soooo glad to be home!!! YES I recorded the season premier of Grey's Anatomy--but missed the 2nd week...was hoping to be home, but no such luck! Hope you had a wonderful b-day!!! How did the bike event go? Awww man I just read how the day went that sucks big time!! We have road in the rain, and as you say it is not safe, all the oil from the cars, it floats up, scary!!! Glad you kept your head about you.

Beannie--I am sooo jealous--but New Mexico and New York are miles apart in oh so many ways!!!! I thought I might envy your traveling, but I am just so friggin glad to be home!!! Of course our accomodations are also worlds apart!!

Darcy--I know I am far behind--but hope your glowing time is over--and you survived it!! ( I am cheating and responding as I catch up on personals!!!) I can relate to your wedding fears. My DH's ex is the same, 5'2" petite, and likely not 100 pounds soaking wet. BUT he is there with you because he CHOOSES to be, and like it or not she knows that! Put one of those secret looking grins on, like you know something she doesn't and hold your head high!!!

Rita Ann--WTG on surviving a family weekend (with the ex no less) and not using a food crutch!!! I am proud of ya girl!!

Eileenie--tooth pulled?? yuck, gotta go back and read how it turned out!!! Glad you survived the dental fun...Will continue to pray for your niece, as well as your family. I looked at your clothes you bought...I like! But all my weight it seems is in my big ol belly--I'd have a dozen people ask me when I was due, as if!!!! at 46....makes me tremble in fear!!!

Chris--tomorrow is your day!!! WOOHOO

Cindy--dang was hoping to read on that you were the lotto winner---maybe next time!!! I am so glad your DD did well, how proud you both must have been did ya get pics?

Pat--I know people with implants, and of those I know some are happy, some not....no advice!! 2nd opinion seems the wise road.

Mandy-hon, I am so sorry about your foot, waiting to see if it turns out good....however don't you get to the head of the line in a wheelchair?? Enjoy being with DH, and come back refreshed for the kiddo--one of the best things you can give her in life is happy parents. Hope you are busy, busy, busy having a wonderful time!!!

Sherry--sounds like stress is gonna be the ruin of you!! We gotta figure a way to get rid of some of it! Maybe you need to try Rita's theory on sex every other second!!! Oh I mean when you are stressed...oh looks like I had it right the first time!

Jumbo--welcome! You found a great site, and the best group of people around when you popped in here!!

Ira--I have heard nice things about you--nice to meet you!

Anne--good to see you!

Patty-continuing to pray that things come through for you in a timely fashion, and in a way to keep things calm in your family. I hope that your son has settled into a routine in school, it is so hard being a teen!

OK time to unpack and do laundry woo hoo will this fun never end????


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Mornin All and Happy October! Thanks for starting the new thread Cindy... starting it early is SO something I would do! SHall we refer back to the Brokeback mountain incident...hehehehe.

Wow... I'm trying to imagine the 20 below, snow blowing, freezing your lungs with every breath weather ... WTF am I doing that for!!!! LOL. Okay... I will just stick to loving Fall... it really is my favorite season! We hung around here this weekend... went out... bought a new minivan that should arrive Wednesday. I was really hoping to talk myself into a small SUV but the darn van was the same price with tons of room and lots of fun do-hickies. :) This is the first "New" car I have ever had... as I have spent most of my life as a single mother... it was a kewl feeling!

Eileen... So glad Olivia came through surgery okay... bless her heart... life will be a tough row for her won't it. You all are still in my prayers.

Patty... Well... now it is time to wait on that lawyer! I'm so glad that your Mom surprised you with a little moolah so that you can get the ball rolling! Hope you feel better soon... the thought of drinking grapefruit juice is just sending shivers down my spine.... blech! Oh... seriously... you and all of the NJ forum members are welcome to stay at the cabin anytime as long as nobody fights over the use of the porta-potty...lol.

Ira... You should post more often... some of us haven't gotten the pleasure of getting to know you! Nice to see your face though!

Anne... glad the scale is moving for you...WOO HOO!

Kat...Glad you are home safely and without snake bites on you hinders! YIKES... I would have been piddling outside for sure! Sounds like you worked you butts off and I bet it is good to be home!

Hope everyone get over here in October soon! Oh... and I had a Dodge minivan and while it was under warranty... we took it in as the ABS light was on and the brakes were acting funny. THey said there was rust on the cap that covers the switch and wouldn't cover the cost of the switch going bad because it was environmental???????????? THey said rust on any part automatically renders no coverage to whatever part has failed. HOLY CRAP... we live in Wisconsin eh! That is pretty much like not having a warranty in my fairest estimation. So...just wanted a heads up for those considering a Dodge product. Oh... and BTW... the van only had 35,000 miles on it.

Hugs to all!

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Good Morning Y'all!

Gosh, a lot has happened, you miss a day or two and you are totally lost!:)

I just was really busy so didn't get a chance to even read a lot on here.

Kat - Wow, it sounds like you had your hands full with all that happened! No wonder you could eat all that stuff and not gain, you worked it all off! Glad you survived and got safely back home. You didn't miss too much on Grey's, she just decided she would date both of them. Lizzy gets to go back.

Darcy - I quit buying Chrysler products because we had so much trouble with them. We owned 4 different Chrysler products, the top of the line ones too, and something went wrong with everyone of them. One they had to put a brand new motor in it at 500 miles, and the same one broke down on us at 2400 miles on a trip. Then one only had 30,000 miles on it and everything started going out too. No more Chrysler products for me. Glad you finally get a brand new vehicle!:clap2: :clap2:

Cindy - We know you just wanted to make sure you got to start the October thread, so you did it a day early!:heh: Just kidding you! I sure hope the headache gets better!

Ira - congrats on making it to goal! How is the DW doing with her band?

Eileen - Glad to hear the surgery went well. Please keep us posted on how she comes through everything.

Anne - Congrats on the scale moving. I wish mine would move again!

Pat - Are you still thinking about the second opinion? I think I would!

Patty - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you! I hope it doesn't take long to hear from them!

Chris - Good Luck! Let us know how you did!

Sherry - You need a vacation girl! I hope things getter better for you soon. Hire an older lady, they are much better workers.:car:

Rita, Mandy, Jumbo, hello to each of you.

I have to run, just looked at the clock and I am running late.

Have a great day!

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Happy October Chicas & Chico (Ira)

Been lurking when I can. I am missing a lot!!

Be back Laters

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Hi, everyone! It's been a busy day around here, so just now checking in! Glad to see your nice, long post, Darcy! Congratulations on the new van---what make is it? I've been looking at Subaru's myself. Any feedback on those? Anyone had any bad or good experiences? I'm not rushing out to buy anything, maybe within a year or so.

Hi, Betty! I guess it's good that we're busy...otherwise, we'd just be bored, right?

Eileen, how's Olivia?

Sherry, are you getting any rest? At least, have you scheduled a little massage or pedicure or something?

Hi, Mary!

Kat, I see you are signed on the same time I am, so I'll read your post later! I've got a meeting to go to right now, so I've gotta run!



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Hey Y'All.

I am a little bummed out today. The job that I have been waiting and waiting to hear about went to someone else - not even someone that works here and has a clue about how we do stuff - but someone who worked for my boss before at another company. Can you say "SUCKS!"? Sure y'can.

Otherwise, all is well. DH and I went to the gym five times last week and I am feeling pretty good about it. We aren't doing that "go crazy" thing and trying to work out for 6 hours a day or anything. This week we are bumping up to 35 minutes - vs 30 minutes all last week. I was doing pretty ok on food until yesterday when I wallowed in junk food all day. You know those little packages of cheese crackers with Peanut Butter? Yeah. That's pretty much all I ate yesterday. A Nutritional Extravaganza... NOT. Anyway - today is better. Today is another day.

Cindy - DH and I held off the state fair until next week, too. Maybe we can hook up there? Of course, if you are going in, like, the MORNING (shudder) that won't work - but hey, you never know. :]. Too funny starting the October thread. Don't go all "Department Store" on me... Next thing you know - you will be starting the December thread before Halloween! **Cindy - re: Subarus.. DH and I used to always say that we were going to get one - because when the weather was rough and everybody was huddled together in the slow lane doing 30 mph - along would come a Subaru and blow by us all.... Never did get one - but still think about it. You will have to let me know how that works out. :]

Mary - Hugs!! Hope you get time to come and play again soon. We miss you.

Sherry - hope they don't jack you around at your job. Hugs!

Darcy - I don't dare start going to those on-line gaming places... even just for the non-gambling variety. My DH whines cause I spend so much time on my computer as it is... I can't imagine how it would be if I was doing tournaments or earning badges, or Patches, or whatever the heck you get on POGO. :] Oh - and Kat says to put on a smile like you know more than she does... uh - you probably won't have to fake it. My saying is this. Skinny girls got LOOKS. Chubby girls got SKILLS. What's more important in the dark? Hugs!

Eileenie - I like the smocked top the best. I think that one will look really cute on you. But, Roamans has always pissed me off because they have the biggest sizes - but the skinniest models. I don't order from them too much. (But then, I don't need Giraffe size. Stumpy sizes that you can get anywhere work for me.)

Rita Ann - good luck on the job front, Hon. I would rather MOVE than look for work - I feel for you. Hugs!

Patty - Man, Halloween Decorations at the Big D?!? I am jealous! I want to go.... and, alas, they never take the calories out of cheesecake for me. I wish they would - but they never do. Hugs!

Jumbojet - stop in - set awhile. tell us about yourself. Congrats on your new band and welcome to the club. Gas is still a consideration for me - not as bad as it was - but still a consideration after 8 mos. I feel ever little bubble - way more than I did before. I does get less painful, though.

Ira - Dearest... I knew you were still out there lurking. Good to get confirmation. How is your DW doing since her surgery? How are YOU doing? Come on, Ira. We'll try to keep the estrogen to a managable level for a day or so.... :] Oh - and great work getting to goal. You da man!

Anne - How ya doin? Did you get lost in the September thread?

Kat - I am dying, here.... LOL!! Commode Snakes... hahahaaha... it really isn't funny - but seriously - it is! Glad you got home to your Snake Free Potty Zone.

Betty - yep - the posts fly fast and furious round these parts... Hugs! How are you doing? Sounds like you are still busy all the time... Hope you aren't letting yourself get too stressed out. Hugs!!

Well - my lunch hour is way up now. I have to get back to the old grind...


Hugs all round!

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Hey ya'll, We had a wonderful cruise. To many Cookies though..urgh..I gained 1 1/2 pounds! Oh well I guess it could have been a lot worse! I celebrated my 1 year anniversary last Tuesday and tonight I am writting and thinking abou why I got the band and how my life has changed. I am moved to tears a lot of times when I reflect on the past year. I want to thank all of you for being there for me. DH took a picture of me Tuesday so I will paste it our our link. He also brought me a 1 yr anniversary gift in St Thomas!! OH YEAH JEWELS! It is a aquamarine 2K stone with diamonds on the side in a white gold setting. I will take a pic and post it in the next few days.

I'm slower than a turtle so please forgive me for not doing personals to everyone and for not catching up on stuff. I'll try my best.

Kat-I gained 1 1/2 pounds on the cruise. It wasn't the chocolate it was the COOKIES! oh they were incredible. You did great by not gaining glad you had such a nice time. Sounds like you were working to hard to gain anything!

Eileen-How's it going? I haven't checked back on my email since the other day, but I appreciate you emailing me! How is your niece doing? Please PM me and fill me in if you don't mind. I thought surgery wasn't till November.

DArcy-Congrats on your new van! It is so much fun to get a new car!

Cindy-Wow I thought oh cool Oct 2nd I can at least catch up on Oct...well we'll see..lol..

Pat-I'm a slow poke, second opinion? Is everything ok? How's the foot?

Patty-I also hope you hear soon and that the timing will be better than you ever thought it could be!

Betty-I can never catch up...

Beanie-That sure does suck! I'm sorry to hear about the job.


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Was that Ira I saw posting on the NJ thread. Woot :bandit Good to see ya!

Well, I did it...... mailed my packet of documents to the

attorney today :faint: Ya know, I was a bit hesitant when I dropped it in the mail slot. Nervous and scared. Hope that was normal.

Had a great day at work today -- no complaints.

Renee: I didn't know that you were looking to move upward in the company. Sorry to hear they over looked you. Will something else open up possibly?

Well Lewis wants to play a game before bed...... gotta sign off.

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