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Mexico Octosleevers! Add Your Name, Date And Surgeon!

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Well I'd love to have BOTH! :) I don't even know if I can chew gum... I didn't ask. I have lots of different flavors of yogurt so at last I can switch it up, I do miss actually biting into something though! It'll be a while before that happens again I guess!

Shi*, girl...Im chewing gum right now....I really doubt that gum will mess with you....Just make sure its sugar free!

I am REALLY hungry! Just coffee and broth today...a little tired. Just sitting here watching Pirate's of the Carribean--On stranger Tides--its on the only english speaking HBO...its either that or FOXnews channel--UMMMM, that ain't happening!!!

Im just really glad I brought my laptop!!!!!

So, I think its just me tomorrow--

Thanks for everyones good wishes...

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I'm in the process of transferring movies and tv shows to my laptop and ipad! I have 5 movies and the last few weeks worth of shows that I follow so I should be good!

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Jessieboo and carolinagurl, I hope you guys had easy surgeries and you'll be on the mend very soon!

Hey guys, I had to repost the list so it would be on a more recent page...

How are all the newly sleeved doing??

Any issues? Everyone okay going back to work??

Oct 5

kiki74, Dr Garcia, TJ

Oct 6

CCCross, Dr Kelly, TJ

Oct 7

weezer, Dr Ponce

Oct 8

auggie Dr Ortiz, TJ

Lilly'sjourney, Dr Garcia, TJ

sherri297, Dr Lopez and Osuna, TJ

shamr0ck, Dr Ortiz, TJ

Oct 9

sacharliem, Dr Garcia, TJ

Oct 10

ready2bskinny, Dr Garcia, TJ

Carpediem2012, Dr Lopez, TJ

Oct 11

gottaloozit, Dr Aceves, Mexicali

Lil'Lo, Dr Alvarez, MX

Oct 13

mango926, Dr Aceves, Mexicali

Oct 15

mybabysansan, Dr Garcia, TJ

chelbroyer, Dr Garcia, TJ

Oct 18

hippychic, Dr Ponce, TJ

Oct 19

Mexico, Dr Garcia, TJ

Oct 20

buffygirl, Dr Lopez, Puerta Vallarta

Oct 22

DebinAZ, Dr Ponce, TJ

Oct 23

Free@last518,Dr Almanza, TJ

FindingMyWay, Dr Almanza, TJ (Hotel Ticuan)

Shanti4758, Dr Lopez, TJ

Oct 24

ellusiw1960, Dr Kelly, TJ

Lollyx3, Dr Lopez, TJ

Oct 25

Muffintop, Dr Garcia, TJ

Robbino, Dr Garcia, TJ

this.time.its.4.me, Dr Lopez, TJ

Oct 26

jessieboo, Dr Kelly, TJ

Carolinagurl, Dr Rodriguez, Ciudad Juarez

Oct 27

zenoosh, Dr Garcia, TJ

Oct 28

Hazelsmrf, Dr Ponce, TJ

Oct 30

theNEWME! , Dr Garcia, TJ

yanik, Dr Alvarez, Piedras negras

dhowell64, Dr Almanza,TJ

* Diamondeyed--surgery moved to Feb 2013!

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I'm in the process of transferring movies and tv shows to my laptop and ipad! I have 5 movies and the last few weeks worth of shows that I follow so I should be good!

I think you're totally set...

I want to wish you good luck on the 28th! I dont know if I'll be "together" enough to post tomorrow, so here's some good wishes in advance!!

We'll all be thinking of you on Sunday...

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I started yesterday and I work 12 hour shifts in an ER. I was tired yesterday but today I feel better with the constant sipping and real broth

I dont seem to do too well with broth only, and OMG, you work 12 hrs in ER, you poor baby...thats rough!!

Your time is almost upon us....you are TOTALLY pulling up the rear! I'll be sitting in a long a** customs line to get back into the states right about the time you're coming out of surgery....Good luck!

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Your time is almost upon us....you are TOTALLY pulling up the rear! I'll be sitting in a long a** customs line to get back into the states right about the time you're coming out of surgery....Good luck!

Oh grrrr I just realized I'd have to do customs twice in one day (US and then Canada), that's gonna be a bundle of fun. They always look at you like you're shady, I want to break down and confess all my sins whenever they stare at me. I guess it works.

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Good luck today Zenoosh. I saw you were from Canada and thought you'll be pass porting your way right through the US! At least you're leaving the part you don't want in MX!

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Good luck today Zenoosh. I saw you were from Canada and thought you'll be pass porting your way right through the US! At least you're leaving the part you don't want in MX!

Thank you, dhowell64!

Actually, its hazelsmrf that's the Canadian on the list--Im from CALI... (although...i might be looking for a Canadian husband if the election goes badly ;-) )

Thank you for the well wishes...

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Zenoosh ! were in room 301! Were keeping an eye our for you arrival.

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I had my surgery October 4th with Dr. Garcia at Mi hospital in Tijuana. I stayed at the Mariott and the service is awesome!

The rooms are nice. I took my mom with me so we got a room with 2 beds. The chicken broth is great. So was the watermelon popscicle! The lime ones are super sour!! Good luck to all of you with Dr. Garcia. He is awesome!!!

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Hello from TJ Marriott!!

I arrived a couple hours ago.

Samuel picked me up at the airport' date=' and it was a quick drive to the Marriott. BTW, Samuel is VERY nice, totally down to earth, and if anyone is concerned, he speaks PERFECT english...(Hes from LA/ grew up between LA and TJ). We met up with my coordinator, Rosie, who is so sweet and she speaks english, as well. She and the bellboy, Alberto (who also speaks perfect english) walked me to my room,, which just happens to be the closest room to the elevator...I wish I could get this room when I come back here for recovery! The rooms are soo nice. Big, warmly decorated, everything is right here. I got WiFi, and Im on my laptop right now.

Its early still, so Im thinking of taking a little' walk to Walmart (I think theres a little mall there too) to pick up some Water and get a bit of exercise..I also need some Retin-A....Who knows, maybe Ill just hang in this great room!!

Ive got a date with a bowl of broth....

I get picked up by the shuttle tomorrow morning, 7:45...

So far, everything has been fantastic. Everyone Ive been in contact with has been great.

Have a good night, everyone.

I hope everyone recently sleeved are doing well.

Keep me posted and Ill do the same!


the only thing Ive had trouble with is using my smartphone for calls and texts. I turned off my data, and Im unable to text or call from my phone. Ill ask the front desk and see if they can help me with that, but the WIFI works great...I shouldve gotten skype or something to call my mom.[/quote']

Good luck to you

I will from you because I'm scared to hell ,

I'm buying life Inshurance just in case.

Email me all details please my email address is


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Surgery date is Nov 7th with Dr Aceves, Mexicali..........am a newlywed and wifie is going with me .............she speaks spanish tooooooo.........

Should we call this our HONEYMOON?!

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Thank you' date=' dhowell64!

Actually, its hazelsmrf that's the Canadian on the list--Im from CALI... (although...i might be looking for a Canadian husband if the election goes badly ;-) )

Thank you for the well wishes...[/quote']

I missed that on this iPhone reading the forums. Then I feel bad for hazelsmrf with custom. I hope things went well for both of you. Might not be a bad possibility looking for a post election Canadian husband depending... Wonder if the use PAs there?

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Well I'm supposed to be having my surgery today, but I'm sitting at home. I'm completely heartbroken over it, I got up this morning at 3:20am to catch my 5:15am flight from Vermont to Newark. Flight is on time, flight to Newark is uneventful. Get to Newark to check where my connecting gate is to San Diego, and see that my flight is cancelled. They cancelled it while I was in the air on the way to Newark (it's only an hour flight). Quickly went to the customer service desk to find out, they basically looked at me as if this was all my fault basically "You should have expected your flight to be cancelled, don't you know there's a monster storm on the way?". Well, yes. I've been watching the weather channel and following Sandy for days, I know it's not supposed to get bad in the NYC area until at least sunday night, why would I ever think an 8 am flight to the west coast would be in trouble? Not only that, My flight was the ONLY flight cancelled. All other flights were on time and leaving no problem. Los Angeles departed at 8:15 I think. San Francisco was no problem. Las Vegas no problem. Only my one flight. And they're trying to tell ME it's because of the weather and that I should have known better! At this point I'm in tears saying that I need to get there I'm having surgery! She looks and says there's no way I'm getting to San Diego, there's no way through Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, nowhere. All flights are full today, but she offers me to get on the standby list for the 3pm flight. Ok first, if the 8am flight is cancelled due to weather, why does she think the 3pm won't be, and it's so much closer to the storm? Argh. So obviously the flight isn't cancelled due to weather.

Then I say well OK, now I'm stranded in Newark, I need you to get me on a flight back to Burlington. She goes "no, we don't do that". I said "Well, you cancelled the flight while I was in the air, this morning the flight was still OK, when I got on the plane in burlington the flight was still OK, I could NOT have known this was going to happen, you need to get me back to my car in Burlington!". Again, the answer was no, we don't do that. They were going to leave me stranded in NYC with a storm on the way, nice right? So then I said well, can I purchase a ticket to Burlington? (I'm desperate). They say there's 2 tickets left, 600$ each. Keep in mind this is a 1 hour flight. 600$ is more than I paid for my complete round trip ticket to San Diego. Anyways they finally relented and got my husband and I on the LAST two spots on a plane leaving for Burlington, and they didn't charge us. So I'm back home. But I've been travelling for the past 10 hours and I have nothing to show for it. And I'm so heartbroken over it, I was so scared going into this but I kept telling myself it would be OK, I starved for 3 days on the yogurt for nothing. I feel like a giant baby because I just can't stop crying about it. Now I don't know when I'll be able to rebook, my mother is only available until mid November to watch my kids, which only gives me a 2 week window... and if it doesn't happen then, I'll have to wait until April. To me that's like... giving up 6 months of my life. It sucks.

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Well I'm supposed to be having my surgery today' date=' but I'm sitting at home. I'm completely heartbroken over it, I got up this morning at 3:20am to catch my 5:15am flight from Vermont to Newark. Flight is on time, flight to Newark is uneventful. Get to Newark to check where my connecting gate is to San Diego, and see that my flight is cancelled. They cancelled it while I was in the air on the way to Newark (it's only an hour flight). Quickly went to the customer service desk to find out, they basically looked at me as if this was all my fault basically "You should have expected your flight to be cancelled, don't you know there's a monster storm on the way?". Well, yes. I've been watching the weather channel and following Sandy for days, I know it's not supposed to get bad in the NYC area until at least sunday night, why would I ever think an 8 am flight to the west coast would be in trouble? Not only that, My flight was the ONLY flight cancelled. All other flights were on time and leaving no problem. Los Angeles departed at 8:15 I think. San Francisco was no problem. Las Vegas no problem. Only my one flight. And they're trying to tell ME it's because of the weather and that I should have known better! At this point I'm in tears saying that I need to get there I'm having surgery! She looks and says there's no way I'm getting to San Diego, there's no way through Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, nowhere. All flights are full today, but she offers me to get on the standby list for the 3pm flight. Ok first, if the 8am flight is cancelled due to weather, why does she think the 3pm won't be, and it's so much closer to the storm? Argh. So obviously the flight isn't cancelled due to weather.

Then I say well OK, now I'm stranded in Newark, I need you to get me on a flight back to Burlington. She goes "no, we don't do that". I said "Well, you cancelled the flight while I was in the air, this morning the flight was still OK, when I got on the plane in burlington the flight was still OK, I could NOT have known this was going to happen, you need to get me back to my car in Burlington!". Again, the answer was no, we don't do that. They were going to leave me stranded in NYC with a storm on the way, nice right? So then I said well, can I purchase a ticket to Burlington? (I'm desperate). They say there's 2 tickets left, 600 each. Keep in mind this is a 1 hour flight. 600 is more than I paid for my complete round trip ticket to San Diego. Anyways they finally relented and got my husband and I on the LAST two spots on a plane leaving for Burlington, and they didn't charge us. So I'm back home. But I've been travelling for the past 10 hours and I have nothing to show for it. And I'm so heartbroken over it, I was so scared going into this but I kept telling myself it would be OK, I starved for 3 days on the yogurt for nothing. I feel like a giant baby because I just can't stop crying about it. Now I don't know when I'll be able to rebook, my mother is only available until mid November to watch my kids, which only gives me a 2 week window... and if it doesn't happen then, I'll have to wait until April. To me that's like... giving up 6 months of my life. It sucks.[/quote']

I am so, so sorry to hear this. I know from reading your posts how excited you were and know this is a huge let down for you. I know you will do what's best for you.

I'm sure you've already done this, but just want to encourage you to contact your coordinator and let him/her know What happened to insure you don't lose your deposit and so that it can be applied at a later date.

Did you have insurance for your tickets so that you can be compensated in some form or fashion? I'm sure it's covered regardless since the airlines canceled, not you.

Keeping you in my thoughts.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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