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GM has been struggling, I agree.. they have been in talks with Ford and with Toyota about forming partnerships. Nissan has also expressed interest in forming partnerships. I hope they go with Ford though...

I do not know a whole lot about Business But from what I do know , business' are NOT In good shape who do this . Bankcrupcy Maybe not but they may be doing this to AVOID bankcrupcy . If GM is having to form a partnership with another group that to me does not sound good either. I am not sure how your husband can work for GM and not know about this ?


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umm...here are some stats that may have some of us not giving a flying monkey about some of his moral do gooder work...

mind you, these are as of January lasty year so we all know its actually worse now...

All I can say for you posting that is first I had to get :popcorn: it was so interesting , Then I needed a :wacko: because I felt so dirty . LOL



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The major stock-holder of GM told the board of directors that GM should look into partnerships and they are in discussions with Nissan and Renault.

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The major stock-holder of GM told the board of directors that GM should look into partnerships and they are in discussions with Nissan and Renault.

I am thinking that is not such a great thing ?

Like i said I Do not know alot about business lol

I also wanted to thank everyone, I think this is the FIRST board ive been on where I can participate in a discussion like this and not #1 be made to feel like an IDIOT . Im not the most educated person about political issues ( I just know what I know and feel what i feel ) #2 NO one is yelling and screaming or demeaning each other #3 I also feel im learning on here as well. SO THANKS


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And many conservative Christians now think he is the Anti-Christ.


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There is nothing wrong with two adults sharing the differences in their ideoligy. You ask what has President "Cowboy" Bush done...??

Employment Increased In 47 States Over The Past 12 Months Ending In June.

Real GDP Grew A Strong 3.5 Percent Over The Past 4 Quarters.

Productivity Has Grown At A Strong 3.5 Percent Annual Rate Since The First Quarter Of 2001

Real After-Tax Income Has Risen By 13.5 Percent Since January 2001.

Industrial Production Increased 4.5 Percent Over The Past 12 Months.

Manufacturing Production Has Risen 5.7 Percent Over The Past 12 Months

A few other notes are we have not had another attack on our soil since he's actually started the war on Terror rather than watching it!

We also have some great legislation that has been signed and passed; Deficit Reduction Act, The Pension Plan overhaul Plan;

Senior Perscription Plan (even though its too expensive for me)

Employment Increased In 47 States Over The Past 12 Months Ending In June.

What kind of jobs?

Real GDP Grew A Strong 3.5 Percent Over The Past 4 Quarters.

That is good news.

Productivity Has Grown At A Strong 3.5 Percent Annual Rate Since The First Quarter Of 2001

Also good.

Real After-Tax Income Has Risen By 13.5 Percent Since January 2001.

That is bad because that is less than less than a 2.5% annual rate which is less than the rate of inflation. It means worker are losing buying power for a week's work.

Industrial Production Increased 4.5 Percent Over The Past 12 Months.

Also good.

Manufacturing Production Has Risen 5.7 Percent Over The Past 12 Months

Also good.

A few other notes are we have not had another attack on our soil since he's actually started the war on Terror rather than watching it!

That's only 5 years. Clinton went 7 years and 10 months from the first WTC attack until he handed the government over to BuSh, so 5 years without an attack is nothing to brag about and it proves nothing about why there has been not further attacks.

We also have some great legislation that has been signed and passed;

Deficit Reduction Act

Cut Medicare, Medicaid and Veteran's benefits.

The Pension Plan overhaul Plan;

Generally a decent Bill.

Senior Perscription Plan (even though its too expensive for me).

The reason it is so expensive both for the seniors and for the tax-payers is because there is a provision in the law which makes it illegal for the US Government to negotiate medicare Rx prices with the Drug Companies.

Canada negotiates prices with the drug companies.

The US Veteran's administration negotiates Rx prices with the drug companies.

Insurance Companies negotiates prices with the drug companies.

The biggest purchaser of Rx drugs in the world, the Medicare department of the USA cannot negotiates Rx prices with the drug companies.

Was that a good piece of legislation?

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I don't have enough money to be a Republican. If I did, I might agree with some of my Republican friends, most of whom, incidentally, can't afford to be Republicans either, but some of them haven't realized it yet. They hear "lower taxes" and "small government" and they think the Republican party actually means to deliver on those. Well....good luck with that.

The taxes that George wants to lower are the ones that enrich already wealthy people, like corporate income taxes and inheritance taxes (actually, he wants to eliminate that one entirely). He wants to privatize Social Security, which is just a fancy way of saying he wants to eventually do away with it.

When Bush says he favors "lower income taxes" he means he wants to lower the maximum percentage that can be levied against an individual's adjusted gross income. That isn't going to help you unless you earn a ton of money every year - as in MILLIONS! He also proposes tax credits and watered-down environmental restrictions for huge corporations. Exxon Mobile, you deserve a break today...NOT!

"Small government" is a Republican myth. Besides, it isn't the government's size we should be concerned about - it's the military industrial boys (like Haliburton) that pocket BILLIONS in no-bid contracts and are, in fact, the only ones who have benefited from our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan.

My son works for KBR (Haliburton) and has deployed twice to Iraq. The project he was working on was estimated to take 15 years to complete. Does that sound like a plan to bring our troops home any time soon?

We are not going to win the war in Iraq. If I know that, surely Bush and Rumsfeld do, too. You cannot intimidate suicide bombers and religious fanatics. These people do not fear us. They do not fear death. And they do not want American forces occupying their turf. No matter how much they hated Sadam Hussein, they hate us more. And while we're on the subject, let us not forget that as despicable as Sadam Hussein was, he had NOTHING to do with 9/11.

And in conclusion....

I just want to say that we have been on here for quite some time, discussing one of the top two hot button topics (the other being religion, of course) and not once has anyone flamed another member. No one has called names, made accusations, yelled, threatened to leave the forum, or sent nasty PMs (at least I have not heard of any). Take a bow, guys and girls. You are all a class act, and although I may not agree with you politically, I would be proud to shake your hand and buy you a cup of coffee.

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And in conclusion....

I just want to say that we have been on here for quite some time, discussing one of the top two hot button topics (the other being religion, of course) and not once has anyone flamed another member. No one has called names, made accusations, yelled, threatened to leave the forum, or sent nasty PMs (at least I have not heard of any). Take a bow, guys and girls. You are all a class act, and although I may not agree with you politically, I would be proud to shake your hand and buy you a cup of coffee.

If I had started this thread on most other sites, it would not have lasted one page, let alone 8 before someone would have accused someone else of BuSh bashing, God bashing, etc which would have led to using euphemisms for Liberal that I will not use in mixed company and then retaliation, foul language, mobilization of cliques, PM's to defend the honor of the ideology and finally total loss of discussion about any topic other than we are better than you and your type has ruined the USA, so get out.

Everyone at this forum and particularly those members who posted in this thread, should give themselves a round of applause. :clap2:

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You know why I think this thread is working? Because it started out with a vote! :wacko: Voting is a powerful and empowering thing!

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You know why I think this thread is working? Because it started out with a vote! :wacko: Voting is a powerful and empowering thing!

Voting is indeed empowering, Karik! But I think this thread has not self-destructed because of the contributors. We have conducted ourselves like adults (as we should at all times, of course). We are an example to everyone on the forum that people can disagree without being disagreeable.

Moderators, do we get a gold star?

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KariK: That's a good take on the voting aspect of this thread. I think you're right.

When I first came to LBT, there was a raging argument going on with lots of flaming and insults flying. Many of those people have left and are participating at a different site. I am so happy to know that healthy discussions can be had without people getting personal. Is this a great country, or what!!

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umm...here are some stats that may have some of us not giving a flying monkey about some of his moral do gooder work...

mind you, these are as of January lasty year so we all know its actually worse now...

232: Number of American combat deaths in Iraq between May 2003 and January 2004

501: Number of American servicemen to die in Iraq from the beginning of the war - so far

0: Number of American combat deaths in Germany after the Nazi surrender to the Allies in May 1945

0: Number of coffins of dead soldiers returning home from Iraq that the Bush administration has allowed to be photographed

0: Number of funerals or memorials that President Bush has attended for soldiers killed in Iraq

100: Number of fund-raisers attended by Bush or Vice-President Dick Cheney in 2003

10 million: Estimated number of people worldwide who took to the streets in opposition to the invasion of Iraq, setting an all-time record for simultaneous protest

2: Number of nations that Bush has attacked and taken over since coming into the White House

9.2: Average number of American soldiers wounded in Iraq each day since the invasion in March last year

1.6: Average number of American soldiers killed in Iraq per day since hostilities began

16,000: Approximate number of Iraqis killed since the start of war

10,000: Approximate number of Iraqi civilians killed since the beginning of the conflict

$100 billion: Estimated cost of the war in Iraq to American citizens by the end of 2003

$13 billion: Amount other countries have committed towards rebuilding Iraq (much of it in loans) as of 24 October

36%: Increase in the number of desertions from the US army since 1999

92%: Percentage of Iraq's urban areas that had access to drinkable Water a year ago

60%: Percentage of Iraq's urban areas that have access to drinkable water today

32%: Percentage of the bombs dropped on Iraq this year that were not precision-guided

1983: The year in which Donald Rumsfeld gave Saddam Hussein a pair of golden spurs

45%: Percentage of Americans who believed in early March 2003 that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 11 September attacks on the US

$127 billion: Amount of US budget surplus in the year that Bush became President in 2001

$374 billion: Amount of US budget deficit in the fiscal year for 2003

1st: This year's deficit is on course to be the biggest in United States history

$1.58 billion: Average amount by which the US national debt increases each day

$23,920: Amount of each US citizen's share of the national debt as of 19 January 2004

1st: The record for the most bankruptcies filed in a single year (1.57 million) was set in 2002

10: Number of solo press conferences that Bush has held since beginning his term. His father had managed 61 at this point in his administration, and Bill Clinton 33

1st: Rank of the US worldwide in terms of greenhouse gas emissions per capita

$113 million: Total sum raised by the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign, setting a record in American electoral history

$130 million: Amount raised for Bush's re-election campaign so far

$200m: Amount that the Bush-Cheney campaign is expected to raise in 2004

$40m: Amount that Howard Dean, the top fund-raiser among the nine Democratic presidential hopefuls, amassed in 2003

28: Number of days holiday that Bush took last August, the second longest holiday of any president in US history (Record holder: Richard Nixon)

13: Number of vacation days the average American worker receives each year

3: Number of children convicted of capital offences executed in the US in 2002. America is only country openly to acknowledge executing children

1st: As Governor of Texas, George Bush executed more prisoners (152) than any governor in modern US history

2.4 million: Number of Americans who have lost their jobs during the three years of the Bush administration

221,000: Number of jobs per month created since Bush's tax cuts took effect. He promised the measure would add 306,000

1,000: Number of new jobs created in the entire country in December. Analysts had expected a gain of 130,000

1st: This administration is on its way to becoming the first since 1929 (Herbert Hoover) to preside over an overall loss of jobs during its complete term in office

9 million: Number of US workers unemployed in September 2003

80%: Percentage of the Iraqi workforce now unemployed

55%: Percentage of the Iraqi workforce unemployed before the war

43.6 million: Number of Americans without health insurance in 2002

130: Number of countries (out of total of 191 recognized by the United Nations) with an American military presence

40%: Percentage of the world's military spending for which the US is responsible

$10.9 million: Average wealth of the members of Bush's original 16-person cabinet

88%: Percentage of American citizens who will save less than $100 on their 2006 federal taxes as a result of 2003 cut in capital gains and dividends taxes

$42,000: Average savings members of Bush's cabinet are expected to enjoy this year as a result in the cuts in capital gains and dividends taxes

$42,228: Median household income in the US in 2001

$116,000: Amount Vice-President Cheney is expected to save each year in taxes

44%: Percentage of Americans who believe the President's economic growth plan will mostly benefit the wealthy

700: Number of people from around the world the US has incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

1st: George W Bush became the first American president to ignore the Geneva Conventions by refusing to allow inspectors access to US-held prisoners of war

+6%: Percentage change since 2001 in the number of US families in poverty

1951: Last year in which a quarterly rise in US military spending was greater than the one the previous spring

54%: Percentage of US citizens who believe Bush was legitimately elected to his post

1st: First president to execute a federal prisoner in the past 40 years. Executions are typically ordered by separate states and not at federal level

9: Number of members of Bush's defense policy board who also sit on the corporate board of, or advise, at least one defense contractor

35: Number of countries to which US has suspended military assistance after they failed to sign agreements giving Americans immunity from prosecution before the International Criminal Court

$300 million: Amount cut from the federal program that provides subsidies to poor families so they can heat their homes

$1 billion: Amount of new US military aid promised Israel in April 2003 to offset the "burdens" of the US war on Iraq

58 million: Number of acres of public lands Bush has opened to road building, logging and drilling

200: Number of public-health and environmental laws Bush has attempted to downgrade or weaken

29,000: Number of American troops - which is close to the total of a whole army division - to have either been killed, wounded, injured or become so ill as to require evacuation from Iraq, according to the Pentagon

90%: Percentage of American citizens who said they approved of the way George Bush was handling his job as president when asked on 26 September, 2001

53%: Percentage of American citizens who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president when asked on 16 January, 2004

Scribby, these stats are both sobering and sad. It's horrible to see what has happened to our country over the last few years. And to think, these stats are even worse and more horrific now.

BTW, the reason more people are employed now has a lot to do with the men and women who had to leave their jobs and serve in the Middle East. What would happen to our employment rate when those men and women come home? How many people will be out of work then? What's going to happen to our economy at that point? I seriously wonder if Bush plans on leaving his mess for the next president?

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I seriously wonder if Bush plans on leaving his mess for the next president?
BuSh has already said that he plans to do just that. And he was not embarrassed.

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I am thinking that is not such a great thing ?

Like i said I Do not know alot about business lol

I also wanted to thank everyone, I think this is the FIRST board ive been on where I can participate in a discussion like this and not #1 be made to feel like an IDIOT . Im not the most educated person about political issues ( I just know what I know and feel what i feel ) #2 NO one is yelling and screaming or demeaning each other #3 I also feel im learning on here as well. SO THANKS


Mindy...you are NOT an idiot. People name-call when they have run out of intellectual ammunition, and they condescend just to make themselves feel superior. Don't buy into it. Your vote counts as much as the next guy's, and you have every right to cast it for whomever you want. Who you vote for is not the first issue. The first issue is to vote - period.


Unfortunately, none of us are as educated as we should be about political issues. We are too quick to spout rhetoric from unreliable sources. (You mean everything that falls into my "you've got mail" box isn't 100% true? Well color me gullible.)

Politics is a dirty game. Historically the players have all too often been self-serving, power-hungry, ego-tripping liars. It's terribly hard to find an honest politician. In fact, I think you'd have to go somewhere other than Washington DC to do that.

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I seriously wonder if Bush plans on leaving his mess for the next president?

Absolutely. George Bush does not care about the GOP, the USA, or Y-O-U. He has spent his administration paying back old political debts, solidifying his VERY long-term association with the Saudis, and setting up himself and his family for many generations to come, financially speaking.

He will eventually go down in history as one of the worst presidents of all time.

He has no conscience. The men and women who have died in the Middle East under his leadership, and who will die today, tomorrow, and next week mean nothing to him.

Bush, on meeting with the mother of a soldier killed in Iraq, who pointedly stated that she held him to blame for her son's death, simply said, "We see things differently." Yeah, George, we do. You're damned straight we do!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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