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Wow! This could be a hot page. I am a teacher and a conservative. i see so much waste from the social programs and have for 21 years. I was so broke my first year and could not afford the HBO or showtime networks. 3/4 of my class was on free lunches and 1/2 my class had HBO or Showtime. I could go on and on about the waste and unfairness of social programs but you do not have the time to listen. I am tired of working to support other people that abuse these programs. My mother worked all her life, never had a college education. came from very poor background, and worked at low paying jobs all her life. She is now on social security and struggling. She cannot get near the help welfare people get. I help her instead. Something is very wrong with our welfare program.

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I am tired of turning on the TV every morning before work and see another young 19,20 21 year old killed in Iraq for what? They hate AMERICANS OVER THERE. wtf over!! They will be fighting over there if we dont pull out or if we do pull out. OOH that sounds like sex.

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Wow! This could be a hot page. I am a teacher and a conservative. i see so much waste from the social programs and have for 21 years. I was so broke my first year and could not afford the HBO or showtime networks. 3/4 of my class was on free lunches and 1/2 my class had HBO or Showtime. I could go on and on about the waste and unfairness of social programs but you do not have the time to listen. I am tired of working to support other people that abuse these programs. My mother worked all her life, never had a college education. came from very poor background, and worked at low paying jobs all her life. She is now on social security and struggling. She cannot get near the help welfare people get. I help her instead. Something is very wrong with our welfare program.

Great post, SueSue! You are so right! As someone who also works with people using social services, I also have been appalled by all the fraud and waste. What really gripes me is that many of the ones using the system the most seem to be the ones who complain about how "unfair" the system is....all while wearing their $150.00 shoes, watching their big-screen plasma TVs, texting on their cell phones and listening to their Ipods! For those of us who struggle to provide the true necessities and also pay high taxes to help others, it can be hard to take sometimes. Hang in there! You sound like a wonderful daughter. (P.S. You must get lonely in the staff room, huh? My conservative-teacher friends all comment on that.....) Thanks for posting!

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I wonder, truthfully, how many people on welfare have $150 shoes, plasma TVs, cell phones and Ipods. It is very popular to say things like that since we all resent the enormous taxes we pay, but how many of us truly resent helping people when they are down on their luck and can't feed and clothe their children?

Just because some government programs are bad doesn't mean that all government programs are bad. In fact, the Republican administration has made lots of noise about getting rid of big government, but the government has only gotten bigger while they have been in power.

One of the things I resent is our tax dollars going to pay for the government subctractors in Iraq who are making millions by doing the jobs that our military cannot do because they are under-funded and under staffed.

Thousands of our reserve military once enlisted because they wanted to serve our nation in times of natural disasters, but who in no way expected ever to spend years of their lives in the forefront of a war. Not only have they sacrificed with lost years, but so many have sacrified with lost lives! I believe that this war is criminal and much more of a drain on our national resources than people on welfare have ever been.

I know that is not a popular thing to voice here, but I really get tired of hearing about all the many welfare recipients who have $150 shoes, Ipods, plasma TVs and the like. If there is still a major problem with welfare fraud, let's fix it. Getting rid of it completely isn't the right answer.

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I wonder, truthfully, how many people on welfare have $150 shoes, plasma TVs, cell phones and Ipods. It is very popular to say things like that since we all resent the enormous taxes we pay, but how many of us truly resent helping people when they are down on their luck and can't feed and clothe their children?

Just because some government programs are bad doesn't mean that all government programs are bad. In fact, the Republican administration has made lots of noise about getting rid of big government, but the government has only gotten bigger while they have been in power.

I know that is not a popular thing to voice here, but I really get tired of hearing about all the many welfare recipients who have $150 shoes, Ipods, plasma TVs and the like. If there is still a major problem with welfare fraud, let's fix it. Getting rid of it completely isn't the right answer.

Bjean, you should know by now that I don't make statements I can't back up or have not experienced myself. I see this all the time in my work... people on welfare or getting government help and having more luxuries than I have. And I never said that "all government programs are bad." Agreeing with SueSue and what she has seen in her work does not mean that she or I or anyone else is resentful of helping those who truly need help. I am sorry you are "tired of hearing" it, but I also get tired of hearing things like blaming the government or the Republicans or anyone else. People need to take responsibility for their own lives...stop using others or the system. Stop blaming the government for the problems in their life or playing the "buy now, pay later (or never)" game. Figure out what they truly need to live, not what they want or think they should have. I see it all the time....it is not a myth. Clinton couldn't solve it, Bush can't solve it---- people need to solve it themselves. I don't have the answer---but not discussing it won't solve it either.

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Sorry LR, that whole $150 shoe thing really grates on my nerves. I don't have a problem talking about issues that need reform, but that particular line of thinking sounds pretty extreme and encapsulated to me. It isn't that I don't believe that it ever exists.

I know what you mean about the irritation of people placing blame on the government or the Republicans or Clinton, etc. It gets old having people use extreme examples when they are against something. Unfortunately it's how it's done here in the good ole' U.S. of A. The media has made us experts at using sound bytes when we're wanting to make a point instead of citing in-depth proof.

Of course it also results in some lively debates here at LBT too. So I guess it's not ALL bad.

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You get irritated hearing about the $150 shoes, I get irritated when I SEE the $150 shoes on the feet of people I visit who are getting welfare. So are we even?? :guess

And I agree.... the debates here on LBT are lively and fun (usually) ... thanks for helping make it that way !

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You get irritated hearing about the $150 shoes, I get irritated when I SEE the $150 shoes on the feet of people I visit who are getting welfare. So are we even?? :guess

And I agree.... the debates here on LBT are lively and fun (usually) ... thanks for helping make it that way !

So good to see you back! I missed you! I hope you had a great trip! we'll talk more!

I agree with you, as long as we keep blaming the government for our choices, we can't improve.... yes, we must take responsabilities for our lives.... sometimes it's local government .... I'm more than ok with helping who really needs help.... but do those who wear $150. shoes and are on welfare really need help? not...:rolleyes

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So good to see you back! I missed you! I hope you had a great trip! we'll talk more!

I agree with you, as long as we keep blaming the government for our choices, we can't improve.... yes, we must take responsabilities for our lives.... sometimes it's local government .... I'm more than ok with helping who really needs help.... but do those who wear $150. shoes and are on welfare really need help? not...:rolleyes

Hi Elena! Yes, we had a great trip....just got back and couldn't wait to get my LBT "fix".... Nice to hear from you, too!

About the shoes.... I guess what I was getting at was that what was once considered a "luxury" has now become a "necessity" for so many people. They feel deprived and picked on if others have more than they do, regardless if is needed or not, or if they can pay for it or not. Of course not all people do this, but enough do to make it really frustrating for those of us providing free services. We see them spend what money they have on "play" stuff, and not on the food, shelter, and health needs they have. Then, of course, they say they aren't getting enough help. Let me just say again that I have ZERO problem helping those who really need it. And I put my money where my mouth is, both personally and through my business. But it does get to me sometimes to see that help getting wasted by some people. Of course, there are those who truly do need the help and use it wisely.... they are the ones that keep me going and restore my faith....

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L8Bloom, I have found that people who do not work in areas where they see the abuse of welfare do not understand it and do think we are just being bitter. I am a little resentful of these programs. I have worked all my life, 21 years of it as a teacher. I enjoy it most of the time but I sometimes wonder what it would be like to stay at home and draw a check. I work in a low socioeconomic school. We have parents lie every year about their income to get free lunches. They lie about not working and they are. Others share information they shouldn't, and then you learn a greal deal by observing them through out the year. I have also heard many ideas about what our government may do for illegal aliens and once again I think of my hard working mother that could use more help but can't get it. So.....I know abuse exsists. It is frustrating to me.

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SueSue, I understand your frustration. When my kids were younger, we were really struggling to make ends meet. Many of the kids in our neighborhood were getting free breakfasts and lunches at school, and getting help in other ways from government programs. Yet they all had the latest and most expensive clothes, shoes, and videos and video games. We couldn't afford those things and my kids always asked why their friends had them and we couldn't afford them. The school district budget was really stretched thin and yet no one seemed to care about taking more from it. The parents of these kids were nice and ethical for the most part, yet saw nothing wrong in subsidizing their income in this way. Most of them faked their income information and no one bothered to check. It was tough to explain to my kids, but I am glad we didn't fall into that same slippery slope. You are to be commended for speaking out and for helping your mom. I bet you are a great teacher and will do much good just by the example you set!

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Sorry, I can't bring myself to vote because I'm busy puking over my own damn welfare inlaws. She's on welfare & food stamps, and he picks up an odd side job from time to time that he DOES NOT PAY TAXES ON!!! Between them they smoke 3 packs a day and meat purchased with food stamps to support their pot habit. I choked at their grocery cart full of cases of Coke, steaks and enough junk food to satisfy this board, while me & my husband have always worked full time to pay our mortgage while eating Top Ramen to make ends meet and treat ourselves to dinner only with 2-4-1 or 1/2 price off coupons.

I'm torn - I like the idea of social programs but was raised to support myself or go without, period. Nobody ever helped me; nobody ever helped my single mom, and nobody ever helped my dad or any of my grandparents. We don't rely on welfare, disability, food stamps or unemployment, and I have a feeling when the time comes for us to NEED the help, we'll be kicked to the curb.

On the other hand, I'd gladly pay more taxes to have unified health insurance. The thought of walking into any medical facility I want to without worrying about how I'm going to pay, or if I'll get decent medical care wins over the thought of paying for the unemployed to be covered. It's not an easy choice.

What does this make me?

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To tell you the truth, the reason the reference to $150 shoes grates on my nerves is because of an experience I had in Orlando several years ago.

I was one of the founders of a wonderful group for women whereby we worked in many areas of our community to help those in need. One of our members is an extremely wealthy woman who has been very fortunate in business. She also has a heart of gold. Another member worked, totally hands-on, with indigent children in an after school program, 5 days a week at her Presbyterian church downtown. Most of those children in that program were African American.

When the first woman, Mrs. Steinfeld, asked the second woman, Mrs. Brown, what she thought would be a nice Christmas present for those kids, Mrs. Brown said that a great pair of althletic shoes would make them very, very happy.

Well, Mrs. Steinfeld threw a huge party for those 30 kids. She did a lot of beautiful and thoughtful things for those kids. One of the things she did was to buy a pair of $200 Michael Jordan shoes for each and every one of them.

So to hear stories about how kids show up at school in expensive shoes, but that they are on welfare and resented by people, it makes me nuts. You can't be sure, unless you do the research, exactly how they came to be owners of expensive athletic shoes.

I will defer in the argument about general welfare abuse to the person whose in-laws are welfare abusers. She obviously knows first hand of their sources for every bit of food and clothing (and smokes) that they have acquired.

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I don't think anyone here is saying that only one thing, like shoes, is the basis for judging someone's circumstances. In my own case, I go into the home and also know a bit about the dynamics of each case. I can tell when someone is truly needy and has been given things to help them, or if someone is using the system. And, even if I know that there is fraud going on we still provide the free services, preferring to err on that side than the other. Also, in the case of the students taking advantage of free programs, these were my neighbors and many were close friends. I knew their financial situations....often they were better than mine. And I believe SueSue also has a good grasp of this same situation and knows enough about her students to make an accurate assessment. I don't believe anyone here is making a quick judgment just because of expensive shoes, but I do understand why you would worry about that happening.

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I don't think anyone here is saying that only one thing, like shoes, is the basis for judging someone's circumstances. In my own case, I go into the home and also know a bit about the dynamics of each case. I can tell when someone is truly needy and has been given things to help them, or if someone is using the system. And, even if I know that there is fraud going on we still provide the free services, preferring to err on that side than the other. Also, in the case of the students taking advantage of free programs, these were my neighbors and many were close friends. I knew their financial situations....often they were better than mine. And I believe SueSue also has a good grasp of this same situation and knows enough about her students to make an accurate assessment. I don't believe anyone here is making a quick judgment just because of expensive shoes, but I do understand why you would worry about that happening.

Totally agree and I feel the same way as the previous poster, I don't rely on food stamps, welfare, unemployment, if I don't have enough, I live without it but I don't believe in relying on the government, never have, I understand that sometimes we may have to and that's fine, I bet that if I ever need it , it will be too late and I will get nothing, because of all the abuse... I know that many do need the help, but there is also plenty of abuse...

You know, when I brought my mother from Cuba, after waiting many, many years in order to bring her legally... I also signed an affidavit of support for 15 years, where I became totally responsible for her, she never got welfare, medicaid, nothing, I assumed responsabilities, she passed away some years later and I'm still paying hospital bills little by little... it would've been easier to just lean on government assistance, but when enough people do that, oyr system will be bankrupt...:rolleyes

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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