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I though it was much earlier.

Did you ever read of the smallpox blankets given to the Indians?

Yes, I have. Was that deliberate, or did it wreak havoc simply because the Indians had no immunity to the disease?

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Wow! I should read all of this before I post... it's more serious then I thought.

Cashley...did you delete your earlier post? Please...don't let us scare you off. We may not all agree with you, but we will NEVER disagree with your right to argue your point of view. As far as I'm concerned, a poster loses that right only when he/she starts making personal attacks on other people. Smack my beliefs around all you want, but be nice to me, the person, or I'll cry. :think

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Yes, I have. Was that deliberate, or did it wreak havoc simply because the Indians had no immunity to the disease?

It was deliberate. It did more harm to the Native Americans than if it had been done to Europeans.

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It was deliberate. It did more harm to the Native Americans than if it had been done to Europeans.

But that was Columbus and his guys, right? Not the "founding fathers", meaning G. Washington and his crew.

Edited to add this:

Never mind...I remember now...it was VD that Columbus and his shipmates gave the Indians.

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Does anyone remember George McGovern?

It is truly enlightening that both George McGovern and Barry Goldwater were given the same rough treatment first by the media and then by the voters, who elected their opponents in landslides.

Each had a plan for changing the status quo. Each had a plan that required trying something that might have improved our country. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting the results to change. By that definition the US voting public is insane.

When you look at the choices we have had for president, there is not that much difference between them. And as long as we alternate to some degree from one party to the other, we basically bang our head off the same wall, over and over, one step forward and two steps back.

McGovern's plan was a negative income tax. Under the system of welfare in place when he ran for office in 1972, if a family was on welfare and daddy came around, the family was thrown off of welfare even though daddy did not bring in enough money to feed, cloth and shelter his family. The system encouraged broken families.

With the McGovern's negative income tax plan, the father would have been able to get a entry level job and instead of taking taxes out, he would have had tax money added to his check. Example: a man making $200 a week in those days might pay $25 federal tax with two children. If the man had one child, he might pay $30 federal tax or another man might pay $20 federal tax with three children.

A man who made $100 a week with two children might pay only $5. But a man making $60 a week would pay nothing, but so would a man making $80 a week, pay nothing. Under McGovern's plan, the man making $80 would get $5 from the government and the man making $60 would get $15 from the government.

By doing this the man could live with his family and as he got raises, he would gradually move from receiving money to giving money (in the form of taxes). This plan would cost too much the media claimed, but it would have cost nothing, because the welfare case workers would no longer be needed. And that was one of the largest uses of welfare money, paying for case workers.

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Cashley...did you delete your earlier post? Please...don't let us scare you off. We may not all agree with you, but we will NEVER disagree with your right to argue your point of view. As far as I'm concerned, a poster loses that right only when he/she starts making personal attacks on other people. Smack my beliefs around all you want, but be nice to me, the person, or I'll cry. :think

Actually I'm quite wishy washy on the entire subject so that's why I deleted my post. I'm a liberal democrate that wants small goverment, flat % taxes for all, less red tape, and assistance for the poor but not incentives to stay there...

My big thing with being a liberal is I'm liberal minded... live and let live, freedom of religion and freedom from relegion (if that's what some people want). The right wing consertatives scare the hell out me with the fire and brimstone BS and I'd rather be a hippy touting peace love & rock&roll...

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I understand the frustration with some of the events that has taken place with George Bush, however some of the mistakes by previous presidents have put us in the mess were in now. He's tried to fix them, some things have worked and some have not. But I am not convinced anyone could fix the brainwashing of indiviuals.

Am I better off than 8 years ago. Yes I am. I have two wonderful young adult children, a loving husband, an at least average job and nice home and I about to get a lap band to help perdict better health for my future.

I a believer that you make your own happiness, its not the goverments responsiblity.

Am I a good Christian? No, I am not, I am learning, I am growing, I am seaking to be a better person, a better mother, a better wife, a better person. SO I desperatly need Gods help to help me meet these goals. People get so caught up in thinking Christians should be perfect. Their NOT.. they are just forgiven.

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Anybody besides Dick Morris think this is actually a possibility? To a lot of the men I know, this would be the worst possible scenario! Who ya gonna vote for, Bubba? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Dick Morris: Condoleezza vs. Hillary

Unless the Republican Party can break the Democratic hold over minorities and reduce or eliminate the gender gap, it will fade into history, Dick Morris tells NewsMax's Insider Report.

Just as the British Liberal Party died in the face of economic changes, so the Republican Party may wither away as the nation's demographics move away from its white male base.

By 2008, blacks and Hispanics combined will likely account for 28 percent of the vote (in 2000 they were 24 percent).

Can Republicans count on getting the 70 percent of the white vote they will need to overcome these minorities if they vote solidly Democratic?

Not very likely.

Only a black or Hispanic Republican candidate can hope to puncture the Democratic minority group base.

And with Hillary Clinton as the likely Democratic candidate in 2008, who better to contest for minorities and women than Condoleezza Rice?

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I really don't think the welfare system should be looked at as the biggest problem. And I AM SURE I will make no friends by saying this...

It is our entire social system. What makes it OK for a man to make a baby with a woman, only to NEVER give her financial support or walk away in the Friend of the Court system and pay CLOSE to nothing? We should be ashamed of ourselves. Over 50% of people on welfare are single mothers, who DO NOT recieve child support.

If people had more responibilty for taking care of their own we would NOT be in this situation! It is the idelogical system that we have that makes it ok for a man to walk away free and clear. (And some women as well, it is not just men.)

Women make .60 to men per dollar doing the SAME EXACT job. That creates a problem right away. It is the way it has always been. African Americans in 1950 were 3 times more likely to be in poverty, and guess what? They are STILL 3 times more likely today. The system does not change as a whole, that is the real problem. We can not point our finger at one thing and believe "POOF" it is fixed.

Our education systems are to blame as well. Students in poor areas don't have books, computers, clean schools. Things that are instrumental in education. Their parents do not make enough to pay taxes into the school system to change it. Why not? Lack of education...from where? The same school system. It is a vicious cycle of the system. It is hard to get out of cycle.

Lack of resources=Lack of education=Lack of job opportunities=Lack of FUNDS!

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I would love to see Condie Rice run! She's a brilliant women! I am just not sure the old school Republican Party would share in my thoughts. I wanted Elizabeth Dole a couple years ago and that didn't happen. I also think Linda Chavez would be a great female presidential candidate!!! Love her! She's hispanic..... Maybe Dick is smarter than most of us give him credit for.

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Anybody besides Dick Morris think this is actually a possibility? To a lot of the men I know, this would be the worst possible scenario! Who ya gonna vote for, Bubba? I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Dick Morris: Condoleezza vs. Hillary

Unless the Republican Party can break the Democratic hold over minorities and reduce or eliminate the gender gap, it will fade into history, Dick Morris tells NewsMax's Insider Report.

Just as the British Liberal Party died in the face of economic changes, so the Republican Party may wither away as the nation's demographics move away from its white male base.

By 2008, blacks and Hispanics combined will likely account for 28 percent of the vote (in 2000 they were 24 percent).

Can Republicans count on getting the 70 percent of the white vote they will need to overcome these minorities if they vote solidly Democratic?

Not very likely.

Only a black or Hispanic Republican candidate can hope to puncture the Democratic minority group base.

And with Hillary Clinton as the likely Democratic candidate in 2008, who better to contest for minorities and women than Condoleezza Rice?

I predicted Hillery was Ms. Rice at another forum at least a year ago.

98% of the Black women who voted in the last two presidential elections voted for the Democrat. Putting Ms. Rice against Hillary would gain many more votes from Blacks for Rice than the Republican would lose from the son's of Dixie.




Three Republicans that have a good chance in 2008.

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I totally agree Jack; I really like Condi, McCain is just ok and Giuliani has too many personal problems as well as being too socialy liberal. So... ??

I am hoping for Condi !

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I understand the frustration with some of the events that has taken place with George Bush, however some of the mistakes by previous presidents have put us in the mess were in now. He's tried to fix them, some things have worked and some have not. But I am not convinced anyone could fix the brainwashing of indiviuals.

If you think I am picking on you (or flaming, bashing, etc.) please tell me to leave you alone and I will.

I am curious; what has BuSh tried to fix? Which presidents mess things up? When did things go wrong?

Am I a good Christian? No, I am not, I am learning, I am growing, I am seaking to be a better person, a better mother, a better wife, a better person. SO I desperatly need Gods help to help me meet these goals. People get so caught up in thinking Christians should be perfect. Their NOT.. they are just forgiven.
The problem that many people have with people who call themselves Christians is that many are not forgiving. Earlier in this thread I said:
I have never had a problem with a Christian who quotes Christ.

Most of my problems with Christians come from people who claim to be Christian but only quote the "Old Testament".

Next time a Christian annoys you, ask them to quote the Beatitudes.

and then I printed the Beatitudes.

Most people who belong to the Christian Right seldom quote Christ, but they are quick to misinterpret the "An Eye for an Eye" verse. "An Eye for an Eye" was not meant as permission to get even, it was meant as a limit on how much retribution one would be allowed to take. It is probably the basis for our constitutional prohibition on "Cruel and Unusual Punishment".

I don't see Jesus as having lead an Invasion of Iraq, ordering "Shock and Awe" over Baghdad or the carpet bombing of Afghanistan. I didn't expect the USA to "turn the other cheek" after 911, but isn't that what Jesus preached?

Didn't the Christians who were taken prisoners by Romans die in the Coliseum without lifting their hands in defense?

Is the United States acting more like those Christians or like the Romans?

Again please do not feel picked on. These are rhetorical questions and if you can not answer them, at least please think about them.

I listened to FOX radio today and they have made a comical song about the President Clinton-Chris Wallace interview over the weekend. They have edited clips into the song to mock what happened. No matter who you think was right, it is not something to laugh about. It is a serious issue; one which needs a national debate about.

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I'm still waiting for enlightenment about the Democrats=bigger government vs our current situation...

Better to send $317 billion (and counting) overseas and increase the size of government to limit civil liberties = smaller/better government?

My brother cited that same reason that he (now) votes Republican. He asked me "Whatever happened to working hard and getting ahead?"

I agreed with him - yes, whatever did happen to working hard and getting ahead?? I know of lots of double income families who are working hard but unable to get ahead - incomes have not matched inflation. People with lower incomes are penalized with higher interest rates. They are unable to buy homes in the current market, so their meager means is thrown away in rent, which often rises more often/quickly than their wages.

How many of us are TRULY more than one or two disasterous events away from financial devastation? My income is well above the poverty line, and it would not take much to topple my house of cards.





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I understand the frustration with some of the events that has taken place with George Bush, however some of the mistakes by previous presidents have put us in the mess were in now. He's tried to fix them, some things have worked and some have not. But I am not convinced anyone could fix the brainwashing of indiviuals.

Am I better off than 8 years ago. Yes I am. I have two wonderful young adult children, a loving husband, an at least average job and nice home and I about to get a lap band to help perdict better health for my future.

I a believer that you make your own happiness, its not the goverments responsiblity.

Am I a good Christian? No, I am not, I am learning, I am growing, I am seaking to be a better person, a better mother, a better wife, a better person. SO I desperatly need Gods help to help me meet these goals. People get so caught up in thinking Christians should be perfect. Their NOT.. they are just forgiven.

Did you happen to see the TV Movie "the Path to 911 " ? I can see WHY the Clinton Administration AND the BUSH admin Did NOT want that movie shown. The "disclaimer " at the start of the movie was a JOKE , it was simply to appease the goverment so they would not pull the movie.

Personally if you saw that movie, Democrat, Republican , Independent, I dont care who you were ,I dont see how you could have watched that movie and it NOT Make your stomach turn . Did Clinton have chances to Take out Osama ? You bet your A$$ . Did Bush ? You bet your A$$ . If you watch that Movie and take it for what it was , Straight out of the 911 report BOTH administartions NEW 911 or an attack like 911 WAS GOING TO HAPPEN. It was frankly sicking to watch and made my stomach turn as well as my husbands who is a conservative Republican. Why ? Because everyone in Washington was too busy worring about how it was going to make THEM look if something happened or who was going to look bad if they took out a terrorist NO one would do a damn thing about it. JP Oneil retired from the FBI because he said " Im not going to work for a goverment that has more interest in protecting their own a$$'$ than protecting their people" (He worked under Bush and Clinton )He retired and became the head of the World Trade Center Security . His First Day was 9-11 , he died that day in the towers trying to help others get out!

I Can not tell you how ANGRY I was watching that movie.

As for your last quote "People get so caught up in thinking Christians should be perfect. Their NOT.. they are just forgiven." My opinion is PEOPLE dont think Christians should be perfect, its SOME ( Note i said some NOT ALL ) of those christians who THINK They ARE PERFECT and judge others that I have a problem with and that give the other "Normal" Christians as I call them a bad name.

Just my input


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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