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Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

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Thank you New Gma!! I appreciate the love and I am going right now to read your article... Nice to meet you here!!! And congrats on your loss.. and thanks for your wonderful advice!!

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This is a great and educational thread thanks newgrandma

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bukki thats great you will be fine.

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peggy give it time. our bodies have to adjust it will come off in peaks so my nut told me. so dont worry one day the scale is going to drop really big hang in there.

sweet c good for you i too didnt have to many problems i just had nausea not much pain.

baby no problem we are here to help each other the support here is awesome

forme you go girl continue to be strong

ready i am so sorry you are going through this. i will say a prayer for you and you hang in there we are going to look back on this in a month or two and be able to help someone else that might have the same problem.

scared you are so welcome anything to help the fellow sleevers we are here to support each other.

ok i think i felt my full feeling i ate chicken and diced peaches for dinner tonight and i had this stuck feeling each time i tried to finish the peaches i had to breath it was so uncomfortable (ready i feel your pain) that is an awful feeling and it stopped me from eating. barely got 700 cal today but over 100 grams of protien. i want to know when i will be able to eat what i want but in small portions. i generly eat healthy so that wont be a problem.

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I've had a horrible night!!!! I sat and watched all my co workers eat cheese fries, wings, lobster and steak along with beers and cocktails.

I tried to eat some tuna and 15 mins later got so sick and have been throwing up since. :(

This sucks

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Ok I've had it, I'm very frustrated right now - everyone that's doin great, I'm glad for you & i wish you continued success so dont mind me but anyone who has experienced what I have knows how I feel right now...

For the new ones on here I was sleeves 9/12 & also had a hiatal hernia repair... I was dehydrated goin into week one & was re-hospitalized for dehydration the Wed following my surgery - also for intense left side pain(which is still giving me problems but thanks to my heating pad seems to get better & better each day) but also I have had to experience the feeling of everything be'n stuck in my chest, esophagus or whatever - it is the most discomforting thing I am currently experienced... I am soft foods & most days now Water isn't a big problem for me, it's the one thing that most of the time doesn't give me discomfort but for the last few days yes I've gotten my Protein in @ 60 or close but it has been a struggle due to the discomfort... I've been told its the hiatal hernia repair which I wasn't even having issues w/ prior to this surgery but now all of the sudden I am - I almost wish my De would have just left as is... I am sick of not even being able to drink a Protein Shake due to the discomfort - I mean its ridiculous - the only regret of having the surgery is that very reason... It's now been 2 weeks & a few days since I was sleeved & I somewhat feel defeated b/c of this - I wanna stay positive although I may not sound like it - I really do but due to this discomfort it's making me feel negative... Hearing other people say it still feels the same when I eat as it did before surgery makes me happy for them but sad for me b/c it's getting literally on my last nerve... I want to feel normal eating & not be scared to even put anything in my mouth - I'm sick of liquids Soups & etc but thinking that's my only option now till & even if the stuck feeling ever will subside...

Well that is all for now so again those not having issues trust me when I say be thankful & trust me when I say I am so happy for your continues success but please pray for some of us on here who are having these types of discomforts that they will subside ASAP.... Have a good weekend everyone & I will try & do the same... Thanks to everyone on here for their continued support...

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You've been having a rough time of it. I know I get some things stuck too. But it sounds like you're getting even full liquids stuck. If that is the case, you may want to have your doc do a swallow study....stuff is nasty, but they can see it going in AS YOU SWALLOW IT. And it may just be that they need to stretch the very top of your stomach/bottom of your esophagus. Because it sounds like at this rate, you'll never be able to eat. I'm not trying to doom and gloom you. But this may be something the docs just need to fix. Hope it gets better.

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I've had a horrible night!!!! I sat and watched all my co workers eat cheese fries, wings, lobster and steak along with beers and cocktails.

I tried to eat some tuna and 15 mins later got so sick and have been throwing up since. :(

This sucks

The thought of eating tuna, I'm assuming like tuna salad, just already has me hurling. I love it. It's just that tuna is so "dry" that it may not go down. Although, today I'm thinking I might boil some eggs, puree them in the food processor and then mix in the mayo and some relish. No egg pieces. Should go down smoothly. At least I'm gonna try.

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@Peggylou: I think a little depression is par for the course for people like us. I am Day 12 post op and it seems like every other day I have a more emotional day with tears and regret. Everything you read also states that this is normal. We have had just about everything we know as "comfort" taken away from us. We have to re-train our brains to think about things outside of the realm of food I guess. It is definitely an adjustment and so not the "easy way out" Hang in there. I am operating on a day to day basis myself.

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Wow, after reading some of these post; most of them, I know I am in the minority. I was sleeved on May 7th this year and I promise you I have not experience anything like I have just read. There was never any gas, pain, vomiting, discomfort or difficulty getting anything down. Of course I followed doctor's orders to the tee. I never filled the pain medication prescription because I had no pain. I was out so long after surgery until any pain must have worn off by the time I came around. My doctor, said no Protein shakes; get protein from food. I started on two chewable vitamins and a chewable Calcium tablet on the day of discharge (1 day hospitalization). I have nothing but praises for the entire experience. I can eat anything I want. I can drink wine and everything is in moderation. My desire for sweets has diminished, I don't eat it and no bread and very little rice, potatoes and pasta; really next to none and that is because the desire is not there anymore. I have lost 55 pounds with 45 more to go. I have gone from size 22 to size 16 which is a very comfortable fit. To date I have not done any exercise but plan to start Monday on 10/1. My birthday is on the 25th and I will turn 56 so my goal is 56 pounds lost by my birthday. I am very happy I made the decision to be sleeved and looking forward to the finish line. I never took meds and have always had tons of energy so no change there. I think Doctor Dexter Turnquest is the BEST!

Yay! A fellow Houstonian! So nice to hear your positive experience. Dr. Turnquest was on my list of possible surgeons but I never actually went to a consultation. I ended up using Dr. Marvin in the Med Center. I am on Day 12 post-op and maybe a little better each day but wow, it has not been easy! If I could just get over the shakiness that I feel and weakness then I would feel much happier. I have not figured out how to get my protein in without shakes to be honest. It seems very difficult to do so when you can only eat 2-3oz at a time. Give me some tips please! Oh, and do you attend any support groups? Dr Marvin has one once a month but it is quite a haul for me to get into the med ctr as I am in Magnolia. If you know of any in The Woodlands or somewhere closer can you fill me in? Thanks!

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@Pink.....You poor thing....I threw up once today and am 11 days post op. It felt awful, and the stuck pressure in my chest before I threw up was horrible. I tried to eat a small piece of turkey and chewed the heck out of it but it didn't sit well. I felt better after I threw up....hope you feel better soon.

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Ok I've had it, I'm very frustrated right now - everyone that's doin great, I'm glad for you & i wish you continued success so dont mind me but anyone who has experienced what I have knows how I feel right now...

For the new ones on here I was sleeves 9/12 & also had a hiatal hernia repair... I was dehydrated goin into week one & was re-hospitalized for dehydration the Wed following my surgery - also for intense left side pain(which is still giving me problems but thanks to my heating pad seems to get better & better each day) but also I have had to experience the feeling of everything be'n stuck in my chest, esophagus or whatever - it is the most discomforting thing I am currently experienced... I am soft foods & most days now Water isn't a big problem for me, it's the one thing that most of the time doesn't give me discomfort but for the last few days yes I've gotten my Protein in @ 60 or close but it has been a struggle due to the discomfort... I've been told its the hiatal hernia repair which I wasn't even having issues w/ prior to this surgery but now all of the sudden I am - I almost wish my De would have just left as is... I am sick of not even being able to drink a Protein Shake due to the discomfort - I mean its ridiculous - the only regret of having the surgery is that very reason... It's now been 2 weeks & a few days since I was sleeved & I somewhat feel defeated b/c of this - I wanna stay positive although I may not sound like it - I really do but due to this discomfort it's making me feel negative... Hearing other people say it still feels the same when I eat as it did before surgery makes me happy for them but sad for me b/c it's getting literally on my last nerve... I want to feel normal eating & not be scared to even put anything in my mouth - I'm sick of liquids Soups & etc but thinking that's my only option now till & even if the stuck feeling ever will subside...

Well that is all for now so again those not having issues trust me when I say be thankful & trust me when I say I am so happy for your continues success but please pray for some of us on here who are having these types of discomforts that they will subside ASAP.... Have a good weekend everyone & I will try & do the same... Thanks to everyone on here for their continued support...

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I was sleeved on 9/5. I had the same stuck feeling when I tried to eat shakes and later Soup and soft mushies. i'm just over 3 weeks out and finally that nasty stuck feeling is mostly gone. If I eat too fast or don't chew well enough it shows up again. But for the most part it's gone (almost overnight it seems like). Hang in there, the swelling will subside from both of your operations and you'll be able to get food in without the stuck feeling too.

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Hello everyone. I just wanted to give you an update on me since I haven't commented lately. I have been in intense pain the last two weeks and haven't been able to eat or drink anything. I would wake up extremely naseuous and felt like nothing would stay down. I had additional pain from no bm and was told by the surgeon's office to talk a bunch of enemas, Smooth Move tea, magnesium citrate, mom .... I took them and nothing happened. Two days ago, I started vomitting uncontrollably and had sharp pains. Although I felt I needed to really go to the ER, I didn't b/c we recently had an issue in the family where my nephews mother drowned them (2) and killed (hung) herself. SO I wanted to make sure I was able to make it to the funeral and wake which was this weekend. I went to the wake last night and couldn't take the pain anymore and came to the hospital. While I'm thinking I was just dehydrated and constipated b/c of that it , it turned out to be more. I have several blood clots that have developed and this is what caused me to have all of my symptoms. I have one in my liver, stomach, and leg. I've been really scared b/c they keep sending in doctor after doctor and no one is giving me any answers. They put me on blood thinners and say I might have to have additional surgery. They don't know how long I might be in here either. They tried calling my surgeon and I have been told he refuses to come to the hospital so I'm not sure what that is all about. They immediately had to remove my Mirena iud and are 90% sure that the clots come from surgery since their primarily in the stomach, liver, and intestines. I'm no longer constipated since they gave me the fluids last night but they been took me off them and I haven't eaten all day. I think I took 2 or 3 sips of Water. When I get more news I'll let you guys know. Also please keep my family as well as my health in your prayers. Thanks. SN: Sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors as I'm on my phone.

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Hello everyone. I just wanted to give you an update on me since I haven't commented lately. I have been in intense pain the last two weeks and haven't been able to eat or drink anything. I would wake up extremely naseuous and felt like nothing would stay down. I had additional pain from no bm and was told by the surgeon's office to talk a bunch of enemas' date=' Smooth Move tea, magnesium citrate, mom .... I took them and nothing happened. Two days ago, I started vomitting uncontrollably and had sharp pains. Although I felt I needed to really go to the ER, I didn't b/c we recently had an issue in the family where my nephews mother drowned them (2) and killed (hung) herself. SO I wanted to make sure I was able to make it to the funeral and wake which was this weekend. I went to the wake last night and couldn't take the pain anymore and came to the hospital. While I'm thinking I was just dehydrated and constipated b/c of that it , it turned out to be more. I have several blood clots that have developed and this is what caused me to have all of my symptoms. I have one in my liver, stomach, and leg. I've been really scared b/c they keep sending in doctor after doctor and no one is giving me any answers. They put me on blood thinners and say I might have to have additional surgery. They don't know how long I might be in here either. They tried calling my surgeon and I have been told he refuses to come to the hospital so I'm not sure what that is all about. They immediately had to remove my Mirena iud and are 90% sure that the clots come from surgery since their primarily in the stomach, liver, and intestines. I'm no longer constipated since they gave me the fluids last night but they been took me off them and I haven't eaten all day. I think I took 2 or 3 sips of Water. When I get more news I'll let you guys know. Also please keep my family as well as my health in your prayers. Thanks. SN: Sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors as I'm on my phone.[/quote']

And by the way, I do regret getting this done :-(

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@Toyaboo22: Oh wow! You just made my heart sink reading your post. I guess I shall stop complaining right now. I have NOTHING on you my friend. I am so sorry you are having to deal with your health PLUS family issues. Very sad on the family stuff...wow. Did you go to the ER where you had your surgery? Could this be why he is not coming to the hospital? Are you at a different hospital or one that he does not have privileges at maybe? If you are at a different facility maybe you can ask for a transfer to a facility he attends at? He NEEDS to see you! That is ridiculous. I hope they can get everything straightened out. Keep us posted.

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Okay so I was a bad girl today. Very bad. I brought my family to a local amusement park, was drinking plenty of Water, had a shake before we went, ready for the day. Then, I'm watching them eat, pizza, fried dough, dippin dots, hotdogs, fries, I wanted to almost cry. I caved. I bought a small cup of vanilla soft serve. Had 5 amazing bites. Was disappointed that I didn't feel sick, it was amazing. But I feel so guilty even doing it. Has anyone else been bad? Or did I really just screw up? I feel so weak, I need to be stronger.

I just had a few bites of soft serve and it is awful. In about 10 minutes I started feeling nauseous and threw up. Now I have diarrhea and the shakes with sweating. I got online to see what is going on. Oy vey. That cured me of sweets.

So don't feel guilty, feel fortunate that you didn't have my reaction.

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I am so sorry for everything you are going through. You will likely stay in hospital until they manage the clots. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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