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Is Sleeve Success Possible Without Exercise?

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Due to all my "train wreck" issues , i started my process in a wheelchair, (motorized chair in house) for the past 4-5 years.

I have had 2 back surgeries and am still in constant pain. I also have arthritis and doctors want to replace 1 hip and both knees. (already had joints in hand fused to try and stop the joint pain). I have asthma, diabetes and depression... so my weight is a contributing factor.

I had the sleeve done on May 2, 2012... my diabetes is now controlled by diet only (i was taking 3 medicines daily).. I no longer use motorized chair in house and with the help of a walker, i am able to weed the flowerbeds for the first time in 15-20 years...

do i exercise? not in the way most people do...but i am able to walk...cook meals...do laundry... All these things bring my heart rate up and make me sweat! So for me, they ARE exercise...

I have gone from 294 to 244 (-50 lbs) and a total of -50 inches... Went from pant size 28 to 16 (stretch jeans) 18 (non-stretch) from top size 4-5x to 1x...

so yes, you can lose weight without exercising... good luck :)

Thanks so much TJMOM. I'm happy this surgery has helped you so much! I do clean house and garden (when it is cool/cold outside). And I do plan on walking too (again, once it gets cool). Wish the surgery was tomorrow!

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Yes you can lose and maintain without exercise but you will have to restrict your calories and monitor your daily caloric intake. When we exercise it burns the calories that we eat so with our wt. loss surgery, we are losing wt. rapidly in the begining because we are not consuming the calories we need to. Our bodies are surviving on the huge fat levels we have on them now. After awhile when we start eating more calories, for most people it is 9 months, this is when it gets more difficult to lose wt. and we have to fight to lose one lb. We then have to increase our exercise or not eat as much calories to keep losing. Exercises helps so much to maintain our wt. and fat loss because what you eat today will get burned off tomorrow when you exercise. In your case you will have to continue eating lower calorie foods in order not to gain wt if you don't exercise. In addition, exercise can be adjusted because of your bad knees. Try exercising with your body wts. and maybe using a chair to modify your exercise you can work up a sweat or not so sweat by doing dips, shoulder raises, push up's on your knees in the house. Maybe a circuit training routine of your fav exercises or chair aerobics. Exercise is not needed to lose the wt. but think about what it is doing for your heart, lungs and brains, we should all exercise not just to lose wt. but our bodies love to move and exercise. Good luck to you.

Thank so much for the suggestions! Something you said clicked -- my nutritionist said that I have about a year to lose as much weight as possible- then it becomes much harder. She may have been thinking the same thing you said about the 9 month mark and realized I will probably have get the most bang for my buck in first year and then it will be much more difficult, especially because of the exercise issue. I think the weights are a great idea!

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My mom has MS, so I can partially understand your situation with that. She also cannot be in the heat and gets tired very easily.

I have never exercised regularly since I have been sleeved. I am active with my 2 young children, housework, and yard work, but I have never went to the gym and I have never made a point of doing regular aerobic exercise. It may have taken me a little longer to reach my goal (18 months), but I reached it, and dropped below it. I have been very careful with what I eat and have made significant changes to my eating habits.

So to answer your question, yes, it can be done without exercise. If you can be active in some way, I encourage you to do that as it does help you feel better not just physically, but emotionally as well. Best of luck with your surgery!

Sweetums, I hope your mom is doing well. I think I will have to just be more calorie restrictive, even as time goes on. My activity resolves around whether it is Summer or Winter. In New Orleans we have 4 seasons -- Unbearably hot and humid, Not quite as unbearably hot and humid, Cooler but still sometimes warm, Sometimes cold but mostly cool and still sometimes warm. LOL.... The heat is just a killer for MS patients. Fatigue is the other big one for me. We try to take vacations to someplace cool/cold so that I can enjoy them and be active.

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I do very little one of the reasons they agreed to me having the sleeve and not the bypass (which I didn’t want) was because of my back and knee issues, my doctor said its better to have the sleeve if you have mobility problems its not such a drastic op as in after the bypass has a lot more going on with the intestines move so sleeve is better if you can’t be hitting the gym.

My first instructions were just to walk around my house as much as I could without hurting myself.

Then after 8 weeks I was cleared to go swimming once a week, which I do and I have just been re refereed to physiotherapy again to work on my back, right leg and knee the left knee is fine now so that helps lol

I am allowed to lift my 2.5kg hand weights which I do every day for my arms as long as I don’t strain myself or over do it, I do 50 arm curls that’s it I am not allowed to do anything else.

I seem to be doing fine not stalled once (well I don’t weigh myself anyway to know if I did for a week or whatever lol ) always lost weight when the hospital or gps weigh me once a month, 106lbs down at my last weigh in.

I did look up chair exercises but I aint allowed to do things yet till physio says coz my right leg keeps locking and I can hardly move it so I have to wait but you could google see if there is any that works for you.

HI Sassy!

Looks like we're in the same boat! I do plan on walking --even if I have to do it inside my house and go round and round! LOL

And I think I will start lifting light weights too.

You look fantastic -- I always like reading your posts! Congratulations of 106lbs GONE!! That is awesome-- you're beautiful now and I'm sure you will even more of a knockout !


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Yes, absolutely.

I lost nearly the entire amount of my weight in the first nine months, and I didn't exercise (apart from walking a bit sort of incidentally) at all during that time. I didn't have physical issues per se; rather, more personal issues. But I intentionally didn't exercise during the main weight-loss period and I lost just fine.

Good luck!

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Take up swimming, or even Water aerobics.

Confession -- I LOVE to swim but there is no way I will get in a pool. I'm too embarrassed in front of people. Now, let me lose some weight and get plastic surgery ( I'm getting way ahead of myself!) and then I will go swimming.

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I think you can define exercise as "more then you used to do". Not all of us can run marathons, but as has been mentioned, even people in wheelchairs can exercise. It gets easier as the weight comes off and you might be surprised how much you can do later!

My opinion, it is a mistake to let your self consiousness interfere with your health improvement. I did Water aerobics last winter, and my inner thighs were/are terrible. I just wore biker shorts under my suit and looked fine. From the waist up, I looked great in my new pink trimmed black zip up suit and got tons of compliments! Waiting for plastic surgery before being willing to exercise seems to me the wrong order to do things. You will have better results if you are somewhat toned. Not to mention, there are other health benefits to "exercise" besides weight loss.

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On my visit to surgeon I was chatting to a lady in a wheel chair. She told me the sleeve was absolutely the best thing she ever did. I didn't get the chance to talk in depth with her - but it must be possible! She looked really great.

Can you do any light weights/resistance? Get In the pool?


Many people have mentioned weights so I think that is something I will start! Thank you!!


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HI Sassy!

Looks like we're in the same boat! I do plan on walking --even if I have to do it inside my house and go round and round! LOL

And I think I will start lifting light weights too.

You look fantastic -- I always like reading your posts! Congratulations of 106lbs GONE!! That is awesome-- you're beautiful now and I'm sure you will even more of a knockout !


Thanks hun that’s nice of you! :)

We just have to adjust things to fit us and our needs 10mins of something is still something 10mins a couple of times a day is more than I know I ever did every little helps in my book and you just try and see what works for you.

You don’t even have to buy weights you can use bags of flour or tins or pots you know stuff that has weight to it that you can use, I happened to buy the set of hand weights about 2 years ago so I had them to use now lol

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OMg thank you for this post! I am going for the sleeve next month, but have not exercised in a couple of years, at least. i have bad kneed, ankle arthritis, from years of running, severe plantar faciitis. i know I will start out slow, and its necessary to keep from having hanging flab, but other posts had me worried...an hour a day 6 days a week? I have 4 kids and a full time job, that's almost impossible


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Confession -- I LOVE to swim but there is no way I will get in a pool. I'm too embarrassed in front of people. Now, let me lose some weight and get plastic surgery ( I'm getting way ahead of myself!) and then I will go swimming.

I go on a ladies night well me my mum sister and sister in law they all go with me now to get fit lol

Its ladies only you wear what you want its also the night when they do Water aerobics so pretty much its all big woman the skinny ones go to the gym its amusing to see!

I go in my swimsuit no shame flappy thigh skin on show and all I don’t care lol

Maybe you can find something like that where its ladies only and they let you wear stuff to cover up.

Here they will allow t-shirts and leggings plus swimsuits all the time for ladies because of religious reasons and showing skin.

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I would say yes you can but it depends on how strict you are about getting to goal. I had a major knee surgery ACI/Carticel May/2011 sleeve March/12 and plated broken ankle July/12 . I admit I have not exercised once yet. I have been meaning to ride the exercise bike but haven't gotten into a routine yet as I am just now getting better from my ankle, school has started for my kids and me. So it has been crazy the last 4 weeks. I am down 75lbs since March starting at 278. The clinic set their goal at 174 but I would rather be 155-160 as I am 5'3. I know I am going to have to exercise to get to where I want to be. I would suggest finding something you like to do. Ask your ortho I am sure you are able to bike. Walmart has a nice compact bike for $100. I know I have it.

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Dana, Yes, you can lose a significant amount of weight without exercise. But, you should definitely work closely with your nut and doctor(s) to keep your Protein levels high. Rapid weight loss also means muscle loss without exercise and Protein to help protect your muscle, especially your heart, which is a muscle.

You may find that exercise becomes much easier once the weight starts coming off your body. I'm the poster child for no exercise pre-op. I could barely walk. Although my situation didn't involve a wheelchair, I was very close to it. I couldn't walk through Walmart without needing to stop and rest every couple of aisles. I have/had bad knees and was probably a higher BMI than even the charts show because I had little or no muscle. I started out walking up and down the hallway, and progressed from there. I also started out doing 10 reps of 2 pound weights for my arms once a day. Now, I'm basically a gym rat.

I don't think everyone can or should become a gym rat, but even a little exercise makes a huge difference for us. Someone here posted a link to a You Tube video that shows what the benefits of 30 minutes daily of regular mild exercise (walking, bike ride) can be for a sedentary person. It was amazing to hear what the health benefits can be for so little activity! Even better is that there are some new studies that say that breaking up that 30 minutes into 10 minute increments has as much, possibly more, benefit as doing it all in one chunk. So, if you could fit three 10 minute sessions of some activity into your day, you could get the benefits without a formal, rigorous program.

You've got nothing to lose by fitting in some activities that work for you, except weight. :) TJMom, above, is the perfect example of working slowly towards a goal. She's not doing a formal program, but she's getting phenomenal results from doing what she can do with regard to exercise.

Hi Lissa,

I am more determined than ever after reading everybody's responses. My take away message is to do whatever you can -- even a little means a lot. I plan on getting started on light weights - although I really don't know any of the different weight lifting exercises. My husband does and he'll work with me. And one good thing is that my surgery will probably happen in late November -- just in time for cooler weather which will allow me to get outside. And when its too hot I'll just walk fast around my house! And I'm hoping that once a lose some weight my knee won't be as much an issue. I'm sure it will still be a problem but I think I'll have more options with regard to activity.

One thing I want to let everyone know-- I do not use a wheelchair. I am still mobile, thank God. I'm very lucky.

I always enjoy reading your posts Lissa! You are a wonderful ambassador for VST!!


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I go on a ladies night well me my mum sister and sister in law they all go with me now to get fit lol

Its ladies only you wear what you want its also the night when they do Water aerobics so pretty much its all big woman the skinny ones go to the gym its amusing to see!

I go in my swimsuit no shame flappy thigh skin on show and all I don’t care lol

Maybe you can find something like that where its ladies only and they let you wear stuff to cover up.

Here they will allow t-shirts and leggings plus swimsuits all the time for ladies because of religious reasons and showing skin.

Hi Sassy,

I love your attitude!! I know I shouldn't care as much as I do. Chalk it up to 40 years of shame.... Actually if I lose a little weight I think I could manage the courage to wear shorts and t shirt. If only I could find a pool with a "plus size night or day". :)


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I think you can define exercise as "more then you used to do". Not all of us can run marathons, but as has been mentioned, even people in wheelchairs can exercise. It gets easier as the weight comes off and you might be surprised how much you can do later!

My opinion, it is a mistake to let your self consiousness interfere with your health improvement. I did Water aerobics last winter, and my inner thighs were/are terrible. I just wore biker shorts under my suit and looked fine. From the waist up, I looked great in my new pink trimmed black zip up suit and got tons of compliments! Waiting for plastic surgery before being willing to exercise seems to me the wrong order to do things. You will have better results if you are somewhat toned. Not to mention, there are other health benefits to "exercise" besides weight loss.

Hi Jane,

Yep, my biggest embarrassment is my inner thighs and they're only going to get worse with weight loss. I will DEFINITELY need plastic surgery for them. I've heard that that surgery is one of the more difficult recoveries. Biker shorts are a great idea!

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