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Governor Perry-What a liar

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I didn't realize people didn't like the TAKS test. My son was in private school for his first 3 years and they did the Stanford testing to see how the students compared nation wide. My son has now been in public school in Fort Bend county for 3rd thru 7th and the TAKS test seems similar. I just assumed it did the same and made sure all students were on the same level of criteria to pass a grade.

Faybie, Here is something to ask your son . Ask him weekly what he's doing. Ask him if any of it has anything to do with the TAKS tests. I can almost gurantee you SOMETHING each week for the most part has something to do with the TAKS tests. Some teachers/schools are worse (More blatant) than others about making it known that the TAKS Is THE MOST important thing . The last school ( the bad one) my son attended based EVERYTHING on TAKS. Most schools wont even allow a child to be tested for Learning disabilites until they FAIL the TAKS. My son's IQ is "above Normal" Even with reading at a 3rd grade level in 6th grade he still managed to pass a 6th grade TAKS reading test as well as all the others. BUT because he passed it along with every other TAKS test prior to that one the school tried to refuse to test him for Dyslexia. The whole system is based on TAKS . My son and every other childs abilities are NOT Souley based or shown on one test. Sorry but I thought that's what report cards and Final Exams were for ??


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Teaching to a specific test is not teaching children to learn or think for themselves. With the resources available kids should know a lot more than they do. Learning shortcuts and tricks to take a test is not useful in real life. Just my opinion.

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I am not a teacher, but I was an maintenance instructor for one of the USA's largest airlines for three years.

Testing has little to do with real world achievements or abilities. Much of the testing that we see today has more to do with destroying the public school system than insuring children will be educated. It is a way of grading teachers by looking at the failures of parents.

Good nutrition and good sleeping habits have more to do with a child's success in school and then in post-school life than the ability to learn how to pass a standardized test.

Let me tell you 2 stories to make my point:

#1. Although I lived in Brooklyn, which packs almost 3,000,000 people into 70 square miles, I went to a public school which was almost unique. My school housed coed Kindergarten through 3rd grade and a girls only JHS (7-8-9). Three blocks away was another public school which served coed 4th through 6th grade and a boys only JHS.

There were only 2 classes in each elementary school grade. Somehow, someone screwed up and I was put directly into 1st grade at 5 years and 5 months of age, Since I never went to kindergarten, was two years younger than some of the other children and came from a small family, I was socially behind all the other children in my class.

We were in a poor district and there was not enough text books to go around and because I was behind, I did not get a book or when I did, I had to share with someone who read much faster than me and would turn the page before I was 25% finished reading it. I went into the second grade and get Mrs. O as my teacher. She was a sarcastic and caustic women who only appreciated the smart children. Being behind, I got little attention and even less encouragement. Now here's where it gets weird. I broke my leg in the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade and came back to school in late October. Because of retirement, Mrs. O was my teacher again and because I was further behind, she gave me less help. Since there were not enough 3rd grade books to go around, Mrs. O started three groups: the fast learners, the slow learners and a group in the middle. The fast learners got 3rd grade text books, the middle group got left over 2nd grade books and my slow learner's group got used 1st grade books that had missing pages and graffiti all through them. Mrs. O paid more attention to the fast group and they completed their books that year, the middle group got half way through their books and my group, because we were so slow was downgraded to Donald Duck comic strips from the newspapers.

Well, things were supposed to change in the 4th grade because I would be going to the other school three blocks away, but due to a situation involving demolition buildings to build a new city low income projects and a new school being built, they decided to expand my school to 4th grade and I got Mrs. O as my teacher again and stayed in the dummies group (as everyone but Mrs. O called it). When it was time to go into the 5th grade, the same thing happened with the same Mrs. O as my teacher with all her preconceived notions about my abilities. I was still on the same 1st grade text books when I left the fifth grade.

The projects were finally built, the JHS was built, so the JHS girls left for their new school and there were now 6 classes in my 6th grade with a new teacher, Mr. B and all new books. Though I had not finished my first grade text books yet, I was given these new 6th grade books, but there was no one to teach me anything because a large percentage of the children who moved into the newly finished projects and who were in my class, did not speak English since they had just moved to Brooklyn from Puerto Rico.

Well, I decided, I was going to learn. I asked the other children questions and whenever I could get his attention, I asked Mr. B. When we took the mid-year standardized state-wide tests, I score 9th grade reading level and 12th grade math level.

If we had FCAT's like my grandson had here in Florida, I would still be in the 1st grade (and at 61, I would sure look funny). I scored over 1350 on my college boards, though I had no real elementary school training. Today, we cause kids to burn out by the time they reach middle-school. We are so worried about grading them, that we drive their spirit from them. If schools focused on basic skills, socialization, nutrition and instilling a desire for knowledge in our children, we would not have the problems we are having now.

#2: My grandson of 14 was a C+,B- student in Brooklyn. Here in Florida, he is an A student, but he is no smarter than he was in Brooklyn. The schools are just worse because of the FCAT's demand on teacher's time.

He was starting to lose interest in school, because of all the FCAT preparation, so I decided to get my A&P study books out. A&P is the license required to work on airplanes and the books contain a lot of physics, chemistry, science and math, that are presented in a way, that is mentally stimulating. The books give examples of scientific experiments which challenge the imagination. My grandson, now challenges his science teacher when they pass off the pablum as science that they are teaching in Florida's schools.

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Learning shortcuts and tricks to take a test is not useful in real life. Just my opinion.
It seems to have done remarkably well for our politicians. :faint:

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Teaching to a specific test is not teaching children to learn or think for themselves. With the resources available kids should know a lot more than they do. Learning shortcuts and tricks to take a test is not useful in real life. Just my opinion.

That is all the TAKS test is , The ENTIRE Year the teachers are teaching students how to pass the TAKS Test. Or what is on the TAKS test .In between those times they are taking " benchmarks" to see what " Levels' they are at so they can "adjust" the classes and make sure that everyone passes. Ok Have the TAKS test BUT Cut the money associated with it . That is why there is so much pressure put on the teachers by the schools and the districts. If so many kids do not pass then the school does not get enough money . Well ya know what that's the DISTRICTS Problem NOT THE KIDS. Put the pressure on the teachers to MAKE Those kids succeed. I have seen SO MANY lazy teachers ( dont hurt me ya'll lol ) who just dont care. Cut those teachers out , only keep those good teachers that care , allow them to teach the way THEY Want to teach , I gurantee you that kids will Learn ALOT better that way.

When i was put in a self paced program to help me graduate after I got pregnant with my son . I made straight A's . Prior to being in that class. F's. Why ? I did better not having to sit there and listen to someone speak for an hour . I did better just reading and doing the work on my own . Like i said I made up over 3 yrs of work in a little over a yr. AND made straight A's doing it. If they had different " teaching style " Classrooms I think kids would do so much better. Instead you have to get a kid like mine put into sp ed. to get modifications put in an IEP in order to get those " Tools" Put in place for him .

Frustrating. IM STILL Trying to figure out how to get my kid out of the TAKS legally just for principal of the matter lol



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My first grader took tests in TAKS format. He tells me he has to study hard so that he can pass the TAKS in the third grade or he will fail. He is now in second grade and everything he brings home is bubbled in (TAKS). He is a great math student, but struggles a bit in reading. He always passes his spelling tests, but writes some things backwards. I have researched and this is normal for his age, but how will the TAKS look at that?

Also, in private school money is not based on TAKS. And they don't have to pass a test to go to another level. IF my son does not pass the TAKS he will be home schooled for sure. Since I am certified in Elementary education, I don't think that would do him a dis-service. I try my best at home to help my man, but I want him to be a great student... not a great test taker.

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My first grader took tests in TAKS format. He tells me he has to study hard so that he can pass the TAKS in the third grade or he will fail. He is now in second grade and everything he brings home is bubbled in (TAKS). He is a great math student, but struggles a bit in reading. He always passes his spelling tests, but writes some things backwards. I have researched and this is normal for his age, but how will the TAKS look at that?


It is common for kids at that age to write things backwards. Contrary to what people think Dyslexia is MORE complex than just flipping letters and numbers around. The Main issue with Dyslexia for reading is decoding and reading comprehension. . Most dyslexics can not decode words therefore making it hard to comprehend.

Flipping the letters though can be an indication of dyslexia . Something my son however does not do . At second grade you should start being concerned if he's having difficulty with reading comprehension , site words, decoding skills and if the letter slipping increases . Here is a good site.


If you need anything further please email me privately , I do all i can in the way of parent advocacy because of the HORRIBLE experience I went through with my son .

I also would like to say , if your son does not pass the TAKS the FIRST TIME use it FIRST as a tool to get school dystrict to pay for ALL The learning disability testing you can . If your son has dyslexia or any learning disability the KEY is the RIGHT Program . My son has EXCELLED in the right school. If you can afford private school and he's dyslexic your BEST BET is an all dyselxic private school.



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If you or your school think there is even a slight possibility that your child has problems with dyslexia than they should be tested and diagnosed. With some help it can be treated and your child can learn other ways to process information.

In Dallas the Scottish Rite Hospital will test and it used to be free. If there is a problem they will make some recommendations for how to treat it and in some cases they will provide free resources.

Good Luck

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If you or your school think there is even a slight possibility that your child has problems with dyslexia than they should be tested and diagnosed. With some help it can be treated and your child can learn other ways to process information.

In Dallas the Scottish Rite Hospital will test and it used to be free. If there is a problem they will make some recommendations for how to treat it and in some cases they will provide free resources.

Good Luck

that is true Scottish Rite is Great. However at First Grade those indications are not really going to be accurate. A child may have some indicators show up at First Grade but you most likely will not know until the End of 2nd grade if those are TRUE Indicators of Dyslexia . NOW Looking back at my son in first grade it was CLEAR the dyslexia was there. But the problem is some of the things that indicate dyselxia at grade 1 Alot of children do .


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Funny how everything is relative. I mentioned that my son was in private school from K-2nd grade. They were not governed by at "TAKS" cirriculum and the teachers were free to teach anything and everything they wanted. Some teachers were very creative and came up with interesting ways to inspire and teach the children. Others were there to get paid and go home.

I transitioned my son into public school for 3rd grade after touring the local public school and was very impressed with their video broadcasting room that the 5th graders used. Many other things were impressive for instance each grade had its own restrooms, so 5th graders weren't using the same restroom as the 1st graders. I really liked that because it seemed that it would cut down on older children bothering or picking on the younger children.

I did notice that everything that was being taught was centered around the TAKS and geared for the TAKS. This didn't particularly bother me. However, my son's 3rd grade year was a difficult transition for us because he was behind in all of the subjects compared to all of the other students. We struggled together and eventually got caught up.

I was quite shocked and a little dissappointed to learn that the "so called private education" that I had been paying for was "sub par" to what the children were learning in public school. The sadest part of the story is that my son was one of the most gifted children in the private school and often got extra assignments from the teachers so that he wouldn't be bored in class. So, if my son was getting a "sub par" education with above and beyond what the other students were getting in the private school, how would the other students measure up? They will be in for a rude awakening come time for college preparation tests.

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AMEN TO THOSE who are Dems marooned in Texas - here's another one...I have one of those W stickers on my car - but instead of saying "W - the president" Mine says "W - Wrong"

And the other says god bless our troops - god forgive George Bush

In Houston,

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Rick Perry isn't in bed with big business, and other fairy tales.

LONGVIEW -- Gov. Rick Perry predicted that the Texas Legislature will soon be sitting on its largest budget surplus ever, and he said he would like to use some of that money to cut state business taxes before they take effect.

During a campaign swing through deep East Texas, Perry said a booming Texas economy has caused the state Treasury to swell from growing sales tax collections, permit fees and other sources of revenue. He predicted the surplus would exceed $8 billion, taking much of the pain out of the appropriations process and making a business tax cut possible. Some insiders suggest the surplus could top $15 billion.

"Our budget surplus is going to be so friggin' big," Perry said. "So why not lower the [business] tax rate down to three-fourths of a cent, or a half-cent? ... I'm all for that."

The new business tax, part of a sweeping school finance overhaul, takes effect in January 2008. Most businesses will be taxed at a rate of 1 percent. The overhaul was designed to reduce the state's reliance on the property tax to fund schools.

Please....even if your family has voted Republican since God was a small child...no matter how much you hate the national Democratic platform...even though you can't stand the thought of a woman (Carole Strayhorn) or a buffoon (Kinky Friedman) in the governor's mansion...if you have a child in public school in the state of Texas and you care two cents about that child's education, PLEASE DON'T VOTE FOR RICK PERRY. Children are NOT IMPORTANT to Rick Perry. He has proven that a thousand times over. He does not care about health care for poor children, or about education for ALL children. And why should he? Perry and his rich buddies educated their kids in private schools. Unless you have the money to do the same, you owe it to your children to vote this jackass out of office.

This ad was not paid for by anybody. It is just my opinion.

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AMEN! I am going with the teachers groups and voting for Carol Strayhorn. I like her views on education, and I respect the fact she was a teacher once upon a time. Even if it was before TAKS, she can understand all we have to do for each and every kid.

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I'm new to this state. I knew I didn't like Rick Perry, but why isn't anyone discussing the pros and cons of Bell?

It seems to me that electing Kinky will make Texas a bit of a joke to the other states. Even if the guy has a few popular sound bytes to toss out, he's hardly the statesman I'd like to see representing this state. And as for Carol Strayhorn, I understand her stance on education, but is she really as strong on other issues?

I don't understand why everyone is so against the idea of a Democratic Governor in Texas. Anyone want to clue me in?

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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