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Governor Perry-What a liar

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Does anyone think that if public education were given more money, that very much of that money, if any, would actually go to the students in the classroom, much less the teachers? I believe that might be what Perry was referring to (not supporting him, just wondering). I am a teacher, have been for 29 years, and I firmly believe that much of the money entrusted to school districts happens to be mismanaged and misspent. How many of you know how much your superintendent(s) make? Make sure you find out the salary, PLUS benefits. How many assisitant superintendents, curriculum coordinators, special education, bilingual, gifted and talented specialist, athletic coordinators, special coaches, etc., does your district employ, and how do their salaries stack up next to, say, your average 7-10 year teacher?

I have voted in several elections based on what a candidate says he or she will do for teachers, and have yet to see a big difference, Democrat or Republican. Any examples? Way back in this thread, I asked if anyone remembered Mark White...no one replied to that. Perhaps my old memory is just shot, but when is the last time teachers really benefitted from an increase in public education funding?

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Jodie, you have a right to your opinion.

Some politicians require that voters have a lack of compassion for the poor and they circulate Republican lines about how wonderful it is to be poor. One of our vice presidents told us that the homeless like it that way. Many politicians suggest that the poor have it all. Or at least get it all.

Maybe the reason that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are giving all their money away is so that they can qualify for all the goodies that the poor get from the government. :faint:

In case you don't know it, Social Security does more than protect people from being broke when they retire. If a man is killed, his family is entitled to Survivor Benefits until the children are 18.

Anyone who thinks that is not important should try walking in the moccasins of a young window who has to raise three children after her husband ties of a freak accident or a unexpected illness.

My friend with 3 children died at 21 of a heart attack. He didn't have life insurance because, "who needs insurance at 21?"

My father died on the day after I was born in 1945. Social Security was the difference between starving and surviving for my mother and me.

And then there is disability insurance.

Yes, as a savings plan, SS is not the best, but when you add up the Medical plan for the aged (Medicare) and the other benefits I mentioned, it is a bargain.

The only reason that SS is having a problem now is that Ronald Reagan began combining the SS money with the General tax revenue in the early 1980's. Combining might be called stealing if I was less polite. The USA owes Social Security about 2 trillion dollars. Of course the 11 commandment is "Thou Shalt NOT RAISE TAXES", so the Republicans do not want to repay the money and come up with all kinds of schemes spread all kinds of lies to get out of paying back the money they used to lower taxes. Oh, I forgot, they really didn't lower your taxes that much, but Bill Gates' and Warren Buffet's taxes were cut by billions during BuSh's 6 years.

And as far as state taxes are concerned. Find a chart that lists the state tax rates. Then find another chart that ranks income per capita. Then find one that ranks educational levels. Then find one that ranks rate of divorce. Then find one that ranks rate of marriage.

You will find that the states with the highest tax rates have the highest marriage rates, the best educated children, the best educated adults, the best medical care, the highest standard of living and the lowest divorce rates.

There is no such thing as a free lunch.

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Wow Jodie you are a very cynical person - or maybe it's just that you have been exposed to more of the seedy side of life. I guess I'm lucky - well actually, I don't really believe in luck. I think we make our own luck. But although my mom worked for the Health Department and much of their work was paid for by tax dollars, I haven't been around many of the folks you're talking about. I've seen it exploited on TV, but haven't seen it in person.

I've heard that there are generations of people who have never worked and who live off government programs. I personally haven't witnessed it. I do know that statistically there are more caucasians who use the welfare system, although by the tone and content of your post I have a feeling you think it's another race of people who abuse the system.

As for the electric bills, mine was over $500 last month. That's far and above what it has ever been before. By at least $200. And I am very unhappy about it. I don't think I should have to burn candles at night or use a church fan to keep myself cool. I think Gov. Perry should stop allowing TXU to gouge us.

I tend to agree about sales tax in a way. It is levied on purchases where there can be some discrimination on our part as to how much we buy. However when I left Florida the sales tax was 6% - quite a discrepancy don't you think?

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I know what you all are saying, and I will tell you that my children will never go to public schoolsquote]

Spoken like a true Republican....my kids go to private school. If you can't afford a private education for your children, too bad.

Eventually you will care about things like your electric bill. Mine was $450 per month all summer. My house is 2500 square feet and I kept my thermostat set on 78. My neighbors all had similar bills. It's outrageous. The rates that insurance companies are permitted to charge in Texas are equally ridiculous. California has earthquakes and mud slides and still they pay less for homeowners coverage.

I sincerely hope, Jodie, that you never have to eat your words. That you never find yourself injured and unable to work, or widowed with small children to raise, or that you never make a bad investment that wipes out your nest egg (ever heard of MCI and Enron?). I hope that you don't become seriously ill and lose your health insurance and have to rely on a county hospital to treat you. And I hope that you can always afford to buy whatever medication you might need, enough nourishing food to satisfy your hunger, and that you always have the means to pay for air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter. But I really, really hope that while you are pursuing your education, you will also learn compassion for your fellow man, and especially for those who are unable to help themselves - the children and the elderly.

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I lived in a town that was roughly 60% black, I dont care what anyone else says, if you havent lived there you dont know the statistics, and 45% white, and 5% other races. I saw it abused mostly by the black people, I have many black friends dont get me wrong, just in Jasper that is who abuses it the most, oh and the white trash who keeps popping out babies and has like 5 before she's 20 all with different daddys. It is the lower class people who use it, and Jasper is lower class (and I dont mean black people are lower class, just many in Jasper are). I believe if it is used for a good cause then use the money and give it to help, but people should make arrangements because you never know when you are going to die, so make arrangements, keep a savings account in case of any emergency, use investments, I just really believe you become who you want to be, your family doesnt determine that. YES I agree that it is harder to be motivated to go to college when your parents and generations before that have lived off welfare entirely and solely for years, but get some go in you and strive to be who you want to be, instead of selling crack at the end of MLK street (true story btw). I dont understand how an electric bill can be $500.00 Im not saying your lying, I mean that is rather impressive. Your house must be huge. I just know that I have no pity for the poor, they got in that position some how, and they can find a way out. As for me, I am the first generation in my family to attended college and Im doing perfectly fine. Ive never had any other thought than to go to college and make myself more successful than my parents (whom got along ok without a college education).

And I dont mean this to sound cruel, but it wasnt the government's fault your father died, please dont hate me, it sounds heartless I know, but if my father died tomorrow (or my mother) I would not expect one penny from the government. They pretty much forced us to take FEMA money which we in turn gave to other victims that were friends of ours who had lost their houses. Once again tho, hurricane survival couldnt be helped, and neither can the death of a loved one under most circumstances, fate is what it is and one can not escape that, however the government is for the betterment of the country not select individuals. I suppose I just grew up around the wrong kind of welfare use. When my friend got pregnant at 16 years old, she didnt even use the WIC program or anything, she realized it wasnt the government's fault that she and her partner were irresponsible and therefore worked to pay the bills, and still does. The government only rewards the poor, not the ones that are striving to beat that. One good example...

My friend who has been brought up in a VERY low income home (about $15,000 a year) whose father has run off on several occassions and has multiple children (yes she was brought up white trash basically) has become more than that. She and her sister decided they were not going to be like the rest of the family and use the government. She has worked for every penny she has for the last 4-5 years, both girls do. She has supported herself allt hrough highschool. When they filed for a grant with FAFSA, they were denied on the basis their parents were married, solely that purpose. They cant afford school, but they are making it somehow. She always made enough to have what she needed and most of what she wanted. She learned to manage money and become responsible, unlike her parents. So I know from my friend's experience that it is possible

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I just know that I have no pity for the poor, they got in that position some how, and they can find a way out.

Jodie...you are gonna make a GREAT Republican! You should run for office some day!

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Im not a Republican, but I do lean in that direction. I am a Free Enterpriser, I do not strictly vote one way or the other, I vote according to who I feel fits the bill best. People can help who they become, Ive seen it happen numerous times

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one more thing for now...

"...I say that every prince must desire to be considered merciful and not cruel. He must, however, take care not to misuse this mercifulness. Cesere Borgia was considered cruel, but his cruelty had brought order to Romagna, united it, and reduced it to peace and fealty.

A prince, therefore, must not mind incurring the charge of cruelty for the purpose of keeping his subjects united and faithful; for, with a very examples, he will be more merciful than those who, from excess of tenderness, allow disorders to arise, from whence spring bloodshed and rapine; for these as a rule injure the whole community, while the executions carried out by the prince injure only individuals. And of all princes, it is impossible for a new prince to escape the reputation of cruelty, new states being always full of dangers. Wherefore Virgil through the mouth of Dido says: [hard necessity and the newness of my realm, compel me to do such things and to protect my borders everywhere] (The Aeneid)

Nevertheless, he must be cautious in believingand acting, and must not be afraid of his own shadow, and must proceed in a temperate manner with prudence and humanity, so that too much confidence does not render him incautious, and too much diffidence does not render him intolerant.

From this arises the question whether it is better to be loved more than feared, or feared more than loved. The reply is, that one ought to be both feared and loved, but as it is difficult for the two to go together, it is much safer to be feared more than loved, if one has to be wanting. For it may be said of men in general that they are ungrateful, voluble, dissemblers, anxious to avoid danger, and covetous of gain; as long as you benefit them, they are entirely yours; they offer you their blood, their goods, their life, and their children, as I have before said, when the necessity is remote; but when it approaches, they revolt. And the prince who has relied solely on their words, without making other preparations ruined; for the friendship which is gained by purchase and not through grandeur and nobility of spirit is bought but not secured, and at a pinch is not to expended in your service. And men have less scruple in offending one who makes himself loved than one who makes himself feared; for love is held by a chain of obligation which, men being selfish, is broken whenever it serves their purpose; but fear is maintained by a dread of punishment which never fails.

Still a prince should make himself feared in such a way that if he does not gain love, he at any rate avoids hatred; for fear and the abscence of haterd may well go together, and will be always attained by one who abstains from interfering with the property of his citizens and subjects or with their women.

....I conclude, therefore, with regard of being feared and loved, that men love at their own free will, but fear at the will of the prince, and that a wise prince must rely on what is in his power and not on what is in the power of others, and he must only contrive to avoid incurring hatred, as has been explained."

THE PRINCE, Niccolo Machiavelle

This is just something to think about when deciding upon politics and who to vote for. One must remember such political thinkers when deciding who will rule their city, state, country, whatever, a ruler is a ruler, and is therefore a prince....But Im not going into all that, however just consider the above.

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If you are worried about taxes in Texas the more important election is Lt Governor as nothing happens without the Lt signing off on it.

Republicans have screwed up a good thing our electric rates are second highest only lower than Maines but Maine can make a summer without A/C and I can't, Perry's promised tax reliefe never happened just more taxes being collected. My Property taxes are 15% higher than last year. I had 3 electric bills over 500 and my insurance cost more in Texas than anywhere except maybe Florida. Foreclosures are up 40% in Dallas and yet I keep hearing what a great economy we have. Maybe you should ask the Lap Banders who have to pay cash what they tink of our Medical Insurance?

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What are yall doing to have that high of an electric bill? seriously tho? my house in Jasper is like $100, and the barn that my friend owns, which is huge with a rodeo arena, is like $300. I would definately make a few phone calls and see if these charges are correct

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What are yall doing to have that high of an electric bill? seriously tho? my house in Jasper is like $100, and the barn that my friend owns, which is huge with a rodeo arena, is like $300. I would definately make a few phone calls and see if these charges are correct

TXU's "rate to beat" is 15 cents per kilowatt. During the hottest part of the summer we use almost 3000 kilowatts of electricity in our 2500 square foot home. Add on taxes and the other "fees" that TXU is permitted by law to charge us and our bills easily exceed $500.

If TXU were not raking in obscene, record-high profits I would not be complaining, but they ARE. They are raping us and the PUC (all appointed by the governor) has given them permission to do so.

We keep our thermostat set at 78 in the summer, so we aren't using power indiscriminately. We have solar screens, energy efficient windows and AC unit, and this summer had an energy assessment done. They didn't find a whole lot of "waste" and couldn't make any really good recommendations.

There is nothing wrong with our meter or our house. The problem is in Austin.

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My friend who has been brought up in a VERY low income home (about $15,000 a year) whose father has run off on several occassions and has multiple children (yes she was brought up white trash basically) has become more than that. She and her sister decided they were not going to be like the rest of the family and use the government. She has worked for every penny she has for the last 4-5 years, both girls do. She has supported herself allt hrough highschool. When they filed for a grant with FAFSA, they were denied on the basis their parents were married, solely that purpose. They cant afford school, but they are making it somehow. She always made enough to have what she needed and most of what she wanted. She learned to manage money and become responsible, unlike her parents. So I know from my friend's experience that it is possible

Jodie, you seem to think that if people work, they won't have any problem supporting themselves and their children without help of any kind from the government. Let's do the math....

A single mom (2 kids) with a HS education, maybe even some college, can earn maybe $12-$14 per hour. That's $2400 per month, gross. Taxes will eat up at least 12%, leaving her with $2112. If her children are pre-schoolers, she has to pay day care. That's gonna cost her at least $800 per month. Now she has $1312 left for the month. An all bills paid apartment - 2 bedrooms - runs about $850 in my area, and that's the crummy ones. Now she's got $462. That's barely $100 a week. With that, she has to buy food, shoes, clothes, school supplies, gas for her car (let's hope it's paid for....there is nothing left for a car payment), car insurance, diapers and formula (if she has an infant)....and the list goes on. Her kids have no health insurance because she can't afford to add them to her group policy at work. There is no money for the dentist, for glasses, or for medicine. She is working. She is doing all she can, but she can't take her kids to the doctor if they get sick because she has no money. She can't save for emergencies because it takes every penny - and more - just to survive month-to-month. And you have no pity for this woman? Shame on you.

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They should move to a cheaper city, like the one I live in. Why didnt she finish highschool? Its free...Why didnt she go to college? Doesnt she have parents or other family? Why is she single?

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Just because someone does not believe that the government should be the first responder to a personal financial situation, does not mean a person does not have pity for the unfortunate.

Families should be looking out for family members in the situation above. Second choice - faith-based or other community-based organizations.

The VERY LAST CHOICE should be government; having the government "equalize" living conditions is a socialist/communist situation and not in the American tradition. There are countries who have done this, or tried this.

The Texas governor's race is really not going to affect this one way or the other, however.

I have earlier made reference to the Democrat governor Mark White, who was elected by rallying Texas teachers (of which I was one) to his cause, and who then betrayed all of us by forcing the TECAT test down our throats(supposedly to justify a salary increase). This must be bringing up bad memories that refute the arguments presented here about how Republicans do not support public education. The sad fact is that no political party actually supports public education; they do, however, want the teacher organizations' support. There are some candidates who do want to see public education survive, and if it continues the way it is, it will not.

The best thing you can do for Texas public education is to inform yourself about the candidates' past actions, their current views, and match them to your point of view, then vote your conscience. After that, get involved in your area's school district/school board/school and make sure they are spending money on programs that really benefit the majority of students. Make sure the money isn't concentrated in the ad. buildings. It will help if you have an accounting background, because they are very tricky about hiding it in very complex budgets. I'm not sure that even school board members really understand where all the money is going.

I applaud everyone for their passion and interest in the political process.

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