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Smokers, Short Of Breathe Or Those With Arthritis -- The Reality Of Exercising And Weight Loss With The Sleeve

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Hi all

Looking for advice on exercise. I see so many people saying they exercise 4, 5 or 6 days a week for 60 minutes.

I find it hard to fathom that after being overweight and sitting on our asses for years or decades - boop!!,... you have sleeve surgery and now want to exercise like Jack Lalane.... well, it's hard to believe.

Here is my reality. I smoked 2 to 2 1/2 packs of cigarettes for 42 years. I quit 14 weeks ago with the assistance of Chantix. I quit so I would be eligible for WLS. I have been obese for most of my adult life. I have never, let me repeat that, NEVER, been into exercising per say. I loved playing sports, softball, volleyball, basketball, frisbee, swimming, etc but sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, jumping rope, etc. was not for me.

As I got older and fatter, and it was harder to breathe and move (weight gain, smoking and now arthritis in my knees, hips and back) even the sports I loved to play became too much for me to be physically able to do. I mean, my weight and arthritis can make it difficult to walk thru a flea market or on the beach without putting me in excruciating pain for a day or two. On top of that Aleve is the what the orthopedic doctor has told me to take for the arthritis (and it is the only thing that helps).

I would love to hear from the "older folks" that have arthritis or perhaps made the bad choice to smoke for 40 some-odd years or their others whose weight makes them short of breath... please how does the sleeve work for you and just what do you do for exercise and how often.

I mean I would love to be able to able to play volleyball or softball or basketball but, seriously, is that a reality for me? And the fact that I can't do much (at least 'til I lose the first 40 or 50 lbs) physically - will that be discouraging mentally/emotionally for me because of lack of weight loss?

I am pre-surgery and still struggling with the question of bypass or sleeve. I would prefer the sleeve but want to be REAL about the results I should expect -- will I be able to lose the 120 lbs I need to lose with the sleeve?

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You can't expect to jump right back to exercise like you did years ago. Ease into it slowly. I started with 10-15 minutes at a time and now an hour is no big deal. Doing something 3-4 times a week is key. Even if it's just pushing the vacuum around for a half an hour

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I'm starting withm5 minutes walking.... Once around my block.... I'll move up to twice around the block in 3 or 4 days.... We gotta take it slow at first, especially right after surgery

Good luck <3

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Looking for advice on exercise. so many people saying they exercise 4, 5 or 6 days a week for 60 minutes. hard to fathom that after being overweight and sitting on our asses for years or decades - boop!!,... you have sleeve surgery and now want to exercise like Jack Lalane.... well, it's hard to believe.


hmmmm, interesting post

big kudos on quitting smoking after 42 years for the sake of WLS (great start for improving your health and life). that must have been extremely hard to stop smoking- its obvious you can do anything you set your mind to :)

your statement above - i don't thing anyone went "boop" ( know, i know - you just kindof used that word as a silly expression ;) ) and started a whirlwhind "exerciseathon"

it take awhile to start and then improve on any exercising

your comment on being out of breathe is very common -walking up stairs, moving around - all that stuff was much harder for me pre-sleeve - after WLS and disappearing lbs, you will feel much better

the sleeve is wonderful, just wonderful

You can definitely lose 120 lbs plus more with the help of the sleeve - many many people on the board have done that - this is common

people must start doing exercise very slowly - example - walking around the house - for some that is a good beginning.

graduate to more and more walking. - exercise can be walking alone, walking up and down the block and then further and further

I am 58, i do have arthritis and two knee replacements - Water aerobics is great for me they now have zumba Water aerobics, which is cool

doing weights is great too - this also doesn't care about your age ;)

being biased toward the sleeve - i would definitely recommend the sleeve over bypass any day of the week and twice on sunday ;)

i am thoroughly enjoying my new, healthier and happier lifestyle with the assistence/tool of the sleeve - my new best friend for the rest of my life :)

good luck with your WLS choice

PS Jack LaLane - wow he's an oldie but a goodie :)

haven't seen him since his exercise days, and then juice promotions. he was over 90

btw he recently died - don't know where to send flowers :(

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I just posted (in fitness & exercise) how I get winded after walking and trying to figure out why. Kudos on stopping smoking...you did that, you can do this. I stopped on Aug. 21, 1998 and never looked back.

I sometimes need to push myself into exercising because I was nevery into it like that.

With WLS I was able to walk a mile in 2 days (1/2 mile ea day) but kept getting winded.

This is something we all need (bypass/sleeve/band), exercise. I walk at work on my break, I walk when I get home. Walking is one form and I would like to able to do more...in the gym. At some point that will happen too.

As for Sleeve vs. Bypass - I joined this site so that should tell you B) , I am not a fan of bypass surgery. Have 2 friends having too many complications with it. Got 2 friends/acquaintances who were sleeved and loving it. I chose being sleeved and have no regrets. :P

Which ever one you choose I wish you the best and much success. Let us know how things turn out for you. We will be here to lend support. :)

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Start out slowly now. I'm just trying to walk more (even got a pedometer to give me a sense of accomplishment). I took a yoga class, which was awesome. And I tried a Water exercise class (very basic) which was good too. I figure I'm not going to go from sedentary to aerobics without having a heart attack or breaking something! Anything I can start now, before surgery, will help my stamina later.

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so....im not exactly in your boat but i am 25 and been smoking since i was 16. i quit for 9 months when i was pregnant with my daughter. i just recently started taking chantix. i was smoking 10 cigs a day....i was on day 5 running late and forgot to take it. i am pre op and hopefully having surg end of the month. my surgeon asked for me to be cig free a month before my surg date. he also pushed the sleeve because he saw that i was struggling with quitting and with bypass you will get ulcers alot quicker.

anyways im big ive been big all my life. i lost 60 pounds on my own pre pregnancy and it honestly is about motivation and determination. i stopped taking chantix and really feel in my heart that i will be off cigs by this sunday. FOREVER! but when i go to the gym i start own with low impact cardio maybe the bike for 10 minutes. this gets me amped and ready for the ellyptical which is my fav machine. i always use the weight loss program on there which automatically times you for 30 minutes.(headphones are a must).

despite my gym flow i still get winded going up the stairs!!!

if i dont get to the gym ill do two miles around the track and this is about 4 times a week. my lungs are 42 years old based on the damage ive done from smoking but for some reason when im working out i feel the need to keep pushing myself harder and i dont associate me getting tired w/ my smoking. this is because of my weight. i think it will come to you in time.

once you lose those first 10 pounds. your going to want to work out more and more and more and just slowly watch yourself shrink. its fun and motivating. hey good luck to you (im thinking of starting the chantix back up again im not having WEIRD dreams just very very detailed and makes me feel like im actually living these moments)

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Congrats on quitting! I smoked ciggs for 30 years and quit 6/11/11 smoked a couple acres of the funny stuff too ! I used heroin IV for 10 years quit that 8/1/05 and drank lots of alcohol also 8/1/05 I have been over 300 since I was 15 even when drugs thinned me out I would always clean up some and "get my weight up"my surgery was 12/7/11 I have lost 140 almost 90 in first 90 days. I hAve osteoarthritis in lower back and neck I am schedule to replace r/ hip 9-17 l/hip10 29 before surgery I was taking a minimum of 10 alieve liqua gels a day I had to stop 20 days before surgery and have not taken one since. I work out min 4 days per week and find I am more sore if I miss than if I workout. This has not been all a walk in the park but there can be no testimony with out a test. Keep asking questions and read lots, hopefully the procedure that is right for you will become evident!

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I just staryed working out as of this morning,joined a gym $10.00 a month. Cant beat it. Did 15 min on the treadmill,then some of the weight machines,then went to work. The gym is 24_ 7. I need to workout before work,or else I wont do it

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No youre not going to get off the couch & all of the sudden go crazy at the gym for 1 hr a day 6 days a week .... most of us you see talking about that have were going to the gym before we were sleeved & already had some cardio built up. I went 5xs a week for almost 2 years before deciding to seek WLS. My advice is just do what you can do & slowly you'll build your stamina but you are absolutely going to have to push yourself if you want to get the most of of your time in the gym as well as your sleeve.

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I hated exercise before getting sleeved.i was 305 pounds and you expect me to enjoy working out as hard as i was just to lose a pound and a half a week?!?!

Then i was sleeved.i was losing weight and feeling more energetic and had so much inspiration.your loosing weight,your eating differently you start to think differently and you may even want to add aome excersize in!

I started out walked down the block,then around the block, around 2 blocks.i added 5 minutes onthe elipticle,10 minutes a week after that.

...i now excersize 25 minutes on the ellipticle,lift sone light weights and walk a mile a night!(then again im a student so i have the time!)

Rome wasnt built in a day!you dont wake up from the surgery and turn into a lean mean fitness machine!if you want it badly enough youll make it happen even if its 30 minutes a dAy!at 305 pounds i never freakin would have thought...

Youll see with your weight loss your going to do more for both your body and mental state:)goodluck to you!

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Congrats on quitting! I smoked ciggs for 30 years and quit 6/11/11 smoked a couple acres of the funny stuff too ! I used heroin IV for 10 years quit that 8/1/05 and drank lots of alcohol also 8/1/05 I have been over 300 since I was 15 even when drugs thinned me out I would always clean up some and "get my weight up"my surgery was 12/7/11 I have lost 140 almost 90 in first 90 days. I hAve osteoarthritis in lower back and neck I am schedule to replace r/ hip 9-17 l/hip10 29 before surgery I was taking a minimum of 10 alieve liqua gels a day I had to stop 20 days before surgery and have not taken one since. I work out min 4 days per week and find I am more sore if I miss than if I workout. This has not been all a walk in the park but there can be no testimony with out a test. Keep asking questions and read lots' date=' hopefully the procedure that is right for you will become evident![/quote']

I LOVE YOUR POST, THANKS for the honesty about drugs and regain weight and all, I was the only fat speed freak in the 80's. I hope your hip replacement is going OK. 90 pounds in 90 days, sounds like the meeting schedule for newcomers. I am 10 days postoperative w/ 15 lbs off post op, 15 lb's before. I am walkin and feel successful at this point. Thanks Again

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I hated exercise before getting sleeved.i was 305 pounds and you expect me to enjoy working out as hard as i was just to lose a pound and a half a week?!?!

Then i was sleeved.i was losing weight and feeling more energetic and had so much inspiration.your loosing weight' date='your eating differently you start to think differently and you may even want to add aome excersize in!

I started out walked down the block,then around the block, around 2 blocks.i added 5 minutes onthe elipticle,10 minutes a week after that.

...i now excersize 25 minutes on the ellipticle,lift sone light weights and walk a mile a night!(then again im a student so i have the time!)

Rome wasnt built in a day!you dont wake up from the surgery and turn into a lean mean fitness machine!if you want it badly enough youll make it happen even if its 30 minutes a dAy!at 305 pounds i never freakin would have thought...

Youll see with your weight loss your going to do more for both your body and mental state:)goodluck to you![/quote']

Great post, could you give me some stats on when u got the sleeve, how u r now & your weight loss. I am 10 days post op & have been walking almost daily and the walks ARE GETTING longer! Pre diet plus these 10 post op days, 33lb's, I started at 291 & am now 259. And this is just doing what I was told to do, I am happy.

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Hi all

Looking for advice on exercise. I see so many people saying they exercise 4' date=' 5 or 6 days a week for 60 minutes.

I find it hard to fathom that after being overweight and sitting on our asses for years or decades - boop!!,... you have sleeve surgery and now want to exercise like Jack Lalane.... well, it's hard to believe.

Here is my reality. I smoked 2 to 2 1/2 packs of cigarettes for 42 years. I quit 14 weeks ago with the assistance of Chantix. I quit so I would be eligible for WLS. I have been obese for most of my adult life. I have never, let me repeat that, NEVER, been into exercising per say. I loved playing sports, softball, volleyball, basketball, frisbee, swimming, etc but sit-ups, push-ups, crunches, jumping rope, etc. was not for me.

As I got older and fatter, and it was harder to breathe and move (weight gain, smoking and now arthritis in my knees, hips and back) even the sports I loved to play became too much for me to be physically able to do. I mean, my weight and arthritis can make it difficult to walk thru a flea market or on the beach without putting me in excruciating pain for a day or two. On top of that Aleve is the what the orthopedic doctor has told me to take for the arthritis (and it is the only thing that helps).

I would love to hear from the "older folks" that have arthritis or perhaps made the bad choice to smoke for 40 some-odd years or their others whose weight makes them short of breath... please how does the sleeve work for you and just what do you do for exercise and how often.

I mean I would love to be able to able to play volleyball or softball or basketball but, seriously, is that a reality for me? And the fact that I can't do much (at least 'til I lose the first 40 or 50 lbs) physically - will that be discouraging mentally/emotionally for me because of lack of weight loss?

I am pre-surgery and still struggling with the question of bypass or sleeve. I would prefer the sleeve but want to be REAL about the results I should expect -- will I be able to lose the 120 lbs I need to lose with the sleeve?[/quote']

Right on for your post, I was thinking the same thing. My decision to do the sleeve was very difficult as it sounds yours is. I was 291 on 8-1-12 . Lost 15 lb's pre op per the assigned diet and walking a little, got a bad knee, it hurts, I do what I can. Had surgery 8-28, now 10 days post op and total weight lost is 33 lb's. I have good days and not so good days right now, my doc says this will go on for a month. I am now happy I did it, I eat 2-4 oz of liquid thru out the day, any more would make me nausea AND I am not hungry and I am not aching for my old favorite foods, I know it's early. For me I am a food addict, slow and steady and learn new tools so as time goes by, I will not do stress eating, good luck to you!!!!!

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