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Good by to my Scruffy little dog

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Don't know if I can even write this. I am so depressed, because my house feels so empty without my little dog. I had to put him down yesterday because he got so sick, he has been real sick for over a year but I had managed to nurse him along since then, dreading the day...

I got him for my son when I first bought my house. White house with a little fence with the little white dog in it...he was 11 1/2 years old and my faithfull companion, he was a mini poodle. I got to get this out of my head and my heart, I hate when life makes the right thing to do so dam hard.

I feel kinda silly doing this here, I mostly lurk, don't have much to offer on posts, and now hear I am looking for support because my dog died. how pathetic is that? Sorry I am rambeling.... Thanks for letting me vent Trish :think

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I am so sory for your loss. Consider getting another dog, not to replace this one but to help fill the void in your heart and in the house. Consider the local animal shelters, there are always tons of dogs needing loving homes, like the one your old companion had. Again sory for the loss, it is never easy to lose a friend. ~Mandy

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You are in my thoughts and prayers!! It is SOO HARD! They become our children. They are defenseless, unconditional love, idolize your every move. Unfortunately we have had to say goodbye to several. The hardest thing is people not understanding the impact they make in your life.

We have actually grieved both ways not getting another fur baby for 2 years and getting another within the month. It actually helps the sooner you are able to get another fur baby to love you. Sounds disrespectful but the getting another fur baby to take care of and help with the grief is the easier of the two ways to go. The distraction is welcomed.

My condolences in which ever you choose. You will always have the memories and the 11 years of fun is worth the time of pain- although it doesnt feel like it today.

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It's horrible to lose your faithful companion! I am so sorry. We had to put down our cat of 19 years last spring. Boy is is difficult, even when you know it's for the best.

Take care. Shawn

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I truly understand. I had to do the same thing with a beloved mini-Schnauzer and still haven't gotten over it - and that was almost 15 years ago! There will always be a Schatzie size hole in my heart!

I have a yellow lab who is about 12 years old - very, very sweet but getting to really be an old lady. She can hardly hear or see and moves with great difficulty. I am dreading the day....

I also have a mini-Shih Tzu named Lucy. She has issues and my friend talked me into taking her about 8 months ago. She is cute as can be - a tiny (5 pound) house mouse and I love her dearly. Get another pup right away, though maybe not the same breed. I don't know if I could ever own another Schnauzer.

"My little dog---a heartbeat at my feet."

-- Edith Wharton

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You are hurting and dont be embarrassed. Pet owners know what you are feeling. Im a dog groomer so when someone talks to me about this subject I tell them that their pet would want you to share your love with another pet because you were so wonderful to them. So maybe this will help you decide on another pet.

We all hurt for you .


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I am so sorry for your loss. Our pets are our dearest friends. No matter how bad the day, how unloved we are feeling or anything else, they are always there giving us their unconditional love and devotion. They fill such a void, and are almost like our children. My thoughts are with you.

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(((hugs)))... It's just not fair that our furry friends have such a short life span... not fair at all. So sorry for your loss and hoping time will come to your hearts rescue.

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We had to have our Jack Russell of 17 years put down in April. She was our daughter's dog and when she married her father said she could move to the new home but the dog stayed lol. It was so hard but she had been so sick for the last year that it was easier than we thought because it hurt so much to see her sick. We will not be getting another one don't want to go through that again but also like not having to worry about coming home at a certain time to let a dog out choosing to not have someone to look after and also there is not another one that could fill those four feet. It does get easier but it is like losing part of the family which it is.

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I understand.

If it was my choice, I'd get another dog pretty soon. I always have, and have been honored to share my home and heart with each and every dog and cat, though none have replaced the ones who have gone to Heaven. They are each special, and I don't think they are jealous in Heaven. Do you?

Hugs to you...pass the Kleenex, okay?

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Trish, I am so sorry for your loss. Even though your heart hurts terribely now, Know that one day it will not be as bad and you will be able to think of your pup with a smile. You will know when your ready to be able to love a little one again... take your time. I hope your heart fills happiness soon.

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Thanks to all of you for all your kind words. I can't get a new dog right now, but considered many alternatives. To bad my son has such allergies that I could never have a cat or rabbit. Scruffy was a poodle, we needed a non shedding dog. This house just felt so dead, so today I got a Parakeet!

She is mostly yellow with a little green on the underside, I always had birds before I named her Patches cause she has Patches of yellow and green and she can help patch the hole in my heart. I do feel a little less lonely already.

I hope these overwhelming feelings go away soon.

Each of you touched my heart with your own stories, and support, I know so many of you truly understand and have also experienced the great loss I feel.

Thank you again, Trish

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