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Buyer's Remorse- My Horrible Road To "recovery" Post Sleevectomy

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You misread, she was turned down in 2008. She had her surgery this past March.

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You misread, she was turned down in 2008. She had her surgery this past March.

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oh thank you for clarifying, I was really hoping she was relating a memory and had recovered. I am so sorry your going through this and hope and pray the

doctors will find the answer for you.

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For all who asked:

I talked to a local malpractice attorney, he said no one legitimate would take my case. It seems if a doctor has been reckless, negligent and unprofessional, it would be best if they killed you. The problem it seems, I haven't died yet and it isn't "profitible" for them to file suit. He was really very nice and explained some of what I suspected- it would require hiring specialists to say what the doctors did was wrong which would be thousands of dollars on their end. Since I didn't lose my life, or at least a limb, the case is likely worth less than 50k and they would eat up most of it in expert testimony. How can that be? seriously? oh well, there has to be a dollar amount placed on everything and apparently this isn't worth a whole lot! His suggestion was to call the hospital and talk to their patient liason or the risk management department and complain about my stay. I replied it wasn't a hotel and I didn't need to complain, what they did was grossly negligent and almost cost me my life and my daughter her mother. I'm on the fence about trying another attorney, I don't want to hear the same thing but I also don't want a sleaze ball giving my high expectations and hopes that can't be realized.

I AM pissed, I've been hurting, I DID suffer for way too long, NO ONE listened to me, I DESERVE compensation for the misery they put me through, I want them to pay for what they did, I want everyone to know what they did. I'm petty and childish and want retribution for the wrongdoing, to feel vindicated in a courtroom, in front of a judge and jury, to be able to look at them and tell them what they did came close to ruining my life and ask who would have mothered my child had I died? To remind them the hippocratic oath says to do no harm and they failed, they harmed me, left me in pain, didn't ease my suffering, blew me off as just another fatty who didn't care enough to take care of themselves and what were they supposed to do? fix all the damage I did to my body over 40 years?

My biggest concern is for other patients seen both at the hospitals and by the doctors involved. I really don't want to ruin anyones career but I also don't want these doctors thinking that the bare minimum is good enough. We are patients, living, breathing human beings who are at the mercy of people who take one look at you or review your file and decide you're a complainer, you can't tolerate a small amount of pain, you're a drug seeker, you like the attention, you're a hypochondriac, you should just shut up and be quiet or better yet, just stay home.

I'm still not able to eat and drink enough to sustain myself but found milk and bread settle my stomach so I don't feel like i'm constantly spinning from the nausea. The problem with that has been a temporary 5 lb weight gain- sooo scary, i've lost all but a pound, back up to 301, great! Having some temporary relief has made it worth it though, I honestly hoped I would die some days because the nausea and vomiting were so bad, feeling that vomit well up from your toes and the waiting, trying to stop it from happening, worrying about the pills you took earlier and whether they were in your intestines or stuck in your pouch and would come up with the vomit, being so tired you aren't sure you'll actually live through another stomach spasm because when they start they don't stop, even if you've vomited up everything and you just lie there, with your eyes bulging out and your mouth open with your tongue pushed out and you can't slow it enough to even catch your breath. So the good news is that my PCP referred me to not 1 but 2 departments at the University where I will see a gastroenterologist and another bariatric surgeon to get some insight into the complications and hopefully a long term fix. If anyone can help, it's the University hospita,l and I am so thankful that my PCP was able to get me in there!

The blood clots in my arm have not subsided which is slightly unusual and makes me worry, alot. For anyone with hand or arm problems, it's similar to nerve issues like carpal tunnel or guyon canal compression etc.... i'm having pain, numbness and tingling just like I did before I had surgery on my hands. My arm is still swollen and i've woken up with my hand huge and cold several times this week. It feels like theres a rubber band at my anticubital that is tightening and irritating the nerves. The scary thing is that neuropathy and nerve issues can be the result of med toxicity and could be permanent. I don't believe that is the case, I think it's just from the vericose veins and the blood clots. I hope that's the scenario, but to find out either way and see if it requires surgery, I have been referred to a vascular surgeon. yay!

I've gotten a reprieve from the terrible trips to the lab for blood draws! My insurance carrier has covered a home PT monitor to check my clotting times. It only takes a drop of blood and gives the score which I call in to the doctors office every day. It has been running high so they decreased my coumadin which means only3 pills instead of 6 every morning- I can't tell you what a relief it has been! I took some flowers to the lab tech who had been drawing my blood these last few weeks. She was my hero, she gave me tiny infant foot warmers that I would put on before I went every day so they could increase the blood flow and make it easier for them to get. She listened to everything I said about where to try a stick and avoided the veins I told her to, even though she could see them and really wanted to poke them, she believed me when I said they would blow if she got one or worse yet, roll and hide when she went to stick which causes them to poke you and then dig, dig, dig for the vein they know is there- they won't get it and you'll be miserable, eventually scar tissue forms and there won't be any more blood draws in that spot.

The greatest things through all of this have been the support, compassion and sincerety i've been met with while sharing my story. My primary doc was so open, honest and apologetic for what I went through, not even my surgeon has admitted anything went wrong but my PCP knew something wasn't right, he listened to me and fought for me. When I said I couldn't go back to my surgeon's office he personally contacted specialists and got me in to the best ones he could find. I'm much more optimistic and hopeful that someone, somewhere will figure out my issues and help me. It has to keep going up from here right? :-)

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My heart goes out to you, for your pain, suffering, and the emotional turmoil all of this has brought on. I'm a nurse too, and I'm glad you had a patient advocate in anyone who would listen, and grateful that your PCP took your concerns seriously. I know I've been guilty sometimes, thinking that a patient is over reacting, and not in need. Thank you for reminding us healthcare givers to never discount someone's suffering and to simply listen first, before making judgement. God bless you in your recovery.

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For all who asked:

I talked to a local malpractice attorney, he said no one legitimate would take my case. It seems if a doctor has been reckless, negligent and unprofessional, it would be best if they killed you. The problem it seems, I haven't died yet and it isn't "profitible" for them to file suit. He was really very nice and explained some of what I suspected- it would require hiring specialists to say what the doctors did was wrong which would be thousands of dollars on their end. Since I didn't lose my life, or at least a limb, the case is likely worth less than 50k and they would eat up most of it in expert testimony. How can that be? seriously? oh well, there has to be a dollar amount placed on everything and apparently this isn't worth a whole lot! His suggestion was to call the hospital and talk to their patient liason or the risk management department and complain about my stay. I replied it wasn't a hotel and I didn't need to complain, what they did was grossly negligent and almost cost me my life and my daughter her mother. I'm on the fence about trying another attorney, I don't want to hear the same thing but I also don't want a sleaze ball giving my high expectations and hopes that can't be realized.

I AM pissed, I've been hurting, I DID suffer for way too long, NO ONE listened to me, I DESERVE compensation for the misery they put me through, I want them to pay for what they did, I want everyone to know what they did. I'm petty and childish and want retribution for the wrongdoing, to feel vindicated in a courtroom, in front of a judge and jury, to be able to look at them and tell them what they did came close to ruining my life and ask who would have mothered my child had I died? To remind them the hippocratic oath says to do no harm and they failed, they harmed me, left me in pain, didn't ease my suffering, blew me off as just another fatty who didn't care enough to take care of themselves and what were they supposed to do? fix all the damage I did to my body over 40 years?

My biggest concern is for other patients seen both at the hospitals and by the doctors involved. I really don't want to ruin anyones career but I also don't want these doctors thinking that the bare minimum is good enough. We are patients, living, breathing human beings who are at the mercy of people who take one look at you or review your file and decide you're a complainer, you can't tolerate a small amount of pain, you're a drug seeker, you like the attention, you're a hypochondriac, you should just shut up and be quiet or better yet, just stay home.

I'm still not able to eat and drink enough to sustain myself but found milk and bread settle my stomach so I don't feel like i'm constantly spinning from the nausea. The problem with that has been a temporary 5 lb weight gain- sooo scary, i've lost all but a pound, back up to 301, great! Having some temporary relief has made it worth it though, I honestly hoped I would die some days because the nausea and vomiting were so bad, feeling that vomit well up from your toes and the waiting, trying to stop it from happening, worrying about the pills you took earlier and whether they were in your intestines or stuck in your pouch and would come up with the vomit, being so tired you aren't sure you'll actually live through another stomach spasm because when they start they don't stop, even if you've vomited up everything and you just lie there, with your eyes bulging out and your mouth open with your tongue pushed out and you can't slow it enough to even catch your breath. So the good news is that my PCP referred me to not 1 but 2 departments at the University where I will see a gastroenterologist and another bariatric surgeon to get some insight into the complications and hopefully a long term fix. If anyone can help, it's the University hospita,l and I am so thankful that my PCP was able to get me in there!

The blood clots in my arm have not subsided which is slightly unusual and makes me worry, alot. For anyone with hand or arm problems, it's similar to nerve issues like carpal tunnel or guyon canal compression etc.... i'm having pain, numbness and tingling just like I did before I had surgery on my hands. My arm is still swollen and i've woken up with my hand huge and cold several times this week. It feels like theres a rubber band at my anticubital that is tightening and irritating the nerves. The scary thing is that neuropathy and nerve issues can be the result of med toxicity and could be permanent. I don't believe that is the case, I think it's just from the vericose veins and the blood clots. I hope that's the scenario, but to find out either way and see if it requires surgery, I have been referred to a vascular surgeon. yay!

I've gotten a reprieve from the terrible trips to the lab for blood draws! My insurance carrier has covered a home PT monitor to check my clotting times. It only takes a drop of blood and gives the score which I call in to the doctors office every day. It has been running high so they decreased my coumadin which means only3 pills instead of 6 every morning- I can't tell you what a relief it has been! I took some flowers to the lab tech who had been drawing my blood these last few weeks. She was my hero, she gave me tiny infant foot warmers that I would put on before I went every day so they could increase the blood flow and make it easier for them to get. She listened to everything I said about where to try a stick and avoided the veins I told her to, even though she could see them and really wanted to poke them, she believed me when I said they would blow if she got one or worse yet, roll and hide when she went to stick which causes them to poke you and then dig, dig, dig for the vein they know is there- they won't get it and you'll be miserable, eventually scar tissue forms and there won't be any more blood draws in that spot.

The greatest things through all of this have been the support, compassion and sincerety i've been met with while sharing my story. My primary doc was so open, honest and apologetic for what I went through, not even my surgeon has admitted anything went wrong but my PCP knew something wasn't right, he listened to me and fought for me. When I said I couldn't go back to my surgeon's office he personally contacted specialists and got me in to the best ones he could find. I'm much more optimistic and hopeful that someone, somewherei will figure out my issues and help me. It has to keep going up from here right? :-)

I'm so thankful that you finally feel like someone is in this fight with you! It's amazing the difference a little compassion and understanding can make when a person. Is suffering. I pray that your suffering is coming to a quick end and that your health begins to improve even more.

I wanted to offer some input on the lawsuit, I hope you don't mind. :/ I was in a really bad car accident almost 3 years ago that required 2 multi-level fusions in 14 months because my spine was not stable and my spinal cord was compressed. It was 100% the other guys fault, I was rearended at a stop light with him going 30mph. I went through years of pain, 2 surgeries, $400,000 worth of doctor bills just so I could retain the ability to walk for the rest of my life...I too wanted him to pay for my suffering and the nightmare he caused me and my family. I fought for 2.5 years to prove that he was negligent and that I was a victim of his carelessness...it was like a disease that consumed my life. I went through all of that emotional upheaval and all I wanted to hear was that he was sorry and that he accepted fault for what he did to me. That never happened, and he never accepted responsibility for what happened. Thankfully my health improved greatly after my last surgery, so eventually I was able to slam the door shut on the justice I never recieved at the hands of a careless and unremorseful man. I did get a small settlement, but my 3 attorneys and my insurance companies made out like bandits. Everyone but me profited from my nightmare.

I tell you this so you know that medical legal battles are rough, and often times the outcome is nothing like what we think is justified. Like you said, sad part is, unless you wind up dead or in a wheel chair the lawyers often make out better than their clients do.

Hopefully you find the peace and closure you need, whether or not you decide to journey down the path to litigation. My heart really goes out to you because I've been there. Sending you hugs!

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I wanted to offer some input on the lawsuit, I hope you don't mind. :/ I was in a really bad car accident almost 3 years ago that required 2 multi-level fusions in 14 months because my spine was not stable and my spinal cord was compressed. It was 100% the other guys fault, I was rearended at a stop light with him going 30mph. I went through years of pain, 2 surgeries, $400,000 worth of doctor bills just so I could retain the ability to walk for the rest of my life...I too wanted him to pay for my suffering and the nightmare he caused me and my family. I fought for 2.5 years to prove that he was negligent and that I was a victim of his carelessness...it was like a disease that consumed my life. I went through all of that emotional upheaval and all I wanted to hear was that he was sorry and that he accepted fault for what he did to me. That never happened, and he never accepted responsibility for what happened. Thankfully my health improved greatly after my last surgery, so eventually I was able to slam the door shut on the justice I never recieved at the hands of a careless and unremorseful man. I did get a small settlement, but my 3 attorneys and my insurance companies made out like bandits. Everyone but me profited from my nightmare.

Thank you so much for the input! I am really angry at myself along with the doctor's and you're right- nothing will fix that externally, it's something I will have to work through. I'm so glad you've been able to get beyond that and your health has improved, that's the most important thing! When you feel terrible or are in pain it's difficult to let the desire for retribution to go, I hope that with time and healing I will get to that point. I've been lucky- I am grateful for my life and the small improvements that come sooooo slowly!

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I am sorry I pray for your health and for your well being I am in Delaware if u need my surgeons info please let me know

Ps u could be a writer hope that puts a smile on your face ;)

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A few things- I'm very very sorry you are going through this. You seem like a person of faith and I hope this has helped you in the tough times. Maybe god knew you were strong enough to go through this, equipped you with heartfelt writing ability, and sent you out to help others? I'm not sure I would be strong enough...

My mothers doctor was drunk when treating her early in her pregnancy with my younger sister. Gave her penicillin knowing she was allergic. She nearly died and speant rest of pregnancy worried my sister would be born with side effects. She was ok, perfectly healthy baby. But mum sued for the terror (started suit While still pregnant). Took nearly ten years and doctor died before ever saying sorry. Mum got about $10, 000 from his estate. It wasn't worth it though, no-one else really "got" her pain, maybe coz they were all men? Just saying this to add, if lawyer can't help with money then just speak out as much as you are comfortable with...

I was rushed to hospital earlier thus year unconscious with aspiration pneumonia. Went to slep Wednesday woke up Friday in hospital. I had very bad flu and throat infection which a GP hadnt wanted to give me anything for. Said if I lost weight I'd be healthier next winter- argh! Anyway in the night I must have coughed so hard I breathed in my own vomit. Admitted to critical care unit for five days.

Most nurses were good but the massive antibiotics I were on in hospital gave me mouth thrush. I couldn't swallow anything and was crying in pain. Noone could help me. It took the lady who bought tea and coffee to diagnose the thrush and have the nurses bring nilstat. It cleared up in a day...

When I was released they gave me a medication to take at home. That night I committed and thought I was having a heart attack. Went straight to same emergency room. Had to wait there with bleeding, coughing, vomitting others for two hours before throwing up again myself, right there on the floor. They sent someone to clean it up but still couldn't have a dr see me.

I went home, cried myself to sleep, went to local clinic next morning. Told me the medicine hospitak had prescribed causes those exact side effects. And the triage nurses at e.r. Couldn't look that up anywhere?!

Just some small things about the "monolith" that is western medicine... Drs don't know all. Some don't even know the little things like hirse-sized amounts of antibiotics cause thrush! Allergies kill people. Medications have side effects...

I hope your daughter does a medical anthropology class at college- shell get a kick out of realising doctors don't know everything ;)

Oh and lastly, I've rocked the overweight anorexic look before... I feel for you- but hey, vampires are in this season- hi light your pallor for the hottest summer trend ;)

Get well and god bless...

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Oh and, I had a thought/ saw a doco on medical marijuana in Colorado. It seems to be a drug that helps a lot of people with your sort of symptoms... Is it worth a try anywhere near you? It's strange but it sounds like the surgeon hit a nerve in your abdominal cavity... Has any doctor suggested this possibility? Nerve damage does strange things...

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I am so incredibly sorry you have been put through all of this with little relief in sight. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please continue posting about your journey. (((hugs)))

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get a second opinion from a different atty. Put 70 attorneys in a room and ask the same question, you get 70 different answers. If you will PM me your location, I have atty friends across the country and will try to put you in touch with competent local atty for you....

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How are things now, jsd?

Is it safe to assume that if you could do it all over again, you would not have gotten the surgery? I am still in the planning phases, and your story just scared the crap out of

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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