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What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"

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Like others have mentioned, I don't think there was any one moment. I'm 35 with 2 small children and I feel OLD. I have RA and Fibromyalgia - constantly tired and in pain. I want to enjoy my family and my life in general. I'm still young and I want to feel that way!

I was healthy and athletic when I was young. I started steadily gaining weight in my early 20's and haven't stopped. I've tried dieting and exercise. I even worked with a personal trainer and completed a 10k Mud Run 3 years ago at 210lbs. I was (somewhat) strong, but still fat! After the RA diagnosis, I can't work out like I used to so now I'm not even strong:( And I'm even fatter.

My mom died when I was 10 from breast cancer and her only risk factor was her weight. She was only 39 when she died. I don't want my kids to grow up without a mom. I guess that's my final straw - I want to be there for my kids and I don't see that happening if I continue down this path.

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Many things. I'm not able to be as active as I would like. I've always prided myself on being able to do whatever I wanted physically. Now, even "simple" things like picking up the house or vacuuming causes my back to ache! I don't move as easily, and I"m constanly going up in size. I've tried EVERYTHING!!

Also, I want to get noticed again. Not just by the opposite sex, but by people in general. I feel like ppl sometimes disregard those of us who are over weight. I"m sure my own insecurities play into this, but it's definitely true. Society treats you differently when you're bigger!!

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What was the final thing that you encountered that made you say this is enough? I too have had numerous.

1. I went to go on ride at a fair and told

to get off in front of a whole load of people as it would not shut due to my huge stomach.

2. Having my first grandchild born and needing the energy to do all the fun thinks with him.

3. Aching knees, hip and back

4. Hate shopping for clothes as you always look awful in the mirrors so due to this I tend to shop online costing me more money.

5. Fed up with all the stares from people looking at the fat lady

Oh my I could go on an on. I cannot wait to find when I will be sleeved next Thursday.

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For me it was two things. One was a picture that I saw of myself posted on my work website. We were putting on a special event and I remember that day thinking I looked pretty cute in my outfit. In reality seeing myself at 5' 2" and 200+ lbs, I did not recognize myself. The other was that I realized I was passing up social engagements because of my appearance. Very happy with my decision. Once it was made, I was completely at peace that this was the right thing for me.

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For me it was having a Lap Band for 4 1/2 years with weight loss of 47 lbs. in the first 18 months and nothing after that. During that time I vomitted everything worth eating; port pain was aweful and I always felt doomed. Two of my cousins had sleeves when I had my lap band. At family reunion this summer I saw how Great they look and how happy they were. So I said to myself "This is it! I am going to get sleeved and have that same great quality of life too!" Its the best thing I've done for myself! I find myself smiling all day long. Does anyone feel like just skipping down the road like we did when we were kids? :)

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My family (brothers & sisters, wives, and husbands) went on a family vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina in May. When we got home, I saw the photographs of myself. I didn't even recognize me! I looked so horrible I just wanted to cry. I swear to God I never thought I looked that bad. But, having seen the evidence, it must be true! I have never felt self-conscious about my appearance. In fact, I thought I always looked like a rock star. Man, were those pictures a wake-up call!

Also, I have begun to realize that people, especially men, do not care if you are nice, intelligent, pretty, funny, happy, or are a good friend, a good sister, a good aunt, or like to read and like to cook or the fact that you are an interesting person: the only thing most people care about is if you are fat. Unfortunately, the human race has not yet evolved beyond their biology. I understand that men are hard-wired to choose women who seem more physically able to produce children and continue the man's genetic line, but I keep hoping that people will eventually start to accept people as they are. But we all live in this world, and in order to be successful, we have to conform to this world's expectations. What bothers me the most is that while this world hates fat people, we continue to produce in massive quantities that which makes us all fat.

I especially detest people who claim they "are concerned about my health." It is a ridiculous, and erroneous, assumption. I do not have high cholesterol, nor high blood pressure, nor heart disease, nor diabetes, nor mobility problems, nor pain. I am very healthy, other than a very high BMI. Not everyone who is overweight is unhealthy. People who say this to me think they are helping. Their "concern" is just thinly-veiled contempt. I think hating on fat people is the last socially acceptable form of discrimination. And society makes it acceptable because their false "concern for our health." Just admit your prejudices.

My surgery is tentatively scheduled for November 28. I am very scared, but I am committed to doing this. Although I resent the fact I have to do this surgery, I know it is necessary.

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I especially detest people who claim they "are concerned about my health." It is a ridiculous, and erroneous, assumption. I do not have high cholesterol, nor high blood pressure, nor heart disease, nor diabetes, nor mobility problems, nor pain. I am very healthy, other than a very high BMI. Not everyone who is overweight is unhealthy. People who say this to me think they are helping. Their "concern" is just thinly-veiled contempt. I think hating on fat people is the last socially acceptable form of discrimination. And society makes it acceptable because their false "concern for our health." Just admit your prejudices.

I don't necessarily think that everyone's concern is "thinly-veiled contempt". I don't believe that my grandmother's concern was contempt.

Also, even though you don't have high blood pressure or any health problems now doesn't mean they won't start cropping up when menopause starts and your female hormones aren't giving you as much protection. I too thought I was perfectly healthy (except for asthma that I have had since a child) until I started having blood sugar problems when I was about 47. Then a few years later my blood pressure started going up and then I developed knee problems all of a sudden. During the testing for the surgery they found I had a high blood pressure related heart condition that they said would go away if I lost weight and get worse if I didn't. When they did the surgery they found out I had fatty liver and hepatitis (although I had no abnormal liver function tests) and referred me to a gastroenterologist to be evaluated.

Just because you don't have apparent health problems doesn't mean that you don't have any health problems, you might have health problems that haven't been discovered yet or you might develop health problems as you get older.

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Yes, that is one of the reasons why I am having the surgery: as more of a preventive measure than to actually correct any current health issues.

My original premise still is that I have to live in this world, and this world is not accommodating to fat people.

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Hurting a lot and listening to my knees sounding like rice krispies every time I sat down.

That and going to the drive in movies and feeling the camping chair slowly bend closer to the ground until it wouldn't close up any more.

We wanted to go to Six Flags before school starts but I got so depressed thinking about walking, riding and just sitting while everyone had fun, we decided to cancel. And that depressed me even more. We cancelled a mini vacation because of my weight.

Been toying with the idea of WLS, but I just got sick and tired of being sick and tired, you know?

Did you have the surgery yet? I am sure u r reading how life changing this surgery has been for, gosh, everyone I can think of. I was so scared I would lose the weight and gain it back.. I am only at 10 weeks posy op but with my stomach smaller my intense desire has left me, my happiness has increased, I am learning from people who have done it how I will need to keep the weight off, I am learning how small a portion can be and still be enough, I NEVER want 2 portions regardless of how good it tastes. Sorry if you have had the surgery and already are experiencing it, just care

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My main reason was being pretty much housebound.

Even in my house I couldn’t stand to cook or clean and I couldn’t walk from the top to bottom in one go I had to rest between floors it’s a 3 story house.

This year I hadn’t left my house unless in a car, I also cancelled going to my nephews christening because I couldn’t sit in the car for 3 hours to drive there without my back being in extreme pain, I couldn’t stand or walk for as much as I needed too once there and finding a outfit.

I did get a size 38 pair of pants but no top or shoes I could wear it depressed me more than anything else.

I have other reasons but they are personal to me.

I was on the waiting list to be approved for 2 years but the main reason for me is that I was pretty much a shut in because of my back and knees.

Middle of last year I tried to go ikea with my mum she drove I by passed most of the store and went straight to the bottom level which is pictures kitchen stuff rugs etc sat on a bench while she did all the looking around.

She met me we got half way in the ground floor I started locking up and shaking with pain I sat on the floor, when I felt better I started to go again had to walk through the warehouse bit I got down one isle so locked up and in so much pain I just started crying and forced myself to walk to some stairs near by to sit on and just cried while my mum tried to find the quickest way for me to get out.

Took me over an hour to get out because I would walk for 5mins be in so much pain I had to stop and wait and rest then go again and over and over.

Was the most humiliating experience ever just being stared at like I was insane and the staff constantly passing by asking if I was ok, am I sure and giving me odd looks.

The weight on my body was too much for me and nothing they did helped my back, the bigger I got the less I did the more pain I was in and round and round it went.

I think that’s why I was cleared suddenly this year instead of end of next year like it originally said.

I still have major issues with my back and right knee, still haven’t gone anywhere on my own not in a car but when I do instead of porters taking me in a wheelchair around the hospital I walk.

So that’s my straw that broke my back lol

Your share has touched me deeply, I know that would have been my story. It must have been awhile before surgery that u drove/ went every where. I know for me not doing something makes it feet bigger and bigger, scarier.....some things I have walked thru, others I have not. I hope you can drive yourself to a park or something. The world is missing GETTING TO KNOW YOU. I like to smile at people for no good reason, everyone has their own issues and when I remember that then I can help others & voila, I feel happier and like myself more. Your journey is courageous, people say that to me, I ask them why do u say that, whey say cause I am doing something about what was bothering me

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My family (brothers & sisters, wives, and husbands) went on a family vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina in May. When we got home, I saw the photographs of myself. I didn't even recognize me! I looked so horrible I just wanted to cry. I swear to God I never thought I looked that bad. But, having seen the evidence, it must be true! I have never felt self-conscious about my appearance. In fact, I thought I always looked like a rock star. Man, were those pictures a wake-up call!

Also, I have begun to realize that people, especially men, do not care if you are nice, intelligent, pretty, funny, happy, or are a good friend, a good sister, a good aunt, or like to read and like to cook or the fact that you are an interesting person: the only thing most people care about is if you are fat. Unfortunately, the human race has not yet evolved beyond their biology. I understand that men are hard-wired to choose women who seem more physically able to produce children and continue the man's genetic line, but I keep hoping that people will eventually start to accept people as they are. But we all live in this world, and in order to be successful, we have to conform to this world's expectations. What bothers me the most is that while this world hates fat people, we continue to produce in massive quantities that which makes us all fat.

I especially detest people who claim they "are concerned about my health." It is a ridiculous, and erroneous, assumption. I do not have high cholesterol, nor high blood pressure, nor heart disease, nor diabetes, nor mobility problems, nor pain. I am very healthy, other than a very high BMI. Not everyone who is overweight is unhealthy. People who say this to me think they are helping. Their "concern" is just thinly-veiled contempt. I think hating on fat people is the last socially acceptable form of discrimination. And society makes it acceptable because their false "concern for our health." Just admit your prejudices.

My surgery is tentatively scheduled for November 28. I am very scared, but I am committed to doing this. Although I resent the fact I have to do this surgery, I know it is necessary.

I am sorry your journey has hurt you over the years, yes people can be mean, I have been very fortunate as your email reminds me. I hope you take any opportunities to talk to professionals on your feelings above. My surgery is working very well thank God, but the first week after the surgery when I was in pain I was crying the blues and saying"why couldn't I have loved myself as is". Now the pain is gone, I am an overall positive person and I am having so much fun getting smaller, but I was worried there that I would loose the weight and not like myself and be just as miserable as when I was larger. I personally judge myself as hard or harder than society does. I sure care for your well being, you will have a wonderful December & 2013 will be better than ever. "Be kind to others and generally they will be kind to you."

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I went to my honeymoon at Universal Studios because I super super wanted to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. First time on the Harry Potter ride was amazing! Second time on it was just as good! My third time going on the ride.... they kicked me off for being too fat. I was so embarrassed. :(

Then shortly after I got pregnant and was bigger than I'd ever been. When I went back to work after maternity leave in May I was wearing a size 32!!! I'm down to a 26 now, and scheduled for my sleeve January 16, right before my 30th birthday.

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Back pains all the time, shortness of breath, not being about to walk at work. Feeling worthless. That's when I said enough was enough...

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1. I went with some friends to go horseback riding, only to have the woman almost refuse to let me ride a horse because of my weight. She ended up putting me on a giant horse. So my friends were on horses that looked like ponies next to mine and I was so mortified.

2. Having an ill-behaved man call me "fatty". I know that it was his problem but it still hurt, even in my 50's I havent learned that Sticks & Stones....

3. Losing my period and not knowing if it was menopause or the weight.

4. Having no idea who the person in the mirror is.

5. Not being able to tie my shoes without taking a break so I could breathe.

6. Stopping for road-trip Snacks only to have people shout out "dont do it".

7. Finding out that my friend who is 6'5" weighs less than me at 5'8".

8. Worried about my heart all of the time.

9. Not being able to do the things that my friends do.

10. Knowing that I'm not as old as I feel.

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Feeling bad all of the time.

My big size 10 shoes were all tight and I wondered how my foot had grown larger to an 11.

My large closet and the guest room closet were full of clothes in three different sizes, none of which I could wear.

Not making it to the bathroom fast enough before a bit of urinary incontinence kicked in.

Looking like a sweaty mess all of the time.

Hiding food.

.....gosh this list could go on and on.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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