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What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"

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I've been obese nearly all my life. I was athletic, I had friends, I coped well with the mean comments and jeering whispers that go along with being morbidly obese. But as I aged, the weight started tearing on my joints, and, having an hereditary malformation at L4-L5 L5-S1 in my lumbar spine, I'm in constant pain, and mobility is becoming a huge issue. I think it took me so long to embrace WLS because I was embarrassed and ashamed that I could not control my weight on my own. But, when my pain specialist, 2 orthopedic surgeons, and a neurosurgeon all recommended that I have WLS, I had to consider it.

I had started the process with my insurance company back in October, 2013, but put it on the back-burner when I tried, once again, a futile attempt to lose the weight myself. I reached a point with my pain that I knew I had no choice. I contacted my insurance company again, and, having my history of pain treatment on hand, they allowed me to restart the process where I left off. It was a series of God-moments that made me realize I was doing the right thing. My pain specialist was begging me to have VSG, but I told him I wanted to see one more back surgeon, and if that surgeon said "No", then I would consider it. Turns out the surgeon I wanted to see was my pain specialist's teacher during his residency, and he told me the man was brilliant, that I had made a good choice. I went to see the neurosurgeon, and he agreed that I definitely needed back surgery, but I was not at emergency state, so he recommended WLS, too. He gave me the name of the Dr. he recommended, and turns out that physician was the ONLY physician my insurance company covered in this area. God-moments...

So, I get sleeved on August 21, 2014. I'm on my liquid diet and doing well, and I'm excited about my future. Blessings to all of you!!!

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I've been obese nearly all my life. I was athletic, I had friends, I coped well with the mean comments and jeering whispers that go along with being morbidly obese. But as I aged, the weight started tearing on my joints, and, having an hereditary malformation at L4-L5 L5-S1 in my lumbar spine, I'm in constant pain, and mobility is becoming a huge issue. I think it took me so long to embrace WLS because I was embarrassed and ashamed that I could not control my weight on my own. But, when my pain specialist, 2 orthopedic surgeons, and a neurosurgeon all recommended that I have WLS, I had to consider it.

I had started the process with my insurance company back in October, 2013, but put it on the back-burner when I tried, once again, a futile attempt to lose the weight myself. I reached a point with my pain that I knew I had no choice. I contacted my insurance company again, and, having my history of pain treatment on hand, they allowed me to restart the process where I left off. It was a series of God-moments that made me realize I was doing the right thing. My pain specialist was begging me to have VSG, but I told him I wanted to see one more back surgeon, and if that surgeon said "No", then I would consider it. Turns out the surgeon I wanted to see was my pain specialist's teacher during his residency, and he told me the man was brilliant, that I had made a good choice. I went to see the neurosurgeon, and he agreed that I definitely needed back surgery, but I was not at emergency state, so he recommended WLS, too. He gave me the name of the Dr. he recommended, and turns out that physician was the ONLY physician my insurance company covered in this area. God-moments...

So, I get sleeved on August 21, 2014. I'm on my liquid diet and doing well, and I'm excited about my future. Blessings to all of you!!!

Same here leenie, I'd been researching WLS for about a year and at the same time nursing a bad hip and knees. My orthopedic doctor diagnosed it as moderate to severe arthritis, then I asked what I could do about it, he said, too late the damage is done. That's when it really hit me that my weight was really doing damage to my body, first one hip, how long until the other one, how long before I'm moving around in a scooter or a walker? I was crushing my joints, I'm on meds to control BP, cholesterol, and sugar, pretty obvious where this is going. So, after years of futile attempts to lose and keep it off, I decided to reclaim my health. August 19th for me, already 4 days into pre-op and actually, its not too bad. Good luck, and cheers to a healthier life.

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I used to diet in preparation for occasions: weddings, graduations, reunions, summer season. The eating plans would start after my January birthday and I would follow strictly for a set period of time. I always considered this way of eating to be 'temporary', and that meant my efforts, results, successes were also 'temporary'.

I am a regular at the gym, 4-5 times a week. I have made friends there and have been supported and accountable to them, and them to me. Including instructors. Though, I am clearly the heaviest one in the group. These people have seen me lose weight, gain weight, continue to come to the gym regardless of my size. Recently, one of these people, who has had weight loss success herself, said to me, "I am concerned that we have not been seeing you lose weight even though you are here all the time. In fact, I think maybe you have gained some?" I know her intent was to help and support, and that is the spirit in which I took her comment. But having it out there, said aloud, is exactly like seeing a photograph of yourself. The reality is harsh.

The comment was not the catalyst, though. Just one of several things I have taken notice of recently (in the last year). I have noticed that several exercises are uncomfortable or impossible for me to do because my belly is in the way. My ankles and knees and hips are less forgiving and are often exhausted after exercise (which is regular) and I find that I am in some pain (not the good pain) daily. And at my last annual physical exam with my doctor, I have been asked to regularly monitor my blood pressure. I have not yet been diagnosed or medicated for high blood pressure - but I sure do not want to.

So, I decided that I am going to do something about my situation FOR ME. Forever. Not for an occasion, not for a while, not until I get bored with it.

I'm 14 days away from the next chapter in my healthy life. Wish me luck.

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This Picture:
Even though I'd just walked a 5K and felt very good about having given it the ol' college try. The pictures made me realize. What I thought I saw in the mirror was not what was actually there. Total denial had been lifted. I finally saw what everyone else did. And I know how I got there. I got there with phrases like this: "Well I know I'm 220 but at least I'm not 250" (Jr. High) "Well I know I'm 280 but at least I'm not 300." (High School Graduation) "Well I know I'm 310 but that's not that much over 300 I can get back down."......"Boom 330....um....well...I got nothin." I was an obese kid, I was an obese teen, I'm an obese adult. Now I want a life.

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<div>This Picture: <div>4</div> <div> </div> <div>Even though I'd just walked a 5K and felt very good about having given it the ol' college try. The pictures made me realize. What I thought I saw in the mirror was not what was actually there. Total denial had been lifted. I finally saw what everyone else did. And I know how I got there. I got there with phrases like this: "Well I know I'm 220 but at least I'm not 250" (Jr. High) "Well I know I'm 280 but at least I'm not 300." (High School Graduation) "Well I know I'm 310 but that's not that much over 300 I can get back down."......"Boom 330....um....well...I got nothin." I was an obese kid, I was an obese teen, I'm an obese adult. Now I want a life. </div> <p> </p> </div>

Those phrases I am all to familiar with, I've said them to myself many times. ????

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About 2 weeks ago I started having blurred vision, double vision, light sensitivity, and severe headache. I went to the eye doctor for a routine yearly follow up to check my eyes and see if I need a new glasses. Turns out it was far more serious than that. Had to get an ultrasound of my eye, had to get all these light shine in my eyes, and had pictures taken of my eyes. These tests showed the doctors that I had Fluid on my brain. this whole past week I had to go to neurologists, hospitals, and get a million more tests done. (Mri, mrv, spinal tap [lp]) and the conclusion from all this is i have Fluid on my spine, pushing up into my brain, and its all because of my weight. I've been researching my options and I feel like VSG is for me. No other diet has ever worked for me. All my paperwork is submitted and I'm waiting on them to verify my insurance and schedule the date.

The only thing I'm worried about is head hunger after surgery.

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The only thing I'm worried about is head hunger after surgery.

I have to say that I do have head hunger. I try to talk my self out of it but I'm not always successful. What keeps me on track is the fact that I remind myself what I went through and where I am going. I went thru too much to get back into my old habits. And when I can't fight it off, I'll grab something innocuous such as nuts and craisins. So it's a little cheat, but not too much. It's tough to be perfect 100% of the time so I try to deal with it using common sense

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I decided I didn't want to die like my mother. My brother sleeved one year ago and he is my best inspiration! Now to get the other brother on board....

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Just feeling so bad about myself that I really couldn't stand it any more. :(

My health.

My work.

My relationship.

Everything was far harder than it should have been all due to the weight and my issues with it.

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The final straw that broke the camels back was being tired of clothes not fitting correctly, not being able to bend over to paint my toe nails or even touch my toes. Not being able to climb stairs without gasping for breath. I want to be healthy and fit!!

I had noticed co-workers who was losing a lot of weight and I decided to ask them what they did. All of them had the gastric bypass, one of them recommended the gastric sleeve. I did research on the sleeve and found the difference between the sleeve and bypass was very surprising. I had visited my doctor originally two years ago. After doing extensive research I had decided on the gastric sleeve. I have already been to the nutrition classes, had another doctors visit about three weeks ago. I got a call from my doctors office to schedule my surgery, the date is September 29. Looking forward to that day as well as looking forward to my graduation in October of this year.

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My son is six and he has no problem telling me im fat, he is a little kid it never really bothered me. but this past year when we went to an amusement park, i brought other people with us to ride the rides with him cus i knew i couldnt fit in most of them. but still he wanted me to go on. and it almost broke my heart thinking this is the first let down in a long line of let downs because of my weight.he shouldnt feel bad because of my choices.

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I've been researching this for a while but I have three things that stick out in my mind as deciding factors in actively perusing surgery:

1. Going to Disney World with my kids last year and being terrified after getting on a roller coaster and the lap bar that was supposed to come down to hold me and my daughter in our seats came nowhere close to touching her. She had on a seatbelt too but I spent the whole ride with my arm across her because I was afraid she was going to fall out and it would've been my fault for being so fat that the bar couldn't protect her.

2. My daughter (6 years old) told me a couple months ago after watching a Nutrisystem commercial that I should get some of that so I won't be fat. She's 6 so she didn't know she hurt my feelings. She doesn't know I've done Nutrisystem twice and it didn't work.

3. And the last one I feel kinda vain about but I've recently started volunteering in the children's ministry at church and I am constantly getting mistaken for any of the four women (including me) that are really overweight that also volunteer in the children's ministry. It's like the people who are mistaking us don't see us (personality, face, etc) they just see a fat woman and lump us all into one person. I just want these women to stop seeing me as fat and lumping me into that group. Those other 3 ladies are great ladies so it's not a bad thing to be mistaken as them but It seems all the thin or average people aren't constantly mistaken for each other, just us four. I just finally want to be remembered for something other than my weight. I thought it was all in my head until I had a 10 minute conversation with a lady Wednesday night and then 30 minutes later she and I were talking again and she started to ask me questions that were meant for one of the other women (home schooling questions, and I do not homeschool) and was talking to me like she hadn't just had a conversation with me earlier in the night. It's just frustrating.

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My last straw was I fell through a chair (broke it) at my sons football game and a diagnosis of high cholesterol and fatty liver disease all around the same time.

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@@Amyly2n, I hear you. Why is it that overweight people, large as they can be, are so 'invisible'? It is sad that others mistake you for some other overweight person because they did not take the time to get to know your individuality and know that you do not have blue eyes like Tanya; you do not wear pink lipstick like Marilyn; you do not wear glasses like Cassandra does yet you're the same person. Sad. For them.

Never mind. You're on the way to being more than memorable. B)

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Going on a holiday with my daughter and my grandchildren and not being able to keep up with them and then going to a beach and sitting down and having to have my daughter put her arm out so I could pull myself up from my knees to stand. It was hot the whole time we were holidaying and I did nothing but sweat and feel so uncomfortable in my clothes. I tried to find a sundress on my holiday and no one had one that would fit my large size.

On our trip we walked a 1.5 km tour of the Frank Slide and I lagged behind everyone on the way up the side of the mountain because I couldn't catch my breath and had to stop numerous times to breathe.

So it was my holiday that finally made the decision for me. Next year at this time I will be climbing that hill again but without the extra person that is attached to my body.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      1. GreenTealael


      2. Bugzy46


      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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