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What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"

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Not being able to get pregnant even with fertility drugs was the "straw" for me! Other factors that weighed in: having to use a seatbelt extension on the airplane for the first time, terrible foot pain, occasional back and knee pain, and having a closet full of cl

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Not being able to get pregnant even with fertility drugs was the "straw" for me! Other factors that weighed in: having to use a seatbelt extension on the airplane for the first time, terrible foot pain, occasional back and knee pain, and having a closet full of clothes I couldn't wear! Now I'm starting the 2 week countdown to my VSG! Yeah!

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I'm pre op but I'm honestly sick of the yo yo dieting and weightloss

I'm a 31 year old single black female about 5'7" tall, large frame ... Been chubby my entire childhood

My weight history:

Throughout high school I maintained a size 14....overweight but not obese and certainly not physically active but pretty much only ate my mom's home cooked meals -- restaurants only on special occasions no more than 5 or 6 times a year

2001-2002 (college years): got up to 215 or so and couldn't fit any of my clothes so decided to get serious about diet and fitness --- got down to 180 within the following year (size 10-12) and felt great but burned myself out with intense fitness and minimal calories so slowly started gaining

2009 (unhappily married at 27 yrs old): stressed out with work, grad school, home demands and unhappy marriage led to highest adult weight at 292-293 (snug size 22-24)

2010-2011: Decided to separate from the ex and get serious about weightloss so got down to 199-200 within 14 months on my own with Portion Control and fitness ... Essentially losing almost 100 pounds without WLS

2013: Emotional eating and stress have led to my regain of almost 60 pounds in 2 years which put me at 254-257 today (BMI 40)

Enough is enough and I'm ready for more sustained weightloss success ... Here I come #teamVSG

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I'm pre op but I'm honestly sick of the yo yo dieting and weightloss

I'm a 31 year old single black female about 5'7" tall, large frame ... Been chubby my entire childhood

My weight history:

Throughout high school I maintained a size 14....overweight but not obese and certainly not physically active but pretty much only ate my mom's home cooked meals -- restaurants only on special occasions no more than 5 or 6 times a year

2001-2002 (college years): got up to 215 or so and couldn't fit any of my clothes so decided to get serious about diet and fitness --- got down to 180 within the following year (size 10-12) and felt great but burned myself out with intense fitness and minimal calories so slowly started gaining

2009 (unhappily married at 27 yrs old): stressed out with work, grad school, home demands and unhappy marriage led to highest adult weight at 292-293 (snug size 22-24)

2010-2011: Decided to separate from the ex and get serious about weightloss so got down to 199-200 within 14 months on my own with Portion Control and fitness ... Essentially losing almost 100 pounds without WLS

2013: Emotional eating and stress have led to my regain of almost 60 pounds in 2 years which put me at 254-257 today (BMI 40)

Enough is enough and I'm ready for more sustained weightloss success ... Here I come #teamVSG

Welcome to the Club!

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The Last Straw?

Last year was the year from hell for me. The ravages of being overweight all my life had really started to take a toll on my body in which I was in deep denial. Hey I could get around, i'm getting older so aches and pains are expected right?

It started with knee scope in May,(the second scope on this knee in two years) went to a back fusion in June and found Breast Cancer in July. This time last year I was in my third round of chemo and as bald as a cue ball. My cancer was estrogen feed and fat has a lot of estrogen in it.

Makes me so wish that I had done this 6 years ago when I first started looking into gastric bypass, maybe I wouldn't have gotten cancer. But I can't live backwards. I have had the surgery now because I will cut my chance of cancer reoccurrence by almost a third by getting to and maintaining a healthy weight.

Let me tell you chemo sucks. I lost feeling in my hands and feet. luckily the hands came back but I still can't feel my feet. This could be permanent. Yes some days I don't like not being able to eat all I want, but on those days I stop and think how much I would love to feel my feet again, and not just the pain from the neuropathy. I stop and think that if I have to go through chemo again how much worse my feet could get and my hands would not be far behind.

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The Last Straw?

Last year was the year from hell for me. The ravages of being overweight all my life had really started to take a toll on my body in which I was in deep denial. Hey I could get around, i'm getting older so aches and pains are expected right?

It started with knee scope in May,(the second scope on this knee in two years) went to a back fusion in June and found Breast Cancer in July. This time last year I was in my third round of chemo and as bald as a cue ball. My cancer was estrogen feed and fat has a lot of estrogen in it.

Makes me so wish that I had done this 6 years ago when I first started looking into gastric bypass, maybe I wouldn't have gotten cancer. But I can't live backwards. I have had the surgery now because I will cut my chance of cancer reoccurrence by almost a third by getting to and maintaining a healthy weight.

Let me tell you chemo sucks. I lost feeling in my hands and feet. luckily the hands came back but I still can't feel my feet. This could be permanent. Yes some days I don't like not being able to eat all I want, but on those days I stop and think how much I would love to feel my feet again, and not just the pain from the neuropathy. I stop and think that if I have to go through chemo again how much worse my feet could get and my hands would not be far behind.

HI Pati..

I can relate to your story. I've had breast cancer & Ovarian cancer with 3 rounds of chemo since 2008. Finished my most recent round May of this year. Like you, I wanted to do the whole WLS thing a couple of years back but doc said wait for at least 1.5 years. While I was in remission in 2010 (much heavier btw), I decided to go forward and my Ov cancer came back, this time in my lymph nodes. Back on chemo until I had a severe reaction and had to stop. This just made me even more depressed & all I did was eat, stay in the house, watch TV, surf the net, go to work, eat, eat and then eat some more. Depression really set in when I lost my BFF to brain cancer, a niece to breast cancer, my uncle to lung cancer and a cousin to stomach cancer all within a year of each other and while I was going through chemo myself. I went to all their funerals with a bald head. I thought I was going to lose my mind, so I just ate some more...I mean we are all going to die anyway right?

That was my mind set..until one day I woke up and said..you know...get it together..I know my BFF and niece would be so disappointed in me if I gave up. Doc put me in a study program of new drgus and although I anticipated it and had been warned, I had no side effects. It was a wonder and I was amazed as were my doctors! My lymph nodes decreased drastically, my enegry was great, my CA-125 declined, not drastically but it dropped significantly (still not in "normal range") and I didn't lose any hair and my lymph nodes are now stable and disease isn't showing up anywhere on CT Scan or Pet Scan.

I understand the pain in the knees, feet and back. I know about the bald head, night sweats and nausea. I haven't experienced neuropathy, but we are all different. I need to get control of my weight too because as I was told by my oncologist the heavier you are the more at risk you are for female reproductive cancers.

Anyway..just know you are not alone..and we can do this... I'm waiting on a date from my surgeon's office. hope to have it soon. Hit a snag this week but I'm really ready to conquer this beast and to bury it deep. I know if I have to fight cancer again, I'd rather do it from a position of health and vitality than obesity and depression.

I want to arm myself while I have the chance. Again we can do this...TOGETHER!

BLESS YOU..hang in there...and forgive my long windedness!

Edited by Jerzygurl

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Girl I did a major happy dance. I went form a 40d to a 36c. Can't wait to afford a sexy bra from VS!

I have gone from a 42DD to 34DD. I think 34 band is the smallest I'm going to get. I can't wait to get to 34C so I can start buying bras at Target and Walmart again. 42DD is easy to find at Walmart - they don't carry 34DD or 32DD.

I was told at The Bra Experts the last time I got down to 34DD that the band usually goes down first and then the cup size. I think the smallest size I ever wore was a 32B but that was when I was about 15 so not sure if I'll get to 32DD or 34D next. Hope I'll fit in 34D soon.

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I have gone from a 42DD to 34DD. I think 34 band is the smallest I'm going to get. I can't wait to get to 34C so I can start buying bras at Target and Walmart again. 42DD is easy to find at Walmart - they don't carry 34DD or 32DD.

I was told at The Bra Experts the last time I got down to 34DD that the band usually goes down first and then the cup size. I think the smallest size I ever wore was a 32B but that was when I was about 15 so not sure if I'll get to 32DD or 34D next. Hope I'll fit in 34D soon.

They sell all kinds of sizes at walmart... I have bought 3 bras 15 dollers eatch n im a 46 DD... I guess depending on locations

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You would think being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes would be the last straw - it wasn't, but that was probably the beginning. I first looked into surgery when I was diagnosed 1 1/2 ago because I figured the quicker I lost the extra weight, then the less impact from the diabetes.

Then my Mom passed away (terrible in itself and unexpected even though her health had been poor for years!) BUT I didn't have anything to wear!! AND I had to go and try to buy something when I was all emotional and stuff and wound up crying in the dressing room because I couldn't find anything suitable. Finally had to 'settle'.

Now I also have colitis to deal with and a bad ankle and all of it just became too much!! I am sick and tired of being sick and tired!

Oh, and I have 2 young adults to deal with - 'nuff said there, I bet!!

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Your headed in the right direction, I'm sorry for your loss, now is the time to turn all the negatives into positives that will give you a more healthy and fulfilling life. I certainly understand where you are coming from, I have diabetes as well and that wasn't enough for me to see the light, what finally opened my eyes is my 11 year old son that wants to do so many things that I'm not willing to at this weight, and thats so unfair to him, but I'm in the process of changing that. Much success to you going forward and congrats on taking the appropriate steps.

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Thank you so much for the encouragement! I know all of us here suffer from ailments, stressors, the inability to do things we want, etc., but it sure is nice to be able to just lay it out for folks who will understand that we're not just being whiny-babies!! Just like the rest of you, I've tried to lose the weight traditional ways - just not happenin!!

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I have many...the final ones were...having to ask for a seat belt extender on a flight. The flight attendant returned with it and in a loud voice asked if I knew how the extender worked. On same flight, the man sitting next to me asked if he could move, stating he needed more room. On that same trip, my pants split wide open in the back, exposing my pink underwear. Breaking a chair on the beach. And, of course, wearing a swim suit on the beach. Almost missing a connecting flight cause I could not walk as fast. Needless to say, the trip ended up not too fun. Another one, my ex husband (he is ex for lots of reasons) at a family dinner took a piece of cake away from me, stating I did joy need it. Not being able to walk with my husband and dogs. The list could go on for ever, but I'll stop here.

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I've been telling friends and family for years 'Oh, well when I'm at the point where I can't do the things I want to do because of my weight, I'll change' and 'I could lose some weight on my own, but I'm not unhappy, so why bother?'. Its been no secret how overweight I am, I joke about it all the time. Back in college when I began gaining weight, it caused me a lot of anxiety and heart ache, as I had always been a serious athlete with a lean, muscular body. However, I eventually came to terms with the fact that I would be fat like my mother and most of my aunts. I accepted it and kept going. However, I'm now at the point where, SURPRISE!, I can't do things I want to do because of my weight. I can't ride roller coasters with my husband, let alone walk around an amusement park all day without getting completely out of breath and cranky. I can't ride a plane without some level of anxiety regarding whether I'll be 'that fat chick' that makes my row mates uncomfortable, or that I'll have to get a seatbelt extender. I pretty much can't do anything, shopping, going to concerts, the beach, sporting events, you name it, without having some very real fear that my size will impede me. There have been situations in the past few months that made me think, 'Alright, I'm done. I'm all set with this, I need a redo.' The first one was going to a beautiful old theater in CT with my husband to see our favorite comedian, Louis CK. I was very uncomfortable the whole time in a tiny old flip down theater seat that felt like it might snap under my girth at any moment, and thinking the entire time how grateful I was that I just HAPPENED to get an end seat. Had I been in a middle of the row seat, I would have made others uncomfortable as well. The second situation was this past august when my husband and I went to Ocean City MD, the same beach I've gone to every summer since I was a baby. On the boardwalk there is an old haunted house ride that has been there FOREVER that I ride almost every time I go there. This year, we nearly broke the ride and one of the attendants had to walk behind us the whole ride and push us up the inclines because we were too heavy to make it otherwise. YIKES!

Despite the situation I'm in, and the seemingly depressing nature of my above accounts, I'm an incredibly happy person. I have a very fun, very carefree life aside from my weight problem. But, I know that if I don't change things for good now, the quality of my life will decline and I will continue to face obstacles and situations where I am held back by my size. I told my husband the other night, I look at surgery as a chance to get back to ground zero, back where I belong so I can have a second chance. I was thin and healthy for 19 years of my life, I've been obese for the past 8. I'm ready for my do-over. I'll do it right this time :)

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Congratulations on your decision, ground zero is a great way to look at things. I can totally relate to what you have experienced, I've never been thin, I can recall being the fat kid even in kindergarten, it took me a while to make the decision to have surgery, now that I've decided I'm incredibly anxious to get it done. I wish you much success going forward.

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I have developed adult onset asthma. I am an RN who works exclusively in the ICU. I have watched many patients over the years destroy themselves. Smoking, obesity, uncontrolled diabetes. You name it. But the hardest part for me was realizing how much I felt bad for the loss of these wonderful people in the lives of their loved ones. Then I realized that I was going to be a statistic too. Another COPD patient who loved her family but forgot to love herself enough to let go of the fear and embrace the life God gave me. So I am doing this for me. As a wonderful side effect, I will be around longer to care for my loved ones instead of needing it to be the other way around.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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