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What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"

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I have been heavy since my first pregnancy' date=' 15 years ago. And you all know the spiel that gym and diet weren't working....well in the last 6 months I have become Anemic, Asthmatic, and worried what will come next. My mother was always heavy- until she got cancer and then passed away 4 years later- that was the only time she was thin. I don't want to only be thin because I get sick- I want to be thin and live my life in hopes of not getting sick- so my mother's passing last Thanksgiving (2012) was a real eye opener in the weight department for me. And that was the straw that broke the camels back![/quote']

Hi, when is your surgery? I tried to respond to our private message thread but is says "topic has been deleted" , weird, might just be my phone......hope your are doing well.

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Love everyone's post. :)

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Mine is health reasons I have been diabetic since I was 17 years old and was overweight in high school. My mother was overweight for many years with diabetes and suffered many complications she did lose the weight when she was ill. I lost her to diabetes in 1997 and I still miss her to this day she was the best mother one can have. I now have a 13 year old with special needs who needs me to be healthy for her. I always put myself last and fall apart during times of stress and feel i am the support for others and not on the recieving end at times, maybe because I am a Social Worker. I was told by my doctor that if I do not lose the weight and get a grip on my diabetes I am 5 years away from complications so i have to put myself first and get healthy.

I too have been through the humilitation of not fitting in certain booths at resteraunts. At my child's meet the teachers night I could not sit behind the desks like they wanted us parents to I had to kneel in the chair hoping they would not notice.

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I never thought I would have any type of weight loss surgery. When I was near my goal weight a few years ago I was pretty smug when I heard about someone that had WLS. Now I'm humbled, and miserable, desperate, scared... My highest weight was 275. I'm now at 220. When I was at 145 I had a Tummy Tuck so most of the weight this time has plastered my hips, legs, and back. My tummy is still pretty flat. I don't think I totally ruined my tummy tuck. I hope not anyway.

I'm a cancer survivor - three years cancer free. I had ovarian and uterine cancer. Carrying all this extra weight puts me at a higher risk for a cancer recurrence.

What was my final straw? I'm just so tired of looking for something that will work. I really do feel desperate. I've had so many health problems in the past few years, and most will be at least less serious when I've lost the weight. I have my first appointment with the surgeon on July 19th. I know it may take months to get approval, but I really hope it doesn't.

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I never thought I would have any type of weight loss surgery. When I was near my goal weight a few years ago I was pretty smug when I heard about someone that had WLS. Now I'm humbled' date=' and miserable, desperate, scared... My highest weight was 275. I'm now at 220. When I was at 145 I had a Tummy Tuck so most of the weight this time has plastered my hips, legs, and back. My tummy is still pretty flat. I don't think I totally ruined my tummy tuck. I hope not anyway.

I'm a cancer survivor - three years cancer free. I had ovarian and uterine cancer. Carrying all this extra weight puts me at a higher risk for a cancer recurrence.

What was my final straw? I'm just so tired of looking for something that will work. I really do feel desperate. I've had so many health problems in the past few years, and most will be at least less serious when I've lost the weight. I have my first appointment with the surgeon on July 19th. I know it may take months to get approval, but I really hope it doesn't.[/quote']

All the best to you on your appointment. Keep us posted.

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Besides all the health reasons, seeing the picture taken at Disney World that is my profile pic. I honestly didn't realize how fat I really was until I saw that picture. I never look in mirrors or get my picture taken. It was a real shock!

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I am 42 years old mother of a 22 and 17 year old and I also have several reasons for choosing WLS:

- high blood pressure that is poorly controlled by medication, high cholestrelol, and high triglycerides

-making my husband of 24 years go to work functions alone because I'm too embarrassed to meet his co-workers

-tired of avoiding pictures. My 17 year old son is a senior in high school this year and I want to be in pictures for his graduation day

-having enough energy to play with my grandson. My daughter gave me a gorgeous grandson this past April ( he is a little over 2 months old).

I'm sure I can think of more reasons, but these are the main ones. I'm really lucky that my family is very supportive of my decision. My sleeve surgery is scheduled for July 17, 2013.

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I never thought I would have WLS. Even a year ago, I would have scoffed at the idea of it. But what I did know was that a year ago, I decided that this year would be the last year in the body I had. I wasn't sure how I would get to the next leg in this journey, however I made a mental and verbal commitment that the body that I had been in for the last 15 years, would no longer serve me moving forward. She(my 335lb body) had served me well for the 15 years that she sustained me through marriage, work, masters degree, promotions, and having 3 kids in 5 years. However I realized that she had served her purpose, and in order for me to move forward as a person, wife, mother and professional, I needed to break up with her and move own. I realized that "she" had no place in the future that I envisioned for myself. So when I discovered VSG, and after researching it, I decided that this would be the tool that I would use to help me meet my goal.

Like so many others on this forum, there were specific moments, incidents and pains that led me to this decision. My kids are now a few years away from finishing high school, and I realized that they have never known me prior to my weight gain. I had never been able to ride with them on an amusement park ride or travel with them to foreign lands (as I did before my weight gain). I want to not only watch my daughter play volleyball, but actually be able to play with her. I want to go salsa dancing with my husband for hours on end, like we used to and not get winded after one song. I guess in short, the goal is to reclaim my life and LIVE!!!!!!

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My main reason was being pretty much housebound.

Even in my house I couldn’t stand to cook or clean and I couldn’t walk from the top to bottom in one go I had to rest between floors it’s a 3 story house.

This year I hadn’t left my house unless in a car, I also cancelled going to my nephews christening because I couldn’t sit in the car for 3 hours to drive there without my back being in extreme pain, I couldn’t stand or walk for as much as I needed too once there and finding a outfit.

I did get a size 38 pair of pants but no top or shoes I could wear it depressed me more than anything else.

I have other reasons but they are personal to me.

I was on the waiting list to be approved for 2 years but the main reason for me is that I was pretty much a shut in because of my back and knees.

Middle of last year I tried to go ikea with my mum she drove I by passed most of the store and went straight to the bottom level which is pictures kitchen stuff rugs etc sat on a bench while she did all the looking around.

She met me we got half way in the ground floor I started locking up and shaking with pain I sat on the floor, when I felt better I started to go again had to walk through the warehouse bit I got down one isle so locked up and in so much pain I just started crying and forced myself to walk to some stairs near by to sit on and just cried while my mum tried to find the quickest way for me to get out.

Took me over an hour to get out because I would walk for 5mins be in so much pain I had to stop and wait and rest then go again and over and over.

Was the most humiliating experience ever just being stared at like I was insane and the staff constantly passing by asking if I was ok, am I sure and giving me odd looks.

The weight on my body was too much for me and nothing they did helped my back, the bigger I got the less I did the more pain I was in and round and round it went.

I think that’s why I was cleared suddenly this year instead of end of next year like it originally said.

I still have major issues with my back and right knee, still haven’t gone anywhere on my own not in a car but when I do instead of porters taking me in a wheelchair around the hospital I walk.

So that’s my straw that broke my back lol

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My main reason was being pretty much housebound.

Even in my house I couldn’t stand to cook or clean and I couldn’t walk from the top to bottom in one go I had to rest between floors it’s a 3 story house.

This year I hadn’t left my house unless in a car, I also cancelled going to my nephews christening because I couldn’t sit in the car for 3 hours to drive there without my back being in extreme pain, I couldn’t stand or walk for as much as I needed too once there and finding a outfit.

I did get a size 38 pair of pants but no top or shoes I could wear it depressed me more than anything else.

I have other reasons but they are personal to me.

I was on the waiting list to be approved for 2 years but the main reason for me is that I was pretty much a shut in because of my back and knees.

Middle of last year I tried to go ikea with my mum she drove I by passed most of the store and went straight to the bottom level which is pictures kitchen stuff rugs etc sat on a bench while she did all the looking around.

She met me we got half way in the ground floor I started locking up and shaking with pain I sat on the floor, when I felt better I started to go again had to walk through the warehouse bit I got down one isle so locked up and in so much pain I just started crying and forced myself to walk to some stairs near by to sit on and just cried while my mum tried to find the quickest way for me to get out.

Took me over an hour to get out because I would walk for 5mins be in so much pain I had to stop and wait and rest then go again and over and over.

Was the most humiliating experience ever just being stared at like I was insane and the staff constantly passing by asking if I was ok, am I sure and giving me odd looks.

The weight on my body was too much for me and nothing they did helped my back, the bigger I got the less I did the more pain I was in and round and round it went.

I think that’s why I was cleared suddenly this year instead of end of next year like it originally said.

I still have major issues with my back and right knee, still haven’t gone anywhere on my own not in a car but when I do instead of porters taking me in a wheelchair around the hospital I walk.

So that’s my straw that broke my back lol

My main reason was being pretty much housebound.

Even in my house I couldn’t stand to cook or clean and I couldn’t walk from the top to bottom in one go I had to rest between floors it’s a 3 story house.

This year I hadn’t left my house unless in a car, I also cancelled going to my nephews christening because I couldn’t sit in the car for 3 hours to drive there without my back being in extreme pain, I couldn’t stand or walk for as much as I needed too once there and finding a outfit.

I did get a size 38 pair of pants but no top or shoes I could wear it depressed me more than anything else.

I have other reasons but they are personal to me.

I was on the waiting list to be approved for 2 years but the main reason for me is that I was pretty much a shut in because of my back and knees.

Middle of last year I tried to go ikea with my mum she drove I by passed most of the store and went straight to the bottom level which is pictures kitchen stuff rugs etc sat on a bench while she did all the looking around.

She met me we got half way in the ground floor I started locking up and shaking with pain I sat on the floor, when I felt better I started to go again had to walk through the warehouse bit I got down one isle so locked up and in so much pain I just started crying and forced myself to walk to some stairs near by to sit on and just cried while my mum tried to find the quickest way for me to get out.

Took me over an hour to get out because I would walk for 5mins be in so much pain I had to stop and wait and rest then go again and over and over.

Was the most humiliating experience ever just being stared at like I was insane and the staff constantly passing by asking if I was ok, am I sure and giving me odd looks.

The weight on my body was too much for me and nothing they did helped my back, the bigger I got the less I did the more pain I was in and round and round it went.

I think that’s why I was cleared suddenly this year instead of end of next year like it originally said.

I still have major issues with my back and right knee, still haven’t gone anywhere on my own not in a car but when I do instead of porters taking me in a wheelchair around the hospital I walk.

So that’s my straw that broke my back lol

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Ok I am so new to this I am screwing up how to post sorry. Lol

I am very inspired by everyone's story's here and I see so much of mine in your stories,hoping for great success, for all of us!

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Being house bound was a fear as well for me but not being able to clean myself well after using the bathroom was the worst. At first when I could not turn my body the way I needed to I knew I need a change and in a big way.

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Like many others on this forum it was a combination of many factors, sore feet, embarassing photos and just a feeling of being huge. I attended my last function hugging a pillow that was on the couch, as if that would make me appear smaller. It is just so discouraging to try and try and try to loose the weight and have 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

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Like many others on this forum it was a combination of many factors' date=' sore feet, embarassing photos and just a feeling of being huge. I attended my last function hugging a pillow that was on the couch, as if that would make me appear smaller. It is just so discouraging to try and try and try to loose the weight and have 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.[/quote']

We are all right there with you and totally understand when "normal" people don't......my dad used to say "if you don't put it in your mouth, it won't go on your hips". Not true, especially with pcos, and various autoimmune diseases or medicines that pack on the pounds, or just genetics that don't allow for losing weight......during my journey, my dad has done his own research and is now one of my biggest supporters, along with my mom and son (I am 49, dad is 71), who says you can't teach old digs new tricks, lol? I was sleeved 2.5 weeks ago and could not be happier!! Down 18 # since surgery, 26 all together so far.

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I had an appointment with my gynecologist where she discussed the risk factors with fertility-related cancers ( which run in my family) and she used the words "morbidly obese" in relation to me. She basically said that my weight greatly affected the chances of me going the same way. She was quite straightforward and unflinching as well as being entirely professional. It was a sobering wake- up call for me and I've never looked back.

Sent from my iPad using VST

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