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Some of these are really sad, though I can understand things being said in jest. Confession is disclosure of an offense. And an awful lot of these things are our nature, not our sins. I really really from the bottom of my pragmatic heart hope that you guys aren't seeing things like "I want McDonald's" or "I've eaten desert" or "I'm craving favorite foods" as things to incite guilt or emotional unrest. We're still humans, we're just humans with partial stomachs. :)

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I confess that I am loving this thread!

I confess that I have never gotten my Protein and/or liquids all in any given day, Im afraid to tally what I have spent on Protein powders, drinks, shots. Cant stand any of them!

I confess I drink iced down diet coke daily. Surgeon ok it at about 5-6 weeks and I have no problems at all from it. Water or anything Water based makes me sick so I have few choices.

I confess I am a smoker. I realize its terrible for my health, but I can only give up one thing at a time or I will go nuts and turn into a basket case. Right now I choose to give up food. I hope to quit smoking by the end of the year.

I confess I have turned into a shopaholic. I never buy more than one or two peices at a time, but I love to go look and try things on now that I dont have to shop in the plus size section anymore. Im now in a 12

I confess that I have no room in my closet for the few clothes that now fit me because pre sleeve I would buy things and never wear them because I felt (and was) so fat! I have put off cleaning out my closet because I know it will be emotional and sometimes when I start feeling like a failure, or that I am still HUGE I like to look at those clothes and see how far I have come. (from 20W-12) in less than 4 months.

I confess to lying like a pro when it comes to questions about my weightloss. My response is always the same, high protein, low carb, working with a nutritionist, All true, I just leave the wls out of it.

I confess to getting seriously p*ssed off when obese ppl i know (not close friends) make comments about how did you do it while looking me up and down with condescnding eyes, and then say oh you look so good when there tone clearly indicates they dont think I deserve to lose the weight and should stay fat! But my real friends are sincere and that makes me so happy when I walk in and they say omg you look amazing, cant believe how well youve done!

I confess to dreaming about being the same size my best friend for years is (size 1), even though she is to small, and I would look deathy ill at that size. But what a wonderful problem it would be to be to small right?

I confess to being a master at pushing food around a plate in social settings. I can make a plate look nearly empty these days when in reality I have only had a few bites!

I confess to stressing out to the max when I hit a stall. I always wonder is this all? am I done losing?

I confess to looking in the mirror and still seeing the fat girl, even though the weight and the sizes have went down dramatically. I wonder if that will ever change.

I confess to dreaming of plastics, and eagerly waiting for the day I hit goal so I can get rid of this ugly belly and have these saggy girls lifted to be perky!

I confess I would do this surgery over a 100 times if I never lost another lb than I have already! I have so much more energy, my back rarely ever bothers me, and I can do things I haven't been able to do in years!

I really like this thread! LOL

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I confess that I Have no ideal how to eat right still I'm on soft food so I eat and puke

I confess that food is always on my mind and whatever I eat is not keeping me full

I confess that maybe I should be walking more then I could but the pain is was keeping me from doing anything

I confess that I'm doing this all alone and no support from anyone

Hey philligirl my heart goes out to you. Post your questions here about eating and I am sure you will get some help. You are not alone you have this site to help you. Please use it.

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I confess:

- I have a hard time eating every 2 hours like my NUT wants me to

- I miss being able to gulp down a glass of Water when I'm thirsty, I never feel like I'm catching up to my dehydration when I am sipping

- I haven't slept well since surgery, pre-op I never had sleep trouble

- Sometimes I feel like I cheated myself because I never really had an 'official last meal' from my favorite restaurant

- I have avoided social situations so far because I am not sure how to handle eating in front of people outside of my family - I am not one to talk much and hate awkward silences

- I have never been a healthy weight as an adult, and am a bit afraid of it

I wanted to add a couple good ones, obviously I was feeling a little blah this morning and I'm feeling much peppier this afternoon =)

- My mood is in general far better/more stable than pre-op

- If I could go back and do it again, I totally would

- I love being able to walk and am looking forward to keeping up with friends this fall!

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I confess that I am loving this thread!

I confess that I have never gotten my Protein and/or liquids all in any given day' date=' Im afraid to tally what I have spent on Protein powders, drinks, shots. Cant stand any of them!

I confess I drink iced down diet coke daily. Surgeon ok it at about 5-6 weeks and I have no problems at all from it. Water or anything Water based makes me sick so I have few choices.

I confess I am a smoker. I realize its terrible for my health, but I can only give up one thing at a time or I will go nuts and turn into a basket case. Right now I choose to give up food. I hope to quit smoking by the end of the year.

I confess I have turned into a shopaholic. I never buy more than one or two peices at a time, but I love to go look and try things on now that I dont have to shop in the plus size section anymore. Im now in a 12

I confess that I have no room in my closet for the few clothes that now fit me because pre sleeve I would buy things and never wear them because I felt (and was) so fat! I have put off cleaning out my closet because I know it will be emotional and sometimes when I start feeling like a failure, or that I am still HUGE I like to look at those clothes and see how far I have come. (from 20W-12) in less than 4 months.

I confess to lying like a pro when it comes to questions about my weightloss. My response is always the same, high protein, low carb, working with a nutritionist, All true, I just leave the wls out of it.

I confess to getting seriously p*ssed off when obese ppl i know (not close friends) make comments about how did you do it while looking me up and down with condescnding eyes, and then say oh you look so good when there tone clearly indicates they dont think I deserve to lose the weight and should stay fat! But my real friends are sincere and that makes me so happy when I walk in and they say omg you look amazing, cant believe how well youve done!

I confess to dreaming about being the same size my best friend for years is (size 1), even though she is to small, and I would look deathy ill at that size. But what a wonderful problem it would be to be to small right?

I confess to being a master at pushing food around a plate in social settings. I can make a plate look nearly empty these days when in reality I have only had a few bites!

I confess to stressing out to the max when I hit a stall. I always wonder is this all? am I done losing?

I confess to looking in the mirror and still seeing the fat girl, even though the weight and the sizes have went down dramatically. I wonder if that will ever change.

I confess to dreaming of plastics, and eagerly waiting for the day I hit goal so I can get rid of this ugly belly and have these saggy girls lifted to be perky!

I confess I would do this surgery over a 100 times if I never lost another lb than I have already! I have so much more energy, my back rarely ever bothers me, and I can do things I haven't been able to do in years!

I really like this thread! LOL[/quote']

I love your confession, I know I do and will identify with all of these things.

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Amazon13, What are we, Chopped Liver? LOL We are here to support you 100%.

I confess that i am an emotional eater.

I confess that I get hungry within an hour of eating.

I confess to loving my new body size.

This is fun! :) LOL

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Hi there .did you suffer with anxiety attacks before the surgery?.or was it just after.i suffer with them.and dont want it to get worse after vsg

I suffer from them, but haven't had one yet. They hospital staff was very caring & supportive. I've prayed alot. But other than that I can't explain it. I felt sure I would've had 1a day before & after surgery. Keep your spirits up & have faith. You'll do great!

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I confess:

That I still smoke. One cigarette a day, but I still smoke. I'm not likely to give it up either.

I confess:

That I still drink diet soda. That's not likely to change either.

I confess:

That I had a carb binge the other day. Yeah, my binge was 1/2 cup of white Pasta with olive oil, but for my stomach that was a binge.

I confess:

That I was a biatch to a Sizzler employee that refused to give me a child's salad bar with my surgeon's bariatric card. I get impatient with people and it's something I need to work on.

I confess:

That I fall short of my Water intake on most days.

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I confess:

- I have a hard time eating every 2 hours like my NUT wants me to

- I miss being able to gulp down a glass of Water when I'm thirsty' date=' I never feel like I'm catching up to my dehydration when I am sipping

- I haven't slept well since surgery, pre-op I never had sleep trouble

- Sometimes I feel like I cheated myself because I never really had an 'official last meal' from my favorite restaurant

- I weigh myself at least two times a day

- I feel kind of stressed about whether I will lose enough this month because my NUT made the comment that my doctor expects above average weight loss from his patients and she's expecting about 20 pounds, even though I know it's silly because I can only control it so much

- I have avoided social situations so far because I am not sure how to handle eating in front of people outside of my family - I am not one to talk much and hate awkward silences

- I have never been a healthy weight as an adult, and am a bit afraid of it[/quote']

You will be able to gulp again. I was sad about that. I started bring able to "chug" again about 3 months. Now I can drink a 1LTR of Water in an hour.

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I confess that I am still not really seeing the new "thinner me" in the mirror. I know I've lost a lot of weight--but I still feel fat.

I confess that I worry that I won't get to my goal weight and I am done losing

I confess that I eat wheat thin crackers more than I should sometimes even though I consciously know I shouldn't

I confess I forget to take my Vitamins sometimes

I confess that I still worry that I'm too fat to be confident in social situations, so I avoid them still

I confess that I worry about my 17 year old daughter who is over 50 lbs overweight and headed to obesity. I secretly wish I could get her sleeved but she will ultimately have to make her own choices since she is almost grown. I have tried to help her but I don't want to force her into dieting because I know that leads to eating disorders. So I'm just going to love her and if she decides she wants help--I will help her in any way I can. And in the meantime--I will love her no matter what.

I confess that I worry about my boobs losing their bouncy fun for my husband :-)

And I confess that I do sometimes drink caffeinated coffee and love it.

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I confess that I frikin love my sleeve and everything I gave up and the 6 hours of cardio I kill myself doing are completely worth it when you step up on that scale and you are under the 200 mark for the first time in your adult life.

I always wanted to punch my skinny friends when they told me "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" but now Im feeling them!!

I confess I have become addicted to shopping, exercise and sex to take the place of food. But that's ok cause I like getting good deals so I don't spend much, I am a stay at home mom so I have plenty of time to exercise and my husband has never slept so good during the day for the extra livin he gets (he works midnights)

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I confess I love this thread. Still feel yucky in my clothes though.

Go straight to Goodwill. People sometimes throw away new clothes. If not new, they are in good condition. You have to sift, but I have found great clothes there for an absolute steal. Today I am wearing a nice pair of size 12 pants that I got there.

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Lovin not livin haha

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This thread is hilarious, sad, thought-provoking and real...I love it! I can identify with everyone who doesn't get all the Water, Protein, and such, in all one day. I have no clue! I do try hard, and don't binge cause I want skinny BADLY!

I crack up at those who confess to smoking or having soda...I picture you all peeking around a door as if someone were looking while you "do the deed"...LMAO!

Carry on

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I'm two years out from surgery and currently pregnant.

1) I confess that maintenance is EASY but because I don't really gain weight (outside of this pregnancy), I get sloppy about my eating habits if I'm not careful.

2) I confess that I am having a hard time, mentally, adjusting to the idea of gaining weight and losing my small waist for a pregnancy. I didn't expect it to be so hard for me to expand, even for a good reason.

3) I confess that food in America is for the most part, disgusting. I'm sorry, but after spending most of the last seven years overseas and shopping local produce markets and fresh butchers, and making nearly all of my own food from scratch, the return to overly processed, chemical laden and barely "real" food is difficult to stomach. Literally. I'm amazed that anyone eats these things. I'm ashamed that my food memories had me nearly lusting after foods that I think are barely edible now. I had no morning sickness until I hit American soil and started consuming all this junk. It's back to the fruit and veggie stands and good quality meat for me. No more restaurants and certainly no fast food!

4) I confess that I eat many of the things (at least without being pregnant) that most of you are confessing as if it's a bad thing. I suppose it's all perspective, or approach, or perhaps just time out from surgery. Normally, I consume caffeine (one coffee every day, as a Protein drink), alcohol, ice cream (made with coconut milk, anyway), fried food, baked goods - just about any food you can name - in moderation, without guilt. Usually made from scratch, though, if that improves things.

5) I confess that I feel there are too many people having surgery without doing their research and adjusting their expectations (short and long term) to reality. It's sad and annoying, really, but I suppose some people just have a nature that allows them to dive in without checking the depth of the pool. I'll also confess that I don't feel I should have to adjust how I speak or how I answer just because it might offend someone. Oh, the trials of being a long-timer on here. ;) If you ask random strangers on the internet for help or advice, try not to be offended if they don't answer the way you envisioned.


Oh, and 6) I confess that I do not, have not and probably will not exercise. I hate it. I wish I could develop a love for exercise like I have a love for food but nope, it's not happening. If it didn't magically happen yet, I doubt it's gonna happen!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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