Aug2ndsleever 16 Posted August 14, 2012 I can easily eat almost a cup of food before I stop because I know I shouldn't eat that much. I am 12 days out and have never tossed my food back up. I don't if Im even getting full or not. What are some of the signs of being full. I'm starting to think I have a large sleeve. I'm still on liquids right now, I have a few more days before I start puree. Is eatting this much normal and how do I know if I'm full? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shrinkingturtle 21 Posted August 14, 2012 WOW that is alot of food for 12 days out. I know all surgeons are different but my sleeve is 4 oz. capacity period. I measure out my food and when gone I am done. However, there are some food items that I can't eat a full 4 oz. so with those foods when I hicup I am full. I know some people have said they are the same as me a hicup or a burp. Everyone is different and you have to take it slow and easy until you figure out how you can tell when you are full. I would also check on the amount you are suppose to be eating right now because 1 cup is a lot of food. 1 Sleeved&Hopeful reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
girlfriday 59 Posted August 14, 2012 I can easily eat almost a cup of food before I stop because I know I shouldn't eat that much. I am 12 days out and have never tossed my food back up. I don't if Im even getting full or not. What are some of the signs of being full. I'm starting to think I have a large sleeve. I'm still on liquids right now' date=' I have a few more days before I start puree. Is eatting this much normal and how do I know if I'm full?[/quote'] I have pain and discomfort in my lower chest area and it some times will just hurt in my back. One bite more is all it takes. I will also feel like food is not going down like it should. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prettysleeved1 173 Posted August 14, 2012 You'll know; especially when you get to eat real food. Trust me. Aside from the sensation that you'll hurl if you eat another bite, you might have serious back pain (I do). It radiates and I start belching up food and spitting it out. It has only happened to me once and I hope to never experience it again. I didn't eat too much but I ate too fast and had to stop halfway through. 1 joseph reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Delta..Make it Happen 29 Posted August 14, 2012 when i am getting full i can feel it. it feels like i can't eat another bite. so i just stop eating. my sleeve is 4 oz as well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie's Journey 130 Posted August 14, 2012 If you're just drinking fluids right now, I'm not sure if you get the same sensation as when you're eating food. I carry around my Water and shakes and seem to drink quite a bit (not at once of course). I had 1/4 cup of cottage cheese today (yay...first soft food!) and couldn't finish it. I started to feel full so I stopped and ate the rest about 30 min later. I was really trying to assess how I was feeling so I didn't overeat. It was the weirdest'll know when you're full. I'm 2 weeks out. I was so excited to not be able to finish 1/4 cup! Crazy! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
traceyinflorida 499 Posted August 14, 2012 When you start eating pureed food and then soft food, you definitely will know. When I first started eating pureed and then soft foods, I would frequently find that I had just one bite too many. It's amazing how much discomfort that one extra bite can bring on. Two things I figured out. The first is that you need to eat really slowly, take small bites and chew really well (of course your puree is already chewed up for you..) This was really hard for me since I tend to gobble down my food. Slowing down will help you to read your body to know when you have had enough. This led me to my second discovery which I learned on the forum. Many people will burp when their stomach is full. Once I learned to stop after the burp, I no longer had the problem of eating one bite too much. Often times I am stunned and dissapointed by how little food I got to eat before becoming full. That is where slowing down and chewing well helps too because it allows you to enjoy the little bit you are going to eat. Enjoy your pureed food when it is time! I know when I got to that stage, I was so happy to finally have texture and flavor! I was quite tired of broth and Protein Shakes at that point! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelliecalgary 18 Posted August 14, 2012 I have had the same problem. I have not had any change in this, and I am not sure it ever will. I am looking forward to my follow up appointment with the surgeon to see if he didn't make my pouch small enough, or what. good luck and let me know what happens with you Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LouiseC 1,031 Posted August 14, 2012 I was like that with liquids and some sifts. You will feel the restriction with real food.< /p> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
unknown54678997 50 Posted August 14, 2012 liquid goes down easier. If you can still eat a cup of food when you move to the puree/soft food stage, you might want to discuss with your Dr. I'm 20 days post op. I cannot eat even 1/2 a cup in one sitting. I get pain and I burp a lot when I'm getting full. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrBig 17 Posted August 14, 2012 LOL~! My problem is I duno when I'm hungry .... hahahhahha~! Until the acid comes ... 2 misslisa810 and vsginnj reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ppatterson 24 Posted August 14, 2012 I didn't feel restriction until I started eating. Some during pureed but when I started soft I could really feel the restriction. Good luck! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sleeved&Hopeful 182 Posted August 14, 2012 I promise you the difference is night and day between liquids and foods with texture or dense Proteins. I remember the first time I ate dense proteins after surgery--I was shocked at how limited it was. I could barely eat a few bites and felt full already. Of course now at 6 months out it takes more because my stomach is pretty much done healing. I eat around 2.5-3 ounces of dense Protein and maybe 1/2 ounce of veggies if I haven't eaten for a while. If I am eating regularly, I can usually only finish the protein. Now sliders are entirely different. The restriction on cottage cheese or slider foods is quite a bit less than on protein alone. I couldn't even eat 1/4 cup of cottage cheese at first and now I can eat 1/2-3/4 cup with absolutely no problem at all. Have to be careful on those sliders the further out you get! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katie713 423 Posted August 14, 2012 The liquids start quickly passing through your pyloris (the muscle at the bottom of your stomach that processes the passage of liquids and solids to your small intestines) that is why you don't feel the restriction much, yet. As you move to full solids you will feel the restriction as it fills up your little stomach quite quickly. Go really slow when you begin solids. Also, if you are tall, your stomach may be longer that some other people and you can tolerate more food and the bougie size the doctor used on you to determine your stomach size may be a factor. Good luck on your journey !! 1 Aug2ndsleever reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mimismom 49 Posted August 14, 2012 I start yawning like crazy....then I know I've eaten too much...I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites