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Oh Diet Coke, How I've Missed Thee...

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i keep coming back to this thread and it makes me shake my head as a newbi it also makes me want to watch what I post honestly- what if I slip up and say I did and that’s it its full on your stupid get help tut tut bad girl?!

I just want to say to no one in particular

diet/zero soda ARE liquids they are mainly Water which you CAN drink in the liquid stage of the diet so frankly the day after the op you can drink it if its flat.

Yes it happens to be fizzy unless you let it go flat, and yes it has alot of empty calories and some crap and crappy sweeteners but its still Fluid.

Some of us have been told while it’s not ideal BECAUSE of the crap and empty calories in it but we can still drink it if its flat.

Its in my paperwork on the pre and post op diets that I can drink it how it comes pre and flat post right there in black and white just because some of your were not told that doesn’t mean your right and we are wrong or vice versa!

i mean god I was told not to drink tea or coffee or full fat milk all they give me in hospital was tea with full fat milk!

I don’t get why people are jumping so hard on a person assuming he is chugging gallons of fizzy soda and dismissing everything told to him and being told in not so many words he is gonna stay fat or get fat again or going to stall so tough luck and we warned you!

That’s pretty shitty to me honestly its like a bunch of ex smokers who go around telling you how bad it is for you all the time when they smoked 80 a day!

Yeah we want support yeah we offer support where we can but frankly I am over the tutters and shamers!

Please do not tell me not one of you tasted, licked, nibbled, drank a single thing you shouldn’t have since the op or never ever will for the rest of your life!

No one is that perfect weather its alcohol a sweet treat takeaway whatever there is bound to be a slip somewhere along the lines no one is perfect and there is a reason within all of us that we got to the point of needing this in the first place!

I think people who have been out longer than others forget their old life their habits and mindset. (not everyone just some i have seen around the forum)

How hard it is sometimes to adjust and forget the head cravings or the emotional ones of just years and years of ingrain habit instead they are all knowing and just preach to the new people and scold them like kids.

I have seen posts on this forum what people eat in the first week out and yes I shake my head and say F’ing hell!

But I also know each person has their own struggles and own ways of rebelling in frustration and own demons with food and its pretty safe to say self sabotage.

You don’t get to the stage we are at and not have tried diets and healthy eating before this is a brand new way of life some learn quickly some take longer some have more issues to work out before they get it but throwing digs and coming down on people not at your stage or not doing exactly what you did just hurts the person more than it helps.

Say your concerned say they shouldn’t do it in your opinion, don’t get mean and personal and snide it doesn’t help anyone.

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Thank you Sassypants!

Caffeine free, flattened, watered down with melting ice cubes... besides the sodium (not an issue for the diet, but a personal choice) and the

chemicals (again, not an issue for the diet since it's not touted as a natural/organic diet), what makes drinking that Diet Coke so wrong? In fact, it's probably better than a sugar laden juice or an extremely acidic orange juice. Even flavored Water has chemicals in it, and those naturally sweetened have sugar.

Some people just have a knee jerk reaction to calling people out on stuff THEY personally disagree with. This is MY body, I get to control it.

Oh, and after savoring the tasty goodness of that poisonous, going to ruin your diet, cause a leak, cause you to implode/explode/eat people's faces like bath salts, soda, I lost another pound - 14 down.

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Oh I'm also an astronaut ballerina with a PhD from the local clown college and when I smoke crack I always let it sit out for awhile and then mix it with egg whites. More Protein less carbs! Dammit I adore these threads.

This is H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!! I am weak from laughing so hard.

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Sassy pants, there is a difference between making a choice to eat or drink something we know to be other than the best for us, and owning that as being a step out of the ordinary, owning a poor choice as a poor choice we made in an informed way and those who make a poor choice, than try to seek validation for it as being okay, or not a poor choice.

We all make mistakes. And I would say we will all have times where we eat or drink something that is not the best for our health and wellbeing. But where we differ is those who are prepared to own such decisions for what they are compared to those who will seek validation and attempt to deny that they may have done something less than ideal.

Drinking diet coke is a poor nutrition choice. That statement is without judgement. I would go so far as to assert that statement as fact. Someone who chooses to drink diet coke can either say "I know it is a poor choice but I am making it because it makes me feel good regardless" or they can try and argue that drinking diet coke is a good nutrition choice and then attack those who do not agree with claims of them being unsupportive, or unentitled to comment because of having a history of making similar poor choices.

The latter usually results in a bit of train wreck of a thread.

I had two glasses of wine last night with my sister. It was great, felt normal, and was enjoyable. But it was dumb. I awake this morning dehydrated and with heartburn. And I consumed 210 empty calories. Will i do it again? Highly likely. Will I come in here and try and convince people that it is a sensible choice then get angry when you all don't blindly support me? No. Never.

I am accountable for my own decisions. Even the dumb ones.

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Oh and I also awake this morning another 700 grams lighter, bringing my weightloss at eight weeks to 28 kilos (62 pounds). I don't attribute this to the wine though!

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LouiseC, alcohol = empty calories. Only a person with a hardcore drinking problem would dare sabotage their diet by drinking not one, but TWO glasses of wine! I can't believe you would do this to your body! So irresponsible. And to post it where newly sleeved folks for whom alcohol may pose a bleeding risk can see it? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Really, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Now, see how ridiculous that sounds coming from some stranger on an internet message board?

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i keep coming back to this thread and it makes me shake my head as a newbi it also makes me want to watch what I post honestly- what if I slip up and say I did and that’s it its full on your stupid get help tut tut bad girl?!

I just want to say to no one in particular

diet/zero soda ARE liquids they are mainly Water which you CAN drink in the liquid stage of the diet so frankly the day after the op you can drink it if its flat.

Yes it happens to be fizzy unless you let it go flat' date=' and yes it has alot of empty calories and some crap and crappy sweeteners but its still Fluid.

Some of us have been told while it’s not ideal BECAUSE of the crap and empty calories in it but we can still drink it if its flat.

Its in my paperwork on the pre and post op diets that I can drink it how it comes pre and flat post right there in black and white just because some of your were not told that doesn’t mean your right and we are wrong or vice versa!

i mean god I was told not to drink tea or coffee or full fat milk all they give me in hospital was tea with full fat milk!

I don’t get why people are jumping so hard on a person assuming he is chugging gallons of fizzy soda and dismissing everything told to him and being told in not so many words he is gonna stay fat or get fat again or going to stall so tough luck and we warned you!

That’s pretty shitty to me honestly its like a bunch of ex smokers who go around telling you how bad it is for you all the time when they smoked 80 a day!

Yeah we want support yeah we offer support where we can but frankly I am over the tutters and shamers!

Please do not tell me not one of you tasted, licked, nibbled, drank a single thing you shouldn’t have since the op or never ever will for the rest of your life!

No one is that perfect weather its alcohol a sweet treat takeaway whatever there is bound to be a slip somewhere along the lines no one is perfect and there is a reason within all of us that we got to the point of needing this in the first place!

I think people who have been out longer than others forget their old life their habits and mindset. (not everyone just some i have seen around the forum)

How hard it is sometimes to adjust and forget the head cravings or the emotional ones of just years and years of ingrain habit instead they are all knowing and just preach to the new people and scold them like kids.

I have seen posts on this forum what people eat in the first week out and yes I shake my head and say F’ing hell!

But I also know each person has their own struggles and own ways of rebelling in frustration and own demons with food and its pretty safe to say self sabotage.

You don’t get to the stage we are at and not have tried diets and healthy eating before this is a brand new way of life some learn quickly some take longer some have more issues to work out before they get it but throwing digs and coming down on people not at your stage or not doing exactly what you did just hurts the person more than it helps.

Say your concerned say they shouldn’t do it in your opinion, don’t get mean and personal and snide it doesn’t help anyone.[/quote']

TBH, I really don't see where anybody called her "stupid" or even suggested it. IMO most of the responses in this thread were due to her defensiveness that quickly turned into offensiveness. Either way, that was yesterday, this is a new one.

This forum is kinda like a family, we have each others best interest at heart. If we feel that you are doing something detrimental the one of us is very likely gonna say something. It would be negligent of us not to.

I mean really, if your sister were making bad choices wouldn't you say something?

The good news is, you have the power to heed advice or disregard it.

I can tell you I've bent & broken many rules, but if I'm giving advice, it will be the advice I feel is best for you.

If you say "I drank a Coke" and it appears that it was in weakness or that you regret it, we are gonna love on you & help you get back on track

If you say the same thing & appear to be proud of it, we are gonna give you 30 lashings with a wet noodle then we will love on you & help you get back on track

If you say "I'm 5 days out of surgery & I just ate a hamburger" I am gonna tell you "that was a really stupid decision" advise you to get therapy, have your staple line checked, then we will love on you & help you get back on track.

The end result is always the same, if you allow it to be

BTW, if you say "I have an occasional decarbonated Diet Coke to make this a bit easier" chances are all you'll hear is that their not really good for you, and the you as a big boy/girl can make your decision to continue or not.

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LouiseC' date=' alcohol = empty calories. Only a person with a hardcore drinking problem would dare sabotage their diet by drinking not one, but TWO glasses of wine! I can't believe you would do this to your body! So irresponsible. And to post it where newly sleeved folks for whom alcohol may pose a bleeding risk can see it? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Really, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Now, see how ridiculous that sounds coming from some stranger on an internet message board?[/quote']

I like this post as it proves my point.

LT, no one spoke to you in that way. You may have perceived it that way but go read again and take off the defensive armour first.

There is no way you can argue that diet coke is a sensible choice. Just like I could not argue wine was a sensible choice. But the difference between you and I is that I do not appear afraid to own my less than sensible choices and not need to seek validation from a bunch of strangers on an Internet message board.

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There is no way you can argue that diet coke is a sensible choice. Just like I could not argue wine was a sensible choice. But the difference between you and I is that I do not appear afraid to own my less than sensible choices and not need to seek validation from a bunch of strangers on an Internet message board.

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Go back and read the earlier replies to my original post, those are the ones that got me defensive.

Diet coke is not a sensible choice, but at this point it was a lifesaver. I've been miserable. Gag at Protein shakes, sick of Water (which I don't really like to begin with). I'm tired, I'm weak... I miss my life. That soda gave me a little sliver of normalcy back. I wasn't seeking validation or criticism, I was just saying how it was amazing that one sip of normal life made me feel so much better.

And why does everyone think I'm a guy? I'm definitely not.

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Go back and read the earlier replies to my original post' date=' those are the ones that got me defensive.

Diet coke is not a sensible choice, but at this point it was a lifesaver. I've been miserable. Gag at Protein shakes, sick of Water (which I don't really like to begin with). I'm tired, I'm weak... I miss my life. That soda gave me a little sliver of normalcy back. I wasn't seeking validation or criticism, I was just saying how it was amazing that one sip of normal life made me feel so much better.

And why does everyone think I'm a guy? I'm definitely not.


Posts don't make people defensive. People chose to be defensive.

What you say above is honest, though calling it a lifesaver is an exaggeration.

I can not relate to the statement that you miss your life. I still have my life. My life is not food and drink. I don't miss being morbidly obese. That helps me get perspective when I have a bad moment.

I didn't think of you as having any gender at all. No photo does that.

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Posts don't make people defensive. People chose to be defensive.

What you say above is honest' date=' though calling it a lifesaver is an exaggeration.

I can not relate to the statement that you miss your life. I still have my life. My life is not food and drink. I don't miss being morbidly obese. That helps me get perspective when I have a bad moment.

I didn't think of you as having any gender at all. No photo does that.

Sent from my iPad using VST[/quote']

I've been beyond miserable, not because of food, but because I'm a type A, busy person who has been completely sidelined by how terrible I feel post-op. I miss being functional and busy and working and around my friends and colleagues. I have an amazing wife (yes, I'm gay) who is 6 months pregnant who I'm relying upon to do everything and THAT makes me feel terrible.

The soda was symbolic. If it had been getting behind the wheel of my car and going out, then I would have said that, but I'm too weak to get out. If it had been reading a book, I could have said that, but I have no attention span. So it was a soda.

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This thread should be locked down.

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LT, it sucks to feel down. I hear you.

So maybe choose to feel differently. I know this sounds simplistic but believe me, it is achievable. Choose to feel so damn happy that you have a new lease on life. Greet every difficult post op situation as an opportunity to grow, in the good emotional way rather than on the scales.

Forget fighting everything and Celebrate the new. I seriously believe that that, more than anything, will guarantee your success with this sleeve.

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This thread should be locked down.

Probably not gonna happen, besides LT1002 just became a real person to me. I'm still trying to digest that.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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