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Aussie Roll Call

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Jess; I know we all go in knowing it could happen, but it sucks if it does. And I am sorry you have to deal with it. And thank you. I am pretty pleased with the TT results thus far.

Kell; I will be thinking of you this weekend! Congratulations. I hope your big day is everything you hoped for!

BTW are you still doing that article for Cosmo on brides and PS?

Lisa; Hiya! Have you talked to your surgeon regarding your loss? You say you have had 5 adjustments. What size band do you have, and how much fill do you have in it? Do you exercise? What sorts of things are you eating?

Myband; Hi! I won't kick you, you are too far away! LOL

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Hey Lisa -great to hear from you.

Sorry your scales haven't moved yet (maybe they're stuck! LOL!), but how are you going with the cm's?? Are they still dropping?

Have you had another 'chat' with your surgeon yet about what's going on? I think you said you were going back to see him this week or next...

Maybe your body's hormones are stil lin PCOS / diet / baby mode?? It can take an awfully long time for hormonal behaviours to change.

PCOS / insulin resistance can make it very difficult for your body to give up weight. Maybe this is contributing - one of my girlfriends had it and battled for over a year to lose 10kgs just so they would let her start hormone therapy (prelim to IVF). They wouldn't let her go onto full IVF until she'd lost another 20kgs, which took equally as long again. However, the more you lose, the better PCOS / insulin resistance gets - so in theory, it should become easier to lose weight once you get started.

You have a young baby / toddler, don't you? Maybe your body is still in baby hormone mode?? In my own case, having a baby mucked my hormones up for over 18 months after stopping feeding - making losing weight during that stage an impossibility. I was on WW for the last nine months of that time and lost no weight. My SIL (who has a baby 1 month older than mine) lost 18kgs+ in the same time. Same diet & exercise habits, but a different hormone behaviour is what we think happened to us.

In regards to diets - if you have a life history of dieting (like most of us) your body may have learned really well to not lose weight - despite the best efforts I know you are making to ensure your diet is full enough not to send your body into starvation mode. Maybe it's just learned better than most to hang onto weight.

Don't be discouraged. Have faith that your body WILL sort itself out eventually - it might take time though. There are many slow banded losers around, and with my history, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up as one too.

Don't give up on your band, talk again with your surgeon, get your hormones, thyroid, liver function etc fully reviewed (again?), and lean on us for support while you wait for your body to catch up and get with the program too.

Hugs to you.:welldoneclap: :):D

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HIYA JESS missed reading your posts sorry to hear your going through a rough patch shame you can't meet up with us it seems so long ago since w'town but maybe we can make it a regular meet up as there is always going to be someone who can't make it one time they can catch up next time

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Hi Sam/Anna,

The 1st questions - yeah I have discussed this with my surgeon, and had a small :angry ‘heated’ chat with him too. In short I was told to start skipping meals which I am not going to do. (He was in a mood that day). At the last appt he was trying to find positives and said ‘well its great you haven’t put on any weight’. I just thought “yeah great – I could do that pre-band”. He said he has some women it has taken over a year to loss weight and just hang in there.

I have an 11mls band. I have either 5.75mls or 7.75mls in. Surgeon wasn’t sure if 2mls went in so he had another go, it will be checked at a later appt. I started to exercise after the band doing 10kms a day. Went away a few weeks ago, was walking 15000 steps per day and swimming for 1-2hrs (I like to swim) No weight loss then either. Just over a week ago I stopped exercise due to baby and toddler sleep issues and I am sooo tired with 1-2hrs sleep tops per night. (Mmmm 12:30am and I am writing here…sad puppy). food, most days are Special K breaky, salada for lunch, Cereal bowl size of something for tea or lean q. I love Water, only drink water, but since being banded I find that when I want to drink is meal time, then I forget. I am definitely not drinking as much water now. Before anyone ask, no I don't have coffee/tea either.

Anna I replaced my scales:) lol, it wasn’t that. DAMN. I’ve had the same ones for 15+yrs or so, thought it was time. The new ones are more accurate and seem to match the Dr office – the old ones were consistent but about -6kgs out. I don't know if the cms are dropping, I leave that to the nurse to measure to ensure it’s the same. My next appt is the end of Sept. I think its before the next support group.

The insulin resistance was a real killer in trying to conceive, taking 12yrs to have both kids. My diabetic level is normally 4.1, its checked all the time due to my weight and varies ops this year. Even so, it was a diabetic drug that helped me to conceive where fertility drugs failed. Amazing what some research can do.

I saw a dietician for over a year, and she gave up. In 12mths the weight didn't move 1kg. She was amazed. Had to keep a food journal which I was honest with, if I ate a donut I told her, no sense in cheating it. Didn't matter if I was good or bad it stayed the same. After 12mths she said for whatever reason some ppl with pcos have a saturation point and once they reach it they just cant move from it. She said we could keep trying but she wouldn’t recommend it.

For 15yrs I have remained exactly the same weight except for pg. You’ll probably want to hit me but having kids was great for my weight. I lost 20kgs with each, :D the only time I have lost weight in 15yrs. After my 1st I put the weight back on to my saturation point within 6mths. It was weird, once I reach that weight not changing my diet I stopped putting on weight. After my 2nd I haven’t regain the weight – woohoo. I am lighter than when I got married 13yrs ago. So, if I am stuck I might just have to have another bub. Oddly enough my hormones are great when pg. (I am so opposite the norm). Carpal Tunnel disappeared with pg too. Lol. Blood pressure is normal but it drops for pg 2. See – I am weird. :omg:

As far as history goes, I haven’t really done the roller coaster diet thing. In the 80s lost a few stone with herbal life and modifast (now Optifast). In the early 90’s I managed to lose 60kgs only to have it come back quickly when I stopped. I think from there I learned to stop that roller coaster and just maintained which worked.

It’s hard not to be discouraged but this isn’t a quick fix, it will take time. I figure I have to beautiful kids when I was told I wouldn’t have any so this is just something else I will have to conquer. I’ll just have my pitfalls along the way. I acknowledge I am still very new at this. Looking forward to seeing a 5kg drop one day. I am thinking about doing lite’n’easy or something like that to ensure I am eating the right food groups once I go back to work from mat leave. Also, I am going to ask for an x-ray to check the band is ok just to be sure.

Despite the weight [and a bad trot since having the bub this year], all other tests have come back very normal. (that’s why the dr’s wouldn’t approve that other medicare form) I just need to kick myself in the butt a bit, get back to exercise and sleep!!!! Oh sleep, how I miss that. Tipping enough dribble from me and off to bed whilst its quiet.

Havent decided if I am coming on the 16th. :( With the lack of sleep thing the house is getting a little testy. Not sure going out on the weekend atm is a great move. I’ll see how we go.

Thanks for the thoughts & supportive comments. Like everything ‘this too will pass’

Night all

Sleep well lol

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Hey Lisa,

Good to hear all is investigated - I wasn't sure from our brief chat the other day how far along the road you were. Maybe you've built up muscle from your exercise - you were really hitting it. I don't know what you looked like pre-band, but you look like a person who has lost weight. Are youre clothes fitting any differently?

Hugs to you - we'll be you're cheer squad. Just keep up with all you're doing, and wait for your bod to get with the program.

Hope to see you on the 16th, but see how you go. Bring the kids, I'm clucky, and would love to play with the little one - my 5yo will sort out the other two! LOL!

sleep tight (when the kid lets ya!)!


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Jo here from Sydney/Gold Coast

I was banded 17th July and have lost 10 kilos.

I had my first adjustment/fill yesterday and am on liquids/mushies for another 24hrs. I can't wait to start solid food to see if I have any restriction.

tolmc.....I can totally sympathise with you I also have pcos (what a bloody nightmare) and was told this would make weightloss much slower and more difficult.

What does your surgeon say about your lack of weighloss?

Have you been to your Gynecologist since being banded?

I started metformin a couple of months ago (not for diabetes but for my pcos) and it is meant to help regulate your insulin...therefore helping with weightloss.... are you on metformin?

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HI Anna,

Clothes are fitting differently and I am getting into clothes that I couldnt fit into before. (Most still with tags on - lol) One thing I have noticed this week Fluid in my lower legs are like the pg Fluid. I can cross my angles and have massive dints in my legs. Ohhhh, I got 5hrs sleep last night - woohoo, even went shopping etc today. AMAZING what sleep does.

Hi Jo,

Hadnt thought about seeing my gyno, how can he help? I spoke to my surgeon during our heated appt and said I wanted to try metformin, he said he couldnt give it to me & to go to my GP. GPs say that arent the surgeon so they cant. Catch 22. I was trying to be good and get a script but with all this mucking around I gave up and started taking it a few weeks ago. (Still had some from ttc, and its not like I havent been on it before for non diabetic reasons) No changes. (except hormonal hairs came back).

Surgeon doesnt really say much. I am so glad I lost cms, I feel like its proof that I am doing the right thing when scales dont support it. Have you found the met helped? I thought if it hadnt helped by now it probably wont.

(Mmm whats wrong with this picture..daddy zzzzing on the floor, my 2yro telling me shhhh daddy sleeping anytime I speak with her...trying to get out of going to bed..)


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tolmc...I haven't noticed any changes from metformin yet (it's only been 2 months).

I thought it could be a good idea to visit your gyno because your testosterone levels could be sky high (from the pcos) and this would cause you to gain extra muscle and also prevent you from losing more weight......I had my testosterone levels done recently and they were extra high so I have also started taking the contraceptive pill to help with the testosterone.

Good Luck


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Hi everyone..

My name is Sarah and I'm from Perth, WA. Ive been banded since July 11th 06 and have lost approximately 5kgs. I have had 2 fills so far and don't feel much restriction at all. Getting quiet impatient having to wait inbetween fills (4 weeks) because I really want to be slimmmer this summer and feel time is running out before the hot weather starts. I am definately eating too much and making a few bad choices along the way..I just have to keep positive and keep reminding myself why I am here in the first place.

Can anyone tell me how long they had to wait inbetween fills? I really want to ring Dr and make an appointment earlier as the 26th Sept is too long away.

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hi there how are you all?

I am in Tasmania, Australia!!!

Always up for a chat!

Good luck to my fellow aussie banders and to those all around the world.



Banded on the 13th of October 2005.

Wieght b4 surgery: 155 kilos.

Wieght TODAY: 92 kilos.

Dress Size B4: 24 - 26

Dress Size now: 16

I have had 2 fills and the restriction was way to tight.

So now I AM OFFICIALLY...UNFILLED, its still tight but its only been 2 weeks.

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Hi Sara.....I have only had the one fill (6 days ago) and have just started to feel some restriction...not alot but at least I can finally feel some. My doctor will do fills 2 weeks apart but many people on this site have said it can take 1-2 weeks to feel the restriciton properly so I am going to wait 4 weeks and if my restriction hasn't increased I will get another one.

From what I can gather It seems part of having the band is being patient...it's not a quick fix (unfortunately).

Good Luck


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Hi Sarah,

I was banded in April, had have 5 adjustments and still feel the way you do now. I spoke to my surgeon about it and he said we have to wait 4wks inbetween each fill. Due to the way I was feeling he was inserting larger than normal amounts, but I found I had too much in my band too quickly, starting coughing at night,couldnt eat veggies, reflux, etc and had to have some out. I am almost up to that amount in my band again (.25mls away) and still feel very hungry and I am starting to make poor choices through frustration as I've not lost any weight yet.

Just bare in mind if you jump too quickly you might have to have some out, so slowly does it. Sorry it is an art to get the right amount. At least for most people only take a few fills.

take care



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Thanks tolmc and jojo41 for your replies. Your both right. Slow and steady wins the race. Just getting a little impatient...I will wait until end of September to get another fill. Yesterday I pigged out and today I feel I have good restriction or maybe my tummy is still full from last night's raid in the biscuit tin lol!!! It's so up and down at the beginning, it's hard to know where you are sometimes...

Thanks again


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Sarah....you are so right. One day I feel great restriction the next....nothing!

It's hard to stay away from the "goodies" when you are starving!

:( Jo

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Hi my name is mary and I'm 29 years from Melbourne Australia..

Last week 09/09/06 I have my lapband done.

I still feel abit sore and I have the gas pains. I'm just thinking it will all be worth it in the end.

I still can't sit at the computer for long periods..

I'm so happy I found this forum..Looking forward to sharing in everyones stories.



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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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