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Yeah, I'm bringing it up again

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But I am leaving after this. I can't feel right in a place like this. Especially since there is no consistency. And here is what I mean.

Lisa came back after being banned, again, with a party of people at her side talking about how "honest and real" she is and how she tells it like it is. This is a crock of shit. I have lurked on this board longer than I have been a member. And I have people that are close to me that have been here even longer. Lets go back shall we? Way back. To when all these folks who think Lisa is so "honest and real" were here an the pseudo newbs weren't. I have people telling me about how during the BigChix incedent that she swore up and down that she was NOT BigChix, and formed an all out witch hunt to trash anyone who said otherwise. We now know that is not the case. She was BigChix. Yet Lisa an her ban of cronies stood by her and attacked anyone that said otherwise. Well...guess she wasn't "honest and real" about that. Good job on sticking up for her during that time. I hope you feel righteous about it.

Now lets look at the time right before Lisa took her big break. Lisa posted some of the nastiest, most crude and hurtful things about different members on this site. She claimed that she was being stalked, and that different folks were harrassing her. Go back...look through the threads. OH! that's right! You can't. Why not? Cause Lisa is so foul mouthed and insane that entire threads were not only locked, but deleted. Not only that she is married to a man who took over her account and came on threatening the lives of a particular member. Wow. That is so cool to have a friend like that! I wish all my friends were as evil and twisted as her! I bet I could really gain a lot from that relationship. I know others who have been friends with her, and now are so fucking terrified of her that they would rather run and change their names than speak out against her. Hmmm. Sounds like a true human being. "Real and Honest". Are you proud to stick up for someone like that? Now some of the posts she was crude and evil, but not so much that the thread warranted being shut down and deleted. So go back and do a search. I bet your eyes will be opened.

But wait...there's more! Lisa comes back. She comes back to new friends. Friends that used to think she was sick and twisted as well, but pm'd people so much about it that they told them to back off. These people, feeling rejected, ran to the other sie and picked up Lisa's torch. so be it. With the friends like these... But then these people start doing Lisa's evil work right along side her. The go through the posts, taking things that people share looking for support, and turn them into ... are you ready for this... more foul and disgusting and repulsive posts that get more threads locked. Threads that have nothing to do with them an everything to o with the support of the lap band patients. They jump from thread to thread screaming obscenities and making wild accusations of other people stalking them. So Lisa gets banned. Woohoo! We all breathe a sigh of relief. OH WAIT! Not all of us. there is still this group that thinks Lisa is wholesome an pure and has never done anything but tell the truth! Was it a big shock to you when she came back and told you she was a huge raving lunatic liar this whole time? that she had deliberately made a seperate account to brow beat another member (wow doesn't that sound familiar!). No...she still had her core group. Lisa can do no wrong. Even though she was BANNED and told not to come back, she did.

So then that brings us back to the last few days. We have all been witness to her losing her mind on the boar, running from thread to thread, begging for photonut to come out and fight her. Yeah...cause a sane person can't just let it lie. And she brings people (according to her) to the site to also brow beat people. No.name, Nothanks aka PSusan, Happy Gilmore. Hmmmm.....is Bukkake777 you as well Lisa? I guess time will tell what personality shows up next. Lisa and Dody and 3loves go on a posting rampage, spreading their hate and filth all over the board till this morning they finally get banned.

Can you hear it? Its laughter. People enjoying themselves in a lisa free environment. People conversing on the boards without fear. People having fun on LBT again. What a wonderful afternoon it was! For a little while.

In comes noname and nothanks and happy gilmore. Noname and nothanks break into the threads telling everyone to "fuck off", an telling the moderators they have done a piss poor job of shutting all of us "assholes" up. And Happy Gilmore chasing photonut from thread to thread with sarcastic remarks. I guess Lisa just can't stay banned. And why not? She is so loved and cherished and adored by 5% of the LBT population! that has to count for something right? And look at all the good she has done. She started posts and gives support, and spreads rumors of members having alcohol an drug problems, and calls them fucking cunts and phucknutz and tells the entire board publicly that they can go fuck themselves. Absolutely!! Who wouldn't want that here?!?! I know life just isn't the same without a raving lunatic running around!!

But the weird thing of it all. Photonut gets banned today. No warning, which I KNOW Lisa got a thousand of. Just BAM! Banned. Ok...I can respect the "ban all involved" to make the whole situation go away. I know even Photonut respects it. She is fine with the decision and has walked away, never to pull a "Lisa" and make new names to come back and seek revenge or take others down with her. But let me ask you this... Why are noname, and nothanks, and happy gilmore still here with full priviledges? Why is Lisa, who so OBVIOUSLY is trying to stay here to wreck LBT, still here? If it is going to be "ban all involved and the problem goes away" then why are not all of them banned. I know I personally reported the posts of noname and nothanks and happy gilmore way before Photonut got banned.

I know I am prolly gonna get banned after this post, and frankly I don't care anymore. I got a lot of good support from this board, and I really enjoyed most of my time here. I made some awesome friends, and hate to say goodbye to all of them. I am going through a tough time with my band right now too, and really need the support. But I just don't feel safe here knowing that the boar is no longer even trying to keep Lisa out. I might have been next on her list. Or maybe one of my other budies would have been. She has it out for so many. It must be har to sleep at night with so many imagined enemies.

Lisa, I pray for you. I really do! I have prayed for you from the moment I read about you losing your band. And I say this to you now as a totally sincere person, with no anger or resentment. Please get some help. I worry that you are spiralling, and it scary to me. It must be terrifying to you. And I really do hope, from the bottom of my heart that you find peace. What you are doing here is counter productive, and is only truly hurting yourself. You may have "won" with photonut, but you are losing yourself in the process. I want you to know that I forgive you for the things that you have said to me. I have to in orer to move on from this. But I post this letter so that everyone else can see that you need to be steered in the right direction, and supporting these actions will only hurt you more.

Goodnight, godbless, and if anyone wants to get in touch with me they can at amy.fromlbt@gmail.com. See ya'll in the funny papers!

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I have kept my mouth shut (at least publically) so far, but I must say that I agree with Funny! I was not around a year ago for the BigChix stuff but I was around a few months ago when the whole Delarla/Photonut stuff began. Even Susan admitted publically back then that she went a little overboard--she also apologized publically!

What did she do this time? A couple of her PM's were made public for which she again publically apologized. These PMs could not even compare to the mean-spirited, vengeful and degrading posts by the other members involved in this. So she defended herself while still taking the higher road and not sinking to the level of those attacking and accusing her. She said "Put up or shut up" No one ever did "put up." I wonder why?

What I saw was her being "stalked" and acused of many things that the accusers were in fact guilty of themselves.

I can say something many of you cannot! I know Susan personally! We share meals together, walk together and have a couple of other groups in common. I know for a fact that Susan is a generous, kind-hearted, and giving person! She hates what all of this has done to LBT!

I am not mad at Alex or the MODs--I know this has been a very difficult time for them!

This just seems so unfair that I had to vent a little publically!

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FunnyD...you cant go...your my long lost cousin! :think

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Funnyduddies please don't leave your posts were so wonderful and supportive. From a lurker IMHO Lisa is like a cancer, invasive and destructive. It may sound dramatic to some but the fingers flying at us in posts and the nasty words and threats were absolutely horrible. For the record I do not know any of these people but I can honestly say the things that have been said about Pnut the past few days made me cringe. The fact that good standing members are leaving and banned people are coming back amazes me. Lisa or whomever you are today move on, leave LBT alone people need to heal. Why be involved in a support group when you offer no support. Funnyduddies again please reconsider.

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Side note: Please excuse the references to "boar" in Amy's post, or any other word missing the letter "d". Her "d" key has run away from excessive abuse and we are in the process of making posters as well as putting notices on milk cartons.

Come home, Amy's "d"! We miss you!

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I have to say I know 3Loves. She is my DW. This is not productive. Can people just stop posting threads about threads? This is nothing but slander and should be locked.

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I have to say I know 3Loves. She is my DW. This is not productive. Can people just stop posting threads about threads? This is nothing but slander and should be locked.

This is nothing compared to what has been posted over the past few days by different LBT'ers. It's not slander, it's all what Funny observed going on. The thread wont be locked, this is the rants and raves section.

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FunnyDuddies, this forum is hemorrhaging and if you leave, it's basically going to continue. People here need a final end to this whole thing. I have made every attempt not to be involved in this in any way, but I am jumping in with both feet here. We have lost enough people to this BS, and now...we are losing people who weren't involved. I think the best move now is for everyone to just relax....take a few minutes out to breathe...and then you will see when the smoke clears that things are back to normal. This is a fairly common occurrence on the interweb, don't be a victim of this silliness.

Besides, I just found out you are a Ron White fan, we are few and far between and need to stick together.

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Geez, who f***** cares by now.....it is a dead horse.

I am editing to add: I dont mean "who cares if you go". I want you to stay here, you seem like a great person and we need that on lbt. I meant "who cares" about all the nasty threads, the threads about the nasty threads, the whole mess. I have been away from this board for almost 2 months and came back hoping this had all settled down and gone away by now....and I find it is as bad as ever. I need the support and motivation I get from this site. I am not leaving...but I will CHOOSE to not become involved any of the negative threads in any way. Take a break if you need to Amy, but dont leave for good.

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Funny, you have put very eloquently what I'm sure many of us have been thinking for a long time. I have never seen such a banding together of hateful people in my life. Do people really live like this? I was amazed at Susan's restraint; she never did get sucked in no matter how much she was slammed. I'm saddened that the "reward" for her restraint was being banned. How hurt she must be :think and I wonder if she wishes she had fired back since the end result was the same anyway.

That being said, as much as we all have a sour taste in our mouths right now, LBT still is a place you can come for support and help and I hope you stay with us.

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Whew...you take a few months off of posting and....Blammo! There goes the whole neighborhood. I better go and see what hasn't been deleted and catch up. P-nut deleted? What is going on?

Stay Strong Girls!


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ok funny I just sent you an email...but I'll tell you again. Don't leave! We need your strength and great attitude! Let's bring it back to why were here! Were here to provide support to each other! Now, I'm getting up to go get something HEALTHY to eat!

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I have spent the better part of 3 hours reading just about every post on here. I am Dody's daughter, and I plan on keeping up with the lap banding forum for her, as I'm thinking about the band myself. When my mom told me today she was banned my first response was to laugh...my mom banned from a forum. Then I realized there was lots more to this than I realized. It appears that Fitter (Lisa) came back to the board and that was the beginning of the end. Everyone took sides (I think they picked their blue or red bandanas as most gang members do) and picked their elected sides.

I see where everyone was wrong at times and no one was in the right all the time. I wish for one my mom haden't got involved, because she is definitely not the person that she came across as on here. I know her and Photonut have not gotten along for a long time, and I can see where my Mom also was aggravated on here by Photonut. Everything unfortunately works both ways. All parties were involved. Funnie I don't find it strange that you are sticking up for your friend, but I'm sticking up for my Mom and her best friend 3 Loves. I see where 3 Loves hubby has taken up the posting for her and I'm glad to see that. Everyone needs to benefit from this forum and not argue and bicker. No one person should be allowed back. If one comes back, they all should. There are definitely no innocents here. You sugar coat Photonut Funnie, but then again she is your friend. She has her husband to keep her notified of all that goes on here too, and I don't see him involved in any of the bickering. So far everyone banned has a member on here looking out for them, and that's a good thing, as long as it stays cool.

It really is too bad it came to this, because I know my Mom loved the forum. I also know she is very loyal to her friends, as most of you are to yours. I will continue to chart her weight loss for her and post in her place. I imagine this is legal as legal can be considering there are other family of banned members on here.

This situation got badly out of hand, but after reading all night I can understand the steps that were taken. It seems to me there were a few others that contributed quite a bit to this situation by taking sides, but that's life.

I will always continue to be the best friend my mother ever had, and I know she keeps in touch with Michelle (3 Loves) and always will. Michelle has a heart of gold, but she was pushed to her limit also.

It's sad this came to pass. I don't think the ban should be permanent. I truly believe everyone should have been given a cooling off period and then allowed back on for a second chance. We are dealing with adults here not kids. This became a "pack" thing, and I myself find that rather disturbing for a group of adults to be involved in.

This forum is about lap banding and the topic should remain about lap banding. There is a rant and rave forum and because of that I think people thought that is exactly what they were allowed to do. It did get pretty ugly there for sure, but not sure banning solves any problems. Maybe the moderators needed to take more time to talk one on one with people, or perhaps Alex did. I hope he reconsiders the banning of the people involved until such time as any trouble starts up again.

For now I am taking on the duty of keeping my Mom informed of everything related to lap banding and nothing related to rants and raves. If you miss her I will tell her...if you don't I won't tell her. She spoke her mind and got banned for it. Everyone spoke their mind and like I said no one was innocent in this. Now it's time to turn in your bandanas and get back to posting about the lap band. I have a lot I personally want to learn about this before I go ahead with it. I know my mom has done wonderfully and is setting a great example for me with her progress.

Please don't take everyone at face value. People seem to think they can fight on the internet because they are "invisible". Please always remember there is a real person behind that keyboard that can be hurt.

This goes for everyone involved.

I think everyone has a family member here with the exception of "Fitter" and although I know my mom cares about her and worries about her, I don't think she will be posting anymore anyway because she has a new job. Life goes on people, so lets get on with the subject of lap banding.

It was nice meeting you all. Live each day as if it is your last, and treat others as you would like to be treated. I lost my dad at 49 in an accident, a boyfriend a yr. later in a car accident in which I was severely injured, and almost lost my mom to open heart surgery 5 years ago, so I know what it's like to grow up fast. I'm relieved after seeing my mom so despondent for the last week to finally know what has been going on, and relieved it is over with. I truly worried about her health and none of this was good for anyone.

I ask that you don't shoot the messenger!! Good luck to you all on your weight loss journey.:rolleyes:

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okay to all those who are leaving BUHHH BYEEEEE..


BTW, for the record, P'nut HERSELF DID admit that she was "severely reprimanded" so YES, she DID have warning.

Whatever. She was just as much an instigator as the others and the only reason you don't see that is because you are biased.

Oh yeah, and ya actually think she won't be back??? GIVE ME A BREAK......helllllllooooooooo her husband is on here....AS IF she won't be in.

Anyways....grow up people and more importantly GET A FREAKIN' LIFE.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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