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Hi To All!

Hope you're all doing well. Just had a thought this morning...for those of you with up-coming surgeries: Cappy, Shrinkinmom, Lcubed(Lisa) and everyone else, I wanted to pass on my suggestion for your liquid Protein drinks for pre and post-op. I did a lot of research into the nutrition and taste of all these Protein shakes and I found the best and tastiest to be powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury. You have to order via internet or phone and their prices are good and you can order some sample packs first to try the flavors before ordering quantity. Believe me, these shakes are very tasty and it's the top quality whey Protein that's needed. The web site is www.unjury.com. Hope this helps with the liquid phase of your journeys!

Susancarole: When was your surgery? From you talking about your check ups it looks like sometime in Sept? Did you have a fill yet?

Have a great day everyone...look forward to meeting the group in Dec!

Lisa P.

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Hey ALL!

Believe me, take Lisa P's suggestion about the other Protein shake. The one that the doctor's office recommends is really not great tasting, (medifast) and it is mega expensive. I am going to try to bring some with me to the next support meeting to see if anyone needs it. I might as well share it, so someone else can save some money!

And Slim2be (Lisa) my surgery date was Sept. 2. I am going for my first fill this coming Monday.

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had my first fill today. I was so scared but, it really didn't hurt at all. I am about 23 pds down from 8/28 when I had my surgery. It's going slow but it's going. -Elisa

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Hi Everyone...I love that we have so many people involved in this thread but it is getting hard to keep track. I can't wait to be able to faces to the names.

Fran, Lisa and Sue I am so sad that I can't add Notorious November to my signature. I only missed it by 3 days. I know I could lay blame but what good would it do. I am not even sure what the Decembers are called. My meeting is not until November 18th. So I will miss all of you!

Slim...thanks for the tip about the unjury. I went to the website to check it out. Are you still drinking protien shakes or did you stop soon after your surgery? I would so much rather drink real food.

Is anyone else starting to panic about the holidays. I am basically skipping Thanksgiving but Christmas eve and its preparations are going to be a challenge.

Question about the mushie phase...Is the concern what you eat or the consistency of the food? Like what is the goal at that time?


Random thought: I really hate these new Brooke Sheilds commercials for Volkswagon.

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Hi All!

Hope it was a good day off for those who had it today.

Susancarole: I'm glad you agree about the unjury. I know what you mean about the Medifast...a friend at work gave me a few samples of her Medifast shake and it didn't taste good at all, there was an unpleasent aftertaste. And yes, it is very costly. The Unjury is really a very good price, the shipping is even reasonable, and the taste is great. You were banded 2 months after me...I was July 2nd. Have you been losing consistently?

Elisa: 23 pounds is great!!! It's going in the right direction....keep up the good work!

shrinkinmom: Oh yes, you are so right, after having to drink the shakes for a few weeks, you can't wait to have real food but at times I still do have a shake for lack of time or needed extra Protein. Oh, and I too can't stand those commercials with Brook either...really dumb!

Have a good evening everyone!

Lisa P.

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Hi Everyone,

Shrinking(Chris) I know exactly how you feel about your date being put off until December- and I know how frustrating it is dealing with all the doctors offices. I really wanted to put blame on them myself, but in reality, it is all probably for the best. I was supposed to have surgery in June, and did not get it until Sept 2! You have this band in for LIFE, so, what's another month or two, right?

As I understand the "mushy" stage, it is the consistency of the food to let your stomach heal from the surgery. You have to go back to liquids and mushy after the Fills as well, but only for a day or two.

And I agree about Brooke Shields...lol...those commercials are terrible.

Have a great day all!


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Hello All:

Lisa: Did you call Dr. Geiss's office and change to the 28th? I hope you did! Would really love to meet you! Let us know!

Chris: I hope you decide to stick with us too on this board...no big deal that your early December, your still a Notorious November to me:smile2: I am also panicking about the holidays...I'm suppose to go to my brothers for Thanksgiving...I was going to bring my "liquids" but I'm still deciding whether or not to do that. I really don't feel like having everyone ask me a million questions...my family is a pain in the butt! And this year its my turn to have Christmas Eve...that should be fun:glare: Wish I could just skip the holidays this year and just stay home with my hubby and kids...bahhhhh humbug!!! :laugh:

susancarole: Thanks for the encouraging words...its really good to hear from someone that has already been banded and to know that things do get better/easier after some time. I've already made some changes: I cut out all diet soda/carbonated drinks, its been over a month...it was really hard at first, but now I'm drinking lots of Propel and other flavored waters (with either low or no calories), so its gotten better; I'm chewing more slowly and NOT drinking while I'm eating...UGGGGGGGHHH! I LOVE to eat AND drink! I think this will be the hardest habit for me to break! Were you a drinker while eating? If so, how are you doing with this? Good luck on your first fill! Let us know how it goes!

Sue: So happy you got your approval...no more worries! Well, at least no more insurance worries:wink_smile: I can't wait to meet you on the 28th at the educational meeting! Regarding your comment on whether or not to tell anyone about the band...from the very beginning, I knew I wasn't telling anyone except my husband...then I decided that I needed to tell my Aunt because I may need her help with the kids the day after surgery because my husband has to go to work that night...so I HAD to tell her. But that's it!!! Noone else will know. Too many people have too many opinions....I really don't want to be under scrutiny to see if I'm losing the weight and how fast it comes off...I would rather just have people know that I'm eating smaller portions and exercising, which won't be a lie! Who knows, maybe sometime down the road, MAYBE I'll tell...but probably not!

Lisa P: Figures, I just ordered a box of Medifast because I don't know what it tastes like (I've had Optifast, thought maybe it tasted like that?) so I figured I would try it out. Doesn't seem like a big hit around here! After reading your post about unjury, along with some others, I think that's what I'll be ordering in the near future! Thanks for the tip...I really appreciate it!

Elisa: Great job on your weight loss!!! How are you doing so far? Tell us about your experience, would love to hear it! Glad to hear the fill wasn't so bad...I've heard both good and bad things about fills, guess I really won't know until its my turn. Keep up the great work:thumbup:

Well, have a good evening all! Gotta run for now...I'll chat with you girls soon!

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Hi Everyone!

I am so excited....yesterday I hit 50 pounds...WOO HOO! Wednesday is my official weigh and record day of the week and I actually hit 52.1 pounds yedsterday. I also went today to Dr. Geiss for my check-up/possible fill but he told me I didn't need one. I've only had 1 fill since my surgery on July 2 but I'm one of those rare people who've felt restriction since being banded. Six weeks ago they only put in 0.5 cc at my first fill and I already had 2.7 in the band from surgery. Dr. Geiss' office is not really aggressive with fills. I think this is good because it must be miserable to be over-filled. I like that they are cautious.

As I've said before, I'm so happy with my band and I wish you all with up-coming surgeries the best of luck and also to those already banded....have a good evening!

Lisa P. :)

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I just came back from my first fill....and I was so worried, but it was absolutely painless! (Maybe I'm a little biased since needles do not bother met at all)

I don't remember the docs name. It wasn't Geiss or Power...it was the other doctor who assists in the surgeries. Anyway, he did it and it was strange. The feeling I got when he pulled the needle out of the port was weird.

There was 1.5cc already in there, and he put another 1.0cc.

I don't know if anyone else told you all, because NO ONE TOLD ME, but I found out that for the first year we have to go in every month!! Not that I'm complaining, but I did not know that. My BFF had this surgery 4 months before I did and she just told me that last weekend. I completely forgot to ask the doc that today.

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Im so excited I could scream from the rooftops. :smile2::thumbup:

I had my initial consult today with Dr. Payaal Mehta in Patchogue. I was informed I would definitely be approved!!!

My blood pressure and sleep apnea were definitely a factor!!

I have to go fro my testing



Nutrionist and a couple of more things but it is going to move fast

The insurance only takes a few days to be approved:w00t:

Im doing it and Im excited

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Hi Guys!

Slim2b: OMG:ohmy:, 52.1 pounds, that is sooooooo awesome:thumbup: I cannot wait to be where you are!!! Congrats, your doing an amazing job! I'm glad you said that Geiss's office isn't very aggressive with fills...I've read too many stories about being over-filled and the choking and puking....I'd rather be a little less filled and loose slower....I don't care if it comes off slowly, as long as something is coming off and I'm not gaining, I'll be happy! Keep up the great work!!!

msjessy: I too don't recall being told you have to go in every month! Then again, my memory is SHOT so they may have said it and I just don't remember:embaressed_smile: Do you know what they do every month? Is it just to weigh in? Like you, I'm not afraid of needles, so I'm not anticipating anything scary with the fills. But I am wondering how a needle might feel in my stomache, never had one there! I'll take your word that it was painless! How is your weight loss journey going? When were you banded and how much have you lost? Are you loving your band?

fatgirlinNY: Hi there! Congrats on getting the approval! All my testing was done in a two month period, went pretty fast....next thing I knew, I had a surgery date! Its exciting and scary all at the same time! We are definitely DOING THIS!!! Wishing you all the best! Keep us updated!

Hope everyone else is doing well! Just wanted to say a quick hello! Have a great night and I'll speak with you guys soon!

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Question about the mushie phase...Is the concern what you eat or the consistency of the food? Like what is the goal at that time? Blender like consistency. Nothing fibrous. If you can mash it through a fork it is ok.

Random thought: I really hate these new Brooke Sheilds commercials for Volkswagon. Yep very weird.

I don't know if anyone else told you all, because NO ONE TOLD ME, but I found out that for the first year we have to go in every month!!.

In most cases insurance will cover your office visits for the first 90 days after surgery(no copay). So check your calendar and make the most of the timing. As for the every month, not so with me. Dr P always says at the end of an appointment "I'll see you in 6 to 8weeks". This past summer I stretched that to 14 weeks and nothing was said.

A note about the Medifast. I recommend using it as a base for a shake. Add some tasty stuff. Bananas, berries, almond or coconut extract, a couple T's of Peanut Butter, General Mills SF International coffee mixes or espresso powder. Not everything together- pick your favorite. Always drink them cold.

Don't stress to much over the up coming holidays. Just try to make a plan for how you are going to handle a given situation before you get there. Let yourself enjoy a little taste, it is after all the holidays! Focus on friends not food. But remember -Halloween is for the kids- back away from the candy!!!!!

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Hi Everyone! My computer has been down for the past few days...so I'm sorry I missed you all this week. How is everyone? Wow...it's getting closer and closer...just 3 weeks from tomorrow! I'm getting very nervous, but so very excited!

Sue129: Congratulations on insurance approval! I knew it would be fine. Dr. Geiss's office knows how to do this. I also live on the south shore of Nassau County...Oceanside. Where are you? I really didn't tell many people other than my family. I have a pretty small family and they know and have been very supportive. I also told a few friends...pretty much only people that I know would be supportive.

Slim2be: Hi Lisa P. 52.1 pounds! Wow! That's amazing. You are doing greyt! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to be there, too. You must be so happy! Thanks for the suggestion about unjury. The only problem I have with it is that it contains aspartame. Unfortunately I get Migraines and have had them for many years. Aspartame contributes to this for me so I stay away from it. I can have splenda though. Oh well, I guess I will have to try to "doctor" up the Medifast with flavorings as much as I can, and hope for the best.

Elisa: You are doing greyt, too! 23 pounds in a month and a half is amazing! Congrats!

Shrinkinmom: Don't worry...you are still considered a Notorious November...lol. 3 days doesn't matter! Yes I understand how you feel about the holidays. Fortunately we always have them at my sister's house. My sister is extremely supportive about my surgery, and in fact, helped me decide to do it. So she and family are prepared for my lack of eating...I will be in the mushy stage. Even though it's one of my very favorite meals...and my sister is an amazing cook...I will be fine with it. It's all about being together and we will have fun anyway! Hopefully I will be able to eat a little regular food by the time the December holidays come around. And, yes...I can't stand those Brooke Shields commercials also. Maybe if they came up with an affordable and accessible car that runs on alternative fuels with better gas mileage, they wouldn't have to try to sell them this way...lol!

Susancarole: Hi Sue! How are you doing? I can't wait to hear how your first fill goes tomorrow. Good luck and I'm sure you will do greyt!

Cappy: Hi! I wasn't able to change the date for the educational meeting because I have other appts on the 28th. I have been trying to change all of them around so it's still a possibility, although a small one. I am going to call the office on Monday. I will let you know for sure then. I would really love to meet you also!

Msjessy: Hi Jessenia! Nice to meet you. I'm glad the fill didn't hurt at all.

FatgirlinNY: Hello and welcome! Congrats on beginning your journey.

Ajoneen: Hi Amanda. Thanks for the tips on how to "flavor" the medifast shakes. I will definitely use them since it looks like I will have to rely on medifast instead of Unjury. Medifast uses splenda which I can have.

I hope everyone else is doing well! I love this forum...you are all so wonderful and supportive!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend,


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Hi Everyone!

Ok well in answering Lisa, I was supposed to have my first fill today, but, Dr. Powers did not think I needed it! So, it's Dec. 8th now for me!

Since I had lost over 30 pounds since late August, the doc really felt that I was right on track! NOW, I told him that I really feel no restriction when I eat and that I could eat a lot more. (So, I basically restrict myself.) He asked me if I am hungry in between meals, and I can honestly say that I am not. So, even though I am self-restricting, (basically eating from a salad plate with my cut down portions) Dr. Powers feels that the band is definitely helping because I am not that hungry. And, even though he wants to see me in 6 to 8 weeks, I can come in earlier if I start to plateau. He still says that if I lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, I should be happy and consider that a great success. So, I was happy enough with that answer. So, I will keep you all posted on how I am doing withOUT my fill !!!

And really,,,,, I am very happy with the amount of weight I have lost already. I have so many clothes that are big on me.

ALSO, I am going to the support group tomorrow night. I will be sure to report back to everyone if I learn something new...(or just to say HI again!)

Have a great day tomorrow all!


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Thanks for the suggestion about unjury. The only problem I have with it is that it contains aspartame. Unfortunately I get Migraines and have had them for many years. Aspartame contributes to this for me so I stay away from it.


Unjury unflavored does not have Aspartame. You can mix the unflavored into anything to boost up the Protein. chocolate milk, soy milk, fruit smoothies, ff yogurt, any Soup or sauce (just make sure it is not over 130degrees). Possibilities are unlimited. Best part it that you control the recipe. I even put it into home made Protein Bars.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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