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ALSO, I am going to the support group tomorrow night.


I always forget to go. I need to make a point of going next time.

Did you learn anything good this time? What was the discussion?

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Hi Everyone!

I just want to tell Cappy and Sue129 that I will be going to the educational meeting on 10/28. I am looking forward to meeting you both then!


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Hi Everyone!

I just want to tell Cappy and Sue129 that I will be going to the educational meeting on 10/28. I am looking forward to meeting you both then!


Lisa, I'm so happy you were able to change the date:biggrin:!!!! I really look forward to meeting you and Lisa and sharing this journey together! I tell ya, this board is really a saving grace for me! Since I have chosen not to tell anyone, except my hubby and aunt, about my surgery, its so nice to have someplace to go to talk about my thoughts, concerns, anything! See you on the 28th:regular_smile:

I'm starting to get more nervous as the days approach! As much as I'm reading and absorbing here, I still feel so unprepared...its just so hard to grasp how much my life is going to change. I've been eating Bagels for Breakfast the past couple of days because I know I won't be able to eat them again after surgery...and pizza, how the hell am I going to give that up? I love pizza - its a Friday night staple in our house!

I know what some of you may be thinking...is it more important for me to eat pizza and stay fat or is it more important to finally get the help I need to loose this weight and get healthy? Obviously, I choose to be healthy...but will the transition really be as easy as that? When does your MIND finally wrap about the fact that you CAN'T eat those things anymore and how does that play with your emotions? Anyone else wonder about this?

Well, from what I've read here and what I'm hoping for me is, once I see the weight coming off, food will become less important over time. I can't wait until I'm eating to live rather than living to eat!

Have a great night guys!

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Hi All....

Amanda, I am going to the group meeting tonight. As a matter of fact I am leaving my house in about 40 min. I will let you know what they discuss!

Cappy- I know how you are feeling- we can ALL relate. But you are right about one thing. Once the weight starts coming off, I am telling you that you will not care one bit about that pizza. (Although, I have had pizza, just not a lot of it.) After a few weeks, you would probably get down like 1/2 a slice! I am not having any trouble with breads, but some of my surgery buddies are having a tougher time with it. Your mind will definitely adjust! And, I can not wait to hear how you are doing with it all. I am going to get you ALL to go to the next support group right with me!

Lisa and Cappy, wow you are ten days apart for surgery.....eat those Bagels now..lol. And, Chris, you are really not far behine them! Good luck and we will all stay in touch!


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HI everyone

I haven't checked in in a while and just wanted to say hello to everyone both old and new.

Susan-- Wow..30lbs..what an accomplishment. You must feel great. I think it is a good ides to be conservative with the fills. There will be plenty of time for them when the struggling starts. And we all know it will happen eventually. Keep up the good work. You know you are our working role model right now.

Lcubed--Your surgery is right around the corner. It is funny how time flies...It means that Cappy and I are right around the corner.

So I have started to try to focus on things I like to that don't include either eating or drinking...here is what I have come up with...

line dancing (even though Ihate country music)


surfing the web

going to the park with my girls

watching decorating shows

What do you like to do other than eat?


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Hi Everyone,

Chris, good idea to focus on other fun things to do! I am taking a Water color class. It really helps to keep busy to break old eating habits.

So I went to the support group meeting last night.....paid $20.00. The two people running the meeting were C. Santori (nutritionist) and Dr. "Willow" (psychologist). There were about 20 "patients" there. We had everyone from newly banded with in two weeks to one woman who was out 8 months. In all honesty, I did not get much out of the meeting that they did not already tell you in the education class before surgery. A few people gave some recipes. There were two women who said that they had "plateaued" and wanted to know how to move on with their weight loss. The only conclusion for these two women was "go talk to the physician assistant, or your doctor."

I was under the impression that one of the doctors goes to the meetings, but I guess, not any more. Truthfully, I am not the support group kind of gal, but I guess others found it helpful. I went because my two surgery buddies were there also. We are going to be each other's support! OH< AND, coming to this site helps soooo much!

You all have been great, and we can support each other!

Have a great day!


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Hi Everyone!

Thank you for all the congrats...it's very much appreciated and I truly enjoy coming on the site to read and chat with people who are in the same boat as each other.

Cappy: In your last post you were talking about doing without pizza. I too LOVE pizza....it's probably my favorite food and I wondered how I'd do without it. It's our Friday night staple too. Well, I still have it every Friday night. I wasn't able to have it when I was recovering on the liquid and mushy stages but after that, I tried it and I've been doing grea with it. Yes, I chew it well and have only 1 piece now....sometimes even 1 1/2 but I am so happy I can still have it and successfully lose weight. So don't worry, you'll probably do fine with it...just don't go over-board.


Lisa P. :grouphug:

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Hi Everyone!

Cappy: I am so looking forward to meeting you at the meeting next week. It will be nice to finally put a face to the name! And, yes, I have been thinking about the foods I will not be able to eat...at least not for a very long time. But I keep remembering what Chris, the nutritionist, told me...this is not a diet but rather a new way of eating for life. She said there is no reason to feel deprived or that we can never eat something again; but we will not ever eat as much of it or as often. We only have so much room in the pouch and have to remember to fill it with healthy Protein, etc. So we don't have to feel like we can "never" have pizza or whatever again...we will eventually be able to have a little sometimes. So that makes me feel better. But we are all ready to do this...and I know that other things ... rather than food ... will take precedent in our activities! And think of all the new friends we have made here! We will continue to support each other and I just know that when we meet we will enjoy each other's company...so all the better!

Shrinkinmom: Hi Chris. Yes our days are almost here! How exciting! And you are right...finding things that we like to do will occupy us in a healthy and happy way...rather than eating. I am looking forward to participating in more activities...like I used to do. Bicycling, walking, tennis, running, swimming are some of them. And, of courses, after losing weight, there's always shopping...lol! I know it will be colder out but it will be nice to even feel the cold more...rather than always being hot from carrying around the weight. I also love to walk my dog, believe it or not, and find that relaxing and invigorating at the same time. I am sure I will think of more things as time goes on.

Amanda: Thank you for the suggestions about the shakes. I didn't think of that.

Susancarole: Hi Sue! It's always greyt to hear from you! You are doing so well...without the fill! And, it must be nice to know that if you plateau, you can have a fill then, so you won't worry about it. I still hope we can all meet at a support group meeting. Then if we feel it is not helpful, maybe we can form our own support group and meet somewhere for free! There seem to be enough of us going through this that live near each other...so maybe we can pick someplace mutually convenient and get together on a regular basis. That might be more fun also. I find that having you all to talk to is so very helpful and takes so much anxiety away from me.

So far the only questions I have for the educational meeting are:

1. I was told I have a small hiatal hernia. Will it be fixed during surgery? I hope so.

2. Which band will I be given? How does the doctor make the decision? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both kinds?

3. Do I take my regular meds before surgery? If not, what are the instructions? Is it true that I can never take ibuprofen after surgery? What about acetaminophen or aspirin?

4. How much fill does the doctor start with?

That's all I can think of now. I can't believe that there is only 2 and a half more weeks til surgery!!! I am so looking forward to it and my new life!!!

Enjoy the day!


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Hi Everyone!

Ok well in answering Lisa, I was supposed to have my first fill today, but, Dr. Powers did not think I needed it! So, it's Dec. 8th now for me!

Since I had lost over 30 pounds since late August, the doc really felt that I was right on track! NOW, I told him that I really feel no restriction when I eat and that I could eat a lot more. (So, I basically restrict myself.) He asked me if I am hungry in between meals, and I can honestly say that I am not. So, even though I am self-restricting, (basically eating from a salad plate with my cut down portions) Dr. Powers feels that the band is definitely helping because I am not that hungry. And, even though he wants to see me in 6 to 8 weeks, I can come in earlier if I start to plateau. He still says that if I lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, I should be happy and consider that a great success. So, I was happy enough with that answer. So, I will keep you all posted on how I am doing withOUT my fill !!!

And really,,,,, I am very happy with the amount of weight I have lost already. I have so many clothes that are big on me.

ALSO, I am going to the support group tomorrow night. I will be sure to report back to everyone if I learn something new...(or just to say HI again!)

Have a great day tomorrow all!


Hey Sue

I just wanted to congratulate you on how well you are doing! Keep doing what you’re doing and try not to compare yourself to others. Do what works for YOU.

I had the same experience - I've never had any sense of "restriction", not even swelling in the days after surgery. When I had my 6 week follow up they told me NO to a fill because I was losing quickly and consistently. Even though I could eat anything, I limit myself and I do feel full on a smaller amount of food and stay full for a longer period of time.

At my next follow up, at about 10 weeks, I talked one of the PA's into giving me a small fill even though I had still been losing quite fast. I wanted to experience the fill process. I had anxiety about the needle and about losing my motivation and momentum. I also got caught up in comparing myself to others banded around the same time because they were on fill #2,3, or 4. He agreed to do 2cc's in my 10cc band - it made no difference at all and that's the only fill I've had. I'm glad to have been thru the process but it would be so cool to say I lost all my weight with NO fill.

I think too many people get caught up in thinking the band isn't working unless they have severe food limitations and slime/PB on a daily/weekly basis. I also think a lot of people sell themselves short thinking they won't start losing any weight until they get fills and then give themselves a pass to start cheating.

Keep it up, girl! You’re going to need all new summer clothes next year!!!

Good luck to everyone with up coming surgeries!! I've never been to any of the support groups and I'd be in the >1 year group now anyway so I doubt I'd meet any of you but I do check this thread frequently and I share in your excitement.

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Hi All,

Lisa, Good questions! And I can atleast give you the answer to the first one! I also had a small hiatal hernia. I just asked Dr. Powers on Monday if he fixed it, and.....HE DID! He said mine was miniscule, but he fixed it anyway. And, Dr. Geiss did fix my surgery buddy's hernia as well.

You can ask at the meeting about your specific meds...they will tell you what exactly to do.

And that would be great to form our own support group (not that I am discouraging any of you from going to the one with the surgical group.)

Keep up all your great thoughts everyone!


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I am sorry I forgot to reply to Candle:

Thanks so very much for your encouragement! It is really great to hear that you were having the same issues as I am! I am very happy so far with everything- and you are right, I should not compare myself to anyone else. But, it sure is nice to know that with all YOUR success, you at one time felt just like me.

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Hi Everyone, Im going to do my best to be more active here. It's great to have this support.

I have my physch appointment next week, waht kind of questions should I expect?

Im starting to get really nervous about the fact that Im really doing this, the problem is that my freinds and family think Im crazy because I only weigh 205 pnds, but for me, who has always been 125 it is downright depressing.

Would anyone who has been banded already be willing to share what a typical day is like eating?

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Hi Everyone, Im going to do my best to be more active here. It's great to have this support.

I have my physch appointment next week, waht kind of questions should I expect?

Im starting to get really nervous about the fact that Im really doing this, the problem is that my freinds and family think Im crazy because I only weigh 205 pnds, but for me, who has always been 125 it is downright depressing.

Would anyone who has been banded already be willing to share what a typical day is like eating?:sad_smile:

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So I went to the support group meeting last night.....paid $20.00.Sue

I went to that meeting also. Waste of $$. Seemed unorginized, like the one I want to 6 months ago. I think the fact that there were so few returning members there shows that not much support is being received/given. Sad. I doubt I will go back. I might go to one of the 'banded over a year' when the time comes, to see what that is like. (I was the one who said I lost 80lbs- that's including the preop diet too)

Amanda: Thank you for the suggestions about the shakes. I didn't think of that. You're welcome.

So far the only questions I have for the educational meeting are:

1. I was told I have a small hital hernia. Will it be fixed during surgery? I hope so. Ask your Dr the day of surgery.

2. Which band will I be given? How does the doctor make the decision? What are the advantages and disadvantages of both kinds? Your Dr will pick the one best for you. You really have no say.

3. Do I take my regular meds before surgery? If not, what are the instructions?Ask that question at the pre surgical testing appointment. Is it true that I can never take ibuprofen after surgery?Yep. It is really hard on your pouch. But truth be told I take it for one day a month, every month. Tylenol just doesn't cut it for my period pain. What about acetaminophen yes or aspirin no?

4. How much fill does the doctor start with? usually 0


Hi Everyone, I have my psych appointment next week, what kind of questions should I expect? you will just talk about you and your reasons for the band. Relax it will be fine.

Im starting to get really nervous about the fact that Im really doing this, the problem is that my friends and family think Im crazy because I only weigh 205 pnds, but for me, who has always been 125 it is downright depressing. Are you doing it for them or you? Before you tell someone about the surgery ask yourself if they are going to be supportive. You don't need the negivite energy.

Would anyone who has been banded already be willing to share what a typical day is like eating?:eek: Yesterday I had- 7am Energy drink before training, 10am Protein bar, 2pm 8oz chili, 7pm 2oz Protein (meat) 1/2c starch, 1/2c veggie.

Ok that's my 2 cents worth.

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Hello Everyone!!!

Wow! It's getting sooo close now...Nov 10 is right around the corner! I am so excited and I am really getting nervous now. I start my preop diet in exactly 1 week! I just received all of my shakes and Vitamins so I am ready to go. Medifast also sent me a free week of meals along with my order. I got some Soups, oatmeals, puddings, hot cocoa, etc. I'm sure it all tastes like crap but ... oh well!

Candle: You are doing so well. Even though you are much further along than most of the rest of us posting, I hope we can meet at some time since we all live so close. Keep up the greyt work!

Susancarole: Hi Sue! Thank for the info, as usual! I appreciate it. Did you notice any changes in reflux (if you had any before surgery) since he fixed your hiatal hernia? I have been on Prevacid for reflux for many years, but I never knew I had a hiatal hernia. I am assuming that is why I have the reflux. I am hoping the reflux will go away after it is fixed during surgery so I will not need the medication anymore. I am happy you like the idea of forming our own support group at some point. This does not necessarily have to replace the "official" one...but ours would be free and there seem to be enough of us to be able to share info and meet in mutually convenient places.

Ajoneen: Hi Amanda. Thanks for the info. I am going to ask those questions at the educational meeting also...and hopefully I will also learn more then.

FatgirlinNY: I am so happy that you have joined us here. The more support, the better...that's how I feel. This thread has been so helpful for me and it is so nice to have met and continue to meet such wonderful and supportive people. Don't listen to what others tell you about having surgery or not...I went thru the same thing. I have been told that I am at the "lower end" of needing surgery and why do this, etc...but it doesn't help me to hear that. I am doing it for ME...because I know when I am comfortable and uncomfortable with my body and I want to both resolve existing health issues and avoid future ones. Only YOU know what's best for YOU...so do what you feel is right for you. I have told some people about my surgery and gotten mixed reactions. This is why I have not told that many people. So I am not making a big deal of my surgery to anyone other than my few closest friends and family who are very supportive. And, of course, this is also why it is so wonderful to have this group on this forum!

Cappy: I am looking forward to seeing you on Tues afternoon! It will be wonderful to meet you in person! I am also looking forward to meeting anyone who will be there on Tues at the educational meeting. I am a little confused...is Chris or Sue129 also attending? See you then.

Speak to you all soon!


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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