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Hi Everyone!

Hey Cappy, thanks for the response....sorry it took me so long to write back. How is DH? Hope his thyroid surgery went well yesterday and you're doing good too. Hope you will be able to sneak out a bit tomorrow and meet us....it will be nice. If not, we can always meet at another time. What town do you live in? I know a few people got together in Nov. in Sayville. Not sure who, but I wanted to go. I live in Patchogue but at the time, my son was in the hospital so I couldn't make it. Thank God all is well now.

I look forward to meeting all who are going tomorrow!

Lisa P.

Hey Lisa: Please, don't apologize! I don't get on the computer that much so sometimes it takes me a while to respond...not a big deal! Anyway, hubby is getting better...he had Thyroid Cancer and had to have his entire Thyroid taken out...I felt so bad for him, after his surgery on Monday he looked so out of it, it just broke my heart...he was in a lot of pain Monday and Tuesday, slowly getting better....the best part is, the cancer didn't spread to any of his lymph nodes and they got rid of everything! That is a blessing in itself! Now he just has to rest and heal....it should take about a week or two. I know how miserable he felt, that's how I felt on my second day after surgery...it was horrible! Thank you for asking, I really appreciate it! I'm glad to hear that your son is doing well now!!! What a relief that must be for you!!! I live in Lake Grove....we should try and meet up, Patchogue isn't very far!

Shrinkinmom: I e-mailed you earlier today at that address you gave us because I thought I might be able to make it tonight....I never heard back from you, did you get my e-mail? Turns out, my hubby was tired and I felt bad leaving him so I decided to stay home....I'll catch up with you girls another time! Hope you all had a nice time meeting!

How is everyone doing with the band? I tell ya, I started mushies last Thursday....did well for a few days, put on 2lbs right away, which I read is normal, so I didn't freak out completely...but now the past couple of days I feel like I have no restriction, although there have been a few times where I have eaten too fast and it hurt a little....so maybe I do have restriction? I can eat way too much food at one sitting, and have been! So the past two/three days haven't been good for me at all...my biggest concern is screwing up the band, I don't want to do that...yet I still made bad choices! I feel like the old habits, that I've been so good at keeping away the last month, are creeping in....I need to get a handle on this...I know this is a process and it will take time, so I'm trying not to beat myself up....but I still feel slightly disappointed in myself, I know better than to eat crap but I still did! Ugggghhhhhh....this battle sucks! I'm praying that I get a fill at my next appointment at the end of the month...I think that will help!

Anyway, I hope you guys are having a better few days than me! Take care...and have a good night!

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Hey Chris....yeah, i know, that was an aggressive fill and guess what, I did experience the tightness in the morning like others now. As a matter of fact, I did have a problem with my Breakfast getting stuck and I finally experienced one of those "PB"s.., and just think, I just asked Lisa (Slim2be) what the heck that was....last night.

But, I got better as the day wore on and am having no more problems with things getting stuck.

By the way....I am so sorry that some of you had to miss our little meeting at Shrinking Chris's office. I know that the weather was awful to drive in....but we had a good time. It was nice to meet Lisa (Slim2be) and great to see Chris once again. We will catch you all the next time.

And Cappy, just really try to eat off a salad plate. I think what you are experiencing are old habits that die hard. And, we all have them! Remember, you will not experience a "full" feeling after you eat, but, you will also NOT be hungry either...I think that is the key!


Edited by susancarole

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Hi Everyone!

I know it's been a while since I posted. You guys probably don't even remember me!:wink2:

I just wanted to check and let you all know I'm still working on getting approved for surgery.

So far I've seen the pulmonologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, and nutritionist. I still need to have my psych eval, gall bladder sono and endoscopy. All my tests and exams came out fine from the docs I have seen so far so pending anything else I should be getting surgery in Mid to late March *fingerscrossed*

I have Aetna so I have to do the 6 month weight loss thing. Only thing is I have been gaining every month. My doctor seems to think that because of that I should have no problem being approved but I don't know. I'm kind of nervous. I just hope I'm doing all of this correctly. I would hate to have to wait another 6 months to have the surgery! :sleep: I have lots of weddings in 2009. One is in New Orleans, another one my husband and I are in and one I am officiating (just for my friends. I'm not a minister or anything :crying:) and another one we just have to attend but I would like to be smaller than I am now, even if it is just 20 or 30 lbs.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

My husband bought me a treadmill for Christmas so hopefully that will help me keep the pounds from creeping (read: flying) on.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and if I don't speak to you, Happy Holidays!

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Hello New Yorkers,

My office is currently putting together my 2009 speaking schedule, so if anyone is part of a support group that would like to have me speak about "plastic surgery after massive weight loss" please let me know. You can contact me on this site, or you can call me at my office.

I have probably spoken at many of your groups over the past many years and I appreciate the positive responses and the continued invitations to speak again. This topic continues to be one of the most popular topics among support groups - I think everyone just likes all the before and after pictures!

Congratulations on your weight loss and I wish you continued success. Have a great and safe holiday season!

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HI everyone

I wanted to drop in and say HI. I have had such a busy week and had not had time to catch up with the boards.

Cappy- I know what you mean about old habits dying hard. I am a picker. And even on liquids I find myself chewing on stuff I just popped in my mouth mindlessly. Soomething I really need to get a grip on. I am desperately looking forward to starting mushies next week. This has seemed like enternity. I really think you should meet Sue. She has suh a great story and I have learned a lot about how I want to approach this journey from her. And meeting Lisa the other night as well has really taught me what is expected of me.

Hear are a few things that rang a bell with me:

1. The band does not stop you from eating. Only you can do that. There is still an element of willpower involved.

2. Our goal when eating is no longer full. It is just be not hungry. I am trying to continually ask myself ...I'm I hungry? I think I have really lost contact with what hungry feels like. And I am also trying to retrain my brain to understand that satisfied = good, full=too much...never mind stuck or pb.

3. The old tricks of the trade still work. Smaller plates, fork down when eating, low fat, high protien, less fried and processed foods are still the way to be healthy.

4. You do not have to be perfect all the time. If you eat fried food today try to avoid it the rest of the week. I fyou dod it three days in a row then avoid it longer. It will all work out.

5. Most of the time a little taste will do. If you decide to eat something high in fat or calories and surround it with lower calorie healthy food...how much of the bad thing are you really ingesting? Make it the last thing you eat on your plate.

6. Excersize, Excersize, Excersize. DAMN...isn't there an operation to make you look like you excersized when you haven't.

7. Tight does not mean more sucessful.

Ok...I am no expert and I am less along in this journey then you are but I am trying to learn from the successful ones. (Sue and Lisa how am I doing?)

I know I am going to have a similiar bumpy road as yours. What were we thinking so lose to the Holidays. Lwets jsut keep out expectations realistic and focus best we can. We can get through this together.

It was really great to talk to other people who have the band. We all said the other night that we have not exactly advertised it to our friends and family and they wouldn't understand anyway. I would like to meet more of you. Lets pick a date in January. Weekday or weeknight, afternoon or eveneing, lets atalk about what works best.

Christine-I haven't forgotten about you and I definitely want to get together and walk I just want to heal a bit more. Lets talk later in the week.

Amy--welcome back. I am glad to hear you are getting close. Stick around there is great support here.


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Hey, Shrinking Chris (Like that name I came up with for you?) I think this last post of yours was right on the mark! You have a great handle on things and are doing great!

You, Lisa and I really enjoyed meeting last week and getting to know one another and I agree with you that it would be great to meet everyone else as well! Thank you so very much for the place to meet!

Happy Holidays ALL!

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Hi Everyone!

Haven't posted for about 2 weeks....busy, busy, busy with the holidays. But glad to say that things are going well. It was so nice to meet Chris(Shrinkinmom) and Sue (Susancarole) when we did mid Dec. I really had a great time just being able to talk and relate to others who've been banded.

Cappy: Glad to hear that your husband is doing well and they got all the cancer...woo hoo! Thank you for your kind words about my son....that's so very much appreciated. And yes, we should definately plan to meet, Lake Grove is right around the corner from here in Patchogue.

Chris (Shrinkinmom): It does sound like you've got the band stuff down pat. I know you'll be a success. Thanks so much for setting up the meeting place at your office...you are alot of fun and I enjoyed meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again after the holidays.

Sue(Susancarole): It was so nice to meet you as well. I really enjoyed talking and getting to know you and I can see by the way you're going that you too will be a success. Hope all is well with your husband too.

I wish you all out there a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday season....have fun!

Lisa P.

Edited by slim2be

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Hey Lisa

It is so great to hear from you. I was wondering what happened to everyone. Boy these holidays came upon us fast.

I am feeling so much better and with that has returned my appetite. I have been following the rules and eating a small amount and then reassessing my hunger. I have started to track my calories on Sparkpeople.com

I found that I was eating way to little...only 500 calories a day. So I am now up to a more healthy 1000 calories a day. I really have no plan on keeping track forever but I just really needed a handle on how much food I should be eating and getting a clue on how much is really enough.

I am very looking forward to have the Holidays behind me.

Everyone keep working hard and stay focused. I can't wait to be able to speak to you again after the Holidays.


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Well Hello Everyone,

Hope everyone had a great holiday! I have been so unfocussed! I am afraid to get on a scale....but I am swearing to get on track again! I also had a birthday just before Christmas, so I have been partying my butt off!

Hope everyone is well.


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Happy Holidays All!!!

I haven't been on the site much lately, sorry! Thanks for all the advice and kinds words, Shrinkinmom, Susancarole and Slim2be...I appreciate all the help I can get! The holidays have been rough....I had gained 6lbs since starting solids....then lost 3 of those pounds the last time I weighed myself (about a week ago) and haven't gotten on the scale since because I just got my period yesterday....that always adds a pound or two, so I'm waiting until Friday to weigh in....I go to Dr. Geiss on Friday also, so I'll get weighed there also....I'm hoping to get my first fill!! Oh yeah, I had my first real PB two nights ago...HOLY CRAPPOLA that hurt! We had just ordered in some dinner....was getting ready to eat a delicious chicken in lemon sauce dish, I weighed out my food and everything....then I notice there was some Italian bread in the bag...since I haven't had any problems whatsoever eating bread, I decided to have a piece, dipped in the lemon sauce....well, I didn't chew enough and maybe the piece was too big and WHOOOOOAAAAAA....I'm stuck...I cannot begin to tell you how much that hurt...seriously, I wanted to scream! I was afraid to bring it back up because I'm thinking I'm going to hurt my band if I do that....after trying to keep it down for about a 1/2 hour, all I had to do was cough and it came right out (sorry, don't mean to be so graphic)...I had a couple of experiences so far where I ate too fast or didn't chew enough and it hurt a little but the food always passed through the band in a few minutes. Not this time, that sucker wasn't going anywhere but OUT! Anyway, for those who haven't experienced this yet, I hope you never do...just remember to chew chew chew...and when you think your done, chew some more!

I hope we can get a date in January....can't wait to meet with all of you! When I get a chance, I'll send you guys my schedule and let you know the days that I'm available to get together....unfortunately, I have to work around hubby's schedule....he's a police officer and works days one week and then nights the next....so its not always easy to coordinate....it will be easier for me to just let you all know the days I can make it and then hopefully we can all agree on one of those days. I hope that's okay with everyone!

I want to wish you all a very Happy and Healthy 2009! This is going to be a great year for all of us!!! Have a good night!


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Hey Fran, (and everyone else too)

I KNOW that I gained weight too over the past two weeks. Whatever....I have to dig down and go back to that willpower again. I know what you mean about the PB...I had my first recently too and you are right, it hurt sooooo much. Good to hear from you. Let's all try to get on track again! Keep us posted about your doctor's visit.


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Hey Sue! And a big hello to ALL my fellow LI'ers!

Yeah, where does that willpower go? Its just too easy to get off track...but recognizing what we are doing wrong is a good thing....that isn't something I cared to do over the past 10 years, so its a start! I'm back on track and actually feel a little lighter the past few days, even with my "enemy" visiting me this week! I will keep you guys posted on my visit to Geiss on Friday! I'm praying for my first fill...wish me luck!

Happy New Years to all! Be safe!

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Hi All!

So, I went for my first fill today....wasn't bad at all! I had 2.5cc's and she added 1.2cc's so I currently have 3.7cc's...hopefully that gives me more restriction, I really need it! I am up 1lb from the last weigh-in and I go back in 6 weeks to see how I'm doing....now its time to add in some exercise that I've been putting off for so long!

How is everyone else doing? How did you guys hold up through the holidays? I found myself eating things like chocolate and sweets a little too much...but definitely less that I would have last year....so that's a good thing.

Hope all is well with everyone!

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Hi everyone,

Happy New Year!

Sue and Cappy--I am so glad to see you back on the site. I had checked in a couple of times and didn't see anyone. I really missed the support.

I had a rough Holiday season as well. It is amazing how old habits die hard. I am such a grazer and constantly find myself popping small bites into my mouth mindlessly. I still refuse to get on the scale but the jeans that fit before the Hoidays were a bit tight today when I out them on. DARN! DARN! DARN!. I have my brother's wedding next weekend. I was really hoping not to have to have my dress altered but it is still to tight.

On a positive note, I have started to exercise. I finished my first week of the couch to 5K plan. I downloaded this podcasts I found on itunes. I just run or walk to the music and it ques you when to change. I have decided to make it my goal to sign up for the summer run series this summer.

I reay hate to workout but I keep thinking about Sue and her tennis playing. I really want to find something I enjoy doing. I am considering playing volleyball. A sport I used to love.

Anyway, lets get together ASAP. I really want to share ideas and stories and find out what you gals are doing to get back on track. We can work around Cappy's schedule. Let me know when you are free and where we want to meet.


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Hi guys....glad to see you survivied the Holiday and are getting back on track. I have to get my but in gear and get back on the treadmill. I had a back thing going on for a few weeks and could not do it. Amazing how easy it is to get out of the habit of excersizing....even though I really was enjoying it.

I will get back on teh treadmill!

Chris, whenever you want to get together we can, even if it's with kids to chat for a few minutes. I know the beginning of this process is kind of overwhelming sometimes. I should have given you my number when we met.

You can email me if you want at cmasabi@msn.com.

Fran, when I hit the 5cc mark with my band I really found I had good restriction. I hope you hit your stride and start back on the losing cycle. Rmember chew, chew, chew.

I am now at 4.5cc because of some issues I have had and they want to see if I have a milk allergy or an ulcer before they fill me again. Esophogram and endoscopy schduled later this month.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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