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Hi Cappy,

Glad I as able to help with your question. The fill really didn;t hurt. She missed my port the first try but got it on the second. They use a thin needle and I find it's easier not to look as they are inserting it....once it's in, you don't feel a thing. It's really no big deal. And yes, I do believe I'm at the right restriction now. It's so strange to know what's the right restriction for YOU. Everyone's different and I've read on this site that some people like to be so tight that they can hardly eat! I don't understand that....there was a point that I felt a bit too tight for my liking but now I'm ok. I would rather go with me having a bit more will power than to worry if what I eat isn't chewed so well and fear getting stuck and having to pb. I've been losing at a steady and consistent rate....I can't complain and am so thankful for this tool we have.

Stay well everyone!

Lisa P. :cursing:

I agree with you 100%....I too would rather use a little will power than be too restricted. My biggest fear with the band is getting something stuck...I truly do not want to experience PBing! Glad to hear the fill didn't really hurt...I'm not afraid of needles, but being that the port is in a sensitive area, I thought it might be a little painful. Thanks for your input! Sounds like your doing great....keep up the good work!

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Did anyone have any issues with switching from liquids to soft foods where they gained weight. I started soft foods on wednesday and since then have gained 2 pds. I know I am not drinking my 64 oz. could that be the problem, but I am not eating alot either.

HELP, because I am getting discouraged.

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I agree with you 100%....I too would rather use a little will power than be too restricted. My biggest fear with the band is getting something stuck...I truly do not want to experience PBing! Glad to hear the fill didn't really hurt...I'm not afraid of needles, but being that the port is in a sensitive area, I thought it might be a little painful. Thanks for your input! Sounds like your doing great....keep up the good work!

You're very welcome. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Will you be there at the gathering Dec. 10th? Hope to see you there....you keep up the good work as well....I look forward to meeting with you and all the gals that chat here.

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Hi Everyone...

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Well tomorrow is my day. I go in at 9:30. Anyone have any last minute advice? Did anyone bring anything to read or do? Any must haves when I get home?

I am so excited I didn't even realize I was hungry all today.

I am glad people are able to make it on Dec 10. For those of you who will miss us we can try again. Once again anyone who want to come please e-mail me at kelly@sarni.com. I will send you directions and the address

I would rather not post my work address on the website. It is in Farmingdale on Route 110 just north of the southern state.

Have a great day everyone!!

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Hi Everyone!

Twice: Please do not get discouraged! Sometimes the mushy food stage is harder to lose weight because the foods still slide right down the band. Once you are on Protein, you will stay satisfied for much longer! And, you know what, if you do not like what you see on the scale, you just march yourself right back to that office to get some advice!

Fran: Keep up the good work girl!

It was nice to see the Lisa's again too!

Shrinking Chris: I was thinking about you all day yesterday, but I know you did fine!

I was so sorry to hear about the health issues with your child Lisa, I certainly know what that is like. I had it years ago with actually both of my children. But, they are both absolutely fine now and both actually outgrew their health issues. There is no stress greater than that. Please try to keep positive! Oh, and another thing, it is so great that you have had the operation for yourself- it will definitely help you along the way. I totally neglected myself during my stressful time with the health issues- and I wish I could get those years back. SO, I applaud you!

I am going for my next appointment on Monday, so I will let you all know what happened.


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Hello Everyone

I have been happy to see your emails and can't wait to meet you all on Wednesday.

So I finally had my surgery. It went really well. I really have to give kudos the Dr. Geiss and the staff at Syosset hospital. It was really a great experience. I got home on Thursday. Today I am up, dressed and moving around. My port site is a little sore but nothing some tylenol isn't taking care of. Today I got to start full liquids but they really didn't taste and good AS I thought they would. OH well only two more weeks.

I look forward to getting weighed at Dr. Geiss's on Dec 17. (I refuse to play the scale game at home.)

Everyone have a great day.


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Hi Everyone!

Twice: Please do not get discouraged! Sometimes the mushy food stage is harder to lose weight because the foods still slide right down the band. Once you are on Protein, you will stay satisfied for much longer! And, you know what, if you do not like what you see on the scale, you just march yourself right back to that office to get some advice!

Fran: Keep up the good work girl!

It was nice to see the Lisa's again too!

Shrinking Chris: I was thinking about you all day yesterday, but I know you did fine!

I was so sorry to hear about the health issues with your child Lisa, I certainly know what that is like. I had it years ago with actually both of my children. But, they are both absolutely fine now and both actually outgrew their health issues. There is no stress greater than that. Please try to keep positive! Oh, and another thing, it is so great that you have had the operation for yourself- it will definitely help you along the way. I totally neglected myself during my stressful time with the health issues- and I wish I could get those years back. SO, I applaud you!

I am going for my next appointment on Monday, so I will let you all know what happened.


Hi Everyone!

Hope you are all well....I look forward to meeting some of you on the 10th.

Sue: Thank you so much for your concern and well wishes concerning my children and I. That really means a lot to me....it's words and encouragement like that that keep us going during difficult times. I'll be looking for you on the 10th. Oh, I see you're going on Mon for your check-up....I go on Tuesday....good luck! See ya Wednesday!

Lisa P. :thumbup:

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You're very welcome. Thanks for the kind words of encouragement. Will you be there at the gathering Dec. 10th? Hope to see you there....you keep up the good work as well....I look forward to meeting with you and all the gals that chat here.

Hey Slim! I was looking forward to meeting you girls but it turns out that my hubby is having thyroid surgery on the 8th and he will be laid up for a while...I have two small kids at home that he won't be able to tend to...its really going to depend on how he is feeling on Wednesday, but I'm thinking no. I will have to catch up with you guys the next time:sad: Hope you guys have a great time!

Hello Everyone

I have been happy to see your emails and can't wait to meet you all on Wednesday.

So I finally had my surgery. It went really well. I really have to give kudos the Dr. Geiss and the staff at Syosset hospital. It was really a great experience. I got home on Thursday. Today I am up, dressed and moving around. My port site is a little sore but nothing some tylenol isn't taking care of. Today I got to start full liquids but they really didn't taste and good AS I thought they would. OH well only two more weeks.

I look forward to getting weighed at Dr. Geiss's on Dec 17. (I refuse to play the scale game at home.)

Everyone have a great day.


Hey Chris! YOU DID IT!!! So happy for you...sounds like you got through surgery with flying colors! So glad to hear that! If you can wait to get weighed at Geiss's office, do that! I've been addicted to the damn scale! And now, I started mushies on Thursday (YIPPPPEEEEE) and weighed myself this morning and was up a pound! But, I'm not freakin' out over it, I know this happens! The weight is going to come off, I don't have any doubts about it! Hope you continue to feel great and wish you all the best on your new journey! I'm sad that I "probably" won't be at the first meeting, but I will definitely catch up with you guys another time!

Miriam, it was SO GREAT to meet you at Geiss's office! Your so sweet! Are you enjoying mushies? I think you said you have alot of restriction still, your lucky....I don't feel like I have a lot...I can eat all my food, no problem! Can't wait for my first fill!

Question for you guys...on the paperwork that the nutritionist (I saw one of Geiss's nutritionists) gave me it says, when starting mushies have 2oz of Protein and 1oz of carbohydrates....then, you know how they gave us a sample menu to follow? Well, on the menu one of the meals listed was 4oz of cottage cheese (pretty sure it was cottage cheese) along with a fruit...now, I don't understand that....I thought we were only suppose to have 3oz total at each meal, like it says on the prior pages that lists all the proteins/carbs you can eat. I'm a little confused about this...can anyone clarify? Does it mean that, if your hungry, you can go up to 4oz in one sitting, but really should only have 2oz if you can? If anyone has an answer for me, I would so appreciate it!

Okay, gotta run for now...I hope your all doing great, keep up the great work guys! Speak to you all soon!

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Hey guys! Sorry I've been MIA...DH's mom passed away Sat so we were off to California and he's still out htere I flew home with the kids and between the kids and work and this danged pinched nerve in my Lt shoulder it's been crazy here.

I am glad to hear you are all doing so well!

Chris...I was thinking about you so often. Glad to hear it went well. PM me if you want to schedule some time to meet and walk at the SV Mall. We can stroll with the kids.

Sue....I met with B. Norman yesterday. She's such a sweetie. She says hello to you. She's thinking about the band. Had tons of questions, but does not feel ready yet.

I can't make it to the get together on the 10th. DH and no one to watch the kids. I hope there will be another.


Terminally stuck....ready to toss the scale into the street and run it over and over and over and over!

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Hi Everyone,

I am so sorry for those who can not make it to Shrinking Chris' office on Wed. We will catch you all next time. I am sincerely going to try and be there.

Chris (NYCM) I was wondering what happened to you. So sorry about DH's Mom. I told you that Bridget was a doll! Glad you had the chance to talk with her. I have an appointment with Dr. Powers Monday morning. I am like Fran, I still feel no restriction whatsoever, so I am going to question that again.

I will let you know what happens.


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I have an appointment with Dr. Powers Monday morning. I am like Fran, I still feel no restriction whatsoever, so I am going to question that again. I will let you know what happens.


I have never really had the restriction some folks talk about. No "soft stop" or stuck feeling. My band has never "stopped" me, ever. Dr P's answer to me was "Do you want to get stuck?"

I think for some folks the band will never give the "soft stop" or perhaps we just don't know what that feels like and thus miss the signal. I feel there is some light bulb that I have not found the switch for, but when I do it will be like- wow why did I never see/feel that before?

I will be interested in what Dr P tells you.

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Hi Everyone,

Saw Dr. P yesterday, and although it was his "professional" opinion that I do not get a "fill", he told me he would do whatever I wanted. So, I did yet one. He filled it with 3ccs. I am on liquids all day yesterday and today, so I will not know if there is a difference yet. I will let you know. He told me that of course it can very with each individual. Sometimes the small fills can make a huge difference, and sometimes they don't- each case is different. The reason why I got the fill is simply due to the fact that I have found myself hungry much before the usual 4 hours it used to take. He said that was typical once you get used to the band- And that is why it is only a tool, and that it can be adjusted. Even though I had lost over 50 pounds in 3 months he was willing to give me the fill. He is such a great doctor and really listens to what you say! I will not see him now until the first week in February, unless for some reason I need to see him earlier.

oh, and by the way, the fill did not hurt in the least bit- you will all be happy to know!

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Hello ladies! Since I came back to work last week I've been super busy, so I havent had time to post. Just wanted to say hi, and that I'm really looking forward to meeting those of you who are going tomorrow night! Yay!

I'm on mushies and doing pretty well with them. I'm still not eating enough, but I'm working on it! I've also had a lot of acid the past few days :-(

Other than that I think I've lost 20lbs! My scale and Dr. Geiss's are conflicting. I like mine better lol.

Back to work for me!


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Hi Everyone!

Hey Cappy, thanks for the response....sorry it took me so long to write back. How is DH? Hope his thyroid surgery went well yesterday and you're doing good too. Hope you will be able to sneak out a bit tomorrow and meet us....it will be nice. If not, we can always meet at another time. What town do you live in? I know a few people got together in Nov. in Sayville. Not sure who, but I wanted to go. I live in Patchogue but at the time, my son was in the hospital so I couldn't make it. Thank God all is well now.

I look forward to meeting all who are going tomorrow!

Lisa P.

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Sue, 3cc's is a very aggressive fill. Take it easy and be sure to do the liquids and then the mushies. I can't get over the fact that it sounds like he went from "no fill needed" to a very agressive 3 cc's....wow!

I hope it's just what you needed.


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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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