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Hello Ladies! I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I made my boyfriend go to our local diner to get me cream of turkey Soup lol. It was yummy though!

My gas pain is pretty much all gone now, and my stomach muscles are starting to feel not as sore. I actually slept in my bed for a few hours this morning, as opposed to sleeping on our couch that has a recliner in it as I have been since I've been home. Progress!

Amanda - I have like NO recollection of my time on the recovery floor lol. I'm glad you tried to find me though :-)

Fran - I hope youre doing well! How are doing with getting in enough protein/calories? I'm still having a hard time, but yesterday for the first time I believe I felt hungry!

Sue(s) - Thank you so much for all your support and encouraging words, they mean a lot!

I hope in the next few weeks we can all arrange a time/place to get together! :-)


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Hi All,

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday. It is definitely time for me to get a fill, I had too much turkey and actually gained 2 pounds this week....oh well, but I have been doing great up to now!

Chris, hang in there...only a few days left! We will all be routing you on!

Have a great weekend all.


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Hi Everyone!!!!

Happy belated Thanksgiving guys! Hope everyone enjoyed it as much as they could! Sorry, I haven't been checking in that much this week...glad to see the posts, seems like we're all doing pretty well!

I don't know about you guys, but Thanksgiving was TOUGH! My hunger is starting to return and it was hard watching everyone eat all that good food! The minute I walked through the door at my brothers house, I was overwhelmed by the incredible smell! But I felt so good when I left there knowing that I didn't gain any weight this holiday:smile2:

Hi Miriam: Wow, your story was a little scary! I'm sure your doctor's were aware that you have vaso-vagal syncapoe, right? Thank god the nurse was there with a chair for you, you could have fallen and really hurt yourself! Glad to hear your doing better! I'm doing really well...on day 6 post-op I finally felt like "me" again! I still have a lot of swelling, especially in the port area, but its so much better than it was! As far as my hunger goes, well, I definitely don't feel as much restriction as I did the first 5 days...I guess since the swelling has reduced, my hunger is starting to return...nothing crazy, but definitely eating sooner that I probably should....I'm having trouble getting all my Water in....honestly, I just don't think about it so much....I try to keep Water with me at all times, but even then I'm not great....working on it!

Sue0129: Hi Chris! Glad your doing well....and back at work! I'm back on Monday, its been nice being home though...don't want to go back yet:sad_smile: I am so with you, I cannot wait to get off these liquids....I'm drinking alot of Soups from Trader Joes, especially the Tomato Soup....it tastes really good, but I'm going to HATE it by the time my two weeks are up! Oh boy, eggs right now sound SOOOO GOOD!!!! Between that and the cheesy tuna recipe that I just read about on another post, I can't wait to eat!!!!

Shrinkinmom: Hey Chris! How are you doing on your liquids? Its not easy, but its really amazing how well you can do with restrictions when you know you HAVE to! I've been surrounded by food lately between the holiday, parties I've been to over the last few weeks, Friday night pizza night, having friends over for dinner while I have SOUP:glare:...I even watched my kids eat Wendy's yesterday, I wanted a french fry sooooo bad! Its been rough, but not one time did I GIVE IN to temptation... something I did on a regular basis before! When you know you HAVE to be good, it can be done! I hope your doing okay and getting through this hard time...and you'll be banded next week!!!! WHOOAAA! You must be so excited! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

Susancarole! Hey Sue! Who cares if you gained two pounds, look how AWESOME you've done up to this point! I'm so proud of you!!! I only wish I do as well as you! Keep up the great work!

Not sure how much you guys weigh yourself, but I do it every morning...I know this is the "healing" stage and we're not suppose to be concerned with how much we are losing, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks, "yeah, right" to that! Anyway, I've weighed the exact same now for 5 days! I'm eating my meals, not doing great with the water but definitely the last two days have drank my 36oz...and to boot, I've been constipated the past few days....prior to that, I had diarreah...anyway, this is all a process....the weight loss will come, I know...its just a little sad when you don't see ANY weight loss...I kind of scratch my head and say, how can that be? All I'm having is liquids? Anyone else feel this way? I know I have to incorporate some exercise, which I haven't yet...once I do that I'm sure the weight will start coming off again...I think I'm going to go to the gym today and just walk on the treadmill.

Does anyone know how much of a fill they actually had when they were banded? Did Dr. Geiss ever tell you? I don't think he puts anything in the band, does he? I can't remember what he told me during our meeting. Since I'm starting to get my appetite back some, I'm wondering if I just didn't eat much the first 5 days because I was just swollen...I see him on the 5th for a follow-up, I will ask him them....was just curious if he told any of you.

Okay, I'm done rambling! Hope everyone has a great day....and I hope we call all get together sometime in December, once Chris gets banded and is all healed up!

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Fran - what time is your appointment on the 5th? That's the day I have my follow up too! My appointment is at 8:45am UGH! I too am having a hard time getting in Water, but I'm also having a hard time getting in the Protein Shakes. Yesterday was really bad, I only had like half a Protein Shake and a little bit of Soup. I think I'm starting to feel hunger again, but I can't tell lol. I was always kind of bad with that, as strange as it sounds. I'm sitting here working on the same Protein shake now for about 20 minutes. I swear I will finish it though! Dr. Geiss told me he put about 1-2cc in my band so that when I go in for the follow up they can check to make sure it's working properly. At least I think that's what he said - God bless Demerol.

I'm actually venturing out into the real world tonight for a friends birthday - at a Chinese buffet. Ugh. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is doing well!


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Hello Everyone..

Thanks so much for your support. I can't believe that my operation is Wednesday. I agree that Thanksgiving was really hard. I made butternut squash Soup for myself. That way I felt like I had something home made, too. I hate liquids. I feel like a newborn that has had to much formula.

Fran and Mus...I am glad you are recovering quickly and that you both are feeling good. Fran, do yourself a favor and get rid of your scale. I through the batteries out in mine months ago. Enjoy this journey...the weight will come off. Don't make yourself a slave to the process. This is not a diet it is now the rest of your life.

Hi Mzcuty...Welcome to our thread. I promise this is the most friendly and supportive group you can find. I am being banded on the the 3rd by Dr. Geiss so we may pass each other in the hall.

Suecarole...I hope you enjoyed your son while he was home. I know I really began to appreciate my mother when I went away to college and our realtionship got the strongest.

Amanda--That was so nice of you to go and visit. I can't wait for us to all get together.

BTW--We are good to meet at my office on December 10th. The office is on Rt 100 in Farmingdale just north of the southern state.

I am thinking around 6:30 - 7:00. I don't want to post the address on the board so anyone who is intereated please email me at kelly@sarni.com. I will give you the address and directions.


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Fran - what time is your appointment on the 5th? That's the day I have my follow up too! My appointment is at 8:45am UGH! I too am having a hard time getting in Water, but I'm also having a hard time getting in the Protein shakes. Yesterday was really bad, I only had like half a Protein shake and a little bit of Soup. I think I'm starting to feel hunger again, but I can't tell lol. I was always kind of bad with that, as strange as it sounds. I'm sitting here working on the same Protein Shake now for about 20 minutes. I swear I will finish it though! Dr. Geiss told me he put about 1-2cc in my band so that when I go in for the follow up they can check to make sure it's working properly. At least I think that's what he said - God bless Demerol.

I'm actually venturing out into the real world tonight for a friends birthday - at a Chinese buffet. Ugh. Wish me luck!

Hope everyone is doing well!


Hey Miriam:

I will be there by 9:00 a.m. on the 5th so we should hopefully run into each other! That would be great, to finally meet! Not sure what the wait time is in Geiss's waiting room, most doctors make you sit there a while! I will definitely look for you...even though I don't know what you look like, LOL! I'll just ask everyone I see, are you Miriam? That'll work!

I live in Suffolk County. My band date is December 4th. Any other Long Isanders scheduled for the procedure next week with Dr Geiss or Dr Powell?

Welcome to the board!!! Like Shrinkinmom said, lots of great, friendly people on this board! Best of luck to you on you new journey! Any questions, please just ask!

Hello Everyone..

Fran and Mus...I am glad you are recovering quickly and that you both are feeling good. Fran, do yourself a favor and get rid of your scale. I through the batteries out in mine months ago. Enjoy this journey...the weight will come off. Don't make yourself a slave to the process. This is not a diet it is now the rest of your life.

BTW--We are good to meet at my office on December 10th. The office is on Rt 100 in Farmingdale just north of the southern state.

I am thinking around 6:30 - 7:00. I don't want to post the address on the board so anyone who is intereated please email me at kelly@sarni.com. I will give you the address and directions.


Hey Chris!

I don't think I'll be able to make the 10th....my hubby is having neck surgery on the 8th and will be immobile for a few days...I don't think he'll be able to take care of the kids. I guess I'll play it by ear, but more than likely won't be there. I'll e-mail you at the above address if anything changes. Thanks!

Hope everyone is well and having a good weekend!

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Hi Everyone!

Fran, you have to stop weighing yourself every day! PLEASE......I know this because I was just like you....doing it every day and it is not good for your mind! I weigh myself once a week and even then people say that it is too much. And believe it or not, when I was on liquids (weighing myself every day, I was not losing weight either!) You are probably not having enough calories yet and your body is in starvation mode. Once you are up to the solids and about 1000 calories, I promise you....you will lose weight like everyone else!

Keep your chin up girl----the hardest part is over!

Chris....I am really going to try to make it on the 10th. Please email me the directions when you have a chance.

Only two more days for you- I am really excited for you!

Miriam, you sound much better now, glad to hear it!

Welcome to Mzcutyonduty!

And hi to everyone else....Lisa(s), Nicolle, Sue129, Amanda, Chris and Everyone else...


Edited by susancarole

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Hey Everyone,

Happy Belated Thanksgiving! Nice to hear that everyone is coming along so well. I am finally feeling almost normal since I transitioned to "mushy food" - thank goodness!

I won't be able to make it on the 10th because of work and am pretty bummed about that. Thank you Chris for organizing and best wishes on your surgery! Please keep me in mind for the next time and if anyone has time, let me know how it went. I'm still feeling a little emotional over the whole change and really appreciate your stories, questions etc.


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Hi Everyone,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things around my house have been a bit hectic. I have 2 sons who are absolutely wonderful but there's been a few health issues and concerns and anyone out there with kids understands how hard it is when things happen with your kids. So I've been busy back and forth at the hospital with one and making doctors appointments for my other. But we're praying all will be well. Hope all is well with you all. Glad to hear of the successul bandings and we all made it through Thanksgiving....thank God!

Cappy: You asked the question about how much Dr. Geiss puts in the band at the surgery. I was told it could be anywhere from 1-2 cc's. I was quite suprised when I went in for my first fill and the nurse aspirated what was in my band and she said there was 2.7 cc's! No wonder I was feeling restriction right from the beginning. She only put in 0.5 cc's my first and only fill so far and my restriction is just right.

I hope to meet you all on Dec 10th. It will be great to finally meet.

Keep up the good work all of you and stay happy!

Lisa P. :biggrin:

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Howdy all! I'm getting ready to venture out on my own for the first time today! I drove for the first time last night and it went pretty well. I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow - UGH! Totally not looking forward to that. I kinda want to stay home until I can see Dr. Geiss on Friday. This liquid stuff is kicking my toush! I have NO energy whatsoever, and very little to no appetitie, so I really havent been getting in the protein/calories that I *know* I need to be. I seriously can't wait to get to mushies lol!

Fran - I'll be the super groggy one Friday morning lol. I'm very much not an early morning person. Not sure what I'll be wearing yet, but most likely it will consist of sweat pants and a sweat shirt lol. I can't wait to get to meet you!

As for the 10th, I'm in - I work until 7pm, but I can more than likely leave at 6:30 to get there by 7. I work in Massapequa, so it's not that far for me.

Who's surgeries are this week? I though we had some. Good luck to anyone having surgery this week! :-D

Hi to Sue(s), Chris, Debbie and anyone else that I missed! I'm really bad at keeping track of names. I gotta start writing them down. No matter, I feel the love of this board and that's all that matters! :biggrin:


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Hi Everyone! I am definitely getting lost with all of the names but I know it will be easier when we all meet in person. I am glad to hear everyone seems to be doing well. Well, I lost 20 pounds so far...since my initial consult. Of course this includes the preop diet but that's okay. I'm on soft foods now for another week and then I can start regular foods. So far I have not had any difficulties. I go back on Dec 29 for my second visit...and maybe my first fill. I haven't had much of an appetitie at all. I have also had some nausea...has anyone else had that? I don't have that much energy...probably not getting enough Protein and Water...but I am trying. I have also been pretty emotional...anyone else feeling that way?

I understand everyone is meeting on Dec. 10...I would like to try to be there too. Where is the meeting, what time, etc? Please keep me posted.

I wish all the best to everyone...keep in touch!


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Hi Everyone!

Fran, you have to stop weighing yourself every day! PLEASE......I know this because I was just like you....doing it every day and it is not good for your mind! I weigh myself once a week and even then people say that it is too much. And believe it or not, when I was on liquids (weighing myself every day, I was not losing weight either!) You are probably not having enough calories yet and your body is in starvation mode. Once you are up to the solids and about 1000 calories, I promise you....you will lose weight like everyone else!

Keep your chin up girl----the hardest part is over!

Hi Sue!

I know, I know....stay away from the scale!!!! Every morning I say I'm NOT going to get on and then the next thing I know, I'm on...anyway, I went 5 days without losing and since then, I've dropped like another 5.5lbs....I think your right, I wasn't getting in enough calories and my body went into starvation mode...so now I'm really trying hard to get in my 6 meals! And I'm getting better with the Water too! Thanks for you advice, I really appreciate it! How are you doing?

Hello to all my fellow Novemberer's! I hope everyone is doing well!

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Hi Everyone,

Cappy: You asked the question about how much Dr. Geiss puts in the band at the surgery. I was told it could be anywhere from 1-2 cc's. I was quite suprised when I went in for my first fill and the nurse aspirated what was in my band and she said there was 2.7 cc's! No wonder I was feeling restriction right from the beginning. She only put in 0.5 cc's my first and only fill so far and my restriction is just right.

I hope to meet you all on Dec 10th. It will be great to finally meet.

Keep up the good work all of you and stay happy!

Lisa P. :cursing:

Hi Lisa!

Thanks for answering my question! I'm sure he told me at the consultation, but I really don't remember...I'm not feeling a lot of restriction anymore....the first 4 or 5 days I definitely had a lot of restriction but since then I don't feel as much....I figured I probably didn't have much in the band and had restriction due to swelling....I'll find out for sure on Friday, I go for my follow-up then. You sound like you have just enough restriction, which is awesome! Can't wait till I'm there...by the way, did the fill hurt at all? Thanks!

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Hi Cappy,

Glad I as able to help with your question. The fill really didn;t hurt. She missed my port the first try but got it on the second. They use a thin needle and I find it's easier not to look as they are inserting it....once it's in, you don't feel a thing. It's really no big deal. And yes, I do believe I'm at the right restriction now. It's so strange to know what's the right restriction for YOU. Everyone's different and I've read on this site that some people like to be so tight that they can hardly eat! I don't understand that....there was a point that I felt a bit too tight for my liking but now I'm ok. I would rather go with me having a bit more will power than to worry if what I eat isn't chewed so well and fear getting stuck and having to pb. I've been losing at a steady and consistent rate....I can't complain and am so thankful for this tool we have.

Stay well everyone!

Lisa P. :cursing:

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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