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Hi All,

Mandy... Your daughter will be in my prayers... I hope the medication changes will help with the weight gain. She is very lucky to have such a loving and caring Mom. :eek:

Dianne... So glad that Lucy has got her groove back! (((hugs)))

Beanie... So glad you had a fun vacation and don't worry about the gain... that is what vacation is all about!

Anne... Hope you had fun running errands and hope I follow through with the plan to workout... I feel like a big bump on a log!

Kat... I bet you are going to be able to buy a sporty little t-shirt at the next rally... won't that be awesome??/!!!

Patty... Hope you enjoyed your last day of freedom! You have cyber exercise buddies... right here. :P

Eileen... Glad you are here... don't be askeered... we'll protect you from the evil hacker...even if LBT seemingly seems unconcerned. I make this assumption as there have been zero announcements about any of the ruckus.

Cindy...LOL... one of these days you are going to forget to cover us up on your computer screen...lol I think the make-up thingy party would be fun... as long as I don't have to do it....hehehehehe.

Allison... It sounds like you all had a great time with the party...so glad! I'm not much of a party gal... when my DD had her B-Day party with 8 young teenage girls I thought I would need a rubber room by the time they went home... OH THE DRAMA.


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what a day! I am sooo frustrated right now!!! First of all just a little backround. When I got pregnant I moved back in with my mother so i could get some help with my son. my 77 year old granmother lives with us. She is making my life a living hell. She has dyamenta and she is border line crazy. She miss places everything. I swear I can set something down for a matter of mins and its very likely that i will never see it again. It gets very frustrating when it happens over and over and over agin. She asks me the same handful of questions allll the time. and now she is going to the neighbors and telling them that we are mean to her and were stealing her money and god knows what else. Now she has taken this to a whole new leavel. People are calling me that were at the party and they are telling me that my grandma was pulling all my friends aside and telling them how mean we are to her and how we wont let her leave the house. that we make her clean the house all day when we go to work and that she gets in trouble if she dosent. I know she is sick but I just feel soooooo betrayed right now. I am the sole care taker for my grandma. And I do as much as all her shopping, doctors appointment, I take her to the movies, I do her laundry, I fix her dinner everynight. I help her with her banking. And I just feel like it is a complete smack in the face. Her whole family has left her, and the only people she has left she makes to look like animals. I think it might be hard for me to move out. but thats a whole nother issue. I cant afford to live on m own near my family. im just frustrated!!!! sorry guys i needed to talk

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Yikes, my mother turned 75 today, (she's a fellow bander, I might add), I feel so blessed she has her health.

Hopefully, your "friends" know you well enough to know she's not well and IF they're your true friends, they will not judge you.


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Good Morning Y'all!

I just can't seem to get caught up on here! Gosh, you miss a day of posting and you miss a lot!

I went to the foot doctor yesterday, he said I could just keep doing what I am doing. It is getting better, but it will never go away completely. I need to have special supports made for my feet, but not right now. He wants them to heal up really good before he tries that. So, I guess I just keep babying them. :eek:

Pat - Spend all the time you can with your DM, we just never get to have them long enough. I hope she had a great birthday!

Natesmom - Honey, most people know what the real truth is. I think a lot of older people go through that. My heart goes out to you.

Darcy - Hope you get that exercising in. I started Monday doing some leg lifts, etc. I would rather walk, but that is out of the question. I wouldn't make it very far with this foot anyway!

Beanie - Glad you had a good time. Nice to see ya back here too!

Dianne - Glad Lucy is better! They are so much like kids, we hurt so much when they get sick.

Eileen - I don't know why you are having problems, I have been to every site on here even the hackers to lock/delete them and haven't had any problems. Are you sure it is from this site?

Mary - Hey girl, don't feel too bad, I think between parents nipping the childs ear and them cutting all their hair off, that they all go throught this at some time or another.

Mandy - Your trip sounds wonderful. We definately need pictures after the make-over. I'll keep dd in my prayers.

Anne - Glad to see you here today! I love your avatar too!

Patty - Hang in there girl, good things come to those that wait!

Cindy - I saw you get your hand slapped! I just laughed, I thought you would come back and get her, I guess it was best to just walk away!:P

Well, I know I forgot some people, but I am running late now. I have to grab my lunch and run not walk out the door!

Later my friends!

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Good Morning,

Pat, those hurricane pictures (okay tropical storm) were scary. Are things back to order? Oh BTW, your phone will ring again today :P I musta missed you yesterday. Boss is gone today, no kids and I FINALLY have time to talk. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM !!!!!

Allison, is your G'ma on any sort of medicine ? My mom who is 79 kinda does the same thing. I know its VERY difficult living with some one like that but try to remember, she really doesn't mean what she says and is doing, its sort of like they can't help themselves. Its hard for us b/c we don't understand why they are doing what they do, all we see is the hurtful things they say and do and think hmmmmm they are just being that way when in fact its really a disease. Just remind your friends of her illness and to take things with a grain of salt. Trust me when I say I know how hard it is. Hang in there honey!!! you've got alot on your shoulders.

Mandy, gee girl, you too have your hands full too with your little darling daughter. Depression / anxiety is not fun for adults, I can't imagine how it is for children (well yes I can). My neice has ADHD and for anxiety the doctor put her on Stratara (sp?)... she lost SOOOOOOOOOOO much weight (which she needed to) and it helps her so much its incredible. Her schooling is turned around 100% and she is now getting much better grades. I pray the meds your DD is on will help and you'll start to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Your a good Mama :eek:

Betty, glad the tootsies are healing, YES baby them WAAH!!! its better than having an operation thats for sure. Yes this site only. When I click on LTB and log in, my home pc gets slammed with that hacked site. I cleaned out my PC, got rid of the Cookies and the infected things they throw on my PC... I'm good to go for a while and then bam.... it happens again. I won't be on my home PC until this weekend so we'll see what happens. As long as I'm at work it seems to be okay.

Patty, gee girlie, I'm so sorry Channing gets those feeling, my gosh how heart breaking that is. When I was on Zoloft for post partum depression after my dd was born, I had some wicked thoughts myself. What I didn't know at that time was antidepressants can cause sucidal thoughts... the second I found out I stopped taking Zoloft, and went on Welbutrin... my gosh what a world of difference that made. I think doctors should really inform their patience when taking them, just as a precaution. I never had thoughts like that before and it scared the heck out of me. How did swim class go for him yesterday? Hey good for you for wanting to return to curves.. you go girl :P

Kat, don't blame you for not wanting to buy clothes, I do the same thing. But work forces me to buy clothes. My 262 lb pants just don't cut it here LOLOL.

Beanie.... welcome home and hey, i started my WL journey again yesterday too. I ate everything last week as well and refuse to get on the scale until I've done some good days of eating well. Hang in there.

Cindy, how's school going? are the kids back into the groove yet? How's your DD ???? is she liking school this year?

Darcy, I can't answer that question of if I knew it was my last day.... that is just to sad LOLOL I honestly don't know what i would do cept hold my DD and DH tight.

Annie bananie fo fannie... wow, kids start school next week? thats pretty late but my friend's kids don't start until the 25th WHHHOOOO. Why do they do that?? bet its to drive the parents NUTZ !!

Dianne, ya ready for your trip? bet your excited... I know I would be. What day do you leave?

Sherry LOVE LOVE LOVE your puppy pictures, how darling is that little boy. Ccan I have em?

Chrispy.... where are ya love?

WHERE'S DOC AKA DONNA ?????? not like her to fall of the face of LBT? I miss her :(

Nothing much is new here..... well there is but I don't have the energy to whine LOLOL :guess I'm off to the cafeteria for some milk for my tea.... ever since being banded i crave hot tea WTF? makes me feel like the old lady that I am. I really want a bagel with taylor ham and cheese but I'll pass :(

You know girls........I have confirmed that I am the oddest person on the planet (wait is it 8 or 9 planets in our solar system now.... maybe today were're at 7) anyway back on subject........ I know that all or most of you can't eat bread products, Pasta, rice.... but for me, it seems to be the easiest thing to eat WTF? I have no problem what so ever. :P I'd rather have toast than anything else b/c it goes down easy. Anyhooooo.

I'll be back later to chat.


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Darcy-I spoke to soon about Lucy! She woke us up 3 times last night same thing! But I did give her the compressed rawhide last night to chew on and some dog food. So today she's getting neither and well see how it goes! I think rawhide is out for life. Gotta find another chew toy!

Natesmom-I hear your frustration and hurt. It must be so hard. I am very blessed my DGM is turning 98 in November and she is great DM is 74 and doing well. Good luck hugs hang in there you know the truth and as hard as it is I know that this is pretty common with older people.

Betty-I'm glad the foot is starting to get better. What a bummer it's been such a long haul for you..Hugs..

Mandy-How old is you DD I forgot what you said. My DD goes through a lot also. It hurts so bad cause you want to be the best mom you can and fix it. Feel free to PM me about stuff. BIG HUGs

Eileen-I can eat Pasta also. I go to restaurants and when they bring the bread I never say no WTF then when the real food comes guess what! You'd think I'd learn! I have been on a chi tea kick since being banned. Only at Star Bucks though $! Bt it is a treat to have it once in a while. They now have SB's in Target..OMG... We leave on the 21st from Brooklyn! Can't wait!

Well we will see how Lucy does today! URGH I'm still real ache and sore and I"m really thinking of calling the Dr to go in and whine. I

think the fill is working however at night I have to do something with the cravings! I'm working on it. I'm doing my weigh in and measurements at curves on Friday....so we'll see...I hope I see 189, but I'm not counting on anything.

Gotta run talk to you when I get back

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Eileen... Most Docs actually do give that warning now...and that warning was with my Wellbutrin when I picked it up at the drugstore. My doc told me about the potential for thoughts of suicide when he started me on the Wellbutrin in August. Man... I wish I could eat toast... *sigh* Bread... beautiful bread... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Betty... Keep babying that foot girl! Oh... and I did go workout this morning... YAY. THey all looked at me like...hmpf... lookie who really needs to burns some calories! THat's the only bad thing about the place I chose to exercise... nobody seems to be fat. I feel like a big tub-O-lard when I am there. Anyhoo... keep up those leg lifts and the swimming and you'll get all of the exercise your bod needs!

Allison... The other girls really covered the subject well but I just wanted to tell you to hang in there... dementia is tough for ANYONE to handle... and it is really hard on the family members. If it cheers you up at all... my Grandma was like that without dementia. I took care of her after her hip surgery and was about ready to lead her into traffic by the time my Mom took over. (((hugs)))

Pat...Hey... how is your Mom doing???? Has she had any success with her band????

Well... I'm bound and determined to accomplish things today! Working out will mean nothing if I don't keep the ole tush on the move!

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Whoops Dianne... You must have been posting when I was! Aw man... Sorry about Lucy. I can't give Ava anything but the Royal Canine... if she has treats... cheese... hotdogs... milk bones... ANYTHING else... diarrheaville here we come! She can't even eat the food our other pup is eating without getting the squirts. The only thing that I can half get away with giving her for a chewing/busy time is a Kong with a small amount of Peanut Butter smeared on the inside. SOmetime you can soak nylabones in chicken broth and they will take an interest in them... ANyhoo... I finally figured the Royal Canine was expensive but cheaper than going to the vet every week...lol. Ava is a ball FREAK so I use those for rewards. I keep a basket full of them and when she does nice things like come when I call her... lay quietly... etc... I give her one. Sometimes I see her look at the basket and then... you can see her brain working... hmmmmm... what was it I was doing the last time she gave me one of those???? :( Anyhoo... Hope Lucy feels better soon!

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Good Morning,

Darcy, thanks for asking, she's done pretty well, she has more to go, but had to have a complete unfill a few weeks ago due to esophag problems, so as she tells it, she's "wide open". I suppose you know the feeling.

So, how are you doing with your latest fills and where is Becky?

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Pat... Oh Dear... I sure hope she is able to tolerate fills again at some point! I just have my wee 1 cc in my band and it seems to be enough to keep me from gaining but not enough to help me lose all that I gained back. Oh well! Becky and her hubby have been taking quite a few Harley riding trips this summer so I haven't chatted with her as often as usual.

Well... My hubby turns 50 tomorrow... he is not all that happy about it...lol. I was going to plan a surprise party but he has made it pretty clear he doesn't want a party. *poo* I suppose it's all for the best... he'd just turn around and get me on my 40th in July...lol.

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Aren't ya'll the busy posters! I will, for sure, miss somebody, so forgive me, okay?

Hi, Beanie! Sounds like you had so much fun! Congrats on RUNNING! I know it is a wonderful realization that you can do something that you previously couldn't do!

Betty, you cracked me up on the hand-slapping comment. I was aching to get her, but I just threw my hands in the air and told myself, "The juice ain't worth the squeeze!" LOL! Take care of that foot!

Allison, I am sorry about what you are going through with your GM. Dementia or Alzheimer's is extremely difficult. Do yourself a favor and look around for a local support group for caretakers. It will help you understand that your frustration is normal and understandable. There may even be some respite programs that can help you, too. There are always ways to find some help, if you look for it. You come here anytime and vent! Your friends must know the truth, and if they don't, who needs 'em? Hang in there, girl.

Dianne, rawhide treats and chews cause intestinal problems in lots of dogs, so I'd eliminate that first and see if that might be the problem. It's cheaper than vet bills. We have these treats called Pupcorn, than come in a plastic tub, and look like little cheese puffs. They are supposed to be healthier than Milkbones, and our dogs like them.

Eileen, you had a fun post to read today...psssssst....I can eat bread, too. I just try not to very often. I've just never had trouble with it, ever. In fact, the only food I've had trouble with is chicken. Wouldn't you know? All the other foods that cause problems for people (shrimp, pineapple, broccoli, etc., I can eat--no problem!)

Darcy, you are the best resident veterinarian! Have you ever been to vet school? Maybe I'm supposed to know that, but I forgot...

Pat, it is just great that you are here so often! You always bring a smile with you! Even your "urrrrgh" stories are kinda funny (probably not to you, but it's the way you write them!)

Mandy, just like everyone else has already said, you are a wonderful and loving mother, and you are doing all you can to help your DD. Everything will work out. Sorry it is so much to handle, but God picked the right mom, that's for sure!

Sorry for those I have skipped...many apologies. I have a room full right now, and gotta go explain similes and metaphors and dialect and why it is better not to date seriously when you are 16 and how to be a good father when you are only 17. There's always lots to do around here!

More later, hugs, Cindy

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Hi everyone-

Hope all of you are good today!

Dianne--sorry to hear Lucy had another rough night. I know like someone said, my old dog Chelsea loved rawhide, but they did not love her. Hope all goes well with her.

Cindy--how's school? It sounds like you and your DD are on the go all the time!!!

Pat--Hope your DM had a wonderful birthday!!!

Betty--Have you ever tried Birkenstocks? They were recommended to me when I was told I needed orthotics made for my shoes. Still to this day if my knees or back or feet hurt, I can put them on, and they help!!! Go ahead, be a hippie girl with me!!

Darcy--I am hoping for a little sporty t-shirt, but this belly has got to go!!! Tell DH --HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! I don't blame him, a big party is not my style either. My DH and I are 2 weeks apart in age, he is older!!! The year we turned 40, I woke up to all this noise outside, cars honking and all. My DS (he was not so dear that day) had TP'd the entire yard and house, had signs from our house to the highway about Look Who's 40, and Over the Hill. Big banners on the porch and the garage door, black balloons all over, blacked out all of our vehicle windows, tombstones in the yard...it was unreal. We had all gone out the night before, he had come in and done it and not woke us up, but OMG it was unbelievable! People stopped to take pictures! So I say be nice, he WOULD get even!!

Mandy--how is it going with your DD in her new classroom? Hope her meds get straightened out, kids have enough to worry about!

Beannie--I told you in the picture thread...my ankles have ALWAYS been the thinnest part of me...sometimes I wonder how they support my round body!!! Glad vacation was fun, welcome back!!

Allison--We had a neighbor in a similar situation, and yes the Gma. had told us they stole her money...probably all the same type of things. We (all of us in the general neighborhood) got a little note from the daughter who she was living with, explaining that "Mom is slowly losing her mind due to....and she tends to make up stories, and also tries to wander off, so if you should see her out and about alone, or if something seems strange, or out of the ordinary at our house, please let us know at the following numbers, or if she seems in danger please call the police ASAP. You could send something similar, and even let them know she tends to pick things up and move them so if they have been at your house and ended up missing something to let you know. It would let the people know there are problems, and you may find support in ways you don't expect. I know we as neighbors sure did more knowing the situation across the street. I hope you find a solution, it is a hard place to be, you love her, and are so frustrated by her all in the same breath. You will all be in my prayers.

Patty--you and your boys will be right there in those prayers too. I think a call to his prescribing Dr. may be in order. Good Luck Hon, don't forget we are ALWAYS here!!

Eileen--mmmm I love toast, haven't tried any lately, I ate an English muffin for Breakfast, so I might be able to....hmmmmmm probably better that I think I can't!!

Sherry--Chris--Anne--Mary--where ya at???

Well time to get supper going...sorry if I missed ya, will catch up with you soon!


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Hello ladies,

Just popping on to say hello. Today was a long day. We had DD's preschool orientation (school starts Monday - yay!!) and ran a bunch of errands. I also cleaned the kitchen for what felt like 2 hours. I don't know what it is - my entire house can be falling down around my ears but if the kitchen is clean all is right in the world. Is it just me?

It's after midnight so I'm going to head off to bed... hope you're all having a good night! :notagree

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Good moooooooooooornin my friends,

Just popping in while I'm getting ready for work to let you know I'm alive...super busy (as usual) but, I'll try to pop on tonight. Made an awesome zucchini bacon quiche if you'd like the recipe yummmmy

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Good morning.

I'm skipping curves this morning but bringing my curves clothes with me so I will not come home before I go! URGH I don't feel like it!

Anyway off to running around. See ya later.

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