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September's Chat

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Mandy:I think I missed something.... are you visiting Disneyland in California? The one 15minutes from my house? Please tell.

Pat:I don't get it..... a breast lift doesn't require an insert and these Beverly Hills guys do it all the time. Time for a second opinion maybe? I think perky without the implant would be the way to go.... these docs are SO hung up on Pam Anderson.

Hey Beanie: Glad to see you!

Cindy:Yeah, I need the attorney. Tired of wasted time. My daddy passed away at age 56 and that doesn't leave me alot of time to get my health back. It will be money well spent.

Hey kids, gotta go to work..... bye

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Patty, I wish I was doing Disneyland.... I have never been there. I am doing 5 days in Disney World, we go twice a year. I am originally from Jacksonville FL so that is almost home for me. I cry everytime we have to leave, mostly cuz, I am comming back to Chicago usually frozen. In March we were there 10 days and it was in the upper 80's the whole time. We came home to lower 40's and icy rain. This time we are leaving 50's and arriving in Orlando in the 90's. I will want to stay this time too I am sure. My poor husband always has to deal with me crying at the airport. I am usually planning our next trip before we are even on the plane to come home. We are stuck here until dh retires in a million years. We are as far east as Union Pacific Rail Road goes and that is where he works. He wants to retire and move to Winter Garden FL and work for Disney as a conductor on the Disney railroad or run a monorail. When I am there I am totally happy, when I am here I am there in spirit. ~Mandy

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Hi everybody!

Pat, well, I don't know what to say about the "girls". I guess what you want is what you should do...a second opinion never hurts, though. I would be hesitant about inserts, too.

Mandy, my mom was in a wheelchair when we went, and it turned out to be a great thing! Special areas for watching the parades, special lines for riding the rides (you can leave the wheelchair behind, then ride, then get back in...it was great! The Disney busses were totally set up for taking on wheelchair guests, and everyone was so nice! We were even thinking if we didn't NEED a wheelchair, we should pretend we did! Just something to think about! I am sorry about your bone loss...I too had very much trouble with Depo. I hope you get everything sorted out with that. I only took it for a year, how long have you been on it?

Patty, I don't blame you for having a lawyer...sometimes it really does pay to get someone who knows what they are doing! I've had to do that in regard to the estate issue. It's not free, that's for sure! yeck.

DD left this morning...all happy and excited. I'm the one who worries about everything...she's just matter-of-fact. I guess that's good, huh? Tonight, I'm taking a friend to dinner for her birthday...no plans (really, Pat!) for the next two nights!

Hugs to all, Cindy

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Well ladies, a second opinion is my next step. The doctor's office called back today and said they would NOT be doing a follow up with the ins co for a breast reduction, that a LIFT would be strictly cosmetic...WTF?

My appt was for a reduction, he even said he could probably get the amount required for ins to consider.

So, I'm checking out new places today.

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Mandy my sons friend was ina wheel chair when we went to Disney 2 yrs ago it was an awesome thing and we got front row seats for all rides/shows and they let you and the whole party in regardless if its 2 or 20 we hooked up with some frineds from our town down there and we all walked around togehter and when they asked how many we just said 11 in the party and they sat us all YEAH...


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I already have a note for a Guest Assistance pass (now only works for 6 total in the party) My daughter has some medical and psych issues and they give us a pass for her. I have a note for my foot from the podiatrist so that's not a problem at all. I will consider a wheelchair if the pain is bad. ~Mandy

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Mandy, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! I hope a trip to the World will lift your spirits! It's definitely magic!

Pat, good luck with the next step. I hope you find a doctor who can make it happen for you!

So, what's everyone up to tonight? I just got home from going out to eat with my pal for her birthday. I ordered a salad (you know how big they are). I asked for a to-go container, and put half of it in there, first thing. I ate the rest, but the cool thing is that the waiter, without being asked, brought me a to-go container of Salad Dressing for my to-go salad! Wasn't that nice? I gave him a great tip! Kinda reawakens your appreciation for the human race!

See ya tomorrow!


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We ate at cheddars and the waiter had helped us before and remembered that my daughter likes Ranch for her fries. He also remembered that I can't have the broccoli casserole, it comes with the meal and he offered a sub, he also got a very nice tip.

I went to Petsmart and returned the sweater that I had bought for the puppy, we have pretty much given up on finding him. When we return from Disney we are going to look for either a Pug or Boston Terrier or a mix of the two. I would also consider a shnauzer (sp?) I am looking for something less than 25 pounds that is good with kids and known to be a good family dog. I love the face of the pug and the ears on the bostons. I would love a little tea cup anything but I know that would be a bad choice with Abigale. We also looked into Italian Greyhounds, but they are soooo fragile and hard to potty train. Anyone have any other suggestions? We really want to get something soon, like before the weather gets too bad to really work on potty training. I would also like something to be "at home" here by the holidays.

On a sadder note, I think my older cat is taking a turn for the worse. He has lost weight, that was a good thing, he was very heavy when we adopted him, but now he is getting too thin and he is looking really bad. I don't think he is going to make it through another Christmas, he is almost 9 and was overweight his entire life, he has spine problems but seems to be mobile with no pain right now, he has a history of bowel problems, but those are all resolved with better food and lots of Water. He is just not himself lately. I was putting laundry away this morning and he never even looked up at me, he is normally Mr attention. I guess age and the medical problems are taking their toll on his poor body. He is my baby and I will miss him terribly when he is gone. The vet says there isn't much we can do for him except keep him comfortable and give him lots of love, we might have another 4 months with him. It's hard to watch him slowly going but I know that the last 3 1/2 years have been good for him and I plan on making each and everyday just as good. Sorry to bring evryone down but I needed to vent. I am sure that I will feel better tomorrow, but today was rough on all of us here.

On a brighter note I am all packed. I unpacked some of my capri's and repacked some shorts in their place. I was affraid that the capris would be hard to get over a cast. Oh and a huge NSV, I bought 12's for this trip and they fit. I also managed to wear and 11 1/2 in juniors today, they were stretch jeans but they fit and looked good. I will check in tomorrow after I see the band doc, I am going for a slight unfill, my allergies are acting up and I am a bit too tight, I can actually feel my band when I lay down or if I drink anything super cold. It's weird. I'll let you all know how it goes. ~Mandy

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mandy I have a shitzu poodle mix what a little love she is only 11-13 pounds depends on how often she visits my inlaws they live next door and love to give her icecream and dounuts. she is 14 yrs old and very hard of hearing. DH got her for me when I was doing MS. Petite New Jersey pageant. I didnt take first (and all I wanted was a rhienstone crown..) but I did finish 25th in the entire state and he thought I needed a little something with rhienstones, it wasnt a crown it was Sophia with a little rhienstone collar.

look into that.


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Morning y'all!

I hope I don't fall asleep at work today, I was awake all night and I feel like a zombie! I sure could go to sleep right now that it is time to walk out the door!

Mandy - Have fun on your trip! It sounds like a fun time, make sure to take some pictures too! Wow! Congrats on that size 12!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Pat - I agree on the second opinion, from all I have read and watched, you don't need inserts they bring them up during the surgery.

I'm sorry I don't have more time to post, just wanted to pop in and say hello to y'all. I didn't get a chance to get here last night, the neighbor invited us over for supper and it was so good! I was so tired I came home and didn't do anything. Of course once I went to bed, the head games kept me awake. I wonder why we do that sometimes. Sometimes I go for 3 weeks doing this and then it's over. I hope it don't last that long this time!

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Good Morning,

Its been the week from HECK!!! I'm sorry for the quick personals.

Pat the only way my boobs would be perky is if they tied them behind my back... good luck with the 2nd opinion. WTF is right. Ohhh the hole is just peachy SNORT~

Mandy, hope your foot is better OUCH!!!!

Cindy.... tell that boss of yours to leave you alone... then tell my boss to leave me alone :wacko:

Darcy love, how are you feeling?? are the treatments making you ill? better not or I'll smack the crap out of your doctor.

Patty.... how's work these days?

Betty... what did you do on your birthday.. and yes, I want every kinky detail naaaaaaaaaah naaaaaaaaaaah.

Beanie NO october... well F* them !!!! :wacko: jk.

Rita I'm in the Ramsey area ;D Bergen County.

Yesterday I was in such a rush to get to work.... and I decided, well let me take the stairs instead of the escalator... you know exercise... well let me just confirm that stupid exercise is not healthy..it'll kill yah. I triped going up those concreate stairs and riped the chit out of my knees.... looks like rug burn and that I was a naughty girl when infact I was behaving..... From now on, its the moving stairs for me... F* exercise LOLOL. Other than that, things are so busy here I can't see strait.. fun fun joy joy. :bored

How is everyone this fine hump day???? SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE !!!!

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Good afternoon, gals!

Mandy, sorry about your kitty. I've been there and it is hard. I just remind myself that it is worth it, to have the companionship of a pet and the unconditional love they offer. Everything has a price, and that's the price. I'll pay it every time. Hugs, friend. Wow! 11/12! That seems like a foreign language to me! I'm so proud of an 18! You are so petite, I swear you DO remind me of Tinkerbelle!

Eileen, do they teach this obnoxious managment style in some mysterious school somewhere???????? Isn't it kinda odd, you being in corporate world and me being in education world, and both of us having the micro-managers hovering around all day? Things that make you go, Hmmmmm? Sorry about your bum knees...I'll join you in the F*** exercise group. I WANT to like it, and sometimes I really do, but it's the very first thing that gets left off if there's a choice! LOL!

HI, Mary!

Hi Pat, Beanie, Betty, Sherry, Dianne (still cruisin?), Patty, Darcy (are you still glowing?) and EVERYONE ELSE!

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Girls :

I Entered one derland I Lost 10 More Since My 2 Week Today Was My 6 Week Omg I Cant Believe It I Want My Christmas Goal To Be 175 Do You Think Its To Drastic????? Dr Abkin Sadi I Am Doing Wonderfully.

Let Me Know What You Think I Am 198 Right Now. Wink, Smile And Very Happy

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so much going on for all of you!

I am still swamped - no doubt it will take me a month to catch everything up to the appropriate levels without the meager help of the gal who is out on surgery leave.

Let's see... new for me - I have actually gone to the gym twice this week and my DH and I are scheduled to go back tonight. I guess I have gotten the motivation for that much, at least.

I don't know why I even fight the exercise thing. I feel great after only two days of doing it. Aside from the fact that my knees make really awful crunchy noises... it's all good. I figure it's a race against the remaining cartilage in my knees. Which will last longer? the Cartilage, or the extra Hundred pounds on my body? I guess we will see....

My scale has not recovered from my last trip to NYC - it is still showing 3 lbs heavier than I was before I left... *sigh* I suppose that it would be better if I didn't eat everything in the Big Apple while I was there... But, I will get past this and then continue on toward the magic 299. My Christmas goal is the get below 300 lbs! The re-dedication to exercise is my main weapon in that.

Actually, the fact that I am not going to NYC in October will help. I won't have that whole "gain 10 lbs while I am on my trip" thing to overcome. AND I won't have any excuse for a disruption to my excercise regimen for a whole month.

I was supposed to go back to my band doc next week - but I just saw him a month ago - and I haven't lost any weight since then!! So - I pushed him back to the first week in November. I don't want to get lectured by him again, at least not so soon.


Well, I have to get back to the old grind.

Love you guys!!

Some day, maybe I will get a chance to do personals again.


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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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