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Awwww bummer Eileen! I put off going to the dentist for like 5 years... holy cow did I ever pay the price! I will never...ever...ever...ever do that again! I'd love ta take ya out for a drink when they are done wit ya tho...hehehehe.

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Rita... I thought that was you dancing beside me!!!! hehehehe

Cindy... no problems... tis all good... now I will get to work my way to being HYPOthyroid... yuck. My daughter has had lessons in cooking for the last two nights as I am not supposed to cook ( ah darn)... she is now well versed in making chili dogs and a Homebake box mix. :) this whole thing may make me an expert at delegation! :)

Betty... Nope.. no sleeping with the hubby for 7 days! It's me... and the couch and late nights with Jerry Springer...lol. I wanted to watch Grey's but also love CSI... so had to chose. *pout* I think Grey's is going to be on again tonight so hopefully I will get to catch it! Hope you got a better nights sleep girl!

Beanie... Glad you were out of harms way and boy howdy... you sure do get to do some exciting things! NYC would probably eat me alive...lol... not to mention suck the pocket book dry! Have a safe trip home!

SHerry... Hope you hear about the job soon! Sorry about the retirement thang... hopefully you'll find a way to cut yourself lose from the job market sooner than 70!

Pat...what is your ID on Pogo again? I don't think I can play in the same rooms as you do since I am a bargain bin user...lol. I also get booted from rooms due to advertisements ... hmmm... maybe I'll join up one of these days but until then I hand out on the easy loner games...lol.

Dianne ... Hope you are off having a great time!

Kat... Glad your hubby's check went so well!!!! I'm sure you both have a very long future to enjoy together!

Okay...have to go check on my daughter's dinner creation...lol.


Oh...what the heck are we going to do about Donna???? Does anyone know her last name so that we can hunt her down and make sure she is okay????

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Hey girls! I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I know I haven't been around in quite a while. Things have been busy here, especially at work. I've been working a lot of extra hours trying to get caught up before I leave for two weeks. I've also gone ahead and agreed to help out on a project my volunteer group is running. It is a lot more work than I planned on. I never learn my lesson! lol

I am taking my mom in for her band surgery on Monday, and then it's my turn the following Monday. I can hardly believe it is here already!

Anyway, even if I don't post I do check in every now and again and read the posts. I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well.


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best of luck to your mom, sorry your busy at work but better to busy then not to have a job the attorney I work for is now doing state law guardian and is closing her practice so I am out of a job

no worries. will say a prayer for you and your mom for the banding


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Hello folks, just sitting here alone in the livingroom. It's 9:39pm and DH was sleepy so went to bed, BIL and SIL are pooped because baby keeps them up at night and son is away in his cave lol. Working on a little laptop that my DH referbished for me. He received it from a client that didn't want hers anymore :) Lucky me that my DH fixes them. It's slower than heck but, it's better than no computer.

Work...UGH...I finally got rid of my Migraine, felt the lump was gone in my chest and was feeling really good this morning. Went into to work and about 2 hours later the headache was creepin back and the lump was there again. soooo do ya think it's stress?

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Good Morning,

Well the tooth ordeal wasn't as bad as I thought. I didn't even feel the needles thats how good this guy was. When I went to a specialist a few years ago (a surgeon) he hurt the hell out of me, so thats what I was expecting this time. This guy is a regular dentist and the process was a breeze. Of course when I left my body felt like rubber from the stress leaving me. Now its time to get them in shape (my teeth that is) and get them WHITE!!!!!!!! :D

Rita glad you didn't turn to food when you were feeling sad. I have yet to learn how not to do that. Where do you live???

Darcy........ how are you feeling today darling? I hope it doesn't make you sick. Thats wild about having to stay away from people and not cook... why the no cooking part? Feel better love and let them pamper you.

Sherry stress.........ummmm yep. Watch out your back doesn't start to go out on you. Thats what happend with me... i was under such stress that it created 4 pinched nerves in my back.. no lie...stress can cause real damage :)

Cindy you wascally wabbit ~~ counting down the days eh... I'm SO JEALOUS!!! oh yes I am LOLOL Thats great you have DD in private school, I think its really an individual thing and heck, if you can do it than do it because you don't get those years back. We are closing the pool today b/c mr. sun hasn't been to nice to us the past few weeks. It made the pool to cold to swim. We have solar heating and well... no sun... no heat and with all the rain, it was a double whammy.

Rita good luck with Mom on monday :) when is your date?

Mandy alot can happen in 1 week with the weather, I'll pray its cooler for you. Ohhhhhh have fun and don't forget to bringme home a surprise :D jk

Betty, I'm glad I'm not the only one who hates the dentist lolol, but this time I really need to stick w/it. I have insurance and no excuse ya know. Have fun at the harley show and bbq.... boy I'd love to go with you.

Beanie.... you had better post....good days and bad days love... we are not here to judge but to hug.. okay. How was your flight home?

Well I need to get in the shower peeeeeeew and get ready to see Elmo Makes Music with DD and DH, then its off to FIL for his birthday and then we have a project to do with DD for her school...cleaning today you say haaaaa! cleaning phooie, I spit on you! okay okay, you know I'll be cleaning tomorrow lolol.

Have a wonderful day everyone.... you know something... I'm such the pig... even with my tooth pulled and no stitches... I came home and ate like a champ yesterday... WTF, I ate and ate and ate bet 2000 in Snacks in 1 hour... okay confession over... today I WILL be good ;)

Love you gals... and I really mean that.

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I am so mad! We polished and shined up the bikes for days, then this morning we headed out to the show and got half way there and down pour of rain with lots of lighting! We were drenched, even my boots were full of Water. So....... we headed back home. It was a terrible time, the rain was so hard you couldn't see where you were going. One time I hit an oil spot as I was stopping and my bike started going sideways and I felt myself going down. Lucky I didn't freeze up and started giving it some gas and it straightened back up and I kept going. My DH was turning so I went on down to the next light and turned, he was waiting for me when I got up there. Nasty weather. Of course an hour after we got home the sun came out, but we couldn't make it there in time for the deadline to sign up.

That is the main thing I wanted to do today for my B-day, and I am pi$$ed to the bone! Oh well, maybe next time will be better.

Catch you later!

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Howdy everyone...feeling much better today and no lump in the chest. Hmmm wonder if not working today did it. Gosh it sure proves the stress is really doing a number on me. Maybe I'll just tell the boss I'm working from home from now on wwwwahahaha. A gal can dream right?

Went to Savers today with my mom and SIL. Boy mom and I had fun spoiling my SIL and her baby :) They're having it tough right now because my BIL is having a hard time finding work in upstate NY so we have them here to work on our house and a few friends of mine want some work done so we're introducing them to my BIL. Shhhh we're also working with our realitor friend to see if there are options for them to move down here. More work for my BIL and then they'll also have family near by that actually visits them. Pretty sad that all my in-laws live near them and don't stop by to see how they are doing. I just don't get it...they both are so very very nice and da babe is sooooooooo cute!. Anyway....our friend thinks he can work something out with one of his apartment buildings and my BIL being the maintenance guy for him. This way they're rent will be pretty low and possible free on some months. Now that would help them tremendously! These folks give so much to their church family and help so many whenever they can they definately deserve a break so we're saying our prayers for the highest and best for them :peep: Please keep them in your prayers for me. Anywho...my mom knows what it's like to struggle. She raised us three kids on her own, dad never paid the child support, so she really wanted to help my BIL & SIL. She bought the baby I swear 20 outfits. I bought BIL a few nice shirts, SIL pants and sweaters and baby a nice winter coat, some books and toys. I also picked up a nice bread maker for $5! See...Savers is a Big Brothers/Big Sisters store. People donate the clothing and home goods and they sell them for the charity. Much like Salvation Army. So we were able to really give them a hand with some almost new cloths and housewares. Hopefully the breadmaker works lol. We're going to try it later. We have a ball doing this together. Fun fun! We'll probably hit the store again later next week before they leave.

It's been great having them here....having family meals together. My mom is coming up for dinner, and we're all together. I'm loving the family thing.(some of you know the problems I've had with my siblings so having BIL/SIL here makes me feel very happy to have a family.) Anyway...we have to go to the market later too. My SIL is from the Philipenes (sp?)and she's going to make us Lumpia (I'll probably have to just eat the middle..don't think my band will like the roll part). We had it last time she was here and it was nummy.

I'm not sure when I can get to my computer again...I'll try to do personals later tonight on my tiny laptop lol. (it is cute but, don't be suprised to see tons of typos lol the keyboard is so small)

Aaaw Betty so sorry about your bike ride. I know my mom is missing it terribly right now.

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Hi everyone!

Betty, I couldn't make it down to Carrollton today, but it's a good thing, since you got rained out...but, it is soooo beautiful this afternoon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I sure hope you were able to do something else that was fun! DH said he would like to go to one of those bike shows one of these days! Today was a full-time job, driving DD to all her activities.

Eileen, so glad your dentist experience was nice and easy! I guess up in in NJ it would be time to shut down the pools for the fall and winter...I know that's a bummer!

Sherry, stress affects my band, but only if I try to eat actual chicken or hard protein...the junk food is easy peasy, of course! I just try to keep it out of my arm's reach! If I'm playing games on the computer, sewing or something like that, I can't snack...that's one of my tricks! Hope your stress at works slacks up enough to make a difference for you!

Darcy, how it glowing...uh,er...I mean...GOING? (JK!) Hope you are doing okay!

Mandy, I bet it will cool off a little, even in Florida! Besides, you'll be in the Happiest Place on Earth! I wish I could go to WDW in October...I think it would be nice, then. You should try to get down there during Christmas sometime...it is so beautiful! If I ever win the lottery or something, I'll just book us all a trip down there...would that be fun or WHAT?!!!!! Now, I better go buy a lottery ticket.....:clap2:

Tomorrow is DD's vocal recital...I got her a cute white long-sleeved knit shirt, with lace around the v-neck, and she is wearing it with a black velvet skirt...and a silver chain link belt. She looks nice in it. (She has no waist at all, think apple...so the belt makes her look like she has one, kinda! LOL!) Wish us luck...I get nervous, but I can put on the smiley, calm face when I have to!

Luv ya'll, Cindy

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Hi Goils,

Cindy have fun with DD today.... Good Luck. Yes, up here its pretty much time to close the pools unless its heated. Today is supposed to be 80 and the rest of the week in the 70's... beautiful weather but I miss summer. I wish we could go from fall back into spring.....the winter I hate!!! only b/c its so dark.

Sherry glad your luvin your family's visit....and your feeling better today. Shopping IS ALWAYS fun, and I so enjoy buying for others.

Betty HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry it rained and you got all wet :peep:

I'm off to chuck e cheese for a birthday party then its home cooking and cleaning.... guess what...... I have my pumpkin/halloweenie decorations outside already. Usually I wait until October 1st but I was itchy lolol. Bet my neighbors are shaking their heads haaaaaaaaaa F*em if they can't take ajoke :) mawaaaaaaaaaah.

Luv yah's.

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lol Eileen my Halloween decorations were out last weekend lol. Didn't even think that someone would think it's too early hahaha ohhh wellsky too bad for those fuddy duddies. The kiddos across the street told me they love it so that made my day :)

Not too much going on today. Made wheat bars (why do they call them wheat when it's oatmeal that is in them is beyond me lol), apple crisp and home made bread. Can ya tell the cooler weather is around? We're having calzones for dinner...well I'm eating the inside anyway lol.

Hope everyone is having a nice Sunday! Oh spoke with my boss today and she's still a stressed mess too. She said they should be speaking to me soon regarding that position but she warned me to make sure I get the raise I'm looking for before I take it. Basically don't just settle for something. Well, I have to take one day at a time and see what comes about with all this.

Another fish in my fish tank bit the dust....oh wellsky. I thought we also lost the shrimp but I guess he molted? Do shrimp do that? I didn't think we had two unless DH snuck another one in there hahaha.

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Good Morning y'all!

Thanks for the B-day wishes, I had a good one even if my Harley show was cancelled. My neighbors got together for a BBQ and we celebrated my day. I got some nice gifts and had good company to boot! The one gal made me a chocolate rum cake (to die for) and decorated it with balloons candles. It was really cute.

Cindy - You didn't by any chance buy that lottery ticket in Southlake did you? Are you the big winner?????? I'll keep my fingers crossed it was you!

Eileen - Have fun at the party! We are just getting into some cooler weather for the week, nothing like you have there though. We have a while before we quit using the pool, although it has been awhile since I used ours. I don't have any excuse, just lazy I guess. I hate driving to work in the dark and coming home in the dark! Then of course since it's dark all you want to do is go to be at 7:00!

Sherry - Wow, your baking sounds yummy! I guess now you will have to give us your recipe for calzones! I have been hungry for some home made apple slices, guess that is what fall does to us, starts us baking. Sorry about your fish! That is so sweet of you to help out the family like that. I always enjoy doing things like that!

Mandy - I just met some folks last night from Florida. They moved here about 1 month ago, said they just couldn't take it there anymore. Hope you get some nicer weather soon!

Darcy - How are you holding out girl? How much longer till you can hug the ole man? :) Just think though, then it's back to cooking again! Enjoy the break while you can!

Good morning Beanie, Mary, Chrispy, Rita, Dianne (who is really enjoying herself) Anne, Pat, Patty and anyone else I missed!

I am going to go finish my housework, and laundry, then think about what to cook for supper.

Catch you all later!

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY BETTY!!! (Sorry I'm late.)

Hmm calzones are easy actually if you use the prepared pizza dough from your grocery store or if you have a bread machine that makes it :confused: You basically decide what you want in it. For ours we put a cheese mixture of Ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan...you know the same you make for lasagna then in some we put sausage crumbles and in the other diced chicken. Bake until golden brown and dip your pieces in spaghetti or marinara sauce. My friend makes one with ground linquicia, peppers, onions and mozzarella cheese it's yummy. Another friend uses roasted read pepper, pepperoni, capricola (italian ham?) and salami (I think...chrispy tell them your recipe hahaha) SHE makes them YUMMY!

I didn't have any of the wheat bars or apple crisp yet. We're having applecrisp later...well I should say they are. I barely got the inside of 1/2 a calzone down my gullet. Lets just say I'm at the brink of PBing lol Won't be drinking any Fluid for about an hour or so lol.

Went to the organic supermarket again "Whole Foods" and got some wheat type crackers. They are really flat and don't bloat up with liquid so it's a good snack for me if I want something crunchy. I know cheese isn't the best for all of us but, I got me some Muenster too yummm.

Hugs my friends...time to clock in and do some work UGH. (Pretty hard to do this without easy access to my computer. UGH. DH is going to have to move it for the next two weeks for me.)

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Okay, I'll try again...some weird thing happened, and it just started submitting in the middle of the post, then told me my message was too short...???? WTF? Anyhoo.....

We just got back from DD's vocal recital, and whoopee! She was just great! I was a nervous bunny, but she was calm as could be. She was the first one; I was so proud of her! DH filmed it, and both grandpas, and her aunt and uncle were there. We show up for family triumphs! Then, the little ensemble did the Annie songs, and they were so cute, and good, too! Best of all, she had fun, and said she wanted to be in more performances! Kids are amazing.

Sherry, your calzones sound so great! We're having pizza tonite for a celebration...I can have one piece. That's so weird. I used to eat 4 or 5 pieces. Can ya'll still eat pizza?

Well, sorry to say, it wasn't my lottery ticket that won....haven't been to Southlake lately! Darn it!

Have a great evening, everyone!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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