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OMG LMAO ~ I laughed so hard I cried.. That is too funny Darcy

Acutually if I had not heard all the hype I would have picked it up to watch myself..

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Thank you for the weather reports, everyone! I just imagine living where there are actual seasons! I love that!

Eileen, good luck with the dentist...I hope it goes smoothly so you won't wait 8 years for the next time! I'm one to talk, though. It's been 2 years for me. Now, I'm waiting until my DH switches me to his dental insurance, because I don't want there to be "pre-existing" conditions...blah, blah, blah.

Betty, your lunch breaks sound wonderful to me! I think I should try it!

Everyone, have a great day!

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Hi everyone!!

Well we survived the fair and the fair survived us! We had a great time. Ate all the wrong things...so now I have to get back on track, but it is so great knowing I CAN get back on track, unlike pre-banding!!! We took our pictures in the little photo booth where you get the strip of 4 pictures...and we both fit in...side by side!!! Our motel was nearby where we were going, it was great. DH also got an excellent report from his surgeon, his echocardiogram and his EKG both show a normal function, with no blood backwashing like it was. His sinus rhythm is normal (which can be a problem when they decrease the size and shape of the heart like they did his). He is still having some minor palpitations, so we have to go back in a month...but we can do that! The Dr. seemed pleased...so us too!

We also went and looked at some homes by a contractor we are interested in...and found something we really liked. Now we just have to make a decision whether to do it or not!!! It was a great couple of days. I know my DH has been home for weeks now, but it was so good to get off alone, and enjoy being with him, knowing his health is returning, and we can be us again...if that makes sense! Now we will be leaving for Texas in a day or so...we want to be there by the weekend. Will let you know.

Darcy--laughing my butt off with you, not at you, but I cannot believe you had not heard about Brokeback Mountain. DH says to tell you there is a sequel it is going to be called Reacharound Ridge.....

Cindy--Come on up--we'll go see the balloons!! We hoped our next Dr. appt. would coincide, but the balloons are in 2 weeks, our appt. in 4. Figures!!!

Anne--if the job is what you are wanting, then I hope it is yours. I am perfectly content right now being home and playing with the grandbabies. I ran a daycare for 20+ years...now I am glad to simply have these guys!! I felt like I had run my course...I was ready to call it quits. I woke up one morning, and just knew. So I quit accepting any new kids, and began the weaning process. As it was one little girl, she kept coming, she had been with me since she was 5 1/2 weeks old, and I had her until last year. I am named as her guardian if anything were to happen to her parents, she is part of my family, many of them are. She is 14 this year!!! She only quit coming to my house every day, because her Mom's work hours changed, and she couldn't get the timing right for picking her up. I still have her here a couple of days a week, and Rick or I run her home at night. She spends far too much time alone otherwise. She helps me cook, she helps with the babies, she just doesn't like being alone all the time. Her Dad is out of town with work a lot, and her Mom works the 3-11 PM shift now. She has an older sister, who is engaged and with the fiance all the time...so she comes to us!! Megan is the one of the highlights of my life!

Eileenie--enjoy your day with DD...sounds fun!!

Betty--how's the TX weather? What should I pack? Some of everything I figured!!!

Patty--let us know how the boys are adjusting!

Pat--sounds like it may be time for a restraining order! Psycho B#@*h!!


Mandy--hey girl!! I only spent $12.00 the other day on silver!!!

Ooops bbl....I have Cheetos to clean up! Where did she get a bag of Cheetos???!!!!:)


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:pound: Darcy, thank you - I needed a good laugh. I've never met your DH, but I can just picture the look on his face when the cowboys started casting longing glances at each other. :)

And Kat... Reacharound Ridge? ROFLMAO!! Your DH has a good sense of humor I see. Wow - 21 years with a home daycare. You obviously have more patience than I do. It's wonderful that you've built such a good relationship with some of your old kids!

No news on the job front. I should have probably clarified - I'm not just looking for adult interaction. I can get that elsewhere if I try hard enough (though not usually on this site - LOL!). The biggest reason I'm looking is because we've decided to try to keep our kids in private school if we can afford to, and it would be much easier to do if I was bringing in a paycheck. So, no huge rush since we were already planning on paying tuition for this year. This job is nearby and I live in the sticks, so it would be a good commute. We'll see... thanks for wishing me luck!

No more time for personals, but I hope you're all having a good week! Where the heck is Beanie???

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Welcome home, Kat! So glad you had great news, and Dh is getting healthier!

Sure wish I could dump this place and speed up to see the balloons with you! Maybe someday...

Hope the Cheetos aren't a big cheesy mess all over the place!

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Hey guys I'll see you in a week and a half. Take care be good, and you know I'll be thiking of you.

I'm so excited I can't see straight.

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Well we are off to Texas in the morning, will be gone for a week to a week and a half. Will try to get over to an Aunts house and check in... our old farm house, we don't have phone service, just use our cells if and when we can get service!!! So even my laptop does me no good!!! I have to tell you, I am not excited over this trip. My DH is going to try to do too much. We have cows out, so a fence is down, and guess who is going to try to get in on the repair...looks like a battle a brewing! And his folks will be down at some point while we are there. I love them, but I love them most when we are each in our own house!!! It gets to me to always be careful. My MIL would not say sh*t, if she had a mouthful of it...so I have to be very careful, she offends easily. I could go on and on about minor silly issues, but over a period of days confined to close quarters together, those little issues add up!!! So wish me luck my friends, and I shall return...none too soon!!! Take care of yourselves, I'll be thinking of you!!! And Cindy and Betty and I will all be in the same state...which is not saying a lot considering the size!!! But it sounds good!!! Talk to y'all soon!


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So, I am here in glorious Fort Lee, NJ - enjoying another working holiday... I am going to get the food porn right out of the way, so y'all who are trying to be good - skip on down to the line of stars....


So my co-workers and I have decided that since we are going to be here in the great North East on a somewhat regular basis, we are going to do all the touristy crap we can think of and sample as much of the local flavor as we can stand....

Tonight was our best hit, yet. We had dinner at the FABULOUS Chart House Restaurant in Weehawken. Now - about every table has a marvelous view of Manhattan across the Hudson - the whole city lights, skyline, river thing. So the atmosphere is prime. Then we start looking at the menu and everything sounds delicious. So we all order something different, starting with the Lump Crab, Mango and Avacado Stack. I don't know what all they put in or on this stuff - but it was incredible. The fruit is sweet and light, the avacado is creamy goodness and the crab is juicy and to die for.... Awesome.

Then, they bring out the prime rib and king crab legs. The rib was like butter, the crab legs sweet and tender... and I can't even describe how good the garlic mashed potatoes were. My co-workers tried the Macadamia Crusted Mahi - another winner - and the coconut shrimp with peanut sauce. I also heard that the Lobster Bisque was delicious.

Then - because CLEARLY we hadn't had enough - we ordered dessert to go. Now, I couldn't nearly eat it all - but I tried to leave the guilt behind and enjoy. I would say that the Chart House is a great place to go if you want to Celebrate anything - or if you just want a REALLY nice meal and a great view of NYC. I am more full than I have been since prior to my surgery - but, as I type, I am eating - nay, SAVORING - a delicious piece of key lime pie... *sigh* Seriously - it was really great all around. If you visit the area - I can heartily recommend the Chart House.




So, that fabulous meal almost makes up for the fact that Eileenie and I are going to miss our monthly lunch date tomorrow. *sniff* Darned picky Boss. Now he is really starting to tick me off... expecting somebody to be there to take his calls? What's THAT all about?!? Oh well... I am scheduled to return again next month - so we will give it another shot, then. Hugs Eileenie!! Give Gracie a squeeze from me.

Also in this edition of NYC Tour Guide, the Center Line Harbor Lights cruise... very pretty and very informative. A little history, a little Pop Culture. Very nice. (We did Carmine's after that trip - but I have already exceeded my Food Porn limit for the day. It's right off of Times Square - for those that are coming this way, it's pretty nice, too. Family Style Italian Food)

Anne - OMG! Those kids are soooo cute! and Photogenic! Good luck on the Job! Hope you get it! Girl time! I enjoyed a little girl bonding at work on Friday night... every once in a while, you just need some human interaction with people of like minds and understanding. Hugs!

Mandy - Bad! Bad, Mandy! Forcing us to shop for jewelry! *sigh* Just what I need... another way to spend my money. *sigh*

Betty - the gym... um, yeah. that's it... the gym. Congrats on your raise! I may NEVER hear about the job I have interviewed for... I mean, you would think after posting for the job on two separate occassions, interviewing me both times, they would either hire me for the position or tell me to drop dead.... *sigh*. Glad to hear your employer has recognized your true greatness!

Darcy - Are you planning to re-do your kitchen, soon? That's on my list - but it ranks as a Long Term Future plan. Good Luck with the Nuking. I have to think it would be the best first option... I would not be excited about the knife, either. LOL!! I can't believe you missed that whole Gay Cowboy Controversy, either. It was HUGE - It was EVERYWHERE... there were novelty songs for goodness sake! That is just too funny!!

Dianne - ooooo I love that Backgammon... I get hooked on the electronic version...Maybe I will have to sign onto this Pogo site after all... dangerous though that may be. You look fantastic!! Hugs for you & Lucy. I hope she feels better, soon.

Pat - you were cute back then, too. Now you're just THIN and cute! No luck in finding someone to replace the lame girl? *sigh* The joy of being the boss.... you get all the crappy shifts! Bummer about the crazy GF. Sadly, those crazy chicks don't generally get any saner...

Cindy - Glad your FIL is doing well. I hope your friend stops by. I like the sound of your pile of fur & computer. I always love it when I am graced by the furballs... And gee, aren't you the lucky one! Now you can tell the world you are HOT and really mean it. :]

Kat - Congrats on the 32 pounds!! You Rock! (and it's all your fault!) OF course, you have been actually Exercizing - which explains your success!! Gold Star for you! Where are you going to be in TX? Reacharound Ridge.... hahahahahaahhaaaa!

Sherry - Keep your chin up, Hon. I really don't think that either of our jobs can continue on like this forever.... Enjoy working from home. I always liked it when I could stay at the house. The lure of the jammies is strong...

Mary - Hope you feel better.

Patty - did you get your report all done? I found out today that nobody is covering my desk while I am gone - except my supervisor - who has numerous other duties. She won't possibly be able to stay current... so I will have a big ol' pile on my desk when I get back on Monday... Oh Joy. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you. I hope that attorney earns his keep! If not, he'll have to answer to all of US!

Eileenie - you have had way more than your share of drama in the last little while, haven't you? I am thinking good thoughts for you and yours.

Rita Ann - Howdy! Look Gals... A Bona Fide Jersey Girl! Woo Hoo! Eileenie - you are not alone anymore.... :]

Well my darlings - I must get to bed now. Tomorrow is another day- and I have to get up and be a part of it, even if I can't have my Eileenie Fix. DANG!

I have really missed you guys - but it has been so darned crazed at my job... remember back several months ago when we were really overstaffed and I was worried I would get laid off?? I look back on that worry with longing, now... *sigh*

Oh well.

Love you guys!!


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Good Mornink'

Beanie good to see yah chicklet.... geezeee you've visitied more of NY than I have and I've lived next to it my entire life LOLOL.... do enjoy!!

Diannieeeeeeeee have a great trip, relax, enjoy, have fun.... bring me home a surprise :D jk

Anne, I'd like to put my DD in private school to but man oh man $$$$$$ She is in a private kindergarten this year b/c our public school does not offer before and after care for the 1/2 day kindergarteners, so I really have no choice this year. Its a daycare / kindergarten. I pay $835.00 a month and that does not include activities such as computer, soccer, etc... And people wonder why we don't go anywhere on vacation LOLOLOL... The school handed me some paperwork for a fund raiser and they want ME to go bug my co-workers to buy crap... can you imagine that!!! I'm PO'd to say the least... I will NOT do this, they get enuf money IMHO. Fund raiser my ass !!! so I know how you feel about the private school. Next year the cost of after care when she is in the 1st grade might equal me putting her in again, private school sooo we shall see. .. two morgages LOLOL

Kat thats wonderful that DH is up to snuff, I'm so happy for you all. Talk about having your hands full eh. Well girlie you just have a wonderful trip and don't forget to bring me back a surprise :bananapartyhat: .... jk

Cindy, my panic attacks are enuf to keep me away from alot of things, not only dentists LOLOL... but thats me. The appt went well, I have to get my tooth pulled tomorrow.. Oy! then I go for a cleaning next week and I really want my teeth whiter... those over the counter products just don't work on me. Its a beautiful 75 here today.... the mornings are a crisp 60.

Mary, we miss you :) hope to see you posting soon, but I understand when you can't at work.

Well like I said the dentist visit went well, I need my wisdom tooth pulled and then they can work on the rest of the teeth starting next week... cleaning and some cavities and I want them white !!!!

This weekend is gonna be busy, taking DD to see Elmo and then to FIL's for his birthday on saturday,.... sunday is another school birthday and then prob some cooking and laundry, cleaning... chit like that.

How bout you all ????

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Hi Everyone, I'm here....still busy as heck at work and stressed as usual. I'm home from work today because with all this stress I think it's taking a toll on me and my band. She's a tight little bugger right now and it's causing some problems. Heartburn is back and keeps me up at night and I constantly have this feeling that feels like I need to burp but nothing will come up. I seem to have this acidity almost throwup kinda thing going on at the top of my throat. (sorry I know it's gross but, I don't know how else to explain it). Anyway, I couldn't get much down yesterday at all and I think I ended up a bit dehydrated because I was too afraid to drink. Afraid I'd be topping off the junk already in my throat so I didn't drink more than maybe 8 ozs yesterday :) Now I have a doozy of a Migraine. Man I'm complaining too much....sorry about that. Anyway....I haven't heard anything about the position I applied for at work. They are doing the usual keeping someone hanging routine. Sounds like they want me in that position yet no one has said a word nor have they told me what the salary is...because I'll be damned if I take it without a decent payraise. Anywho....hopefully I'll know more next week on that. If I don't hear anything Friday I'm going to ask about it AGAIN.

I'll post the recipe for the "special soup" aka Venus DeMilo Soup aka Minestrone soup lol in the next block so you can copy and paste.

Oh my BIL, SIL and nephew are here for a few weeks so I don't get much time on my computer...another reason why I haven't been around. They sleep in the office on the futon and have the baby's playpen in here so things are tight fitting lol. My BIL is great at home repairs, improvements etc. so we hired him to paint our house. This way we're helping him because upstate NY is really slow for business and work right now and he needs the work and we need the house done.....not a bad deal. Bonus...I get to see my nephew and SIL. Great people :)

Love you folks....Hope you're all doing well and Shrinking! (scale isn't budging for me....I need to keep track on fitday. I don't think I"m getting enough in. Hmmm sounds like a slight unfill is needed huh? UGH )

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"Gregory's Special Soup" aka "Venus DeMilo Soup" aka "Minestrone Soup"

1 to 1.5 lbs hamburger, sauteed and drained

1 28oz can crushed or pureed tomatoes

1 box (2 envelopes) Onion Soup Mix

1/2 of a 1 lb box of Orzos Pasta

1 can each (do not drain liquid, use it in the broth):

corn, baby peas, green Beans (cut into smaller pieces), sliced carrots

(cut into smaller pieces), mushrooms (bits & pieces or sliced cut into

smaller pieces)

(Optional) small can of lima beans

Mix all ingredients together (except Orzos) plus 2 Tomato cans full of Water. Cook on low for about 30-45 minutes.

Boil Orzos separately until almost done. Drain and add to the soup. Cook soup 10-15 min longer. (Hint: I've been lazy before and brought my soup to a rolling boil, dropped in the uncooked orzo and shut the stove off. Stir it a few times left it covered. When it cooled down a little, I brought it back up to a rolling boil and shut it off again. This is great when you're busy cleaning or doing other things, and it keeps the orzo from sticking to the bottom and burning.)

Soup freezes well and heats up great in the microwave. Enjoy!

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Mom's Kale Soup

1-2 Large Cans of Beef broth

1lb Turkey Linquica, sliced (use regular or cherico if you'd like)

2-3 sweet potatos (peeled and cubed)

2 boxes of chopped frozen Kale

1 med onion, peeled, chopped and sauteed

1 can white Beans (drained and rinsed)

Put all ingredients in a large pot and cook until the potatoes are tender. Approximately 1 hour. Add salt and pepper to taste. Great served with Fresh crusty rolls.

This soup also freezes well and reheats in the microwave.

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Hey guys,

Just wanted to stop in and let you know that I haven't died yet..... the Mom taxi is taking it's toll on me and can't stop from event to event. Back to school, dentist, bills etc.

Attorney news. I have all my papers ready to send and need $$$$$.

The kids have visitation this weekend, I promise to read all post and respond. Hugs,


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How fun to see posts from Sherry, Beanie and Patty! Oh, and Dianne! all on the same day!

Beanie, I enjoy reading food porn! That meal sounded absolutely delicious! I could imagine the view and everything...of course, you are an excellent writer and make us feel like we were there with you!

Sherry, have so, so much fun on your cruise! Relax and enjoy!

Patty, good luck with all the paperwork and I sure hope you make progress with the attorney. How is the start of school going?

Eileen, you know, I just totally forget about your panic attacks...I sure hope that someday you will not suffer with these anymore! Sounds like you want those white teeth, so hopefully, that will get you through! I've thought about having that done, so let us know how it goes! And, thanks again for your weather report. Here, it is raining a little, and is 75. It will go into the 80's though, later this afternoon.

Tonight is voice lesson night...and then it's FRIDAY!!! (after today, there are 58 more days of teaching for me!)

Luv you guys, Cindy

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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