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Hi Kiddletz,

Mary I hear ya on the junk food, it goes down way to easy... its not fare I tell yah. Hang in there hon.

Dianne... Mushroom Head ROFLMFAO !!! haaaaaaaaaaaa well girlie, here in jersey we call it something else :) (((sorry just being silly)) every time I walk out of the salon the girl makes my hair look wild. Its so funny.. you wonder if they are really paying attention to what they are doing. They cut it fine but when they whip out the dryer its like POOF !!!! they are in their own little world LOLOL. Ignore me I'm silly today, its friday, my teeth hurt from my sinus' and its raining :D Aww poor Lucy.

Kat good for you for exercising.... please do some crunches for me :D I'm such a slug... when will I learn ????? Sorry about the last bite syndrom...yikes.

Betty got a raise, Betty got a raise WHOOOOT :clap2:

Cindy, Anne, Pat, Patty, Darcy, Sherry, DOC ((where ever you are)), Crispy, Mandy ... have a great Friday, I'm heading home soon so I'll catch you all tomorrow *HUGGGGGS*

Sorry if I missed anyone.....

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It's Friday afternoon!!!!!!! The kids have all gone home, and I have a couple of minutes here before I have to leave.

Betty! Way to GO on the raise!

Dianne...I'd love to see the picture, but it's in my mind already! I think Betty's idea is the best...and a cruise won't hurt!

Darcy, thank goodness you are back...we miss you when you aren't here!

Pat, you know, I am just sure we will meet sometime...I don't know how or where, but sometime. It will be so great!

Mary, are you sure you are not just putting on muscle weight? Have you taken measurements? I'm just trying to help you out here....

Kat, you are totally in the ZONE, girl...awe-inspring! You have such energy and do so much!

I've gotta go!


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Awwww Geee guys, I wish I really truly deserved all the nice things you said!!! I have to make myself do anything!!! I enjoy the Curves, it is a break, I feel good about what I am doing there. I love my DH and my DGD with all my heart, but that little break in my day is so welcome!!! The other things, life is requireing (that is soooo spelled wrong!!!), they are not exactly a choice!!! We need firewood....and if I don't help my Dad, since DH is down, he would be working alone, and he isn't a young man...I mean I am his daughter, and even though I am still a Spring chicken...:pound: he is not getting any younger!!!

Well I will get back later, right now the DGD NEEDS to be held!!!

The weekend is upon us!!!


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Whew...just got done working from home at 8:58 pm before they locked me out of the computer system. Grrrr why can't they do the nightwork later in the night? Anyway, I suppose it's a good thing since it got me to stop. I worked from home yesterday and today because mom had her surgery. It was a success and now she can't wait to have the 2nd eye done. She sees so much better now in the eye that was done and she's estatic that she can see so much color and brightness. I guess the cataract really cut into her vision more than she realized. The doc said she's doing so well healing wise that she doesn't have to wait 4 more weeks for the other eye. She's going to have that one done in 10 days or so. Not too bad!

Well we've got more trouble on the family front this time it's my aunt. Amazing the way the mind works and the terrible, hurtful things they say...the target...my mom. Unreal. My mom does so much for my aunt and her husband and all it took was one visit from another aunt to this aunt and trouble. Anyway...spending more time with mom because I keep telling her she doesn't need that chit in her life. Let them be miserable together. Today mom and I had a great time going out to lunch and hitting the outlets and Whole foods (organic food store if you're not familiar with it). Tomorrow we're going to the Big E fair here in Springfield, MA. Suppose to be cloudy but not rain and Sunday is suppose to be beautiful so we're hoping the crowds stay away hahaha.

Sorry I haven't done personals yet. I am keeping up with my reading and know that I'm thinking of you all. Love ya!

Oh it would be awesome if we could all meet up someday :puke: I'm game for it!

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Good Morning Lovies,

DARCY ~~ I'm so sorry you not feeling well... gee radioactive crap sounds scary, are there any side effects???? what are the pro's of this other than not getting cut open, I mean what is this supposed to do? shrink it? please esplaine lucy...me no understand...... Is there anything we can do for you????

Sherry sorry to hear about your mom and her sibling problems, boy I can relate. I hope you have a great time today at the fair.

Kat I just think its wonderful that you have lost so much weight and this helping you do the things you need to for your family WTG. I have to force myself to do anything so your not alone.... but you know, you really are an inspiration to us. The post you wrote about that lady letting out the dogs..... The first thing I thought about was WTF is wrong with her, doesn't she know your DH just had surgery on his heart???? I would have had to go pay a visit to her and give her a piece of my mind... how insensitive even if she didn't know...biotch.

Cindy whatcha got planned for the weekend? how is DD?

You know, all I want lately is hot tea and soup...... that makes me feel so old LOLOLOL I think I'm gonna make a pot of minestrone Soup today (if I can get my fat ass to the store).

Lately it seems like every time I turn around theres some sort of problem in my family. Between my niece with her throat scare, my nephew in the car accident, my inlaws, my mom and DH in the hospital and then my other nephew in the hospital........ CALGON TAKE ME AWAY !!! Now my other niece is in need of surgery, this one the worst of all. You see she was born a dwarf, and little people are born with all sorts of problems that most people have no clue about. Anyway..... she is 10 and has had several operations, some in the brain and some in the spine. Well it seems that her organs are growing larger than her body is growing pushing her spine into the brain (its more than that but thats the only way I can describe it).... she will have surgery in two weeks and the out come is not good. There's a good chance she could die or be paralized b/c of the exposure to the spine. So instead of getting the surgery this week, the parents (my brother) wants to wait 2 weeks b/c they are not sure of the outcome and they want to spend as much time with her as possible. My SIL wanted to wait until after christmas but the doctors said there is no way she'd survive. She was just at my house three weeks ago swimming like a fish and having fun with the girls..... now she can barely walk 5 steps and is in so much pain :puke: WTF !!!!

Today I'll be cleaning, maybe food shopping who knows LOLOL Tomorrow I have to go to a car show, and then a fair with a friend, should be fun.

Watcha all doing???

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Eileen, your poor niece! You must feel so helpless, since it is not your child, and you can't really force your brother into any particular course of action...I just think you have to choose the course of love, not fear...they are not doing surgery now because they fear losing her; and ironically, that fear could cause the result they are avoiding. Out of love, the surgeon's expertise should be considered, and that would give her the best chance of a future. That's how I think, anyway, which matters not...I'm so sorry, Eileen. I know you are so worried about her!

I colored my hair this morning, then hemmed DD's slacks for her choir uniform, since they are singing tomorrow at church. This afternoon, I'm taking DD over to my sis's, because the little baby cousin will over there, and you can't keep those girls apart! While DD is over there, I need to go shopping for my friend's birthday, which is next week. That's about it for the weekend, if you don't count laundry and ironing! LOL!

How about the rest of you girls?

Darcy? When is your radioactive procedure? What did they tell you to expect in the way of recovery?

Hey, did I tell ya'll one of my friends from work, a teacher, is having lapband surgery next Thursday?! She is so excited. She has had back problems, and even surgery for that...and so we hope this will help her with the weight, and then the back problems. She may come here to visit, and I'll introduce her!

Gotta run...check back later...hope everyone is having a nice Saturday!


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Good Afternoon Y'all!

Gosh, where has the day gone???? I went grocery shopping, to the bank, then cleaned house and did laundry. Then I fixed lunch, (skipped breakfast) and did some more cleaning. Now, DH is taking a nap and I am checking up on y'all). I think I need to joing him in the nap!:D

Eileen - Sorry to hear about your niece. Gosh that sounds like a terrible thing to go through, damned if you do and damned if you don't. Hugs, and you are definately in my thoughts and prayers.

Cindy - Hey girl, you could come over here and color my hair for me! I am too tired to do it and it really needs it bad!:D :D :D

Mary - Glad you are feeling better!:puke:

Kat - You are so sweet to do all that for your family. Would you send some of that energy over here? My foot is a tiny bit better, that is if I don't spend much time on it. It still hurts me quite a bit. I haven't noticed any weather change bothering it yet though. I sure hope it doesn't!

Dianne - How's the legs doing? Hope you are doing better. I am a self pay too, and it hurts to fork out that money! The worst time was when I got too tight, and I paid him $200 to fill me, and then he charged $200 to take some out! OUCH!

Pat - Hey girlfriend! I would love to meet all of you! That would be so much fun! I ordered a pair of the Clark shoes you recommended, I think they will be here on Monday. I hope they will work for me.

Sherry - Hey it's a good thing they made you quit working! You do need to rest it a bit! I know it has to be done, but not 24 hours a day! Come out and play!:D :D :D

Patty - Hopefully they can hurry up with a good answer! I'll keep my fingers and toes, and eyes and.........crossed for you!

Darcy - I'm like you, I would stay away from surgery as much as I could. I would try everything else first! Ya know I am thinking about you!:bolt:

Well, I am going to go prop up my foot for a while, so catch you all later!

Have a great weekend!

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Hello everyone! Had a great day at the fair with DH and my mom. Lots of walking for sure...not a bad thing :bolt: Get some fun and walking at the same time wahoo. Lots of nice things at the fair and what's really nice is I didn't pig out. No room and my restriction is such that it's just not possible lol. When we got there (around 10:00) we had Breakfast. One sausage link and about 1/4 cup of scrambled eggs (if that) for me. Good thing DH doesn't mind sharing because it's just not worth buying whole meals for me. That held me over until around 2....no clue what to eat for lunch so Sparkpeople mentioned a corn dog was better than some other foods so I went with that. DH and I were going to share again but, seriously he'd be starving so we all got our own. Never had one before and it was nummy but the cornbreading scared me. I ended up taking 1/2 of the breading off and then only ate 2/3 of the dog so still not to shabby. Lots of Water too. I did have a little cheat with some soft ice cream but, I couldn't finish that either. Before surgery I would of had curly fries, steak sub, fried dough, ice cream, soda, probably throw in a snow cone and maybe a blooming onion. Gosh what a pig I used to make of myself. DH got a nice pair of leather chaps for his motorcycle riding and I picked up a few Christmas Gifts. Great weather too!

Eileen - So sorry to hear about your neice. I do hope it all goes well for her and your family. mmmm minestrone sounds so good. Umm did I ever send you the recipe for that Soup? I have a feeling I forgot. Please PM me and remind me and I'll pm the recipe back. It really is yummy soup. If you want the recipe for my mom's Kale soup I have that too.

Betty - Sounds like you've been busy today. I wish my house was cleaner but, dang nabbit...every time I clean it, it seems to get dirty really quick. 2 goldens and 2 guys don't help my cause...if you know what I mean hahaha. Hope your foot is ok today and didn't flare up with all the work you've been doing.

Cindy - I wish I were brave enough to do my own hair. It would certainly save me alot of money. Knowing me I'd get the dye all over the place and have a red/brown forehead lol. Laundry and Ironing UGH. I've got my son doing the laundry each week. I separate it and he washes it and I give him an allowance for doing it. He does a good job except for the folding. As far as ironing...I just can't stand being over an ironing board long so I Iron as I need it. DH, having been in the miliary, actually irons better than I do hahaha. I seem to iron wrinkles in grrrrr

Kat - Can you please come and rub my arm or kick me in the ars to get me to go to Curves too? The only exercise I've had there lately is the money coming out of my wallet. UGH. I just can't seem to get my butt over there. I definately CAN't renew when it comes up. It's just not worth it the way I am with it. You'd think since I'm spending the money I'd go...you'd think!

Mary - I feel your pain when it comes to the battle with the scale. It's so hard NOT to step on that thing all the time but, when I do it too much I drive myself insane. Especially watch when you've had a meal that has alot of sodium like canned soups..it's not worth stepping on the scale until a few days after with that!

Oooo just peeked outside and DH is giving the puppies their much needed baths. Thank goodness because coming into a house that smells like dog is NOT my favorite welcome home scent lol. I have a Beef Enchilada casserole in the oven and it's smelling yummmmmmy.

Darcy - Good luck with your treatments my friend, know that I'm thinking of you and hope everything goes well. It's certainly frustrating when a thyroid and metabolism is all thrown off. My levels keep fluctuating so that they won't do anything about it. My dietician did mention that I have to keep my Calcium levels up because it effects it? I didn't realize that. She has me taking 2 calcium Viactiv things a day plus my Vitamin. When does the treatment start?

Diane - Isn't it aweful sometimes what your hair looks like after the hairdresser styles it? I get out of there sometimes thinking...I'm never going to be able to make it look like this or even worse...my gosh I hate the way she did it and I run home rewet it and do it my way hahaha. Pay all that money to hate it...that just thrills my DH lol.

Patty - You always make me smile my friend. I truly appreciate you saying that and hope that I can do the same for you. I'm sending positive thoughts your way for your surgery Quest. Just remember to ask for your "highest and best" for you and it will come your way. Have you heard from the lawyer that's helping you yet?

Pat - I'm with you. I think it would be a blast to meet the NJ girls :D You're right on the employee things too. UGH it's so hard but, this girl....thought she knew everything and in the end I have a HUGE mess on my hands. Just worked on some stuff the past few days that I find I'm going to have to go back to her deposits to see WHY she did what she did and if she posted money to the right invoices :puke: I just have no faith in the work now and find myself double guessing it all. It's unreal!

Bean, Donna, Anne - Hope all is going well and you can come out and play too. I certainly understand how busy we get :D

Hugs to all of you!

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Morning All...

Eileen... Wow... You really have had a plate full of family scares! I'm so sorry about your neice and I pray that they will decide to go ahead with her surgery sooner if for no other reason than to spare her more pain. In regards to th thyroid... they are trying to kill it off... the radioactive iodin is only absorbed by the thyroid gland and I will have to take thyroid hormone replacement for the rest of my life. THe pros... no surgery and the risks that go along with that... the cons... it is a more gradual process than surgery and I will have to be careful the first few days so that I don't kill anyone elses thyroid...lol. The nice thing will be losing that feeling of fullness/choking in my throat.

Betty... I wish I did live closer to you... I think we should all pick a town and relocate there...lol. Don't worry... I am not in the mood to have a doctor cut my throat...bring on the glowing pill! Congrats on the raise!

Sherry... Glad you had fun at the fair! It's amazing to see the difference in what can be shoved sown the ole gullet once you have restriction isn't it! Not sure when they will give me the trtmt... they are to call me on Monday and set it up.

Cindy... Hope to see your friend here posting soon... the more the merrier! SOunds like you will busy this weekend! I colored my hair a week or so ago... got tired of the highlighted look...guess I'm ready for winter!

Dianne... Hope Lucy is feeling better and LMAO on the Mushroom Head comment... hehehehehe... I wonder if they teach them to do that in beauty school???? MAybe is is because they practice on too many lil blue haired women in beauty school?

Mary...Glad you are feeling better... I hope your weight gain is just due to all of the muscle being bulit from the increased exercise! I feel your frustration girl!

KAt... You go girl... you are really kicking butt! I know how good it feels to really be exercising regularly! I don't know why I fight it so hard when I feel so much better doing it! I'm proud of you! Boy... you are going to have an awful lot of B-day cake to resist this month!

Pat... I think you look beautiful in the picture for operation smile... so there. The wine doesn't look half bad either...hehehehe. Okay... I went to POGO... I'm not a big game player but it has been fun. My name there is DarceeLynnPlyr.

Mandy... I'm sorry about your puppy... sounds like this may be why he was at the shelter. Hopefully he will stay safe and be picked up eventually! I may need to get that website addy from you... I'd love to pick some little things up for Christmas presents!

Patty... Heck girl... I'm off the wagon more than I'm on. I wish it were different and I know that the band is really working for all that post to this thread... but sometimes it is hard to be the lone failure...lol. THe one good thing is that you can see that the Lapband does work for the majority of people. Hoping that all the legal efforts will make the difference for you finally getting your Band!

Anne... crossing my fingers that the scale will pop up with a brand spanking new LOWER number for ya!

If I missed anyone... forgive... hope the rest of the weekend is great for everyone!

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Good Morning :)

Thanks for your prayers with my neice... I saw her yesterday and for some one who is having problems walking, you'd never know it looking at her, she was at my Mom's house playing with the other girls just like a normal kid (cept she did sit down alot inbetween). She's going in for xrays and more testing this week to get her ready for the operation (thats another reason they didn't have the op this week, testing and lots of it needs to be done b/4 surgery).

Darcy thanks for explaining it to me...... when are you going to start treatments? You know you are in my prayers dolly.

Betty did you join DH for the ut hum nap (yeah thats what she calls it roflmfao)... :D

Sherry glad you had fun at the fair whoot.... and yes over eating at those places is very easy to do.

Well kiddo's I gotta shower and get ready for the car show and fair. TTYL

LOvE You ALL !!!!!

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Here is the site, it can be very addictive. Cheap, nice jewelry in nice pouches. I love everything I have from there. http://www.silverjewelryclub.com/ ~Mandy

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Oops! I almost clicked on the infamous silver jewelry link before I posted a Sunday hello to all of you, then you wouldn't have seen me for hours, if ever! LOL!

Darcy, we'll have to see how your appt goes tomorrow and when your "glowing pill" is going to happen. I hope all this gets worked out real soon for you...no wonder you can't get it together to do your routines like you used to--you're worried!

Eileen, I'm glad you saw your neice, and she's doing pretty good. Did you have fun at the car show and fair?

Sherry - glad you had a good time at the fair you went to! At the State Fair of Texas (we'll be going to that in Oct.) they have the best corny dogs! I didn't have trouble with them last year, but it's different now. I'll get one, but probably won't eat all of it...that's okay, DH will kill off the rest of it for me!

Betty, hope you're taking a nice little nap (yeah, right) on this rainy Sunday. Do you watch the Cowboys? They aren't on until 7:15 tonite!

Pat, watcha been playin on Pogo? I earned the Turbo 21 and something else I can't remember right now, last night.

I'm still doing laundry, and I'm fighting off one of those Migraines. The good news is it's been since July I think since I really had one. And this is just nagging me, not the full-fledged thing, thank goodness!

I'm sitting on the couch, and to my immediate left is Mickey (the black mini-Schnauzer), then Perky (grey striped cat), thed Dharma (the Bichon-Frise), then Slatey (the grey male cat); and to my right on the floor, there's Annie (the Airdale). There's only one cat missing, and I suspect DD has her captured in the bedroom! We're just a big pile of fur and computers!

Ya'll have a good day!


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Hi guys-

Just stopping to let you know I will be gone for a couple of days. DH has an appointment in Albuquerque to see his surgeon for a check up on Tuesday. So we are leaving tomorrow and going to the State Fair while we are there. We try to get there when we can, it is usually a toss up between it and the Balloon Fiesta. They have an awesome balloon park. You can walk around among the hundreds of inflating hot air balloons. They do huge mass lift offs, where they just go several dozen at a time. They have a special shapes balloon fly, and a night time balloon glow. It is so pretty!!! But we have a lot of fun at the fair too!! We went originally when we were 24 yrs. old. We had our caricatures drawn...now each time we have an opportunity we have them redone! They make us laugh! Anyway we may actually get to do both, the fair and the balloon fiesta if his Dr. wants to see him again at the right time next month!!!

Hey I have a question, maybe someone can help me. I went in to change my weight ticker, and my challenge count...and it says I have more than 1000 letters in my signature,including my BBE code (or something like that) so it cannot be done. I am not adding anything, just wanting to change the existing numbers. Any idea what I can do? Where am I messing up? Sometimes these things make me feel so dumb!!!

Well it has hit a cold spell here!! We actually contemplated a fire this morning!! I know once this cold front moves through we will warm up a little again, but it feels like Fall. When we went to Colorado to get wood last week, the trees were begining to change colors, lots of gold & red dotting the hillsides.

If my SIL is not heading back to surgery, we may go to Texas next week, and check on things there. We usually go in November, and take care of the pecans while we are there, but with DH off now, it may work out better this way.

My SIL had the fill last week I was worried about, and has not been able to eat a bite since. She has times she can swallow some liquid, others she cannot swallow her own saliva. She contacted her PCP here, but refused to call the Dr. who does our fills until tomorrow. He scheduled her for an upper GI on this coming Thursday. She had gone to Amarillo to a funeral, so put it off thinking it would pass, and it has not. And I have not uttered "I told you so". I want to say so many things, but as an outlaw I cannot.

Ok, I am thinking of all of you, as you deal with all these scary things...Eileen your niece will be in my prayers until all is well again. Darcy, same with you...my friend had the radio active iodine...worked great for her! They shoot me full of radioactive dye for my bone scans (part of my cancer crap follow up, I still have 2 tumors). So another friend bought us both Glow worms for Christmas that year!!! You might need a cuddle up glow worm yourself!! Cindy, hope that headache stayed away. Sherry, keep Mom close, sounds like she is going to need some extra lovin' right now. Mandy & Dianne, I'll be thinking good doggy thoughts for y'all!! Betty, Mary, Patty, Pat, Anne, Beannie....Miss you guys!!!

Take care all, will talk to you soon!


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Hi everyone!

My gosh Eilene, I can't stop thinking about your family. What an awful lot you are all going through right now. You and your niece will be in my thoughts - please keep us posted. (((HUGS)))

Darcy, good luck with the thyroid procedure! My mom has been on thyroid replacement for years with no ill effects, other than the inconvenience I suppose. When do you go in to have the sucker zapped?

Kat, I think I'm sore just from reading about all of your exercise. I can't imagine dragging myself to Curves after all of that lifting. Does your family know how lucky they are to have you? :)

Cindy, tell your friend at work that we're all thinking of her this week! Having lapband sure has helped my back pain, and I hope it does the same for her. She's lucky to have a friend to help her through it.

Sherry, working until almost 9pm?! Are you sure DH didn't bribe them to lock you out? :biggrin1: Glad that you had so much fun at the fair!

Betty, did you ever get a chance to take that nap? How is your foot doing lately?

Mary, I hope the scale has started cooperating with you!

DS had a great birthday party on Saturday. And the best part was that my house wasn't trashed afterwards (we went to a playplace). After the party my two sisters and I went to my mom's house to go through some of her things and some things from my grandma (who passed away many years ago). Mom and dad are getting ready to sell the family home and so she is giving away some of her things. We had a really great time reminiscing and laughing. And the best part was - all of the kids were with their dads so we got some girl time. I'm sad that they're selling, but it's time.

In other news, I applied for a job last week. I'm both frightened and excited at the prospect of going back to work. I've been home with the kids now for 6 years and I love it, but I also miss the adult interaction. I'm not actively looking, but a job came up at the small hospital down the road (where they hardly ever have openings) so I decided to jump on it. It's for a graduate medical education coordinator (scheduling and organizing the residents and medical students, that kind of thing...). Wish me luck!

As usual I'm up too late. I promised myself I would work out tomorrow after I drop the kids at school. The scale is finally starting to move downwards! Now I actually weigh what my ticker says I weigh. :)

Hope you all had a great weekend!

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Good Morning,

Eileen, sorry to hear about the family issues, believe me I can relate to the "family" problems. DS's psycho gfriend is on the fritz again. Had cops at my house Saturday nite and then at his house the same nite and then there again on Sunday, WTF! Get this now, 1/2 after they leave my house, she refuses to let me take her and the kids home, but calls a friend to come pick up up and take her to Sons house. She starts running through the neighbors yard yelling she'd been raped! So the she calls 911 again, the cops come and want to know about the rape thing, same cops that had just been at my house, only to have her say, well, I need to get baby bottles, forumla, clothes and diapers for my baby. Rather than take the kids home, she hauls ass to sons house to pull this chit! Like my son told the Lt this am, if he'd pulled that mess he'd have been in jail for making false claims.

Cindy, I can just vision you and the critters sitting watching tv. Hope the headache stays away, they're so vicious for you. Hugs. Been playing Gin, love that game.

Anne, are you sure you're ready for this, talk about a change in life style. The good point would be it would probably help with the eating issues to be out of the house a few hours each day. I eat much less when I'm at work, not near the junk I eat at home.

Kat, sorry about the SIL, obviously she does not respect her band or her esophagus to behave like that. She needs to grow up and be responsible for her actions. I know this sounds harsh, but that's not the kind of attention she needs.

Darcy, thanks for the compliment on OP Smile, that was a year ago and my face is a lot smaller, that's the only thing that's smaller, LOL. Oh yeah, I added you to my friends list on POGO, :) . Gin's my game of choice at the moment.

Mary, as for the scale, I couldn't tell you the last time I weighed :omg: . I don't weigh unless the clothes get snug, then I usually just need a laxative, LOL.

Betty, glad the foot is better. I'll have to send you pictures of some of my worn down Clarks. They are truly the most comfortable shoes. I wear clogs in the winter, they're so light weight, but support quite well and slides in the summer.

Sherry, slow down, life's too short, it will be there waiting on you, it will get done! I'm a little jealous, sounds like you've found your sweet spot, lucky you :) .

Speaking of work, gotta get with it, got lots of odds and ends to do.

Mandy, TG I can't wear silver, but let me know if you find a good site for 14k gold, :D .

Patty, Rene, Dona, come out come out where ever you are!

Got to go type letters to keep psycho woman away, my poor gson, what a life he's going to have and his sister, she's seen more chit than most people see in a life time at the ate of almost 7, how sad and cruel is that.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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