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September's Chat

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Patty-Yay for you and your toes. I felt the same way the first time I went. It is fun now though. I do it less than I should but sometimes I just think it's to hard to spend that money on my feet. Glad you had such a nice BD.

Kat-LOL I'm a slow reader but I couldn't read your dog story fast enough! Congrats on the running! I hope that old judge wants something soon from your FIL she needs to know about how she made your DH run after heart surgery! What a B-EACH

Darcy-Lucy st ill isn't 100% I really don't know what to do! She woke me up last night again to go potty, and she threw up a little bit yesterday.

Anne-Good luck with finding Patrick. I did a mold cake once it was loads of fun. How id school go and DH travel?

My dining room used to always look like that it was towards the back of the house, the difference is that my junk was 3 ft tall! Now in our new house it is the first room you see when you come in so I keep it clean, you'll scream when you see my desk I'll try to do that picture later today. What a beautiful kitchen! OH what adorable children. I could squeeze those cheeks!

Wow Pat you sure see everything..lol..maybe you can find my glasses that are missing!

Mandy-Any word on the puppy? My heart is hurting for you!

Betty-I know what you mean about being tired. Lucy is still waking me up in the middle of the night! My throat is much better thank you. I just need to control my night time eating and I'll be all set!

My name on pogo is lovemylpband so if you guys ever see me there say hi please! I am addicted to tumble bees and backgammon.

I need to grip ok, I started a thread yesterday called 5 yrs ago today 9/11. I just wanted it to be a reflection not a political gripping site. Well thankfully most everyone had really heartwarming things to say. But as you can imagine there were a few that wanted to start something. So I posted again this morning saying where I was coming from when I started the thread. I swear if anyone says anything else off subject I want to see how to take it off. It make me so angry! The nerve of these few! EWW I'm mad sorry, I'll shut up now.

Oh I had dd put some pictures of me side by side. They are up on the picture thread. I want her to do a few more. This is so good for me to see them right next to each other.

Eileen- hope the boss isn't a jerk today.

I'm off for now ttyl

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OH what cute kids Anne, squeeze them for me.

I can't play today either.... to much lurking behind my desk today :( but if I get the chance I'll be back *evil grin*

Love yah!!!

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Sunsett, you look fantastic...I really hope YOU see the huge difference that is there. I know that I struggle with seeing how much I have lost. I know the scale is moving and my clothing size has changed but I just don't see myself any smaller. ~Mandy

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OMG, Ann and Diane, you're Pogo people, I'm addicted soooo bad. I even paid for both sons and my mother to be Pogo members, no intermissions, and I race them each week to do their weekly challanges....look for HarleyNana001.

Cindy, are you still playing? Yeah, that's where you've been the last few days, trying to get those badges huh? I like all those card and board games, except Checkers, I learned how to cheat with that one too, hehehe.

Between LBT and Pogo, who needs the rest of the Intranet, LOL.

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HI everyone!

Sorry I missed a few days, and even more sorry if you worried!

FIL's surgery went very well! He's doing great and recovering very nicely, thank you all for the prayers and good wishes! I think I even got him talked into some remodeling, so his bottom floor will be "self-contained" and livable when the day comes that he cannot make the stairs. He needs a full bath and a laundry room, and place for a bed. There is plenty of room, it just needs to be done. It is an old two-story, a beautiful home, right on the edge of the TWU campus (he is a retired professor). So, all of that was really good!

I was busy the rest of the weekend going through very many legal papers and correspondence, and preparing a statement to send to our attorney, in preparation for a petition we are supposed to file, maybe next week. I actually wrote that letter yesterday afternoon, which is why I wasn't on here having fun with you all!

Do I get an excused absence? Pretty please?

I still play POGO...I like games that I can play by myself...mahjong, penguin blocks, poppit, and stuff like that. I only do the badges of the games I like, and the personal challenges. My name on Pogo is Mousecrazy...sound familiar?

Dianne, I have not read the 9/11 thread and I probably won't. It would make me crazy insane, and I just don't even want to go there. I will share this with you, my friends. That day, on 9/11, is the day that I became, truly, an AMERICAN. Until then, I believe I was an American, but a "citizen of the world" type American. I held some confused, and now I believe, misguided thoughts about pretty much everything. When I sat and watched what happened, researched and learned more about the terrorist attacks against the U.S. for the previous two decades (so it's not a Dem/Rep issue), my eyes were opened. I was changed in a fundamental, huge way, beginning on that day. I know some of you may not share this point of view, and may not understand it. I have even read the entire 9/11 Commission Report. I believe we are engaged in a battle of immense significance, a battle of ideas that will determine the fate of our country, and other freedom-loving countries in the world. So, Dianne...I applaud your effort at remembering the heroes and victims of that day, and Darcy, I was glad to see your prayers for them. I know most people feel the same. I know I went on too long, probably; you are all important to me, and I just feel like you should know that part of who I am and what I believe.

Mandy, no word yet on the puppy?

Patty, your pedicure and day out sounded like a fantastic time!

Eileen, are you back at work? Bummer. If we could only make vacation last forever!

Oh! I did clean out part of my closet...aboaut 100 lbs of clothes are out of there! And it's STILL full! What is the deal?????? I'm gonna keep working on it. BTW...my house would win, hands down, any kind of messy house contest ya'll wanna dream up! I won't even try to post pictures! Besides, Darcy would have to resize them; I'm going to have to get a better photo editing program!

Hugs to all!


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Hi all!!

I love the house pics! Anne, If you can keep a house pristine while raising and enjoying those little ones, then you would be doing much better than I ever did!!! You know, now I can keep my house clean without much effort, until the kids and grandkids show up!! And there is a HUGE difference between family clutter and filth...I don't think you have a thing to worry about, seems your priorities are in good order! My biggest issue at this time is the house is simply too small. We thought downsizing after the kids left home was a good idea...it wasn't. We are talking about building, or even buying modular....we have land, so it is something we discuss more and more often lately. Keep this place as a rental, which is what we had it as, prior to the kids all growing up! And Anne, thanks for the compliment, you are too sweet!

I spent the morning mixing and pouring cement with my Dad and brother again, while DH frothed at the bit! He is begining to do more things, but lifting is still a big no-no. He ran Water and did all the "gopher" jobs. I want to hit Curves, but not sure if it will happen!

Well, Pat you may be on to something, I probably should have been more assertive at the Dr.'s office with my SIL. My MIL went with us, as did my DIL and grandson (I for the life of me cannot tell you why!) It is a 12 hour drive round trip. My poor grandson was so unhappy in his carseat for that long. Anyway, my MIL went into the room with her so I thought she would speak up, she is not known for keeping her mouth shut!! But he gave her a prescription for something like "Raglan" (sp. is iffy) saying he didn't think her esophogus motility was right. But he gave her a good size fill anyway. He put her up to over 2, when she was only at 1.5cc. She tried drinking a thinned milkshake on the way home, it was a no go. She tried a cappucino, it wouldn't go either. She is at the local Dr. & hospital now having a swallow screening done. While we were there in CO for the fill she got a call her SIL had passed away, so she is due to leave for TX tomorrow. Not sure how it is going to play out. Meanwhile, I am very unhappy over it all. On one hand I do not know if she was honest with the Dr., so I cannot say he was being negligent (that spelling looks so wrong...but you'll figure it out!!) But I find myself feeling like WE are not as important as I had hoped we were, that maybe the money is a bigger issue. Maybe I am reading too much into it. He talked to me, and they weighed me. I am down 32 pounds since my fill in July. He was thrilled with that. He remembered to ask about my DH. The Dr. has had heart valve surgery too. so maybe it is just an issue with my SIL. She may not have been totally upfront about how bad it has been, or about her eating habits. Meanwhile my MIL, tells everyone that my SIL would not have had this surgery if it wasn't for ME!! LOL....always me!! I am SOOOOOO bad!

Anyway guys, there was a very nice woman there exploring the lapband surgery, I gave her the LBT site, and told her this is where she could find me to discuss it outside the Dr.'s office. So if she shows up...make her welcome for me until we connect, I know you will!

Mandy--I hope your pup is back. But girl I have something I need to discuss with you. You might have to quit looking for the puppy and come rescue me. If I buy anymore silver jewelry my DH may indeed kick me out of the house!!! And YOU my friend are responsible for me finding the site!!! $6.00 at a time adds up when I keep finding things for the DD's and the DIL!! I am so pathetic! While you guys are off playing Pog, I am spending money $6.00 at a time, and it is ALL Mandy's fault!!!:( Just kidding, I wanted to say thanks!!! I love the website so much!!!

Dianne--I would love to get the judge!!! I will tell you all a secret, my DS has a get even plan!! He had trouble with another neighbors dog, it got ahold of a skunk that DS had trapped. He is once again having skunk problems, so he says if he gets another, he is tossing it over the fence to those dogs!! They are all in the house as well as out, so skunk odor would be a problem!!! Will it really truly happen? No, but it is a fun fantasy!!!

Cindy--I just love that you are so AMERICAN!! Many of us, cried and watched, but you took it to the point of being fully informed. I respect that more than I can tell you! At the time, I could not as a Mom with kids in the service, put myself in a position of feeling like I knew too much, it was too scary. My neighborhood has had flags on the houses, many have poles in the yard, all over the place. I figured they would gradually come down, but they haven't, they have flown steadily. I put mine out saying it would come down when my kids come home. Well thank God above they did come home, but even then I knew many had not yet, so it stayed up and is up as I type.

Well my Dad is off to Plano TX tomorrow to see his best friend for likely the last time, the friend is dying of cancer. I am going to go give Dad a haircut before he goes. I will try to get back in later to catch up on all of you. DS and I are going to go get a load of firewood in the morning, so if I don't get back will see y'all tomorrow sometime!!


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Kat, thank you so much for the encouragement. It means a lot to me. But, what really touched me in your post was your giving your dad a haircut so he could come see his best friend who is dying. Seeing anyone you know is dying takes more guts than most people know. I know many of us here in the NJ gal thread do know what it takes, so God bless him, and his friend, and you for helping him get ready.

We fly the flag here at our house every single day, and have for the last 5 years...you gotta love that, right, Sherry? We have a big ol' flagpole, and everything!

DH has DD at Girl Scouts, and I made the special brownies (no, not THOSE!) with Hersey's Symphony bars in the center for DD's school's teacher's meeting (that's too many possessives there...) tomorrow. I know lots of people don't like being alone, but I sure do! I'd like a couple of days of pure time to myself, I think. How about ya'll? I've gotta make her lunch still, but that's about it as far as getting organized for tomorrow.

I guess that's about all there is as far as news for tonight...hope everyone's had a good day!


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I only have a second....no news on the puppy, the animal control says he is probably long gone by now. No one has seen him since Sat, I looked again this morning with no luck. I did finally get my hair cut. I will post pics tomorrow, it is really short, but I like it.

Kat, sory about the silver money sucking site. I love it too, I used it for chistmas gifts last year for the librarian, dd teachers aid, and our mail lady. Also my hair dresser got a lovely charm. I know they also make good pick me up gifts, I have several that I bought and put away for just that reason. I gave one to a neighborhood after a long weekend of overtime and she was thrilled. It brightened her day. just an idea for an excuse to buy more stuff I guess. ~Mandy

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Kat, sorry about the SIL, sounds like she's gonna have to learn the hard way, who would want to make anothe roud trip 12 hr drive, the poor baby to boot. I hate to travel.

Cindy, we use to fly the 2 flags at the end of our driveway, one on each side, which is quite a way off the road, and some person left a message in our mail box that we needed to read the rules of displaying the flat and that if we didn't have a light on it every night that we needed to take it down. I realize there is a proper way to do things, but at least we were attempting to support our troops and our country. We usually took them down at night, but some times, being the old folks that we are, we'd forget. People....some of them should go get a life and leave others alone.

Ann, what is your Pogo screen name?

Where is everyone?

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We have patriotic group here! I think my DH bought an inexpensive spotlight at Home Depot and pointed it up the flagpole...it's probably not perfect, but it hasn't brought us any complaints. I actually think there was a restriction on flagpoles period in our neighborhood agreement when we built our home, but no one has had the guts to say anything to us. In our little town, I don't think anyone would. They wouldn't like the response, I don't think.

I hope I didn't run everyone off with my patriotic preaching! LOL! Somehow, I doubt it.

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Hi Everyone...sorry I've been so quiet. Just trying to breath lately it seems.

9/11 was pretty hard but, I try to also remember that good also came out of that. A nation that became one, prayed together and cared together. I think it awoke many a people to how great out country is and that they need to appreciate what we've been given. What is protected by our military. I'm with Cindy...I've always ALWAYS been Patriotic and appreciative of the land I live in, the military that paid with their time and some with their lives to keep us free. My American flag hangs every good day of the year. My DH was in the Navy for 10 years and I thank him all the time for what he did for us. Being a submariner had to be so hard. Underway for 8plus months, no family, no contact with home...just you and the guys on the sub. Amazing...I'm still in Awe. I can't say enough of my love and thankfulness for all military men and women and their families that support them. THANK YOU

Anyway, I've been peeking in...haven't posted much anywhere just because I'm so burnt out from work. My head is actually spinning it's so nuts. I still haven't heard about the job/promotion and more projects have been added to my plate as well as having to do the job of the girl I had to let go. My mom is having cataract surgery on Thursday so I'll bring her there and then work from home. I had to tell my boss today that although I was there all day today I got NOTHING done in way of projects. 3 meetings, staff, calls from the accounts...nothing solid was done. She then told me to take Friday off as well. Ummmm well that's great but, I'm working from home HELLOOOOO I'm falling behind I don't have the luxury of taking the day off but, I will take the time and work from home. At least here I won't get interrupted and maybe JUST maybe I won't get a zillion emails to keep me from getting something done. (Plus, bonus I can peek in at you and work in my jammies ahhhhh) Anyway hopefully it will be productive.

I promise I'll get to personals as soon as I'm out of this funk of mine. Love you folks and I pray you're all doing well and shrinking :(

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Diane, I saw your pics and you look awesome.

Cindy, we're about 1500 ft off the road, that would be one heck of a drop cord, LOL.

Sherry, if I could wear my night shirt to work every day, I think I would be so much more productive. There's something about working without shoes or bra that makes the day more comfy.

Did anybody check out the link that I posted for Operation Smile? Needless to say, when I found out my picture was on the cover of this brochure that was mailed to many, many homes I was shocked, then to find it on the Op Smile website.

Cindy, Picasa is a free photo program. It will allow you to crop, but not select the size.

Gotta run the bug man is coming today, I have a terrible time with those nasty silverfish.

Later gals.

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Hi Kids,

Yep another day I can't play but tomorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrow my boss is gone *EVIL GRIN MUWAHHHHHHHH* I will be here reading up and posting my widdle heart out.

Pat I peaked at your picture, its a great shot :girl_hug:


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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