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September's Chat

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Speaking of avatars, Darcy, yours is so clear, mine looks like I soaked it in Water b4 I put it up. Since you're the puter guru, which format are you supposed to save it in? I use Picasa-(free), and Photo Explosion and every time I save a "trimmed" picture, I get this message that says saving with a diff file name may cause image to be blurrie, WTF!

Ann, you do look great, how's the modified band doing?

Cindy, I was cleaning out stuff this morning before the housekeeper gets here, where does all this chit come from? As I sit at my desk, I see thank you cards, yet to be written, magazines, junk, unwanted faxes that came through, my camera case, mail, penS, a comb, remote for tv and remote for fan, two cameras, a bottle of lotion, my souvineer Dgson brought from DC, and a coffee cup, JUST ON MY DESK. Heaven forbid I should turn around and look at my bookcase!


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Good Morning,


Well a bit of good news, I finally hit 50 lbs mark :o <--- enuf said.

Cindy, talk about mess !! whoooo my house is not dirty but there's so much clutter its sick and its frustrating. Between work, DD, and everything else, I can only skim the surface on the weekend so by Monday the house looks like a mess again, clutter clutter. I signed up for flylady but they send you 100000000000 emails that drove me nuts so I deactivated my account. Here I'm trying not to have clutter and their emails were cluttering my inbox ROFLMFAO. GOOD LUCK WITH FIL !!!!!

Kat, poor little baby. Are they sure it isn't Fifth's Disease? http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/bacterial_viral/fifth.html My DD had it when she was about 2 - 3 and I caught it from her. Hope she is feeling better.

Pat, thats nuthin, wish I could take a picture of my 2 desks here at work... they are covered from end to end WTF is right, OY.

Dianne congrats on the size 14 WHOOOOOOOOOAH !!!! thats awesome... can't wait for my turn (((doubt I'll ever get to a 14, so 16 is a dream come true :D )))

Anne, hope your boobage smooshing turns out fine :hug: Yes my dog loves pig ears too but gosh are they expensive. She loves anything that basically smells like chit LOLOL !!!!

Darcy, WW is EXCELLENT !!!! you go girl. WW is one of the best taught diet plans out there IMHO. Jinkies.... 7 kids and time to exercise??? does she have a nanny and maid? lordy I'm complaining with no time and I only have 1. I hope it works out for yah. Ohhh... a birthday party at 51... LOVE IT YOU SNEAKY THING ;) heheheheheehe

Sherry love, slow down ;) (yeah I know thats the pot calling the kettle black eh) Hope your friday is exciting.

Mandy, did you find your puppy? gosh I hope so.

Whats everyone doing this weekend????

Well kiddlets, time for me to run... but I'll bbl :)

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Happy birthday sweet Patty, I hope yur day is as blessed as we are to have you as our friend.

Eileen-your gonna make it to size 10/12 I know you will!

Mandy-I'm praying for that puppy to come home

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Thanks Every one!

Nothing planned today except work..... and oh yeah, I wrote to a WLS attorney in San Diego asking for help. Gosh, don't know how much that will cost but I gotta try.

Eileen: You hit a major goal and I am Soooooo proud of you! Your anniversary date is coming up. Kudos girlie!

I gotta scoot.

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WOOT WOOOT WOOT, EILEENIE HIT THE 50 LB MARK! I remember when I hit that mark, I was elated, that was goal number 2. The first was the 25 lb mark. The third was size 12. Size 10, yeah right :o .

Hugs girlie!

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I'll never be a 12, ever... to much skin but wtf, who cares, as long as I'm a happy 16 / 14 I'll be happier than a pig in dodo. When I was a 14 people said I was to skinny.... go figure (haa get it, go figure).

Thanks girlies.

Congratulations Dianne :hug:

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Happy Birthday Patty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 50 pound mark Eileen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pat I save in JPeg format!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dianne... Congrats on making into the 4ft club!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay...gotta go. ;)

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Hello everyone, sorry I've been lurking...wanted to keep up with the readin but, time wise and mood wise posting didn't happen.

Anyway.....so...it's done, over...fineeto. Another one bites the dust as far as employees of Sherry. It's taken too much energy, time and patience to try to help this chick "get it". Trained, retrained, helped, pointed out what needed to be done, and still it was like talking to a door except at least a door functions and knows it's main job in this world. UGH. So now I'm back to the drawing board...interviews, hire, train, retrain, check work to make sure done right etc. Lord....hopefully the next one will work. I hate doing it but at this point she did it to herself. Man did she argue while my boss and I were talking to her. Lying to my face about the problems I pointed out, demanding to see what I found and after showing her, demanded to see it in the computer. My boss had enough of that and outright told her. Sherry checked all this manually, acct by acct shadowing what should be done. She's been doing this for 19 years, supervising/managing for 15 she knows when something is wrong. Even when I brought up her tardiness, sick days etc she wanted me to show her SLAM! there it is her time cards! How thick can ya be? Well she's gone....and I'm on the hunt for another employee to join the staff. After all that was done the part I can't stand...I have to stand there and watch them pack up their personal belongings and walk them to the door. I have to make sure no company property is leaving and no patient information is destroyed or taken. Hate it but, a gals gotta do what a gals gotta do. After she left...3 of my other employees come to my cubicle. I looked up at em and asked what they needed help with and they said...we're here for moral support. That was really nice of them and made me feel good. They know me well enough to know this is a last resort for me...I'll do all in my power to help someone succeed but sometimes you just can't do it. Oh well...I'll be more upbeat tomorrow I promise.

Eileen - WTG on the 50! Just think what it would be like to carry 50 pounds of potatos around..look at 5 10pound bags and think...WOWza I lost all that ;) Good for you...Congrats!

Patty - HAPPY BIRTHDAY my friend. I hope you have a beautiful day and bday weekend!

Love you folks...Hope you're all doing well and shrinking! (thanks so much for all the upbeat comments and well wishes. It really helped.) HUGS

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It's a big day here on the NJ thread!

WTG EILEEN! 50 lbs is a BIG DEAL!!!!!!!! I join you in wishing for the size 16! I can hardly imagine it, but I'm getting closer....you will, too! Wait...you ARE, too!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PATTY! Hope you have a good day! You sure deserve it!

Dianne...congrats on the 4 foot club! When is your Bandiversary?

Sherry, I think congrats are in order for dumping the dead weight girl, too!

Pat, you may think your desk is messy, but I think it looks like a dream come true! I love your desk!

Darcy, you are busy today...whatcha doin'?

I am home now from my "nursing job" with FIL...he did great! DH is going back over there to spend the night with him, just in case. I am pretty tired...why is sitting around in the hospital so tiring? I think working/teaching is not as tiring as sitting in a hospital...

So, all is well...

Mandy? I was hoping you would post some good news about the puppy...still waiting to hear, and praying it's good news.

Much love to all, Cindy

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no good news here. I did see him today but he ran away before I could even think of catching him. He was in my neighbors yard. So at least he is still close. I think he might be trying to find his food dish, but he wouldn't come to me. We are going back out tomorrow to look some more. My neighbor has a dog that he loves to play with so I am taking him with me tomorrow, maybe that will entice him to come to us? I'll update later, I have walked all day looking. ~Mandy

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DIANNE---4 FEET GONE!! AMAZING!!!:flame: You're gonna be one hot Mama!!

Sounds like an awesome day here!!! It seems however that Sherry lost the most dead weight today!! Glad the firing is behind you and you can move on.

Mandy--hoping your pup gets brave enough to come for his food, I hate the stress this is causing all of you!

Cindy--Glad FIL's surgery went well, sounds like he has alot to deal with right now, it is no wonder he is feeling especially depressed over cleaning out his late wife's things. Poor man, will lift him in prayer tonight.

Darcy--I have never tried Weight Watchers. It took an act of congress to get me to go to Curves, and now I like it! Go figure!!! (yep same as Eileen--pun intended!)

Sherry--I had a guy on another thread help me with changing my avatar, because I am so computer illiterate!!! Good Luck--I am zero help to you!!! And even my desk here at home, has SOOO much junk it would be an embarassment to show it. Luckily it is in an amouir (sp?), so if someone is here, I just close it up...so far it will still close, but barely!!! I have mail, CD's, my Water, a phone, hand sanitizer, bazillions of pens, markers, even crayons!, a bag of Skittles, camera, clock,a bag of balloons, a spirometer (DH does his breathing exercises while surfing ebay!!)....and the list goes on and on!!! Don't think you have anything to worry about!

Eileen--DGD's Dr. said no to the 5th Disease, he said it causes a facial flush, and she doesn't have it. He was concerned about something called Kawasaki Disease, but the pediatrician didn't seem to think that was it. She was still feverish today, but no new symptoms. Trying to get a urine sample from her...yeah right, she is right in the middle of potty training, and with fever the potty seat is cold, and she just cries. Well we don't want to traumatize the potty training, so I don't know how my DD is going to handle it, but I am so worried about her. She is so sweet and tiny...my little darlin'. She was born early, and weighed in at just over 4 pounds, and now going on 2 she is almost 20 pounds, so she is still small. She looks especially little laying there so listless. Will keep you posted. Thanks for everyone's concern. I cannot tell you all how much you mean to me, being able to come here and know I will not be let down when I need support for anything at all. Big hugs all the way around!

Anne-- hope the mammogram wasn't too bad, I have had mine this year!!! Being a cancer survivor, they harp on me to keep mine regular...and I do, I am not gonna be stupid!!

Betty--where you hiding?? Beannie??? Mary??? Allison??? We miss you!

Well I ate one too many bites, think I will walk around the yard, it rained, so I will go check things out, and move a little!!!

See y'all later!!!


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Kat, your avatar is beeyuuteeful (that's beautiful in Texan!) You look fantastic! And thank you so much for your prayers for my FIL. I know he would be surprised to be told how many perfect strangers (to him, anyway) are lifting him in prayer to our Father. I think his faith was seriously tested when my MIL passed away...I'm not sure where he stands in that now. But, I believe, and whether he does or not, if we pray for him, I know our prayers are heard. Thanks so much! I hope your DGD is better real soon, too.

Mandy, I consider it good news that you have seen your puppy, and know he is nearby. It's better than being totally in the dark, so I like your plan of taking a "decoy" dog with you tomorrow. More prayers being sent your way!

Good night, to everyone, and God bless,


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Good Morning,

Happy Saturday y'all ;)

Mandy glad the pup is in site, I hope you catch him soon.

Kat I LOVE your avatar, you look at least 10 years younger..... gorgeous. When I had fifths I didn't break out in a facial rash, but had it on my body. I hope she's feeling better soon and yes, I hate it when they lay so lifeless, its heart breaking. Do you have one of those little porta potties for her? My Dd went from that to the big toilet but the little one is less intimidating for sure.... then when I found an Elmo potty seat for the big toilet she never returned to the little potty.

Sherry sorry for the rough week and the moron LOL, hope you find some one who can contribute instead of making things worse. Hang in there. Problem with young kids today is they don't want to work hard (not all but the one's I've seen).

Cindy I'm so glad FIL is doing well and yes, sitting in the hospital is very tiring.

Patty hope your birthday was good. I'm glad you called for your band, and yes, you gotta try if it something thats in your heart.

Dianne 4 FOOT CLUB !!! well howdie dooooooooooo yahoooooooooo thats awesome, you just keep melting away chicklet, I need the encouragement from others succeeding in order for me to try harder. CONGRATs !!!!!

Not much is happening today, there is a flea market (tiny one) up the street from my house so me and DD will walk there and spend some money on junk that we don't need lolol. I'm gonna get my ass up and clean, then shower and get ready to go, but thats it for the weekend as far as "plans."

How about you? whats in your world this weekend?

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DUH ME !!!!!!!

Thank you everyone for the Congratulations on the 50 lbs. Things are going slow (my fault) but I have no regrets and I am very happy b/c I am enjoying life with all of my favorite foods and I don't feel deprived what so ever. Slow is good IMHO !!! its the way for me.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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