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September's Chat

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Quick Hello,

Diane, if I had a pinch of your exercise motivation, I might lose some lbs, LOL. Keep up the dedication.

Cindy, awww, you made blush again. I try to stop in every day, but I always feel so guilty when I don't write a reply to each and every one of my NJ friends. I always feel like I'm leaving someone out or that I may hurt their feelings if I miss them. WELL, if I do, I'll apologize in advance, how's that!

Betty and Kat, I'm so embarrassed to say, but my mom'd BD was uneventful. I did take her out for a chocolate shake Tues nite, but not what I had planned. I was wupppped when I left on Tuesday, we had over 300 calls from people with storm damage. We still haven't gotten everyone called back yet. Plus I'm dealing with a new girl in the office, that I don't think is gonna make it. All she can do is answer the phone and take a message. I did take her to Olive Garden on Sunday, but I'll make it up to her for sure.

Sherry, there was a really interesting recipe on hungrygirl, it was a 0 pt Soup, it looks so good and healthy.

Patty, back at school yet?

Anne, ya gotta have at least one room in the house that's clean for sure and the kitchen is probably the best one, LOL. I can't stand dishes in the sink, errrrrrr. When I go to DS's house, always dishes in the sink, less than a foot from the dishwasher, WTF, LOL. My room is probably the bedroom, I make my bed as soon as my feet hit the floor, even b4 going tinkle, hehehe.

Darcy, 50! Since he wouldn't let you do a party, I'd at least take him to a restaurant that sings to ya at the end of the meal...Outback, yummm. Lets see, I'm trying to do a little math, you're not yet 40, hmmmmm :couch2: , LMAO.

Beanie, you're running, OMG, I'd knock my self out with my boobs. I have to hold on to them when I jog to catch the phone AND heaven forbid I should run down the stairs, last time I tried that I got a bruise under my chin...had my hands full, couldn't hold on to em.

Eileenie, I enjoyed the chat this AM :) , all you ladies back feel ok, we had a really good talk, ACTUALLY, we were talking about how much respect we have for our NJ pals....

Hugs to you all!

PS, back to the boobs issue, I have an appointment the 25th for a consultation for another reduction, just hope I don't chicken out, gosh I hate needles and being put to sleep. The thought of not being able to sleep on my tummy, :omg: . I already picked them out.

Later gals!

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Heeelloooooo NJ gals (and guys if there should be any lurking:) )

Cindy... Heck no... not a Vet just a dog owner that has been blessed with dogs with illnesses... yup... I know how to pick'em!

Pat... Yup... my hubby has a child bride...LOLOLOL. I've always dated older men and actually... he was almost a little too you for me... hehehehe. I just always found that older men tended to treat me much better than the younger ones. :couch2: Hope everything goes okay with the boobie consult... I can't imagine saying "reduction" in the sentence as "MY" boobies. I know what you mean... it is no small thing having surgery... ever. We are all worried about Donna... hope she checks in one day soon!

Anne... Yep... I feel the same way about the kitchen! I feel like people would walk into my house and jusdge me as a slob if my kitchen were a mess... even if the rest of the house was a complete disaster. :)

Sherry... *Raising my hand* "ME....ME...ME... I want the recipe!" :)

Kat... Halarious! I wish I had sone something like that for my hubby! He really is down about turning 50... he was telling last night how he now has one foot in the grave. Poor dear. I did put a roll of duct tape in his gift bag as he is always telling me it can fix anything.

Anyhoo... I guess I had better get showered and go pick up an ice cream cake. I'm not sure where we will go for dinner but I do know that Applebee's is out as they sang and embarassed the heck out of him last year.... hehehehe.


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Morning girls!

Thought I would take a chance and try to get some LBT time in while DGD naps. She is so whiny lately one of is always grouchy! Terrible 2's here we come!!!

Darcy--My FIL is the same way with his duct tape, and baling wire (he IS a farmer afterall!!). We found him a wallet made entirely out of duct tape! And we always include some in his birthday gift!! It started years ago, he was working on something and tore his coveralls, and they kept catching on thigs, so he grabbed the tape and taped them as opposed to going back to the house and changing. So for his birthday we bought him new coveralls, and a new patch kit, aka duct tape!! We look for cards regarding duct tape, everything!!!

Sherry--me too I want the recipe, we are having an abundance of zuchini, and I love anything with bacon!!!

Pat--I am just too chicken to have a reduction, I scar so badly. When I signed up for Curves the other day they measured me, and to get to a goal of a size 13/14 I only have 2 inches to lose from my hips... BUT I have 11 1/2 to lose from my bust!!! I told her the only way that would happen is with surgery! At 123 pounds I was a DD. I must stood in the boobs line several times!!! But with this keloid scarring, I am too chicken, I would end up with Frankenstein boobs!!! I want to buy a new trampoline, it is such good cardio exercise, but I have to jump with my arms crossed!!! Oh and I have NO idea what happen to Donna, I am hoping her computer is on the fritz....it has worried me to no end.

Dianne--how's Lucy this morning? In my opinion, from reading what I have on here, about numerous subjects, you, Cindy, Patty, and now Mandy, actually everyone has impressed me!!! You sound like some of the best Moms I have ever come across. I think all of your children have been blessed!

Speaking of children---nap time is over...oh for the days of hour long naps, and smiles when she woke up!!! For the last week it has been 1/2 hour cat naps and whining and screeching over EVERYTHING!!!! Give me patience!!! Talk to y'all later!!!


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I only have a quick min to post. I want to thank everyone for the compliments, I try my best to be a good parent. Someday's are really hard.

Please keep my puppy in your prayers, he escaped last night and we have not found him yet. I have called animal control and both local shelters with no luck. I did manage to RUN over a mile after him last night. hooray for me, but still didn't catch him. He is totally affraid of people, so I'm not sure if anyone will be able to catch him. So please say a quick prayer for us to find him safe and sound. ~Mandy

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Good Morning,

Mandy good luck finding your pup *crossing fingers* but mostly saying a prayer.

Pat that was a fun chat this morning, I bet the lady next to me was thinking WTF is wrong with her LOLOL. You had better not chicken out with the boobage visit. Remember your back and how much it hurts and you'll have ^Perky^ girls.

Darcy, my dh turned 50 this year as well, he's 8 years older than me :couch2: I never asked my DH what he wanted for his 50th, I just had a party and well... he had no choice in the matter haaaaaaaaaaaa... *shrug*

Kat have fun with DGD, I've never seen a terrible 2 at 2 years old, usually when they hit 3 and 4 they are terrible 2's LOLOL.

Cindy, yes I agree, rawhide products are the cause of many problems in dogs. They are IMHO and my vets opinion the worst thing you can give a dog. Sucks b/c they love them so much.

Well girlies, I will sneak back in later..... have a wonderful day and be good (you know what I mean). :tired

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CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SIGGY !!! Your passing me up in the fast lane lady and I think thats TERIFFIC.......... YOU GO GIRL !!!!!!


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Eileen, you're so right, who ever came up with the terrible 2's. My Dgs who will be 3 in Nov, is making his mother consider going back to work full time, LOL.

Kat, PS has come a long ways, this will be my second reduction :omg: , but It's all I think about, so it must be in my future, LOL.

Darcy, I know what you can give the dh for a surpise bday present :couch2: .

Gotta go, PIA customer...(pain in the a$$).

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WOW! I was just reading along, enjoying all the news, and then all the rah-rah-rah at the end...blush, blush, blush! And, smiling from ear to ear! Thank you so much for the compliment and encouragement!

Mandy, I sure hope you find your little puppy...is it named Mickey or Moe? I can't remember...poor thing. I pray he is returned to your home and heart.

Pat, let us know how the boob consult went...I am in awe of all those who are brave enough for PS. I just don't know if I am that brave. So far, I am not expecting to need any, but that could change. Someday I'll write ya'll the list of things I said I'd never do, that I am doing NOW! Ha!

Since we are talking about age difference in mates (Darcy, Eileen)...I am the cradle robber in my marriage...my DH is 5 years younger than I am! I am 50, he is 45. No one ever guesses that, though, because I have the best camoflauge: an 8 year old daughter! Most people think both of us are much younger than we actually are! My sister is the other way...her Dh is 11 years older! She just says I am immature for my age! WTF? LOL!

Kat, thanks for the compliment on "mom-hood"...but you are a mighty fine mom, too! And, you have those beautiful ankles that we all can sigh in jealousy over!

Darcy, you mentioned Applebees...we took my DD there for her 4th birthday, I think...we thought she'd like the singing and all...well, if you could have seen her face! MORTIFIED was written all over it. She still to this day will not allow the waitresses/waiters to do that kind of thing, or let them do it to anyone else (and I hope it stays that way!) It IS kinda embarrassing....funny your DH and my DD had the same experience.

Confession: my house is utter chaos. I was reading someone's post somewhere on here, and they mentioned www.flylady.com or something like that, and thought "WTH" and went there. What a great site! I need stuff like that. As I transition from world of work to stay at home mom, I'm going to use that kind of information to get a grip on my home. With the ebay stuff taking over, I've already warned the family that I'm getting big black trash bags and they better watch out! I think they know I'm serious.....

Well, it's about lunch time, and I'd better sign off for now. If I skipped you, I'll get ya next time.

Anne, I love your new avatar!

Hugs all around!

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recipe off to Kat and Darcy :) Hope you like it.

Hello my friends...miss writing but, whew what a week! Must be the full moon today. Work was nothing but meetings today and problems then throw in an interview and running an activities committee meeting for the company WHEEEEEEEEEEEW I'm beat. My eyes are crossing, my plate is so full that literally I'm not thinking straight....stress....hmmmm ya think that's why the scale isn't moving and I'm not able to eat much? YEAP going through that right now too. Mom made this awesome kale Soup and 3 bites and I'm pacing the floor :couch2: WTF! (taking from my friend Eileen hee hee) Anywho....I gotta go now clean up the kitchen, put away clothes and bug my kid about homework. Yippee! Love you folks...I hope you're all doing well and shrinking! (awesome job on that Cindy!!)

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Hey Ladies...

Sherry... Thanks for the recipe! I'm going to try it tomorrow night! Now... take a deep breath ... go smell a rose or two... that's an order. :couch2:

Eileen... I did ask... but he was sure to tell me not to. Hmmmm... I am figuring it will be a much bigger surprise when I do it on his 51st B-day... *evil grin*

Mandy... Oh man... that is so terrible! You must be so worried! I will say a prayer and please tell us when you find him!

Anne... I love your avatar... you are so pretty!!!!

Kat... Bless you... I'm not sure I will be able to take that stage again... even in a grandchild...LOL! Actually... I got off so easy with my DD that I just wouldn't know what to do with a screaming baby... RUN would be my best guess...lol.

Cindy... We went to Red Robin for dinner and my hubby wouldn't let me out of his sight... he was scared to death I would tell them it was his B-Day...lol. You are kicking butt and taking names on that weight-loss girl! Congrats!

Pat.... Hope your customer paid up for being a PIA. :) Won't duct tape and socks work for the surprise hubby gift??? LOL

Well... I am thinking I will join WW again... after the ice-cream cake is gone of course. :) I don't know... I think the key is the exercise and I just can't seem to stick with it longer than 2 weeks. Anyhoo... I signed up in this site for finding a "buddy" that is in your area and found 1 gal that lives near me but she has 6 or 7 children ranging from 3 to 19... I'm not sure she would have any extra time for taking walks...lol We'll see! I am going to have to go shopping for clothes if I don't lose weight soon... I can't keep wearing the same pair of pants forever. *sigh*


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Somebody kick me, then someone throw something at me, and after that just beat me some more....

My DGD woke up as I closed my last post, as I predicted, a little grouch! She fell asleep on my lap not too much later, and as I was rubbing her little tummy it felt really grainy, not satiny smooth as usual, thought that was a little wierd. She was so sweaty on me, and she just kept heating up. Woke up with a raging fever! I took her to see her Mama...she is a nurse for our PCP. He did a strep test, and checked her ears, and throat, and all come back clear. He found her gums red, and the rash, and with her irritability, and other symptoms he was unsure of he sent us to her pediatrician. They are treating her (by NOT treating her...tylenol for fever is all) for a viral infection, saying it is possibly a mild case of West Nile! And here I was complaining of her being whiny....some Gramma I am! Poor thing. I'll tell ya tho, she does have a temper!!! I was trying to force some fluids on her, and she didn't appreciate it!!! I took her over some new jammies, a blanket, some juice drinks, and Snacks, and a new movie. Then she cried because I wouldn't take her with me when I left. So DD packed her up and they come home to their old room for the night!! That way too if she is sleeping in the morning and my DD decides to go to work, she will already be here. Man even before they learn "how" they can make you feel so guilty!!!

Talk to y'all later!


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OH, Kat...isn't that always how it is?! I'm not gonna throw anything at you, that's for sure! I've done my share of that very thing...griping about the DD's bad mood, only to discover a fever and a rash. But I usually get thrown up on as part of my penance! LOL! Take good care of the little one. Sorry she is sick, and don't worry about guilt...it never did anyone any good.

I forgot to tell ya'll I'll be out of touch early tomorrow...my FIL is having hernia repair surgery in the morning....I'm picking him up at 6:30, that would be A.M., surgery scheduled at 8:00. Then whenever he can be released from recovery, I am taking him back to his house. Then when DH gets off, he'll come rescue me- oops, I mean "take over." He's gonna spend the night with him. He has had a hip replacement and is being treated for multiple myeloma, so has some additional health problems that complicate a usually simple procedure. Wish me luck, girls! Should be an interesting day, filled with magazines and lots of coffee!

I'll definitely check in tomorrow night, though.

Hugs to all, Cindy

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Thanks everyone for the avatar compliments! Here I am once again, up way too late and I have an early appointment with the boob smushing doctor :o . Nothing serious - just the 6 month follow up appt from the last mammogram to make sure nothing has changed.

Kat, you're not a bad grandma! Who here hasn't complained about a cranky little one before realizing they're sick? It's no surprise that she wanted to come home with you. I hope she's feeling better soon.

Pat, good luck with the boob consult. You're going to feel soooooo much better once you get the girls under control! I for one know that I will need a Tummy Tuck (since I practically kick my stomach when I walk), and I hate the idea of more surgery, but I look at it this way: a few scary minutes and a few weeks of discomfort for something that will make your whole life better.

Cindy, I wish I could give you some great advise about keeping a house neat once you're a stay at home mom, but I can never seem to keep up with it myself. If the kitchen is clean and the dinner isn't pizza I feel like mother of the year. :biggrin1: And congrats on the weightloss!!

Eilene, I've never heard that about rawhide. Fortunately, I don't usually buy it because my dog prefers pigs ears (and whatever he can dig out of the trash). I'll stay away from it now though!

Darcy, I was just thinking today about joining WW. The weight came off a little after this last fill but now it's stabilized. I need something to motivate me to get the next 20 lbs off because I'm really feeling the weight gain in my back. Not good.

Sherry, take heart - it's Friday! I hope your next week isn't quite so stressful. The only thing worse than not being able to eat is not being able to eat when the scale isn't moving for you. (((HUGS)))

Mandy, any luck finding your pup? I will keep him in my prayers for a safe journey home.

Dianne, I really admire your commitment to exercise. What's your secret? Wait? You mean I have to get my butt out of the chair? Hmmmmmm... :)

Betty, Mary, Beanie, Donna, NatesMommy and anyone else that I may have forgotten - What's up? (((HUGS)))

I have to head off to bed now. Have a great Friday everyone. :D

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Pat-Thanks I have to confess I didn't make it there! The sneakers got in the car but not the pants. So Friday morning first thing I'm dragging my butt in for my weigh in and measurements. Ahh it makes me nervous!

Kat-I lost about 12 inches in my bust area, (back boobs) since I started curves! I'm a double F, but have nothing in my back area. I'm so grateful for that, but someday the boobs have got to go...I think...How is DGD this morning?

Mandy-OH no, I will saay a prayer for the puppy to get home safely how sad I'm so sorry.

Cindy-My house is a mess too! I just can't get rid of all the papers!!! ARGH I thought it was only because of elementary school!

Saying a prayer for FIL this morning and the rest of the family, hang in there.

How long has it been since Donna was here?

Had a nice day brought a pair of size 14 jeans that fit real good, got a new belt too, much needed. Went to bunco tonight, didn't win but made a new friend! It is super late gotta hit the sack.

I'm throwing away all of the rawhide. Sorry Lucy, tug a war socks are going to be our play time toys now.

Mandy I'm sure thinking of your little one...hugs and prayers I can't wait to hear he's back.

Ok night night


Darcy-Good luck with the exercise it sure takes a lot of effort to go doesn't it~

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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