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Good Morning ladies - Reading a couple of posts and it seems it is getting pretty crazy outside our shelterd home. I ventrued some last week but scared to go out again. I will stay here where it is safe and calm.

Not much going on this weekend - took the boys on Monday to the Harvest Festival in Windsor and then went on home. I have to tell you all I am so heart broken. I was trying to cut Cristians hair with the Clippers and accidently cut his ear. I cannot belive it!!! I snipped a good part of the top.. My poor baby - Just cause I did not want to spend the 10 bucks and am trying to cut corners and look what happens. He is doing fine i wiped it and the skin layed back in place but poor thing I bet is going to be tramatized anytime he gets a hair cut. Other than that nice quite weekend..

Well gots to run ~ hope you are all doing great.

That is sad about the Croc Hunter - we all cried.. I loved watching his shows with the kids.. Been a bad weekend here in my town. 2 shootings ~ of all things to make the news.

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Wow Mary... I'm so sorry about the little clipper mishap! If is makes you feel any better... I took my daughter to have her hair cut by a professional at age 6-7 and she accidentally clipped her skin with the scissors. Must be one of the hazzards of using sharp things!

Yeah... They ran some of the more memorable shows on Animal Planet last night. THe ones about his children really got me...

So... It got me to thinkin... If I knew that tomorrow was my last day on earth... what would I do with it? Me: I would gather my DD, hubby and family and fly us all out to California to camp out on the beach ... and have as much fun and talking... and hugging and loving as possible. I'd want to create the happiest memory possible for my girl to carry with her through her life.

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Sounds crazy but if I knew tomorrow would be my last day ever, I would sit down and make videos for my daughter. I would explain about sex, boys, life in general. She is 5 and I would still want to be the one to give her those talks. I would also write her letters for graduation day, her wedding day and the day she has her first child. I had a cancer scare 2 years ago and I started writing those letters to her, it was sooo hard. Everything worked out ok, but I wanted her to still grow-up having mom there for guidance. ~Mandy

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It doesn't sound crazy to me.. that is a great idea! I saw a movie a long time ago but I can't remember the name of it or who was in it... the mother was dying and she was recording tapes for her baby that would be too you to ever remember her... it was sooooooooooooo sad! I hope you never have another scare like that... I hope none of us ever has a scare like that!

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Well its a good thing I found you guys! Well let me just start out by saying what a weekend. It was my nieces birthday party on Sunday and It really was better than I ever imagined it would be. about 25 people showed and there were 5 girls there that I invited for my niece, since all her friends were in Wa where she lives. I had the canopy in the back yard all decorated for the girls. They were out there decorating litlle crowns I got for them. I made bbq chicken , cole slaw, baked Beans and vegtabelt kabobs. Everything turned out soooo well. I did really well with my eating however I think i might see the scale tip this week becuase I had waaayyyy to much liquid calories. I knew the spiked punch would be calling me but I did it anyways.

I dont even know how many I had. The only bad thing was it was at least 100 degrees outside at the time. yuck. anyways ill be back later just wanted to let you all know how my little event went .


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Good morning!

What a question to ponder...I naturally write when I have stuff to think about, so I would write letters, I'm sure of that. I would also do something with my family. I always try to make sure my family has great memories...I was brought up that way, and it's just the way we are...we have great memories. I would probably just want to be at home with my loved ones. I think it's a blessing sometimes that we don't know when we are leaving this earth. Either way, if we know or if we don't, we are somehow given the wisdom of knowing what to do.

My mom "knew" she was leaving, and tried to tell us. We didn't want to hear that message at the time, but looking back, it was clear as day. The best we could do at the end was make sure she was surrounded by love, and we did that.

Anne, no cyber-butt kicking...we must remain above the fray (except for those occasions that we have entered, trying to maintain the peace and fight for good and just causes....and been given the boot for our trouble!) They'll wear themselves out eventually, or get back on their medications. LOL!

I like the new name that was suggested, though!

Gotta go, I'm at work....TTYL!

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Good morning everyone!

I see Cindy, Mary and Mandy are on here too. Get to work you guys! Just kidding... :welldoneclap:

Mary, we were so sad to hear about the croc hunter. I feel so bad for his family. I'm not sure what I'd do if I knew I only had a day... probably record something short for my kids and then spend the day hanging out with kids and DH at home.

Mandy, I think I saw that's woman's story on Oprah. She was dying of cancer and she spent hours and hours taping conversations with her daughters and buying gifts for special occasions. It was a really touching story, and I've always thought that I'd do the same thing if I knew something in advance.

Darcy, we have the same plan. I'm going to have 3 days a week with mornings free after both kids are in school, so my goal is to get dressed in my workout clothes, drop the kids off at school and then get a workout before I let myself blow the morning on the computer.

Allison, congrats on a successful birthday party! It sounds like the kids had fun. My DS's party is on the 16th but we're going to a huge playplace called the Castaway Cafe so I won't have to have the mess at the house.

Time to lurk for a little while and then I'm going to head out with the kids and run errands. Bank, Walmart, etc... They don't start school until next Monday.

Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning,

Just a quickie :welldoneclap:

When the computer hacker gets my pc, it freezes everything and I can't go anywhere until I clean it out (reboot it first), the site is in a different language *shrug* dumb scums !!!

BBL ;0

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Hi, Eileen!

Glad you could pop in!

I don't know why your computer was targeted...you are nice to everybody! I'm the one with the big mouth!

Allison, the party sounded like great fun! Ya gotta watch out for the punch, though! LOL! My DD's birthday is next month, and I'm trying to talk her out of a party...maybe 4 kids and a little beauty shop thing? Still thinking it over...

Just so ya know I'm not a total slacker...I leave the site up on my puter, then cover it with my email so the principal can't see it if he walks in...but I'm not always looking at it...yeah, that's right....I'm stickin' to that story...

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First I want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement over my pics. Sherry sized them and combined them for me, then told me how to post them...thanks so much!!!

We had a nice weekend, we drove up and walked through the motorcycle rally. It really gave Rick a time tho, seeing all the bikes, and he is no where near ready to ride. I keep telling him this one year down will give him lots more inthe future, but he is a normal man and impatient as hell!!! We bought t-shirts for the kids and grandkids, and DH. I refused to buy one, I don't know what size to buy, and felt I'd rather wait. I am going to have a drawer full of rally shirts that will be too big, why add to it? And I am naturally very large on top, so I have no idea, if I will ever get much smaller there or not, so I just kept the $$$ in my pocket...yep pocket...no stretch jeans this year!!! woohoo!! Then last night I had the family in for dinner. We grilled some ribeye, and had a bunch of fresh veggies from the garden. My inlaws have a huge garden, and guess who ends up canning most of the stuff because my MIL is just no longer able to lift the jars due to arthritis, as well as turning 78 in a few days! We spend huge amounts of time working in their garden, but this year my DIL is doing the bulk of it, bless her!!! DH always tills it up, and gets the irrigation set up, so it can be turned on and will flow down the rows. They have river frontage so, they always have plenty of Water that way. I ended up making myself miserable on grilled squash of all things!!! Just that one bite too much...someday I WILL learn to eat until I am no longer hungry, and quit pushing for full. Yeah right!

I am trying to supervise my granddaughter as she "colors", she is 21 months, and colors on everything near her book!!! But she loves it...so I allow her to do it, it is a Gramma thing!! She just wants to do it with me, so she wants her book on my keyboard! So I guess that means she wants my attention on her, not on my computer, so will have to come back later...thinking nap time!!! Have a great day everyone!


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Good Morning All,

Thanks for all the info on this hacker stuff. As a creature of habit, I pretty much just stay on this thread and didn't realize "mass destruction" going on elsewhere.

A HAPPY hello to Mandy -- whoot! :P :P :P I'm still enroute to getting a band and I am currently "at war" with my insurance company. Denial is such a wonderful thing. Hey if you want to find me, I'll be at Disneyland.

Anne:really glad to see you too! It's a moment by moment struggle with my twins right now. Channing can get SO morose that he is endangered with thoughts of sucide. We had a small incident 2 years ago related to my divorce. Today is first day of swim class and he doesn't want to change his clothes! He's not fat or disfigured in anyway.... just thinks being naked is fodder for teasing. What am I gonna do! This morning he asked me to just pray for him. Now, that I can do.

Eileen:Thanks for the insight on banding. I remember the days of the 1000 calorie diet and how the hunger pangs would kill. Anyone who thinks this stuff is easy, should have their heads examined.... hey I went to 3 psych evaluations! Kudos that you know exactly what to do with your eating regime. Eat when you're hungry and stop before you feel full. My goal is to get back to my Curves gym and just take it slow. I wish I had an exercise buddy :eek:

Well I thought I was to work today but my office manager said not until tomorrow when the kids show up. One more day of freedom. Talk later.

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Patty, insurance can make one go totally nuts, keep fighting, it will happen for you. Also I have a special needs child that also suffers from depression, if you ever want/need to talk let me know. I can give you a call, I have unlimited long distance and am always willing...just let me know.

Cindy, have you looked into a local beauty school? They often do parties, updos, nails and make-up cheap. Just a thought, I know that when I was in school there were loads of parties and we loved doing them, the girls were always so much fun.

I need to take new before and after photos, the one I have looks really bad. I was recovering from foot surgery so I am standing funny. Maybe I will have my DH take some this afternoon, I just colored my hair and I am going for a new cut today. I was in the mood for a make-over. I am going to Disney World in just 23 days, I can't wait. I need this trip, this is the trip that DH and I take each year without the little one, she stays with my mom. I have some amazing dinind plans made, we got a package deal with free dining so I can order what ever I want and if I don't eat it all, I don't care. There is a lobster platter that is just calling my name. :eek: I would like to be 5 pounds lights by the trip, not sure if it is going to happen but I am certainly trying.

I have to work Market Day today, and then we have open house tonight. We are trying to put Abigale in a regular classroom, so far so good. We are in the process of switching her seizure meds, and they are going to take her off zoloft and try resperidol (sp?) for the anexiety, depression and behavior issues. She is on soooo many meds it is hard to keep track anymore. The depakote made her gain so much weight the neurologist took her off of it and started topamax. It is a gradual change so in the next month or so we should see some of the weight come back off. She gained 11 pounds in a year. She went from a 4t last year at the start of school to a 6x or 7 this year. Everything is too long and I have to roll the sleeves and pants legs but that is the only way things fit her tummy. The neurologist knows about my weightloss surgery and he was very nice about my concerns over her weight. At 5 she is already 60 pounds and only 45 inches tall. I'll keep everyone updated about her school progress, we are starting week 3 today. Also she just had a complete psychological evaluation and a cognative skills function test. We will have results in a week or so. Keep us in your prayers...~Mandy

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Mandy, I hope the Topamax works! I take that for preventing Migraines, and it has helped tons! I almost got one this weekend, but didn't, so that's a plus! Keep us informed on the progress with Abigale...she is always in my prayers...and you, too!

Thanks for the tip on the "makeover" for DD's party...I'm gonna look into that.

Patty, hang in there...hope Channing (did I spell that right?) gets through these rough days. And you do, too! Hope you enjoy your first day back with kiddoes at school, that's always my favorite part!

Kat, enjoy the granddaughter!

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I can't beleive how much posting has gone on in the last five days! You guys have been busy!

I have to get to the whole "work" thing - but I wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well.

Had a great vacation - except I ate everything in the universe and am afraid to step on the scale...

We had a fabulous time seeing the grandkids - adorable even though they are 8 & 9 and a little bit of hell on wheels...

We went to the zoo, two aquariums, and spent far too much time at places like the Main Event & Speed Zone.

I think a Grand time was had by all - and while I was thrilled to have them, I was thrilled when they left as well. I still don't have the energy for children... although I did have an NSV of sorts while they were here.

Tanner was being an 8 yr old boy - and I was playing with him - and I actually RAN after him through the house one day... without really thinking about it - I ran. Now, I can't tell you when the last time that I RAN was - when I wasn't late for a plane connection or something. It freaked me out a little bit... and my DH commented on my energy level too. We rode the local commuter train into town rather than taking two cars - so we walked a lot - and he said I was walking too fast a lot of the time and wearing him out.

So - now I guess I have to get back on plan - and get back to work on the weightloss, body size thing.

Well, I am already past due to return from lunch - I will try to check in again soon.

Love to all!!


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Darcy-You can do it! Curves is waiting for you and s are all your new friends there! It is sad how fast kids grow, kind of like puppies! Speaking of which Lucy just jumped up on me with a sock she wants to play! She is doing better thanks. I started missing her food with the regular food this morning all seems to be going good. Your babies are cute! I love the pictures.

Mary-WOW 2 shootings that's awful! And DS's ear. I do that when I clip nails so they stopped letting me do that years ago.

Mandy-You mad me cry. What a wonderful thing to do. I'm so glad your scare was just that!

Allison-Sounds like a nice time and good eatins..as hey say in the south..Sometimes we just have to have liquid calories.....

Anne-How old are your little ones

Eileen-that's scary!!!

Kat-I'm glad you had a good time this weekend. DH sure seems to be doing well. Thanks the Lord.

Patty-I hope you've enjoyed your last day of freedom!

Beanie-Welcome back! I'm glad you had so much fun and got to RUN AROUND! We missed you and were thinking of you.

Well if I knew this was my last day I would do the video thing and letters also then I'd go to the lake with the family and go for a row boat ride and take Lucy and Sandy along too.

Well I'm exhausted so I think I'm signing off for the night. Hope you all have a good night. I'm so glad we have each other.

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