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What a cutie - My brother never came with the puppy he wanted to give up. Anyway better for me since I have been running doing errands this weekend..

Hey Mandy ~ Welcome Home :rolleyes: I love it here!!!

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What a cutie!!! I wish I could have a pet in my apartment...

So with Mandy I think I'm no longer officially the newbie. Although she may have already posted more than I have. lol.

Thank you everyone for the well wishes. I know this next month will go quickly. I got my approval letter today from Tufts - there's just one problem. They approved me for Gastric Bypass. Umm.... Not sure how that happened, lol. I'll have to call on Tuesday and find out if the hospital sent over the wrong thing or if the insurance company made a typo.

On another note I made some lentil Soup today to freeze for my liquids stage. I calculated the nutritional information and for a one cup serving it is 100 calories, 11 grams of Protein, and 1 gram of fat. Not bad! And it is very, very tasty. It's a thick Soup, because it is blended, but there are no chunks so I'm thinking it will work for liquids. I'll have to run that by the nutritionist. But if anyone likes lentil soup, I'd be more than happy to share the recipe. Just let me know.


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Hello my friends, Been nursing DH today. He was dethatching the lawn yesterday but I guess caught some bug. He started with the shivers this morning with no fever, then threw up and then the fever. Seems to be doing better now but, man we're nervous with the TripleE around here. He hasn't thrown up again and his fever is in check so we're doing well. He's watching his NASCAR race now (bet Betty is too hee hee). I tried to get some chicken Soup in him earlier and he did well with it but, he hasn't been hungry for supper. Just trying to be a good nurse :) Hmmm now if I had a uniform it might help change his mood lmao sorry couldn't help it lol. He is doing better though :)

I think I got everyone with my personal email addy but, if I missed ya and you'd like it please PM me and I'll give it to you. I'd love it if we all kept in touch should something happen to the website. Seems the hacking and weekend shutdowns have me nervous. Hopefully the fighting will stop soon...such silliness and man they get so nasty :girl_hug: So sad that they've forgotten what this website is truly for and how much it's helped us all. Oh well enough about that.

Cindy - Thank you for the compliment. I think it might be sinking in that I'm doing well. I truly didn't see it in my picture but, for the first time on Friday at work....I saw something. I went into the ladies room and while washing my hands I looked at myself in the mirror (Gosh I hate to do that lol) and saw something. My mind finally allowed me to see a smaller girl. I looked at my hips and tummy and saw it......finally thought "wow....you have lost girl....more to go but, it's really showing". I guess that's a NSV for me...I've never said that to myself before. Anywho...thank you for all you did to help me get here :) The food suggestions have helped alot. I really do need to slow down, cut my Protein nice and small and I do much better. All the things I knew to do but didn't until ya reminded me lol

Mandy - WELCOME girl! Any friend of Cindy's is considered a friend of mine. Please feel free to ask any questions here including WHATS A PB lol. We won't get mad but if ya ask twice we might tell ya again but laugh hee hee. Just kidding. You'll find we all like to help each other and we all need each other. Your dog is adorable.....I have two Golden Retrievers. They're cute but Jake the 4 month old is cruisin big time. He chewed up my kitchen chairs....the seat of all things and they are oak. Mamma isn't happy with him right now. Apparently he did this while my son was home alone and not paying attention :girl_hug: Needless to say they were both in the doghouse Friday.

Betty - God bless ya. I've seen your postings within some of the threads and it must be so hard with the Gripe catagory. I don't know if the catagory is being used properly, seems like it's nothing but trouble so I've been staying away from it. I got caught up in it when I was looking for New posts to see if I could help people. That dang curiosity sometimes does me in but, I keep my mouth or fingers shut. All I can say is thank you from the bottom of my heart for doing your best moderating here. It just can't be easy. Now......do you use a special smoker type thing for the meats? Its an outdoor thing right? Hows the foot?

Mary - Hows it going? Seems like life is very busy for you! I do hope you've had time to pamper yourself a bit.

Kat - Waiting to see those pics girl. I bet you see a big difference :) I'll be happy to help you get them posted if you'd like. How is DH doing today? Good idea with the email addys and anyone that wants to share mine with anyone here, it's ok with me.

Chris - Sorry we couldn't get together today. I was looking forward to it but, I couldn't take the chance of you or Donna getting sick. No idea what DH has but he's feeling better :) Maybe we can make plans for next weekend or something :) How many days now? 30? Wahooo you're going to do sooo good with this I just know it!

Pat - Thanks for letting us know about the hack thing with Eileen. I don't blame ya for being afraid to go there. My DH repairs computers so I know I'd get it fixed but, still I don't want to lose any information I have stored up on it lol. How are things going for you? Your new hire start yet? Ohhh I still have the one that doesn't balance her deposits with me and she hasn't improved getting to work on time grrrrrrrr. She's going to make me do it...I just know it UGH. :rolleyes:

Patty - How old is Channing? I remember my son going through some self esteem issues. Still not easy when it happens but, he's getting better with it realizing that sometimes it's not him but the kid that is making fun of him has a problem. Teenage years are so difficult sometimes. Good luck finding the help you want for him, I'm sure you're helping him a great deal too. He's lucky to have such a wonderful mom :)

Eileen - Glad you got your computer up and running right. DH do that for a living? Sometimes these viruses and hackers really cause a great deal of mess. Thanks for getting the info to us through Pat. My luck I would of flopped right over it and allowed it into my computer as well. Minestrone soup....ahem...Greg's special soup....easy peasy to make! I'll give the recipe if ya want it :) If you have a can opener...you're golden with this recipe. No measuring cups needed either lol. It's even better after it sits in the refridge overnight and reheated the next day :)

Bene - Hows the vacation going....you still on it? Hope all is well.

love yas

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Sherry-I emailed you my pics, thanks so much for your help. Maybe we can figure out how to update my avatar as well.....woohoo!!!



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I got em Kat and I'll be working on them later today. You look great! Congrats on the WL! You're doing awesome!

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Mornin all!

Mandy... Hi and welcome! THis is a great bunch to hang out with... glad you are her! No worries about fighting... you'll feel nothing but love and occaisional bouts of PMS here...lol. Love your puppy...reminds me of my little guy! How is he with your daughter???? (((hugs))) to you for doing a rescue!

Kat...can't wait to see your pictures! No pressure Sherry...lol.

Sherry...Hope your hubby is feeling better!

Well...must go let the pups out so I will have to catch up with the rest of the personals later!

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Good Morning,

Well here I sit watching the Jerry Lewis Telethon.. I love that man, he is one of my favorite actors of way back when :girl_hug: I grew up with him and just saying his name makes me laugh. This cup of cinnamon pecan coffee sure does taste good.

MANDY !!!! of course I know who you are darling.... pull up a chair and relax with us. I think the only way us gals will fight in here, is if I post another picture of that german chocolate cake LOLOL snort ~~:guess You've done amazingly wonderful with your weight loss, I'm very proud of you. Your doggy is a sweet heart, I'm so glad you rescued him :rolleyes: I have a 12 (almost 12) year old dog that we rescued 10 years ago... the best pet I ever ever ever had. Ohhhhhhhh wait until Darcy finds out hehehee.

Sherry how's DH?? wasn't he sick last week too? My Dh does not fix computers for a living... its just something he loves to do, kinda like a hobby. See computers are like cars to me, I don't wanna know nothing and all I want to have to do is put gas in it and zooooooom ! I know, not good but WTF? LOLOL

Crispy, YESSSS get your insurance straightened out asap... they are sly and the last thing you need is for them to have the wrong codes at the hospital... they will make you pay for it. Lentil Soup yum. The best thing my mom did was make me some Soup when I first got home OMG was it a life saver.

Patty, I always say, do what ever works and if those shakes work then its worth it. I was just curious about the calories.... if I eat more than 1400 calories a day, I don't lose weight :) and I can eat 1400+ with the band no sweat. For years people would yell at me to eat Breakfast but once I started to eat Breakfast it would trigger me to want to eat all day but they laid such a guilt trip on me it wasn't funny.... So I ate breakfast only to crave food all day and gain weight. So now!!! I say WTF it works for me not to eat breakfast (plus I'm not really hungry) in the morning so phooie I'm not. It works out so much better.

Cindy thats so sad to hear abut your FIL and his wife's passing. My Mom didn't throw out any of my fathers stuff until YEARS !!!!! later, prob 10 or more... yes its heart breaking and everyone greives at their own pace. Girl if you can get here, I still have some of those meat balls....but NOW i'll have ribs b/c thats what I'm making today mmmmmmm mmmmmm.

Betty hope you got to smoke your meats... yesterday FINALLY we had a beautiful day but tomorrow we are expecting rain again... I feel so soggy and you should see the mushrooms growing in people's yards.... GROSS.

Kat, watcha up to today? so have you been looking in he local pound for a pup LOLOL :) you know to replace the Lucy you found :guess :guess :guess (((Eileen ducking so that Kat doesn't slap her up side the head lolol))))

Darcy, did you run away this weekend? did I miss a post LOLOLOL (((duh me)))

Pat........ I WILL CALL YOU !!! don't think I'm avoiding you, its just things have been SOOO hairy here.

Mary, sorry your DB didn't show with the doggy :) what was he thinking LOLOL just kidding. So watcha got planned for today?

BEANIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!! yo BEANIE !!!!!!!!!!!!! where the heck are you girl? sheesh we miss yah.

I have my neice here today, she spent the night OMG just picture a 5 year old and 6 year old under the covers trying to sleep NOT!!!!!! they giggled until 11 PM and would have kept going but I couldn't take it LOLOL.

I'm going to straighten out the house and throw those ribs in the oven....thats about it for my day. My arthrits is SOOOO flared that I can't bend my stinkin knee when I sit. If I do bend it the pain is so bad it brings tears to my eyes. Its from all this damp weather so i'm praying it doesn't last much longer. My hips and back hurt as well and it makes it hard to move around. Makes cleaning so much harder......but if I don't move I'm screwed.... 6 of one 1/2 a dozen of another if ya know what I mean.

Well little ladies.... enjoy the holiday :girl_hug:

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Good Morning Y'all!

It's raining, it's raining, it's raining! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Boy, do we ever need it! I won't complain about the holiday or nuttin!:rolleyes:

I am going to smoke my meats today, that way I will have them all week.:biggrin1:

Mandy - Hey girl, glad to see you here! What a sweet puppy!

Eileen - Your meal sounded great! I am going to do some ribs today too!

I haven't watched any of the Jerry Lewis telethon, but I use to always watch it in the past.

Sherry - Hope DH is feeling better today! Yup, we were watching the race. Who is your favorite driver? I like Jeff Gordon, DH is Dale Jr. Yes, we have a smoker in the backyard, it holds a lot. It is a propane one and it works beautiful, I just love it. (my neighbors love it too since they get to eat out of it a lot):girl_hug:

Crispy - Lentil Soup is something I have never tried, but it sounds good.

Cindy - How sweet you are to go help your FIL. I think they just want to hold on to everything for so long, it just makes them think a part of them are there. You'll probably run into a lot of really neat things, and memories.

Beanie - Hey girl, check in and let us know you are still alive.:girl_hug:

Patty - Those shakes sound good. Heck everything sounds good to me anymore. I think I need a fill!

Pat - What a cutie! Just adorable!

Kat - I hope you find yourself a special puppy, and I know he'll get a great home with you!:)

Darcy - Did you have a good time at the cabin? Hopefully you got some well deserved peace of mind!:) :) :)

Mary - You sound like you are getting along great! I'm glad things are getting better for you!

Well, I have to get going and get my meat ready for the smoker. I'll try to check back later today. I keep thinking today is Sunday! :) :) :)

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Good morning, gals!

I see that some of you are already up and running around! Good for you! I got up and took a nice bath...I woke up as tense as I was when I went to bed...I'll get better; it's just the injustice of it all (family crapola) gets to me. I grabbed a cup of coffee...nothing wonderful like Eileen's...and sat down to chat with you all!

Sherry, how is your DH this morning? I hope he is better, and you didn't catch whatever it was.

Betty, IT'S RAINING!!! Isn't it wonderful? (Sorry to you guys in soggy NJ...totally different climate going on). My DH's smoker is the size of a small car...you know the kind you can pull behind a truck? That's it! Have a good holiday!

Chrispy...call Tues. morning, and dot the i's and cross the t's. Insurance is a big bureaucracy, and you have to stay on top of it! Still excited, though!

Kat, can't WAIT to see the pictures! You've been losing like a mad woman! Of course, you are anything BUT a mad woman...just losing like one!

Darcy, I was at Starbuck's last week, and they handed me this little coupon thing to do on online survey, and when you do it, you get a code. Then, you take the coupon for a free beverage, your choice! I used it yesterday and it's for real! I got a venti, nonfat mocha, with sugar-free hazelnut, no whip. I used to just go in and order something regular, now I'm all picky! Hahahaha! Just like the girls in line that I used to roll my eyes at! (never say never....where have I heard that before?)

Beanie? Are you underground? I miss you!

Mandy, thanks for coming here to our little corner! You're a definitely wonderful gal, and we'll love having you here!

Patty, thanks for hanging around and letting us hug on you until you get your approval...keep after it, it will get done!

Pat, so glad you're popping in more often...you add so much to our conversation, and you are so helpful...great pictures, too!

Guess what? One of the teachers I work with has finally got her approval to get lapband! She watched me for a while (that doesn't bother me...I've told everyone from the beginning), and then started going through the hoops to get hers...I'm happy for her. She's had terrible back problems, and hope this will help that.

Eileen, I am so sorry your knee is hurting so bad...do you take Celebrex or anything for it? I remember us talking about it a lot, but didn't know what you did to make it feel a little better...I hear you on the sleepover fun! I'm still recovering from ours on Saturday!

I've got to finish the laundry...that's about it for today!

Luv ya, Cindy

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Hi kids,

I logged into LBT again and go HACKED !!! I didn't do anything but log in so I'm gonna lay off the site for a while (few days) until they can find and correct this hacker, its a real PITA. Tomorrow I'll try to sneak in at work but I'd hate to take the chance with the company PC.

TTYL Huggies.....

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I think someone is just messing with the site to scare you. It shouldn't bother your computer at all. I have been on it and even opened the threads but nothing has happened to me yet.

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Wow... I sure hope Mr.Alex is able to find out who is behind the scare tactics... and that he will make some type of announcement that will give us information that can ease fears. I'm still coming Betty... I ain't ascared! I think that means I'm stupid... oh well...lol.

((((Hugs)))) To you all... just in case LBT eats my hard drive...lol.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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