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Well you might just be human! You got distracted a minute and acted like it was the olden days. :)

Learning my way around life with a band has certainly humbled me. Saturday morning I was having a late Breakfast of grits and lightly fried egg that I waited too long to start cooking, so I was truly ravenous. It's the weekend, no one is calling for Mommy, there's actually time to read the paper and listen to NPR. Life is good.

I start flipping through the paper to find an article to read while I eat and I get a quick forkful of food to hold me till I can concentrate-eat-chew the right number of times. My attention is NOT on the forkful of food I just stuck in my face. Bang! Suddenly this little piece of egg has grown big spikey edges and it's well and truly stuck. "Golf ball" is no longer a concept - it is live and in living color. I was horrified and immediately angry that I had made such a rookie mistake. I vow to do better. So much better that I repeat the process at the next meal. :angry

I left the house and went looking for a baby sized fork and spoon. I now eat all my meals with the baby spoon. Lesson learned.

Dang! I might be human too! :faint:

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I had my first "slime" today. GROSS!!! I forgot I was banded for a minute and did not chew enough. What is wrong with me?

Yup, those slimes sure are fun, arent they? I sometimes forget and eat too fast. Don't be upset with yourself. It's gonna take us a while to get used to this.

Bandster16, don't worry about your first fill. It's pretty straightforward.

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I have my first fill (I hope) tomorrow, too. I'm really stuck at 23 pounds down -- which is great, but I need to get going again.

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Finally got a chance to check this thread and see how all the August Bandsters are doing. :eek: Keep up the good job everyone! I love reading about how everyone is doing, even though I don't post as often. I wish the journals were working. I don't have one, but I love to read everyone elses.

Well, as of today I met my "September Goal" of -10 lbs. I am weighing in at 218.2....for 10 lbs gone in September, 20 lbs since surgery on 8/16, and a total of 30 lbs gone since I started the pre-op diet. :) I have to say for the most part it's been easy. I actually don't think I'm getting enough calories...only averaging 500-600/day. The scale gets stuck until I eat something I'm not supposed to, and then I lose weight. I was stuck at 220.5 for almost a week until I ate 2 small pieces of pizza last night. The scale moved over 2 lbs. overnight. The same thing happened last week. The scale was stuck and then I ate one of my grandma's homemade chocolate chip Cookies. The scale moved the next morning. LOL I guess there really is such a thing as "starvation mode". I'm finding that I can eat anything I want, but much smaller portions than pre-op. I have my first fill scheduled for Oct. 2nd, but at this point I'm not going to get filled. I figure as long as I'm losing without starving, I'm doing fine. I'd rather be able to not have limitations on what I can eat (bread, rice), and not have to suffer the dreaded PB's, for as long as I can. I know that things can change drastically in the next couple weeks, so I'm keeping the appointment just in case. I can't imagine eating much less than I am now.

It seems that everyone is anxiously awaiting their first/second fills. Is there anyone out there who is considering not being filled right away?

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Trust me, it is a non-event. A little prick, a little swallow, a little picture, and you are out of there. I have lost 6 pounds since my first fill on 9/11 so I finally feel some momentum again. You will do just fine!!!!

My first fill is tomorrow and I am pretty nervous. Since I had two surgeries due to the band slipping the day of my first surgery I am worried about the band staying in place. I have no restriciton though and am hoping this first fill will make a difference. Glad I found you all again...been looking for you! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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First of all congrats on your weight loss!

But I think you may be onto something there about eating too many calories or what might otherwise be bad for us. The other night I had two good sized bites of steak - chewed them to death (and boy did they taste great after all that chicken and fish). But I still lost a pound the next day! In fact I noticed that if I cut my calories too much, I don't lose. If I go over 1000 or so calories then I do lose. I am not sure what this means but it seems to be ringing true for many of us.

Finally got a chance to check this thread and see how all the August Bandsters are doing. :eek: Keep up the good job everyone! I love reading about how everyone is doing, even though I don't post as often. I wish the journals were working. I don't have one, but I love to read everyone elses.

Well, as of today I met my "September Goal" of -10 lbs. I am weighing in at 218.2....for 10 lbs gone in September, 20 lbs since surgery on 8/16, and a total of 30 lbs gone since I started the pre-op diet. :) I have to say for the most part it's been easy. I actually don't think I'm getting enough calories...only averaging 500-600/day. The scale gets stuck until I eat something I'm not supposed to, and then I lose weight. I was stuck at 220.5 for almost a week until I ate 2 small pieces of pizza last night. The scale moved over 2 lbs. overnight. The same thing happened last week. The scale was stuck and then I ate one of my grandma's homemade chocolate chip Cookies. The scale moved the next morning. LOL I guess there really is such a thing as "starvation mode". I'm finding that I can eat anything I want, but much smaller portions than pre-op. I have my first fill scheduled for Oct. 2nd, but at this point I'm not going to get filled. I figure as long as I'm losing without starving, I'm doing fine. I'd rather be able to not have limitations on what I can eat (bread, rice), and not have to suffer the dreaded PB's, for as long as I can. I know that things can change drastically in the next couple weeks, so I'm keeping the appointment just in case. I can't imagine eating much less than I am now.

It seems that everyone is anxiously awaiting their first/second fills. Is there anyone out there who is considering not being filled right away?

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First of all congrats on your weight loss!

But I think you may be onto something there about eating too many calories or what might otherwise be bad for us. The other night I had two good sized bites of steak - chewed them to death (and boy did they taste great after all that chicken and fish). But I still lost a pound the next day! In fact I noticed that if I cut my calories too much, I don't lose. If I go over 1000 or so calories then I do lose. I am not sure what this means but it seems to be ringing true for many of us.

Wow...I just noticed....you're about to get into the 100's. :clap2: Congrats! I love steak, but haven't even craved any yet. I think that thinking about all that chewing doesn't make a steak sound so good anymore. Eating is so much work now....LOL I've been trying to up my calorie intake, but unless I start eating a bunch of crap, I can't seem to do it. I don't get full...but I'm satisfied on a very small amount of food. Who would've ever thought I'd be complaining about not eating enough food????? :omg:

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Had my first fill yesterday at Dr. Ortiz office. It was no problem at all, I was in and out within 10 minutes. I am on three days of liquids, which does not seem to be a problem because I am not hungry at all right now.

But here is the funny part:

I travel a lot for work and stay in hotels, usually the same one each week for about a year. After my fill, I left San Diego and flew to Sacramento to work (I am from Memphis). When I got to the hotel I was really tired from having the fill in the morning then working that afternoon after flying. So I was thinking "I will just go and lay down so I can rest a while". I get to my room and I have been voted "Guest of the Week" by the hotel staff. Which meant there was this huge basket of food and drinks in my room with a lovely letter. So I am sitting there looking at all this food that I cannot eat and only two of the drinks I can have.... I just started laughing. Then I had to go thank them all for the food I cannot eat.....

Well, life is a strange thing sometimes.

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The 100's are just like a carrot dangling out there in front of me . . . .it is just beyond my grasp. I think I would be there sooner but I just started weight training and I never lose on the days that I do it or intense exercise. But the workouts are giving my body a new core strength that I have never knonw. About the 100s - you are right behind me and will be there in no time!

I really thought I would not be able to eat beef. I started with ground hamburger during the mushy stage and will now eat hamburger patties (just chewed well). When I had those 2 bites of steak, the only other food I ate for dinner was 1/2 cup of mushrooms. I just wasn't that hungry. Yesterday I had a hamburger patty with lettuce and Tomato for lunch, a pomegranate drink in the afternoon, and 2 chicken legs with a cup of mashed potatoes and 1/2 cup of green Beans for dinner. I was never really hungry during the day.

I have found my restriction to be that I can pretty much eat what I want but in a small quantity. It is best for me to eat bulky Protein because it fills me up and then I am not hungry for hours and when I am it is not an overwhelming sense of hunger. In other words it is better for me to have a chicken breast than 10 slices of cheese because the latter does not give me a sense of fullness.

As compared to just after surgery, then I couldn't drink 1/2 cup of Soup without feeling pain from the swelling. That was kinda scary. I much prefer this and it allows me to eat normal food. I still stay away from rice, Pasta, and bread because I don't think it is as nutritous as protein and vegetables.

Wow...I just noticed....you're about to get into the 100's. :clap2: Congrats! I love steak, but haven't even craved any yet. I think that thinking about all that chewing doesn't make a steak sound so good anymore. Eating is so much work now....LOL I've been trying to up my calorie intake, but unless I start eating a bunch of crap, I can't seem to do it. I don't get full...but I'm satisfied on a very small amount of food. Who would've ever thought I'd be complaining about not eating enough food????? :omg:

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As compared to just after surgery, then I couldn't drink 1/2 cup of Soup without feeling pain from the swelling. That was kinda scary. I much prefer this and it allows me to eat normal food. I still stay away from rice, Pasta, and bread because I don't think it is as nutritous as Protein and vegetables.

I've pretty much stayed away from bread, haven't had any pasta yet, BUT....I can't live without my sushi, so I've had rice. LOL Speaking of sushi......Think I'm gonna go get some for lunch today! :clap2:

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Hi everyone,

I went for my 3 week post op appt. today and I have not lost any weight. I am really not that concerned because I have not had a fill. My 1st fill is oct. 3rd (yeah)!!!! I really don't have any restriction but I am eating no more than 900 calories a day. I can't wait for the scale to start moving again...........................

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Hello everyone well last time I posted I was in a lot of pain I had gotten my period and the pain was excrutiating and most of you told me to go to the DR. Well I did go to the Dr on friday and ended up being admitted to the hospital and having surgery on Saturday. I had a tumor the size of a football on my ovary so they removed it and I just came home today. So thanks everyone for gettin me to go to the Doc Well hopefully soon I'll be back in the swing of things no more gym for awhile and I'm out of work again for at least a month this time. Well talk to you all soon again

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So thanks everyone for gettin me to go to the Doc

That's great that you went to the Dr. like people suggested. I am glad that you are back home and feeling ok. Wow....the size of a football...that is just huge.


Welcome to the August Bansters, I am glad you found us!

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Pebbles you really out did me - I had a tumor on my ovary but it was only the size of a modest cantalope! I hope everything is going well for you now and concentrate on getting healed up well. Be sure you're eating the Protein - that will help your tissues heal faster!

I've been working a lot and out of town and I thought the scale had finally moved in the right direction, but alas - when I got back from visiting friends and family it was back where it was at the beginning of last week. I am also having to postpone my first fill until the 11th because the doctor will be out of town the week I originally scheduled it - craaaappppp! I'm eating about everything but bread and dry chicken breast as long as I chew well. I did have 2 golf ball episodes when I was dining with my family because I got all caught up in the conversation and filled my mouth and forgot to chew. I can't remember who said eating was work, but that's an understatement. It's a plain ole pain in the ass! If I don't get rid of my double chin from all the work my jaw is getting I'll be really upset.

Is anyone finding that they can eat substantially more than a cup of food without a fill? I feel like I'm pigging out but compared to the way I used to eat I'm not pigging at all. In the evenings I can eat pretty much a "normal" serving of food before I get really full. Earlier in the day I'm much more limited. But I'm worried that I'm going to be stretching my pouch because I'm eating way more than a cup, probably closer to 2 cups of food. I just don't feel full until I've had more...

Sounds like the scale is moving for some - way to go! I would not get a fill if I was losing and I think the longer we wait for that first fill the better, but I'm just not "feeling" it right now so I'm anxious for a fill! Take care everyone and I'll be back in a few days.

Andy Liz

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So glad you went to the Dr. and everything is okay.

Andy Liz, I've already had my first fill and I feel nothing. I'm am working on willpower right now and we know that doesn't last long or I wouldn't be here. LOL!! Second fill is scheduled for the 29th. I can't wait either. I've been bouncing back and forth with the same two pounds for two weeks now. It's frusterating.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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